House Dems' resolution: Global warming will push women into 'transactional sex'

we had a drought in the 80s a blizzard in the 70s, it's snowing like crap up here, in Denver, suprise suprise!

What is the temperature supposed to be? Lets start with that....

They key thing is to understand what climate scientists are claiming - which very, very few of the deniers on this forum have bothered to find out. It is much easier to ridicule a theory if you've never bothered to actually read what the theory is.

Is anyone claiming it will never be cold again? That we'll have less snow?

No, of course they aren't. Weather has always changed and always will. There will be blizzards and cold snaps in future too, of course.

The basis of climate change science is that there has been a gradual upwards trend in global average temperatures, and that this trend started having a significant impact on glaciers and the Arctic around 20 years ago. Weather has become more extreme - dry areas have become drier, and wet areas even wetter.

All scientific evidence points to this increase in temperatures, as confirmed by research centres in around 40 different countries, all working independently.

I don't see any need to be hystierical about that, but it's important that we understand the changes and adapt as best we can without panicking or damaging the economy.
Buckeye -

I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to establish here.

2012 was the hottest year in American history. It was the 9th hottest year globally.

And no, thermometers do not respond to politics.

Forget it Saigon. He's a useful idiot to the corporate propaganda machine.

Never mind that Lake Mead and the Ogilia(sp?) Aquifer are running are never going to change his mind until we are at true crisis levels.... when the MidWest looks like the Sahara and we don't have enough food to eat...maybe he'll get it....I doubt it though... he's that stubborn.
CaféAuLait;7192344 said:
uh rich people and college students do it too.......lets not forget that

Not in the developing world, they don't. At least they are not the group most likely to be fored into prostitution.

( emphasis added)

Yes, they do.

Site helps coeds find "sugar daddies" to pay for college

Site helps coeds find "sugar daddies" to pay for college - CBS News

Seeking Arrangement: College Students Using 'Sugar Daddies' To Pay Off Loan Debt

Seeking Arrangement: College Students Using 'Sugar Daddies' To Pay Off Loan Debt

Obviously there are more desperate situations than trying to pay for a degree for a job that has been shipped abroad before one can even graduate, but nonetheless such a situation of perpetual servitude will no doubt lead people to take radical actions as well.
Steelplate -

I am sure much of the cynicism about climate change is entirely sincere. (As soon as Al Gore starts talking about something, it makes me want to dismiss it as well!) And of course in some parts of the world the actual physical evidence of climate isn't very visible - yet.

It's just unfortunate that on this forum we have a handful of extremely right-wing posters who are simply so gullible and poorly informed that they are still claiming that climate change is rubbish because last Tuesday was really quite cold.

But I think we have to assume that most people only want the truth and the facts, and that most people can put their political views to one side if they see evidence that compels them to do so.
Steelplate -

I am sure much of the cynicism about climate change is entirely sincere. (As soon as Al Gore starts talking about something, it makes me want to dismiss it as well!) And of course in some parts of the world the actual physical evidence of climate isn't very visible - yet.

It's just unfortunate that on this forum we have a handful of extremely right-wing posters who are simply so gullible and poorly informed that they are still claiming that climate change is rubbish because last Tuesday was really quite cold.

But I think we have to assume that most people only want the truth and the facts, and that most people can put their political views to one side if they see evidence that compels them to do so.

According to what I've read... Lake Mead, at current levels of usage...has about 15-20 years...the Aquifer that keeps the Midwest growing our food....about 25.

As far as our right wing brethren are concerned... I have to believe it's willful ignorance.

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