House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."
i guess it goes like this. find the word wiretap in nyt. WINNING

I guess it goes like this. Obama holdovers committed at least one felony in their surveillance, let's see what's behind Door #2
We are still waiting for Tumps evidence

We have evidence of Obama holdover committing at least one felony, and that's before any investigation.
Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

Felony highlighted for the Progs

"WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.
Members of the "House Intelligence Committee" asking the DOJ to turn over evidence relating to wiretapping does not translate to "House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Towers was wiretapped" except in the minds of fake news artists.

I heard that the committee at the end of the 7 days, would release a report. And if they received no evidence from Trump or the DOJ to support Trumps claim, the report would conclude that the claim was false.
so, it won't change anything, in fact, if I were trump I'd just tweet it again. and then what will happen from the left's pretendland politics?
What does anything have to do with the"left"? Trump made the allegation and the Republican congress demanded proof. You know, just as I do, that he has none
so? who fking cares. he has no alliance with them. you still haven't figured that out yet have you Einy?
Trump has a responsibility to tell the truth for once in his miserable life
Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."
i guess it goes like this. find the word wiretap in nyt. WINNING

I guess it goes like this. Obama holdovers committed at least one felony in their surveillance, let's see what's behind Door #2
We are still waiting for Tumps evidence
michael flynn. How many times must I post that before you stop asking. game set match again.
Op-eds are the best you have?

aww look at the phony little weasel acting as if is it's all about what a forum poster has or does not "have". :uhoh3:

what's the matter, incapable of grasping the concept of betraying your own government??

there's a word for that! and in the good old days we'd just take him out back and shoot him! :eusa_clap:
Looks like the answer is yes, op-eds are all you have. Yes, someone is betraying our government by leaking to operatives in the press so they can run with the 'Trump is guilty until proven innocent' meme.
I don't need to hear from Trump to know Obama is the most law breaking constitution disobeying piece of liberal progressive trash. Of course he tapped Trump's phones, to believe otherwise is childish, ignorant and willfully dumb.
Why do you think leftloons are so desperate denying it? You know it is true when there is vehement denial.
Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

Felony highlighted for the Progs

"WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.
Members of the "House Intelligence Committee" asking the DOJ to turn over evidence relating to wiretapping does not translate to "House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Towers was wiretapped" except in the minds of fake news artists.

I heard that the committee at the end of the 7 days, would release a report. And if they received no evidence from Trump or the DOJ to support Trumps claim, the report would conclude that the claim was false.
so, it won't change anything, in fact, if I were trump I'd just tweet it again. and then what will happen from the left's pretendland politics?
What does anything have to do with the"left"? Trump made the allegation and the Republican congress demanded proof. You know, just as I do, that he has none
so? who fking cares. he has no alliance with them. you still haven't figured that out yet have you Einy?
Trump has a responsibility to tell the truth for once in his miserable life
so he doesn't get that in return from yourside? Where is the evidence the russians were involved? Dude it's going on six months and still you got sweet smelling shit.
Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."
i guess it goes like this. find the word wiretap in nyt. WINNING

I guess it goes like this. Obama holdovers committed at least one felony in their surveillance, let's see what's behind Door #2
We are still waiting for Tumps evidence

We have evidence of Obama holdover committing at least one felony, and that's before any investigation.
Do this have anything to do with the evidence trump is supposed to present today?
I don't need to hear from Trump to know Obama is the most law breaking constitution disobeying piece of liberal progressive trash. Of course he tapped Trump's phones, to believe otherwise is childish, ignorant and willfully dumb.
Why do you think leftloons are so desperate denying it? You know it is true when there is vehement denial.
Trumps proof is all we need
Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

Felony highlighted for the Progs

"WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.
Members of the "House Intelligence Committee" asking the DOJ to turn over evidence relating to wiretapping does not translate to "House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Towers was wiretapped" except in the minds of fake news artists.

I heard that the committee at the end of the 7 days, would release a report. And if they received no evidence from Trump or the DOJ to support Trumps claim, the report would conclude that the claim was false.
so, it won't change anything, in fact, if I were trump I'd just tweet it again. and then what will happen from the left's pretendland politics?
What does anything have to do with the"left"? Trump made the allegation and the Republican congress demanded proof. You know, just as I do, that he has none
so? who fking cares. he has no alliance with them. you still haven't figured that out yet have you Einy?
Trump has a responsibility to tell the truth for once in his miserable life

He's already got Obama holdovers committing at least one felony. We need a full scale investigation to see what else they've done. We also know Hillary met with the Russians
Last edited:
russia, if you're listening please hack U.S. Secretary of State correspondence! :eusa_clap:

he never ever made that statement. Thanks for playing. pretendland politics.

yes he did, except the rethuglican narrative translated the story to be all about a person named hillary.

trump IN FACT invoked Russian spies to hack U.S. Secretary of State correspondence.

most of you numbskulls were too busy spittling spastic 'lock her up' memes to even notice. dum dums.
March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.
LOL watch Trump ignore these tools. Fuck em.
That would tell us for sure that Trump lied. No evidence equal another lie
how exactly? is it a lie then that there was russia influence? D'oh!!! we all knew it. thanks pretendland politics.
Trump has until later today to supply his evidence. He won't because he has none
He won't because you are irrelevant....
Op-eds are the best you have?

aww look at the phony little weasel acting as if is it's all about what a forum poster has or does not "have". :uhoh3:

what's the matter, incapable of grasping the concept of betraying your own government??

there's a word for that! and in the good old days we'd just take him out back and shoot him! :eusa_clap:
Looks like the answer is yes, op-eds are all you have. Yes, someone is betraying our government by leaking to operatives in the press so they can run with the 'Trump is guilty until proven innocent' meme.
Let Trump present his proof today, short of that its evident that he is a lying piece of shit
Where exactly does that headline say that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped?
Here is what the NY Times article actually said about the location of the wiretaps:

"Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

Felony highlighted for the Progs

"WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.
Members of the "House Intelligence Committee" asking the DOJ to turn over evidence relating to wiretapping does not translate to "House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Towers was wiretapped" except in the minds of fake news artists.

I heard that the committee at the end of the 7 days, would release a report. And if they received no evidence from Trump or the DOJ to support Trumps claim, the report would conclude that the claim was false.
so, it won't change anything, in fact, if I were trump I'd just tweet it again. and then what will happen from the left's pretendland politics?
What does anything have to do with the"left"? Trump made the allegation and the Republican congress demanded proof. You know, just as I do, that he has none
so? who fking cares. he has no alliance with them. you still haven't figured that out yet have you Einy?
Trump has a responsibility to tell the truth for once in his miserable life
Responsibility to whom?
March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.
LOL watch Trump ignore these tools. Fuck em.
That would tell us for sure that Trump lied. No evidence equal another lie
how exactly? is it a lie then that there was russia influence? D'oh!!! we all knew it. thanks pretendland politics.
Trump has until later today to supply his evidence. He won't because he has none
He won't because you are irrelevant....
He won't because he is a lying piece of shit. It has nothing to do with me, sis
Op-eds are the best you have?

aww look at the phony little weasel acting as if is it's all about what a forum poster has or does not "have". :uhoh3:

what's the matter, incapable of grasping the concept of betraying your own government??

there's a word for that! and in the good old days we'd just take him out back and shoot him! :eusa_clap:
Looks like the answer is yes, op-eds are all you have. Yes, someone is betraying our government by leaking to operatives in the press so they can run with the 'Trump is guilty until proven innocent' meme.
Let Trump present his proof today, short of that its evident that he is a lying piece of shit
The good thing is that your opinion counts just as much as a fly shit on the calendar. It won't change the calendar, will it?
Op-eds are the best you have?

aww look at the phony little weasel acting as if is it's all about what a forum poster has or does not "have". :uhoh3:

what's the matter, incapable of grasping the concept of betraying your own government??

there's a word for that! and in the good old days we'd just take him out back and shoot him! :eusa_clap:
Looks like the answer is yes, op-eds are all you have. Yes, someone is betraying our government by leaking to operatives in the press so they can run with the 'Trump is guilty until proven innocent' meme.
Let Trump present his proof today, short of that its evident that he is a lying piece of shit
so again, if that is your scale of proof, then we now know the russian story is all a hoax. thanks!
So let's see here, you think the Russians stole the election by revealing Democrat corruption?

snicker right back at you, dimwit.

despite the squawking talking points of the parrots you mimic with such confidence, the constitutional issues and the national security concerns are not merely about the outcome of one election... a foreign concept to dishonest scumbags like you, it's the principle of the thing.

that principle is called TREASON... trump winning the election is just the means to his treasonous ends!

Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win

A timeline of Rex Tillerson's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin forgot to post any content. Do you know what content and facts are? Find the best piece of evidence. Pooping your diapers in a fury won't do.
all Donnieboi has to do is cough up some evidence to support his "tweet"... THATS ALL !


Obama's not the one whos worried ... not even in the least.
well let's see the evidence he and his associates were working with Russia. That came up first back late last year. I haven't seen shit, I think the onus is on you all to prove that first. we're waiting.

well, youre a fucking moron if you never noticed Manafort.
what about him? what is any probable cause?

ok, youre a moron

LOL watch Trump ignore these tools. Fuck em.
That would tell us for sure that Trump lied. No evidence equal another lie
how exactly? is it a lie then that there was russia influence? D'oh!!! we all knew it. thanks pretendland politics.
Trump has until later today to supply his evidence. He won't because he has none
He won't because you are irrelevant....
He won't because he is a lying piece of shit. It has nothing to do with me, sis
it's all about you sis! you think you're owed something why? Why can't you first prove your initial accusations about russia? why are skating in here all the time?

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