House passes bill to require presidents to disclose their tax returns, Warren promises to disclose

MORE dumbshit
they passed the anti-Semitic/hate resolution the other day= dumbshit
WASTE of tax $$$$$$$$
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.
If the Democrats truly feel this that important then pass it as a stand alone bill and include the members of Congress not just the President and Vice President as those who should release their tax returns. Do that and I will support it.

I can understand wanting members of Congress to release their taxes, but I'd want to see them every time they run for election, not just the first time.
I'm with you if we are going to go down this road of wanting to see elected officials taxes we go all the way.

BTW, I'm not interested in seeing Warren's tax returns. I'm more interested in seeing her applications for employment and school, see if she took advantage of her alleged indian background. I already know that Ms. Warren is a wealthy white broad, I don't need to see proof of it.

Yeah I'm sure the only thing that qualified her to be a fucking Harvard professor is the fact that she claimed Native American ancestry. Y'all are going to have to do better than that if you want to defeat this woman in 2020.

Well, if that's the case, Ms. Warren should be pleased to help prove her case on this. Sign releases to allow the Fourth Estate to go through her applications and other papers and see for a fact that she didn't use her alleged Squaw status to get employment.

But, of course, we know she won't do that.
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.

what exactly is her message? Free shit for everyone? open borders? higher taxes? What exactly makes you like her?
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.

How does her message differ from the message of the dozen OTHER liberals that are now jockeying for position to make a run at the Democratic nomination? They all promise more free stuff and higher taxes to pay for it. The far left may "love" that message but the rest of the country doesn't! They want jobs. They want a strong economy. None of your progressives have a clue how to make either of those things happen.
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.

How does her message differ from the message of the dozen OTHER liberals that are now jockeying for position to make a run at the Democratic nomination? They all promise more free stuff and higher taxes to pay for it. The far left may "love" that message but the rest of the country doesn't! They want jobs. They want a strong economy. None of your progressives have a clue how to make either of those things happen.

She has been a rock star on the left for a while now. Whether you notice/admit it or not she is one of the more intelligent Democrats. She's also a fighter, and a woman. She's also talking a lot about going after lobbyists and other forms of D.C corruption.
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.

How does her message differ from the message of the dozen OTHER liberals that are now jockeying for position to make a run at the Democratic nomination? They all promise more free stuff and higher taxes to pay for it. The far left may "love" that message but the rest of the country doesn't! They want jobs. They want a strong economy. None of your progressives have a clue how to make either of those things happen.

She has been a rock star on the left for a while now. Whether you notice/admit it or not she is one of the more intelligent Democrats. She's also a fighter, and a woman. She's also talking a lot about going after lobbyists and other forms of D.C corruption.

What makes you think that she is more intelligent than the other Democrats? Hillary Clinton was considered brilliant as well, ditto with many other Democrat leaders- Al Gore, Joe Biden, Hank Johnson, Al Sharpton, etc.
What makes you think that she is more intelligent than the other Democrats? Hillary Clinton was considered brilliant as well, ditto with many other Democrat leaders- Al Gore, Joe Biden, Hank Johnson, Al Sharpton, etc.

I didn't say she is the smartest. I said she is one of the smartest. Maybe I'm wrong about the likelihood she will get nominated but I really don't think so. I also think she will be a real threat when/if she is nominated.
What makes you think that she is more intelligent than the other Democrats? Hillary Clinton was considered brilliant as well, ditto with many other Democrat leaders- Al Gore, Joe Biden, Hank Johnson, Al Sharpton, etc.

I didn't say she is the smartest. I said she is one of the smartest. Maybe I'm wrong about the likelihood she will get nominated but I really don't think so. I also think she will be a real threat when/if she is nominated.

I don't think its either her intelligence or lack of it, which is Ms. Warren's problem.

The problem is that she's not just a phony- but that she's really not comfortable in her own skin.

Her beer-drinking Instagram message just showed how uncomfortable she was- mainly because she pretending to be something she wasn't - and just a really crappy actress.

Mrs. Warren is a wealthy Bostonian broad- a modern day Margaret Drysdale. Not the "average woman" or a "typical squaw".

If she started just behaving naturally, it would do her a world of good. Right now, anything she says, people aren't going to believe her good or bad.

Against the most "real" man ever to serve, that's not good. Trump is a Billionaire, he's proud of it. He doesn't pretend to be anything other that the rich city slicker he is. People can see that, even if they live on a farm and have nothing in common with the Trumpster.
You actually think Elizabeth Warren has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Democratic nomination?

I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.

How does her message differ from the message of the dozen OTHER liberals that are now jockeying for position to make a run at the Democratic nomination? They all promise more free stuff and higher taxes to pay for it. The far left may "love" that message but the rest of the country doesn't! They want jobs. They want a strong economy. None of your progressives have a clue how to make either of those things happen.

She has been a rock star on the left for a while now. Whether you notice/admit it or not she is one of the more intelligent Democrats. She's also a fighter, and a woman. She's also talking a lot about going after lobbyists and other forms of D.C corruption.

She's a card carrying member of the higher education liberal elite...someone that's clueless about how things work in the REAL WORLD because she's spent so much time in the "Never Never Land" of college campuses! Is she one of the more "intelligent" Democrats? With all due respect...that's a bar that isn't set very high! Joe Biden is such a moron he had to cheat to get through law school.
I'm about 95% sure she will get it. She's way more loved than Hillary on the left and she has that first female president thing going for her. Hillary got the nomination and almost won despite decades of baggage. If you think calling Warren Pocahontas will do the trick you're in for a rude awakening. Do not underestimate her.

She's dug a hole for herself the size of the Grand Canyon, Confounding! She lied about what she did and how she did caught telling that lie to cover her original lie...and has been trotting out various "mea culpas" ever since to try and rehabilitate her image! She's not Pocahontas...she's Fauxcahontas! Hillary had a political machine in place and funded in great part through the Clinton Foundation that was swimming in cash! Warren has none of that.

There is a second narrative to the Pocahontas thing and her followers are happy with it. That stuff won't sink her for the same reason pussy grabbing and adultery didn't sink Trump. They love her message too much. Don't forget that left wingers view this entire situation way differently than you do. I think she will be Trump's 2020 opponent.

How does her message differ from the message of the dozen OTHER liberals that are now jockeying for position to make a run at the Democratic nomination? They all promise more free stuff and higher taxes to pay for it. The far left may "love" that message but the rest of the country doesn't! They want jobs. They want a strong economy. None of your progressives have a clue how to make either of those things happen.

She has been a rock star on the left for a while now. Whether you notice/admit it or not she is one of the more intelligent Democrats. She's also a fighter, and a woman. She's also talking a lot about going after lobbyists and other forms of D.C corruption.

She's a card carrying member of the higher education liberal elite...someone that's clueless about how things work in the REAL WORLD because she's spent so much time in the "Never Never Land" of college campuses! Is she one of the more "intelligent" Democrats? With all due respect...that's a bar that isn't set very high! Joe Biden is such a moron he had to cheat to get through law school.

Higher education liberal elite is about right. B. Hussein O was part of that elite group as well, hanging out in the Faculty Lounge coming up with ideas without venturing or having experience in the real world. This is how you come down with atrocities like Obamacare.

Quite a contrast with Trump- whose emphasis has been on actually accomplishments. Getting buildings built, airlines flying, casinos dealing, apprentices trained, the heads of fellow billionaires shaved.

Trump makes a lot of old school Republicans nervous as well, they aren't used to someone who actually works to fulfill their promises.
LMAO it won't even come up for a vote in the Senate let alone reach Trump's desk. So basically the headline is, Dem stupid shits wasted their time passing a bill that's DOA.
LMAO it won't even come up for a vote in the Senate let alone reach Trump's desk. So basically the headline is, Dem stupid shits wasted their time passing a bill that's DOA.

The Democrats have become the party of posturing. They know full well that bill was a waste of time. They did it anyways. Why? Because it plays to their narrative that it's "rich people" that are taking too big of a piece of the pie and we need to pass legislation that takes money from them and distributes it to the poor! That's the carrot that they dangle in front of those that they've kept on the entitlement "plantation" for the better part of 60 years now! Give us more power they promise...and we'll give you more free stuff.
The Constitution requires that a candidate prove that he was born in the USA. How did that work out the last go round? You can't even get a passport with what Barry Hussein claimed to be proof of birth.
My personal Tax return does not show overall wealth. It shows income I had for previous calendar year. Used to include many pages of complicated "deductions" .....thank you DJT & DemRino, that part is now mega-simplified! Should get easier going forward.

I have no idea how a Billionaire, rich wife, Trump industries can seperate ii all into tax buckets? The IRS is happy with what he declared personal vs. business I suppose? Good luck understanding it.

As the other poster pointed out, all you want is one bad soundbite to run over and over on racial madcow. But you dont want the same for chancy or Crimescene? Bullet train money poured into CA husbands.
My personal Tax return does not show overall wealth. It shows income I had for previous calendar year. Used to include many pages of complicated "deductions" .....thank you DJT & DemRino, that part is now mega-simplified! Should get easier going forward.

I have no idea how a Billionaire, rich wife, Trump industries can seperate ii all into tax buckets? The IRS is happy with what he declared personal vs. business I suppose? Good luck understanding it.

As the other poster pointed out, all you want is one bad soundbite to run over and over on racial madcow. But you dont want the same for chancy or Crimescene? Bullet train money poured into CA husbands.

If President Trump showed his tax returns, not one in a thousand people could really say what it shows. All that would happen is that it would be fuel for the libs to attack him on. Mitt Romney fell for it and showed his tax returns. Romney's were pristine, Mitt actually paid MORE than he had to. And it still wasn't good enough for the libs. Trump learned from the errors of history and refused to repeat them. As a result, he had more time to stick to his message about returning America to greatness and he won the election. Mrs. Clinton spent a billion dollars on Hate Ads against DJT. Nothing constructive.

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