House Oversight Chair James Comer: We Have Evidence of a $200,000 'Direct Payment' to Joe Biden

Did not know about that yet.

But is similar to Durham finding three cases with two not guiltys and one 40 hour community service.
Look at the Commee flock to this one. That is an early indicator that of course, this is a valid issue....apparently caught red-handed. Of they could show the out-going loan? Explain the reason. Should be a deposit into the FAGS account from the explain re-payment.
As was apparent, the hapless goobers were having their strings pulled by Putin to damage America.

This bogus caper is proving to be such an embarrassment for the goobers.

On May 10, 2023, Comer stood before the press...

"... the committee will assess the form it has subpoenaed from the FBI and, as has been my practice, we will report to you only the facts when they are verified and indisputable.
... Comer and the GOP took that information and made it key to their investigation in Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden.

Smirnov... claimed that Biden and his son Hunter accepted bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch
[T[he Justice Department has since charged Smirnov with making false statements and revealed he admitted that Russian intelligence operatives fed him the accusation. Smirnov was arrested, released on bail, and then arrested again for fear of being a flight risk.
During the Newsmax interview, host Greg Kelly said he feared that Smirnov’s life “could be in danger.”
“You’re exactly accurate,” Comer said. “This stinks to high heaven. It wasn’t an important part of our case. It was a tip that we got from Charles Grassley."

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