House Intelligence Committee - No White House Wrong Doing On Benghazi


Dec 5, 2011
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

And nearly every one of the wingnuts on this board said that the White House was guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Why? Because their nutcase websites said so. :cuckoo:

I'm guessing they're feeling pretty STUPID about now. :lol:

I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

Good idea. Make decisions based on emotion, hysteria and hype instead of facts. :eusa_whistle:

Nope. Just the State Department who had all kinds of warning and did nothing.

You'll notice that with the latest threats in Libya they pulled our people out. Thats exactly what they should have done two years ago.

State Under Hilbat failed miserably on Benghazi. Just total incompetance on their part and it cost the lives of four very good men.
It's a shame that we had to lose people in the field, but those are the risks people take when serving their nation...
No White House Wrong Doing On Benghazi


No way. I'm so surprised. So it was just a big Republican Witch Hunt afterall....who would've guessed?
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

Good idea. Make decisions based on emotion, hysteria and hype instead of facts. :eusa_whistle:


Oh you mean the fact that they had loads of warnings?? Warning that were so believed that the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out.

Facts are facts and the total incompetance of Hilbats State Department are a fact.

Of course if you'd lost a loved one at Benghazi you'd be singinig a different tune.
It's a shame that we had to lose people in the field, but those are the risks people take when serving their nation...

Your're right but they should also expect backing from their employer. The State Department. A State Department that did nothing.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

And nearly every one of the wingnuts on this board said that the White House was guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Why? Because their nutcase websites said so. :cuckoo:

I'm guessing they're feeling pretty STUPID about now. :lol:


Actually no, the reason was that four Americans were killed and, no matter what the report says, he lied about the reason for the attack.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

And nearly every one of the wingnuts on this board said that the White House was guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Why? Because their nutcase websites said so. :cuckoo:

I'm guessing they're feeling pretty STUPID about now. :lol:


Actually no, the reason was that four Americans were killed and, no matter what the report says, he lied about the reason for the attack.

Yup he and his administration lied thier asses off from the day it happened.

His State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. Benghazi should never have happened. Its was a complete failure by his State Department run by Hilbat. Total incompetence.

No way. I'm so surprised. So it was just a big Republican Witch Hunt afterall....who would've guessed?

Of course, Stevens is now brought back to life and we can move on.

If Rice said it was a terrorist attack and not caused by a video....they would still be dead anyway. Get over it.

Nope. They would have either beefed up security or pulled our people out like they just did. Those men would still be alive.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

And nearly every one of the wingnuts on this board said that the White House was guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Why? Because their nutcase websites said so. :cuckoo:

I'm guessing they're feeling pretty STUPID about now. :lol:


Yeah, and everyone of you leftwing nuts still say Bush was guilty of criminal wrongdoing in Iraq and just about everything else he did.
none of you ever feel stupid about it, so why should people feel stupid about this?
just go celebrate the death of an innocent American Ambassador while you cheer for Obama and don't forget the little smilie
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The report is being released tomorrow. The report confirms what I have thought since the beginning, Obama and company are too armature to handle these types of situations and that is proved true. The following is from an article from a slightly less biased source. When I did an internet search and all left wing sites came up, except one, I figure a fish was stinking. I am not sure how the 6 findings make Obama look good. The following is from the article, the numbers I added.

There are reportedly 6 findings:

1. White House officials either failed to comprehend a deteriorating security situation in Libya before the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, or ignored it.

2. Although actions had been taken to secure other diplomatic facilities in anticipation of that day, such as in Yemen, no similar measures were taken in Libya, committee staff said on background.

"It remains unclear why particular having done their security reviews prior to Sept. 11 that this administration chose to beef up its posture in certain parts of the region, and not in others … such as Libya and northern Africa," said the staff member.

3. Since there was no "imminent" threat perceived in Libya, the State Department had favored a reduction in security personnel, the staff said. Gen. Carter Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command, similarly did not perceive a threat and did not posture forces in the region for an attack.

"Changes in the military’s force posture to be able to respond to an attack was not made, at least in the region around Libya," a staff member said.

4. As a result, there were no F-16 fighter jets, armed drones or attack helicopters in the region that could assist in any kind of response, the staff said.

5. The House investigation also found that Pentagon officials believed from the very beginning of the attack that terrorists were involved, and when they informed the president, he gave them "minimal direction" to respond, the committee staff said.

However, due to the location of forces that could respond, and some lack of clarity as to how long the attack would last, the military did not take all possible steps to prepare for extended operations, they said.

6. There was no stand down order to forces in Tripoli, Libya, staff said.

Read more: House panel issues new Benghazi report, questions 9/11 preparations | TheHill
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you leftwing nuts still say Bush was guilty of criminal wrongdoing in Iraq

Because he was....ever heard of Abu Graib? Do you wonder why Rumsfeld resigned in 2006?

Did we ever find the WMD's?
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Now remember folks, this is in a country we just helped overthrow and bombed the crap out of. Why anyone would think that someone still might be pissed seem very logical. As I have thought from the beginning this is just another clusterfuk by the administration. Deliberate wrong doing, I don't really thinks so, poor planning and lack of preparedness, absolutely.

Don't all you liberals get in an uproar this will now go away and that is just what the government and Obama want, that is except for the million times the left will bring up the subject.

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