House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today demanded

If Obamination wins on Tuesday, I can see Graham and Issa bring charges against Hillary and Obamination over Libya since they are fed up their bullshit.

Obamination's best hope is to slither away after losing the election, otherwise he will be brought up on charges.

It's like lose the election and we'll let you go away, win the election and you are going to jail.

FOIA should do the trick, idiot.

It isn't their money, so they can't hide how they spent it especially from Congress asking for it.

I see you didn't say Hillary and gang "didn't spend" money on parties, travel, etc while they ignored security upgrade requests from Libya.

You're sure, huh? Then you can easily produce said records here for us to look over. TIA

Exactly so and this President who thinks he's King, has refused to answer to Congress for many things. Congress has CONSTITUTIONAL oversight. Lindsey Graham is damn pissed off about this President's refusal to come before congress and answer. Here's some of what the letter contained:
Senator Lindsey Graham Demands Answers From Obama « David's Blog of Common Sense

This Constitution created Separate powers for a reason.. as a system of checks and balances. We have a President who believes himself ABOVE THE LAW.
This is just further proof that Democrats cannot be trusted with ANYTHING.

LOOTERS and THIEVES= Obama Administration.

Didn't I read that Hillary stole the WH china when she and Bill left?

The Clintons took everything that wasn't nailed down.

Including the "W's" off all the keyboards.... what a bunch of petty punks.
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Issa is useful in one way, in that he encourages the seditious crowd to ooze out of their slimy crevices into the light of day. If you want to find out who the traitors to the USA are, you simply tally up the people who admire Issa.
Sure nutjob. :eusa_whistle:

Issa is useful in one way, in that he encourages the seditious crowd to ooze out of their slimy crevices into the light of day. If you want to find out who the traitors to the USA are, you simply tally up the people who admire Issa.
This is just further proof that Democrats cannot be trusted with ANYTHING.

LOOTERS and THIEVES= Obama Administration.

Didn't I read that Hillary stole the WH china when she and Bill left?

The Clintons took everything that wasn't nailed down.

Yeah, W. was going to bring us all together... He started off by spreading false rumors and lies about the Clintons for idiots like you to suck on.

The Bush Administration never said a thing about it. The information all came through other channels. The Clinton goons even took the 'W' keys off the keyboards. That's how petty and vindictive libturds are.
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News
Clintons Return White House Furniture

The Hillybilly rednecks also left 15,000.00 in damages..
Clinton Transition Left $15,000 Damage, GAO Says - Los Angeles Times


After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return.

The obama freeloaders are going to try to take more than that. Moochelle is going to be trucking out the contents of the White House refrigerator.
Issa is useful in one way, in that he encourages the seditious crowd to ooze out of their slimy crevices into the light of day. If you want to find out who the traitors to the USA are, you simply tally up the people who admire Issa.

Note for drooling idiot leftists:

Criticizing Obama is not treason.
Darell Issa has as much chance of losing his job as Nancy Pelosi has of losing hers.

The obamas have probably already started looting the white house. That's why the visitor logs are not made public. Vistors from Chicago come in wearing booster pants.
darell issa has as much chance of losing his job as nancy pelosi has of losing hers.

The obamas have probably already started looting the white house. That's why the visitor logs are not made public. Vistors from chicago come in wearing booster pants.

Is Issa so sure he's gonna still be a Congressman after Tuesday?

Umm, even if he loses the election, he will still be a congressman until 3 Jan 2013. I am surprised you don't know that.

I'm not. Short Bus Bod never debates anything.. She just lies around like a Baglady looking through different dumpsters hoping to find something that interests her.. Once she finds some two day old stale JussiPussi dinner rolls, she rolls over contented , farts all over the forum a few times before moving on to restaurant trash bins.


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This is just further proof that Democrats cannot be trusted with ANYTHING.

LOOTERS and THIEVES= Obama Administration.

Didn't I read that Hillary stole the WH china when she and Bill left?

The Clintons took everything that wasn't nailed down.

Didn't some of the staffers even steal the letter W from computer keyboards?

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