House or Rep finds Benghazi not a scandal

Thanks for wasting so much time and money on this crap. Could have been helping to put Americans back to work, but this was more important.

The Republican-led House Select Committee on Intelligence on Friday released its report on the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and it found that the military and the Central Intelligence Agency responded appropriately during the attacks.

The investigation, which took nearly two years and thousands of hours of work, found the CIA had "ensured sufficient security" and "bravely assisted" the night of attacks that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The panel also found no intelligence failure prior to the attacks.

The committee said bit found no evidence that the military was ordered to "stand down" during the attacks in Benghazi, as some had claimed, and that "appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night." It also found no evidence of similar claims that the CIA was involved in arms shipments or other unauthorized activities.

House Benghazi Report Finds Evidence Doesn t Back Rumors - NBC News

Does that mean they won't be giving away any more nickels for posting about Benghazi....Benghazi....Benghazi....Benghazi...Benghazi.....Benghazi....???
Fucking idiots. Really. How much money did this cost?

Less than the cost of the African Obola terrorist, and his assorted victims needs!
That ebola thing didn't work out quite as well as you were hoping it would have either, did it, scumbag?

I see you little delusional cock suckers think we wanted it to happen, even though we were the ones that wanted everyone quarantined to protect the public, and you Pond Scum, got lucky and NO ONE got sick from letting these people walk around... Delusion is your friend, along with the Meth you've had!
What's your secret to staying so positive?
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?
Fucking idiots. Really. How much money did this cost?

Less than the cost of the African Obola terrorist, and his assorted victims needs!
That ebola thing didn't work out quite as well as you were hoping it would have either, did it, scumbag?

I see you little delusional cock suckers think we wanted it to happen, even though we were the ones that wanted everyone quarantined to protect the public, and you Pond Scum, got lucky and NO ONE got sick from letting these people walk around... Delusion is your friend, along with the Meth you've had!
What's your secret to staying so positive?

Something subversives have no idea about....THE TRUTH!
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!

You can believe Unicorns are real as hard as you want with all your soul...

That still doesn't make them real.
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!

Awww Viggie, Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!

You can believe Unicorns are real as hard as you want with all your soul...

That still doesn't make them real.

Your covered!

Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!

Awww Viggie, Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.

I'd be banned!
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!

Awww Viggie, Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.

I'd be banned!

I doubt they would ban you. Everybody has put up with your crazy rants so far.
Yeah, who would've ever guessed the GOP was just trying to capitalize on "BENGHAZI!!!" for political gain.

I mean we only had what??? Nine investigations now? All of them coming up with no charges at the White House?

Second time... you Pond Scum are simple BETTER at CORRUPTION, LYING, COVER UP, and SUBTAFUGE than the Republicans that still believe that this POLITICS THING isn't a rigged game!

Awww Viggie, Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.

I'd be banned!

I doubt they would ban you. Everybody has put up with your crazy rants so far.

I've been holding back, I thought you 2 digit IQ'd idiots should know that!...You do notice that I only annoy pond scum such as yourself! Mr. Prager is getting closer!

A leading Republican wants to expand the House investigation into the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack by adding a Senate probe, as a new House Intelligence Committee report Friday concluded that the initial CIA assessment found no demonstrations prior to the assault and a primary purpose of the CIA operation in eastern Libya was to track the movement of weapons to Syria.

The report described the attack as "complex" with the attackers affiliated with Al Qaeda. It also said the initial CIA assessment concluded there were no demonstrations outside the State Department Consulate in Eastern Libya...

As the committee focused its review on U.S. Intelligence Community, this report does not assess State Department or Defense Department activities other than where those activities impact, or were impacted by, the work of the intelligence community.

from the report

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