House Managers now are asking to call witnesses! They know they got destroyed yesterday

This is the first impeachment trial in the Senate of a president where the Chief Justice declined to preside. That says something right there about the veracity and integrity of this trial. IOW, it is/was nothing more than pure, political theater.
The only thing destroyed has been the credibility of Trump and those who enable him.
Trump is incommunicado in Florida, its the libs who are presenting the Fake Impeachment. Trump is watching on TV if he isn't out enjoying a game of golf.
More like trying to figure out how not to get kicked out for violating club rules agreed to with Mar-a-Lago.
Dems for the last 5 years and at least the next 2 know only how to do one thing. impeach.
There is an FBI investigation into this whole thing, why didnt these assholes just wait for the investigation to end?
Because they knew that the agitators were not Trump supporters and they cant have that known by the general public... Evidence is now coming out that ANTIFA was in fact the lead agitators and that Nancy Pelosi refused National Guard troops to protect the Capitol Hill Complex TWO DAYS PRIOR to January 6, when TRUMP OFFERED THEM TO HER. Now why would ANTIFA loving Nancy refuse protection of the complex unless she was part of the insurrection planning?

Yep.....the democrat party wanted their brown shirts in the Trump crowd to vandalize the capitol and attack the police......that is why she pulled the police back and refused national guard....
That's my take as well. Pelosi and democrats were in on the planning of the insurrection and black flag event hoping to blame it on Trump and his followers. But it is now exposed. the feigned outrage that someone on capitol hill was helping the insurrectionist was actually true, it was Nancy Pelosi and her crew.... they were projecting to try and keep from being found out..
Democrats haven't done anything for the last four years but attack Trump. They have no platform beyond overturning everything Trump ever did. So I think this is the Democrats way of hiding. It's pretty much like Biden's campaign, which was spent primarily hiding in his basement. This is the new norm for Dems. and their corporate and media masters.

He deserved to be attacked for all the 4 years, he has done everything wrong, not cared about climate change or drinking water, no care if Iran got nukes (I think he may of wanted them to screw up), in his first campaign he has many Russia pro people and I suspect he is an asset of Russia, and who has a foreign country to make up stuff of your opponent and bribing them.

What he did with the election was unheard of. He attempted a coup.

Those witness have to tell the truth, remember what happened to Clinton, he lied about having an affair.
I say, if this is what they feel is the most important thing they can think to do, just do it. So far it has only served to illustrate what childish idiots they are.
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The only thing destroyed has been the credibility of Trump and those who enable him.
I think it would be a good idea to get this stuff out as a matter of public record, and for future examination and use.

We know how the GQP senators are going to vote - they're afraid for their jobs and their safety. But getting everything out could be useful.
Schumer made an agreement with McConnell on how this trial would go, and I would presume no witnesses would be allowed cuz the Dems didn't believe they had a shot at a conviction and so they want to get it over with and move on to Biden's agenda (orders from Far Left). So, if Leahy allows one or more witnesses then that breaks the deal and from here on out it's total war, and the GOP can tell the world every day that the Dems can't be trusted. Plus, if the Dems get to call a witness then the GOP gets to call witnesses too and then the case drags on and distracts from the other business. I'd call that a win for the Repubs and a self-inflicted wound by the Dems that can only get worse for them if they continue this nonsense.

The, Democrats....lie about everything.
i heard Pelosi orchestrated the whole thing. Call me as a witness
IF they are allowing hearsay evidence, I heard it too... Call me too.....

Anyone can say they heard anything. One of the witnesses during the 1st impeachment testified he overheard 1/2 of a phone conversation where they were discussing someone else's opinion.

What a load of shit.

I don't see where the libs have anything here- they haven't come close to actually proving their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with this girl who overheard the discussion of a phone call between Pelosi and Schumer plotting the whole thing.
I love how Trumps lawyers are blasted for bringing up Kamala Harris crowd funding bail for rioters as irrelevant.......but they don’t say shit about that house manager repeatedly telling us she is black.

How the fuck is that relevant to anything?

You know a liberal is losing the argument when they pull the race card.
It could get interesting....but the Democrats won't ask the questions that would really destroy the tall tales of the Defense team.

Senator Tubberville contradicted the Defense claim that Trump had no idea what was going on in regards to Pence's safety. His testimony would show just how dishonest the defense was.

Of course, none of it matters...the verdict was known well before the trial even began. So the whole thing is moot.
No, silly bitches... the House Impeachment Managers did NOT get destroyed yesterday...

They're just much better in their timing, for revealing their intent to drive-deep the blade, now that it's been inserted between the metaphorical ribs...
This Congress is the biggest pile of useless shit in the history of Congress. Now they are full-time finding reasons to extend this stupid and illegitimate impeachment "trial" .. of an ex-president! Personally I am good with anything that distracts them from creating legislation - but they are definitely not even pretending to be doing the business of the American people. I guess it isn't really necessary to spend time doing their day job when the President is getting the agenda through by executive order.
I think they're ready


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