House Managers now are asking to call witnesses! They know they got destroyed yesterday

Democrats haven't done anything for the last four years but attack Trump. They have no platform beyond overturning everything Trump ever did. So I think this is the Democrats way of hiding. It's pretty much like Biden's campaign, which was spent primarily hiding in his basement. This is the new norm for Dems. and their corporate and media masters.

He deserved to be attacked for all the 4 years, he has done everything wrong, not cared about climate change or drinking water, no care if Iran got nukes (I think he may of wanted them to screw up), in his first campaign he has many Russia pro people and I suspect he is an asset of Russia, and who has a foreign country to make up stuff of your opponent and bribing them.

What he did with the election was unheard of. He attempted a coup.

Those witness have to tell the truth, remember what happened to Clinton, he lied about having an affair.

What president took out the iranian terrorist general who was responsible for hundreds of american deaths? It sure wasn't oreo cookie.
Oh look now giving closing arguments. They knew they didn't want to start that shit storm of witnesses.

Dems prove they are the pussies we all thought they were.
The only thing destroyed has been the credibility of Trump and those who enable him.
The creditability of our government died years ago. Politicians and us the people were trusted to not let what we have seen over the decades. To many of the population were sold utopia by using their flaws against them. With massive government comes massive corruption and the minimizing of the Constitution. How can I believe Progs when they are Progs and already have carved parts of the Constitution up with the help of the Republican Party. Slowly removing our rights with many on these boards not even caring about. Social justice is not unalienable rights.



Wow. This is shocking. The House managers got destroyed and they know it.


Now you want witnesses????? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

So exposed.

If you'd been paying attention, you'd know the rules for the impeachment trial which the Senate agreed on, allowed for the House managers to call witnesses after both sides had presented their cases. There's nothing new or surprising here.

Try to keep up before posting you nonsense!!!!

Democrats haven't done anything for the last four years but attack Trump. They have no platform beyond overturning everything Trump ever did. So I think this is the Democrats way of hiding. It's pretty much like Biden's campaign, which was spent primarily hiding in his basement. This is the new norm for Dems. and their corporate and media masters.

He deserved to be attacked for all the 4 years, he has done everything wrong, not cared about climate change or drinking water, no care if Iran got nukes (I think he may of wanted them to screw up), in his first campaign he has many Russia pro people and I suspect he is an asset of Russia, and who has a foreign country to make up stuff of your opponent and bribing them.

What he did with the election was unheard of. He attempted a coup.

Those witness have to tell the truth, remember what happened to Clinton, he lied about having an affair.

What president took out the iranian terrorist general who was responsible for hundreds of american deaths? It sure wasn't oreo cookie.

What American President was stupid enough to kill a major Iranian General without considering how the Iranians would retaliate or have any plan after that!

Democrats haven't done anything for the last four years but attack Trump. They have no platform beyond overturning everything Trump ever did. So I think this is the Democrats way of hiding. It's pretty much like Biden's campaign, which was spent primarily hiding in his basement. This is the new norm for Dems. and their corporate and media masters.

They were right to do so. Trump has been the most corrupt President in history. If he had his way, the DOJ and FBI would have been corrupted into Trump's personal Gestapo. He has ruled more as a king than a President as he has constantly refused to obey the Constitution's system of checks and balances.
I'm happy that was stopped.
You can't change the original charge from insurrection to dereliction of duty.
They are two different charges.
When you add additional charges that becomes a witch hunt and that's unconstitutional in this country.
The only thing destroyed has been the credibility of Trump and those who enable him.
The creditability of our government died years ago. Politicians and us the people were trusted to not let what we have seen over the decades. To many of the population were sold utopia by using their flaws against them. With massive government comes massive corruption and the minimizing of the Constitution. How can I believe Progs when they are Progs and already have carved parts of the Constitution up with the help of the Republican Party. Slowly removing our rights with many on these boards not even caring about. Social justice is not unalienable rights.

So your solution is to elect a mobster for President, then support him when he sends a mob to destroy whatever democracy we have.

Pure Genius! NOT!!!
I'm happy that was stopped.
You can't change the original charge from insurrection to dereliction of duty.
They are two different charges.
When you add additional charges that becomes a witch hunt and that's unconstitutional in this country.

Dereliction of Duty was part of the article of impeachment.
Gee, why doesn't Speaker Nancy Pelosi want to testify on Capitol Security on 6 Jan, since the FBI put out a warning before then that extremists were headed to DC to 'wage war' and since she is partially responsible for working with Capitol Police on security?

Why doesn't Pelosi want to answer when she learned from the FBI how Antifa and BLM used Socialist Big Tech Twitter & Facebook to plan / organize the event?

What a frigging liar, CCP stooge, and 'enemy of the state'...
The only thing destroyed has been the credibility of Trump and those who enable him.
The creditability of our government died years ago. Politicians and us the people were trusted to not let what we have seen over the decades. To many of the population were sold utopia by using their flaws against them. With massive government comes massive corruption and the minimizing of the Constitution. How can I believe Progs when they are Progs and already have carved parts of the Constitution up with the help of the Republican Party. Slowly removing our rights with many on these boards not even caring about. Social justice is not unalienable rights.

So your solution is to elect a mobster for President, then support him when he sends a mob to destroy whatever democracy we have.

Pure Genius! NOT!!!
The entire premise of your statement has been debunked and is a lie...try again, snowflake.
Wow. This is shocking. The House managers got destroyed and they know it.


Now you want witnesses????? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

So exposed.
They want to call Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.) to testify about what she heard from Kevin McCarthy about what Trump said during a Jan 6th phone call.

That's hearsay.

So even if she "testifies" that Mr. McCarthy told her that Trump said " I guess these people are just more angry about the election and upset than you are," that is not evidence of incitement, and it's obviously true that many of the Capitol rioters were very angry about the election.


No it is not hearsay. It would be legal in a court of law as it goes to the state of mind of Trump.
There is an FBI investigation into this whole thing, why didnt these assholes just wait for the investigation to end?
Because they knew that the agitators were not Trump supporters and they cant have that known by the general public... Evidence is now coming out that ANTIFA was in fact the lead agitators and that Nancy Pelosi refused National Guard troops to protect the Capitol Hill Complex TWO DAYS PRIOR to January 6, when TRUMP OFFERED THEM TO HER. Now why would ANTIFA loving Nancy refuse protection of the complex unless she was part of the insurrection planning? The FBI told her, in a briefing on January 2nd, that there was a credible threat to the capitol hill complex and gave them specifics. On January 5 a pipe bomb was found on the capitol hill complex steps and she still denied requests.. this whole thing stinks to high heaven..

Bullshit. No connection to antifa has been found. Why is it that Mikle Pence had to call in the National Guard because Trump would not do it? You are listening to fake news.
Democrats haven't done anything for the last four years but attack Trump. They have no platform beyond overturning everything Trump ever did. So I think this is the Democrats way of hiding. It's pretty much like Biden's campaign, which was spent primarily hiding in his basement. This is the new norm for Dems. and their corporate and media masters.

He deserved to be attacked for all the 4 years, he has done everything wrong, not cared about climate change or drinking water, no care if Iran got nukes (I think he may of wanted them to screw up), in his first campaign he has many Russia pro people and I suspect he is an asset of Russia, and who has a foreign country to make up stuff of your opponent and bribing them.

What he did with the election was unheard of. He attempted a coup.

Those witness have to tell the truth, remember what happened to Clinton, he lied about having an affair.

What president took out the iranian terrorist general who was responsible for hundreds of american deaths? It sure wasn't oreo cookie.

What American President was stupid enough to kill a major Iranian General without considering how the Iranians would retaliate or have any plan after that!


The Iranians are sitting pretty nowadays. Almost as good as the Chinese. Their man is in the White House. The same one that was VP when they got that shitload of cash. Billions of dollars to be used to fund terrorism against "Death to America". In the wings they have their great friend John "Traitor" Kerry. Life is good. Obama's Mullah buddies are partying like it is 1999.

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