House GOP Bill Pushes Term Limits

I like my representative in the House. Marcy Kaptur.

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, who represents Ohio's Ninth Congressional District, is currently serving her sixteenth term in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is the senior-most woman in the House and the longest-serving woman from Ohio in history. Congresswoman Kaptur ranks 17th in seniority among 435 Members of the 113th Congress.

She's got a lot of energy and supports all the right Democratic issues. I also love my Sherrod Brown in the Senate.
Like the two term limit placed on the Executive, it needs to be a constitutional amendment, not a law.
Like the two term limit placed on the Executive, it needs to be a constitutional amendment, not a law.

2/3 of the House
2/3 of the Senate
3/4 of the States

Ain't going to happen
Contact your elected congresscritter and DEMAND this be passed...and make it for less terms...None of them should make A LIVING sucking off us taxpayers until they are at deaths door...They can go look for a REAL JOB like the rest of us

That would free the Congress Critters from job lock and make them Free Agents.

Via The Hill

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) filed a bill on Tuesday that would amend the Constitution and impose term limits on members of Congress.

The measure would call for a maximum of 24 years of service for lawmakers, with 12 years each in both the House and Senate.

Lawmakers in the House are up for election every two years, while senators’ terms run six years. The Constitution, however, does not limit the number of terms a person can serve.

“Believe me, 24 years is more than enough time to serve in Washington. (I actually pushed for much shorter terms but compromised at 12+12 in order to gain the support of additional co-sponsors),” Mulvaney said in a statement on Wednesday. “And I want to thank my friends Steve Scalise (R-La.), Reid Ribble (R-Wis.) and Steve Palazzo (R-Miss.) for their work in getting this bill together.”

The introduction of the bill comes after a series of polls have indicated Congress’s approval rating is at record lows. A Gallup poll in January found 13 percent of people approved of the job that Congress is doing. During the government shutdown in October, the approval rating stood at just 5 percent.

“Now the question becomes: How can we convince enough members of Congress that they are the problem?” Mulvaney added.

ALL of it here
House GOP Bill Pushes Term Limits | Weasel Zippers

In your opinion..

What's a "real" job.

You folks never have defined that all that well.

Seems you are absolutely disgusted with labor.

But inheritance seems okay. As does military service.

Is that about right?
lifetime congressmen and women are the major cause of gridlock, both parties are guilty of it, at least some of the GOP wants to fix it.

How will that stop gridlock?

OMG, are you as ignorant as you pretend to be?

No really.

How would it stop it?

Seems it would make it worse.

People who have been politicians a long time, develop several things that would be wiped out by term limits.

We already have term limits.

The voters can limit terms in every election.

this is exactly right. the only term limit i approve of is the president, due to his or her unique power among our branches. but there should be no term limits for congress.
How will that stop gridlock?

OMG, are you as ignorant as you pretend to be?

No really.

How would it stop it?

Seems it would make it worse.

People who have been politicians a long time, develop several things that would be wiped out by term limits.


Seems our current gridlock is celebrated by the TeaTards who are new to the political process
How will that stop gridlock?

OMG, are you as ignorant as you pretend to be?

Not an answer

I was dumb enough to assume you had one

Gridlock would be reduced if the representatives knew that they were only there for a short time, they would be motivated to get things done rather than spending all their time trying keep everyone happy and get reelected.

They would not have to worry about taking a stand on a controversial issue.
How will that stop gridlock?

OMG, are you as ignorant as you pretend to be?

No really.

How would it stop it?

Seems it would make it worse.

People who have been politicians a long time, develop several things that would be wiped out by term limits.


Wisdom? Sheila Jackson Lee, Harry Reid, Pelosi, Franken, McConnell, Dingle, McCain

relationships? yeah, they learn which lobbyists pay the best bribes

experience? learn to be corrupt without getting caught
OMG, are you as ignorant as you pretend to be?

No really.

How would it stop it?

Seems it would make it worse.

People who have been politicians a long time, develop several things that would be wiped out by term limits.


Seems our current gridlock is celebrated by the TeaTards who are new to the political process

The tea party supports term limits. It also supports the constitution, having principles, and fiscal sanity
Our Congress can't even get a simple budget passed...

Who thinks they are capable of passing a Constitutional Amendment? Another Republican taking up time by proposing meaningless bills.

At least they are proposing a bill. Obama can't even propose a budget...
Like the two term limit placed on the Executive, it needs to be a constitutional amendment, not a law.

2/3 of the House
2/3 of the Senate
3/4 of the States

Ain't going to happen

I agree it's not likely at all. Neither will a law. I think the SC would strike down a law.

If it was a constitutional amendment, it would, by definition, be constitutional.

I don't think it could be done by statute.

I also don't think it will happen, being in congress is too lucrative financially.

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