House Democrats push for remote voting due to coronavirus

Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?
You were not in every single unit in the military....
Neither were you. Military and overseas voters send in their ballots themselves in California. When I served, the Voting Officer only helped you get registered. They didn't do anything with your ballot.

Then why did Gore try and stop their Ballots in 2000?

He challenged late ballots...just like every single candidate in a contested campaign does. Oh look, here is Trump doing worse...

FYI -- topic and OP are about "remote voting" for the House/Senate members.. NOT the "ballot harvesting" proposals that were being pushed by Pelosi et al....
Yes and? It got taken off topic in the 2nd the OP!!!!
Then get back on topic. Is that a problem?

Not an edict.. Just FYI -- because THIS is a new and different outrage.. I thought it deserved to be recognized as a failure of our Govt to plan for emergencies... Thought people would get that. And it sure IS important.. As we see today with Congress tripping all over itself to act on a Bill with virtually NO ONE there...
FYI -- topic and OP are about "remote voting" for the House/Senate members.. NOT the "ballot harvesting" proposals that were being pushed by Pelosi et al....
Yes and? It got taken off topic in the 2nd the OP!!!!
Then get back on topic. Is that a problem?

Not an edict.. Just FYI -- because THIS is a new and different outrage.. I thought it deserved to be recognized as a failure of our Govt to plan for emergencies... Thought people would get that. And it sure IS important.. As we see today with Congress tripping all over itself to act on a Bill with virtually NO ONE there...
I'm happy to discuss either topic...maybe we should let the OP decide if she wants to talk about Vote by Mail or Congress voting on bills remotely. She brought up both topics in succession.

Either one is easily accomplished in the 21st century.
FYI -- topic and OP are about "remote voting" for the House/Senate members.. NOT the "ballot harvesting" proposals that were being pushed by Pelosi et al....
Yes and? It got taken off topic in the 2nd the OP!!!!
Then get back on topic. Is that a problem?
The OP changed the topic in the 2nd post in the thread. Maybe SHE didn't even realize what her OP was about?

Thought about removing it. But there would still be almost 2 pages of "old business" on voting changes with no explanation of what happened.. Just do your best to discuss the "new business"....
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.

Same here for the USAF. In Colorado, we use mail-in ballots and have a fantastic record of success. There has only been two cases of Voter Fraud until early this year and that was done by two republicans including the State Republican Chairperson that sent in his ex wifes ballot even though she moved to another state and established residency there. These were found in the After Election Probes that ALL states should have but many don't. The last fraud was finding a ballot box in a Republican Controlled County early this year that was left non picked up. It was in a Democratic area of the County. Guess what, the County Clerk (an elected position) blames everyone including the Democrats and the Elderly but refuses to accept any responsibility. Meanwhile the Republican are accepting her reasons. We, the People, don't buy her BS.

Mail in ballots are just as secure as voting in person. The chances that an illegal can vote that way is ZERO.

Citizens voting by mail is perfectly appropriate and secure.

That Republicans would oppose something that increases voter participation is as sad as it is disturbing.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.

Prove it empirically and not based on what lies between your ears.
Your post fails as a strawman fallacy.

You’re a liar – no other response is required.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.

WTF? Why are they NOW considering "historic changes" and not 20 years ago when the tech became available??? They have NO WAY TO VOTE from OUTSIDE those chambers... Wake up !!!
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.

WTF? Why are they NOW considering "historic changes" and not 20 years ago when the tech became available??? They have NO WAY TO VOTE from OUTSIDE those chambers... Wake up !!!

Vote? Sure. Debate? Not so much.
Based on the situation here in Arizona which gives any voter the option to be on the permanent mail-in ballot list, the Democrats are making a mountain out of a mole hill as far as this state goes.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.

WTF? Why are they NOW considering "historic changes" and not 20 years ago when the tech became available??? They have NO WAY TO VOTE from OUTSIDE those chambers... Wake up !!!
Of course they do. Its not complicated and would not take any great effort to accomplish. They would have some logistical challenges simply because there are so many...can't get them all into one Zoom meeting, but they could figure something out.
Based on the situation here in Arizona which gives any voter the option to be on the permanent mail-in ballot list, the Democrats are making a mountain out of a mole hill as far as this state goes.

There are 50 states. Only 28 of them allow "no excuse" Vote by Mail.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.

WTF? Why are they NOW considering "historic changes" and not 20 years ago when the tech became available??? They have NO WAY TO VOTE from OUTSIDE those chambers... Wake up !!!

Vote? Sure. Debate? Not so much.

Sure they could. Video conferencing would work for debate as well as voting.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.

WTF? Why are they NOW considering "historic changes" and not 20 years ago when the tech became available??? They have NO WAY TO VOTE from OUTSIDE those chambers... Wake up !!!
Of course they do. Its not complicated and would not take any great effort to accomplish. They would have some logistical challenges simply because there are so many...can't get them all into one Zoom meeting, but they could figure something out.

There's this matter of security that needs to be addressed.. ID verification and making sure someone isn't holding a gun to their head... Not as easy as Zoom -- which BTW is currently in CRISIS because RANDOM people are crashing private meetings, medical consults and other sensitive meetings and "mooning" people...

"No great effort" --- Then why didn't the mental midgets DO this for emergencies 20 years ago? Too busy investigating each other????
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

Well, Democrats couldn't survive without helping the people that can't get to the polls to vote...

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Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

Well, Democrats couldn't survive without helping the people that can't get to the polls to vote...

View attachment 326532
The tombstones add that touch of reality into DNC cheating at the polls .....
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.

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