House passes bill to require presidents to disclose their tax returns, Warren promises to disclose

What makes you think that she is more intelligent than the other Democrats? Hillary Clinton was considered brilliant as well, ditto with many other Democrat leaders- Al Gore, Joe Biden, Hank Johnson, Al Sharpton, etc.

I didn't say she is the smartest. I said she is one of the smartest. Maybe I'm wrong about the likelihood she will get nominated but I really don't think so. I also think she will be a real threat when/if she is nominated.

What has she got over Kamala Harris? Harris is a real minority, and an anchor baby! What could be more liberal?
Harris also has proven she would do anything (or anybody) to get what she wants
I think its stupid. Idc about any of their tax returns.
If congress ACTUALLY cared, shouldnt that go for them too?
They are leaving washington millionaires

I agree. If they pass that bullshit then they should pass a law where all Presidents have to show their college transcrips as well.

Did you mean "transcripts"? Those are protected by federal law already!

Yup. Sorry was in a hurry doing three things at once.
So if the IRS isn't doing their job are democrats going to call for them to be abolished? :eusa_think:
Shouldn't Pelosi have offered to disclose her tax returns since she is speaker of the house and 3rd in succession? Does THE BILL do that?

I bet not. DemNazis have been running on "get Trump's Tax Returns" for 3 years now.

Its not constitutional. The requirements for Presidents are listed in the Constitution. To do this, it has to be passed as a constitutional amendment by both houses of Congress and ratified by 3/4 of the states.

I wasn’t aware there were any requirements for president listed in the constitution.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I believe you are confusing requirements to run for office with the eligibility to run for office. People who want to run for office are required to disclose the source of all campaign funds among other things.

I have no issue with seeing somebody’s tax return who wants to be president.

That has to do with the election, not being qualified to be President. That
is a big difference!

Not in this case, there really isn’t a difference. You can’t become president without going through the election process, so an election requirement is by default a requirement for becoming president.

Rachael Maddow already showed us Trump's tax returns. She proved he pays more taxes than everyone on this board combined.

One year and no details. But take heart. Congress will have ten years worth

That ought to be interesting

Its not constitutional. The requirements for Presidents are listed in the Constitution. To do this, it has to be passed as a constitutional amendment by both houses of Congress and ratified by 3/4 of the states.

I wasn’t aware there were any requirements for president listed in the constitution.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I believe you are confusing requirements to run for office with the eligibility to run for office. People who want to run for office are required to disclose the source of all campaign funds among other things.

I have no issue with seeing somebody’s tax return who wants to be president.

That has to do with the election, not being qualified to be President. That
is a big difference!

Not in this case, there really isn’t a difference. You can’t become president without going through the election process, so an election requirement is by default a requirement for becoming president.

You don't have to take donations to run for President! Your point is invalid. Have a nice day!

Its not constitutional. The requirements for Presidents are listed in the Constitution. To do this, it has to be passed as a constitutional amendment by both houses of Congress and ratified by 3/4 of the states.

I wasn’t aware there were any requirements for president listed in the constitution.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I believe you are confusing requirements to run for office with the eligibility to run for office. People who want to run for office are required to disclose the source of all campaign funds among other things.

I have no issue with seeing somebody’s tax return who wants to be president.

That has to do with the election, not being qualified to be President. That
is a big difference!

Not in this case, there really isn’t a difference. You can’t become president without going through the election process, so an election requirement is by default a requirement for becoming president.

You don't have to take donations to run for President! Your point is invalid. Have a nice day!

Listen Captain Crunch, I never said anything about donations. And I always have a nice day.
Its not constitutional. The requirements for Presidents are listed in the Constitution. To do this, it has to be passed as a constitutional amendment by both houses of Congress and ratified by 3/4 of the states.

I wasn’t aware there were any requirements for president listed in the constitution.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I believe you are confusing requirements to run for office with the eligibility to run for office. People who want to run for office are required to disclose the source of all campaign funds among other things.

I have no issue with seeing somebody’s tax return who wants to be president.

That has to do with the election, not being qualified to be President. That
is a big difference!

Not in this case, there really isn’t a difference. You can’t become president without going through the election process, so an election requirement is by default a requirement for becoming president.

You don't have to take donations to run for President! Your point is invalid. Have a nice day!

Listen Captain Crunch, I never said anything about donations. And I always have a nice day.

Donations, contributions, etc! It is all the same difference. I am talking law and you are talking unicorns, and flying monkeys!
One year and no details. But take heart. Congress will have ten years worth

That ought to be interesting

We shall see about that of course.

Do you think that Congress will leak a citizen's tax return? I don't know, I think the IRS would not be pleased to see that- it would be a precedent that could have a chilling effect on voluntary compliance if the Trump Family's tax returns were all publicized in political retribution. What would Congress do if Trump retaliated by revealing the tax returns of Democrat leaders?
I wasn’t aware there were any requirements for president listed in the constitution.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I believe you are confusing requirements to run for office with the eligibility to run for office. People who want to run for office are required to disclose the source of all campaign funds among other things.

I have no issue with seeing somebody’s tax return who wants to be president.

That has to do with the election, not being qualified to be President. That
is a big difference!

Not in this case, there really isn’t a difference. You can’t become president without going through the election process, so an election requirement is by default a requirement for becoming president.

You don't have to take donations to run for President! Your point is invalid. Have a nice day!

Listen Captain Crunch, I never said anything about donations. And I always have a nice day.

Donations, contributions, etc! It is all the same difference. I am talking law and you are talking unicorns, and flying monkeys!

I have no idea what you’re talking about or what your point is. Let’s back up. I expressed that I’m in favor of the requirement that a declared presidential canidate must reveal his tax return. I liken it to the requirement that candidates must show how they finance their campaign.

Now what is your issue?
Dem's HATE that they can't seize the private tax returns of private citizens to conduct a witch hunt. Lets just toss Dem's in prison and be done with them.
Has anyone assessed any possible conflicts with the Constitution and any existing laws?

This is just another childish tantrum by the Democrats, another desperation move in trying to find anything to take down the President.

This is also Hypocrisy on STEROIDS.

FLASHBACK: Years ago politicians got BUSTED engaging in insider trading, based off of the knowledge they acquired through their political positions. INSTEAD OF BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME, the politicians pulled off one of the biggest 'GRUBER-moves' of all time -- they actually came out publicly and declared THEY HAD NO IDEA THAT INSIDER TRADING LAWS APPLIED TO THEM!


The 'apologized, said they would never do it again, and then as a bullshit political theater performance act' designed to appease dumbass citizens, they passed a useless POS bill that declared FROM THAT POINT ON the Insider Trading Laws would apply to Congress / politicians.


No such bill was needed because we already had laws making what they had done illegal, and those laws already applied to them. They should have been indicted for their crimes....

This was their way of declaring to every American, "Yeah, you busted us for committing a crime - one Martha Stewart was sent to jail for - but we have no intention of holding ourselves accountable. We will instead do this stupid ass gesture to appease your dumb asses.'

Dumbass citizens actually sat back and allowed them to pull this shit.

Once they pulled it off, do you know what these crooks did? About a week or two later they quietly passed another bill that made their finances / trading NOT fall under the FOIA so that American citizens would no longer be able to see what they were doing, could never catch them again in engaging in insider trading again.

Now many of these same criminal f*ers are demanding the release of Trump's taxes, which they have no right to, attempting to meddle in the IRS' Business / realm.

If there was anything criminal in Trump's taxes THEY would be the ones to 'red flag' it. Even if there is nothing in his taxes, these Trump-Hating politicians can still do what the IRS can not / would not legally do - LEAK TRUMP'S PERSONAL TAX INFORMAITON TO THEIR FAKE NEWS TRUMP-HATING PRESS!

And for those rabid Trump-hating snowflakes, just STFU before you say they would never leak information. The FBI did it. Mueller's team did it. D-Schiff admitted to it. They have proven their coup d'état is not just about finding anything criminal, it is about destroying the man and any chances he has of being re-elected. Even if you will not admit it, you KNOW they would use anything they find in his tax returns, especially if it meant leaking it, to hurt the President.

They already have in the past!
Dem's HATE that they can't seize the private tax returns of private citizens to conduct a witch hunt. Lets just toss Dem's in prison and be done with them.
They miss the 'good ol' days' under Barry when they could just illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...Presidential Candidates / Presidents and his team...when they could use the IRS as a weapon against Americans....
I am sure the Deep State Democrats are quietly whispering to Pelosi, telling her to STFU and stop trying to pass such legislation which alerts the American people to what they want to do. They are probably letting her now that they will do what they have this whole time against Trump, which is to illegally spy, steal, and acquire whatever they want with hopefully as little attention as possible.

If they push this bill the GOP should demand that it be expanded to include EVERY ELECTED POLITICIAN...with the promise that if the bill is passed, the President will release his taxes....right after EVERY politician - especially the Democrats - gives the media full access to their taxes.

Ladies, 1st....Hillary & Nancy, let's see all of your taxes and financial data, please....


If that stipulation is made, that EVERY politician will have to release / give public access to their taxes, this bill will be retracted do fast it will create a sucking sound so loud it would be heard from coast to coast!

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