House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

I'm saying they both suck. High time we tossed both do-nothings and started 1st Grade..
Heaven to Betsy, if it isn't a tit for tat or Even-Steven thing then you can't handle it.
Wake Up and Settle Down.

About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

If those republicans don't see the election as legitimate then presumably they don't see Congress and its business as legitimate.
So getting upset that they aren't being included in an illegitimate Congress' business is hypocrisy.
They got what they wanted.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

Just so we are clear, you are applauding a group of people that are refusing to do their job.


To be very clear, the predictable troll is just starting another of the countless partisan troll threads he wallows in every day.

are you calling marc a troll?....

Do you care what he thinks?

Not as much as you do.
House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

FUCK YOU. You really must think we are STUPID. Dems are drawing no line. They never have and never will have any intent to "cooperate" with the GOP! At best, that means giving in to the Dem's issues and getting nothing in return.

Just another typical nitwit leftwing ploy to:
  1. Hope some or many repubs agree the election was fair and settled. Then they can use that to quash all debate on the election even as UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE OF THE FRAUD NOW GROWS DAY BY DAY.
  2. When few or none of the GOP are willing to concede the election was fair and aboveboard, use THAT to justify your lack of cooperation, never intended anyway, and spin that for every piece of legislation that either fails to go through or takes long or gets no GOP support. Make it all out as those "damned republicans."
HOW 'BOUT THIS: instead, you take your cooperation and concessions and extortion and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. Then we'll go right on rightly questioning the election and PROVING IT until we get that no good POS FRAUD out of the WH.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

This is what I call a 'no brainer', and if there were any democrats who objected, they should not call themselves democrats.

Good! If any Dems have the backbone to stand up and object to the lies and extortion, we'll take them as republicans! :21:
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

The more time passes the more evidence of a fraudulent election become apparent.....and that's why the fences and razor wire are still up at the capitol....

Dems know exactly the fraud that they supported.

Must be the same fraud they've supported for four years.
  1. First it was the fraud Comey scandal.
  2. Then it was the fraud russian collaboration scandal.
  3. Then it was the fraud Mueller investigation to cover up the DNC crimes.
  4. Then it was the fraud impeachment with secret, hidden, unknown whistleblower no one but Schiff ever saw over a phone call asking about Biden crimes.
  5. Then it was the Covid fraud that Trump somehow killed hundreds of thousands.
  6. Then it was the Floyd fraud that 9,000 riots were about a 2-bit thug whom God removed from this world to eliminate one less piece of dirt from society.
  7. Then it was the election fraud.
  8. Then it was the Capitol revolt fraud.
  9. Then it was the bogus 2nd impeachment fraud that Trump was ringleader of a white terror movement because he dared tell people to care about their stolen elections.
  10. And now it is the 1,001 frauds committed so far by an legal usurper imposing as the duly elected POTUS of the USA who can't even give an interview or SOTU address to save his life.
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About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

If those republicans don't see the election as legitimate then presumably they don't see Congress and its business as legitimate.
So getting upset that they aren't being included in an illegitimate Congress' business is hypocrisy.
They got what they wanted.

democrats scream voter suppression every time they lose...the irony is beautiful...what losers they are

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