House Passes MORE Act Which Decriminalizes Marijuana

One very serious problem with legalizing weed, is the difficulty in making an assesment in a DUI/DWI case.

That's great ... You should take care of yourself.

I have seen too many families destroyed and been to funerals where drugs weren't even an issue.
How people decide to screw themselves up, is up to them.

No Authoritarian Nanny State Crap For Me ...
You Can Take Your Dosage of it As Prescribed.

Just let them die. Why prolong the agony. Just take them away from anyone they might hurt. Keep them off the streets.
Ker boom them all.

Despite many years of knowing and interacting with all manner of users and abusers it is never alcoholics that get agitatated or justify their use and abuse. Drug addicts, particularly pot users justify their abuse, demand that it be considered not nearly as bad as that beer after work.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some people drink to ease the burdens of their life which they've created.
2. Some people smoke POT to move forward in life, no burdens to ease, just a different mind set brought on by THC.
3. Very unlikely a person will ever get too much THC in their system to end up crashing their car into the innocents.
4. People stand in objection like those who are stern in their beliefs that POT is bad, and makes you a criminal, cause thats what the law tells them, so if their is a law against it, it must be for a reason, cause its so awfully evil in nature, the clean cut white men in suits have said it was, and they all agree that you get to forfeit your shit to them, and go your ass into a jail cell for 50 years.
5. How so very easy it is to trick the human nature of humans.
6. You and people like you are destitute to go into death without a clue of what life is.
7. And I will tell you what life is, People Have Choice.
8. And my choice is not your choice, its mine.
9. So if I want a beer, fine, if I want a smoke fine too.
10. But in either I will be responsible, and not over do it, and I don't need your, *kind* looking at me, judging me with a critical eye.

Sorry bout that,

1. Some people drink to ease the burdens of their life which they've created.
2. Some people smoke POT to move forward in life, no burdens to ease, just a different mind set brought on by THC.
3. Very unlikely a person will ever get too much THC in their system to end up crashing their car into the innocents.
4. People stand in objection like those who are stern in their beliefs that POT is bad, and makes you a criminal, cause thats what the law tells them, so if their is a law against it, it must be for a reason, cause its so awfully evil in nature, the clean cut white men in suits have said it was, and they all agree that you get to forfeit your shit to them, and go your ass into a jail cell for 50 years.
5. How so very easy it is to trick the human nature of humans.
6. You and people like you are destitute to go into death without a clue of what life is.
7. And I will tell you what life is, People Have Choice.
8. And my choice is not your choice, its mine.
9. So if I want a beer, fine, if I want a smoke fine too.
10. But in either I will be responsible, and not over do it, and I don't need your, *kind* looking at me, judging me with a critical eye.

Bullshit Pot slows your reaction time. So in so far as driving goes; you are certainly more likely to be in an accident while driving high, as opposed to driving sober.
You mean this?
Endocannabinoids, also called endogenous cannabinoids, are molecules made by your body. They're similar to cannabinoids, but they're produced by your body. Experts have identified two key endocannabinoids so far: anandamide (AEA)May 17, 2019

Endocannabinoid System: A Simple Guide to How It Works

Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. › health › endocannabinoid.

Close, but no cigar or bong either. Are you trying to justify your drug use? You don't need to. Especially to me.
I don't have to justify your drug use since it is you doing it.
Bullshit Pot slows your reaction time. So in so far as driving goes; you are certainly more likely to be in an accident while driving high, as opposed to driving sober.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those with a very low IQ it can slow reaction times, likely you if you were to smoke a joint.
2. Self ban from driving if you get high perhaps.
3. Seeing you will likely be seeing things, like fuzzy smiling bear faces.

Not in the last 46 years have you been correct.
You don’t have to justify your use of pot to me. But don’t try passing off ridiculous lies to gain acceptance for your choices. Driving while high absolutely affects your reaction time, and is therefore driving under the influence. Simple as that. So the problem comes in determining if the driver is high at the time of the accident? Or did they smoke a joint a couple days ago? These are legitimate questions, that will need to be answered, if this goes forward.
And I’m way younger than 46 dipshit.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those with a very low IQ it can slow reaction times, likely you if you were to smoke a joint.
2. Self ban from driving if you get high perhaps.
3. Seeing you will likely be seeing things, like fuzzy smiling bear faces.

Try an adult response…
Sorry bout that,

1. Some people drink to ease the burdens of their life which they've created.
2. Some people smoke POT to move forward in life, no burdens to ease, just a different mind set brought on by THC.
3. Very unlikely a person will ever get too much THC in their system to end up crashing their car into the innocents.
4. People stand in objection like those who are stern in their beliefs that POT is bad, and makes you a criminal, cause thats what the law tells them, so if their is a law against it, it must be for a reason, cause its so awfully evil in nature, the clean cut white men in suits have said it was, and they all agree that you get to forfeit your shit to them, and go your ass into a jail cell for 50 years.
5. How so very easy it is to trick the human nature of humans.
6. You and people like you are destitute to go into death without a clue of what life is.
7. And I will tell you what life is, People Have Choice.
8. And my choice is not your choice, its mine.
9. So if I want a beer, fine, if I want a smoke fine too.
10. But in either I will be responsible, and not over do it, and I don't need your, *kind* looking at me, judging me with a critical eye.

Companies will still test for drugs because the liability is too great if there is an injury. Legalization doesn't affect company rules.

The liability is there because it is illegal.

CBD is not supposed to show up in a drug test. My doctor gave me CBD for a muscle spasm. I have never taken it mostly because I'm afraid of ending up like Moonglow. I'd rather have the spasms. I still have it.

Depends on the concentration in the CBD
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm mid 60's of age.
2. And I am a builder, a developer of property, and I have some monumental properties.
3. Maybe not as extravagant as President Trumps, but still wonderful.
4. I own other business' not a few.
5. But I'm not to stuck up on myself to visit the lowly like those here, I often share creative ideas.
6. Been smoking POT for 50 years or so.
7. I don't have much POT as a rule, cause I know the clean cut man in suits will steal all my shit, and throw me into jail, and me and my family would suffer.
8. But in the real world I'm a innovator.
9. POT does that!
11. Have fun in life.

You don’t have to justify your use of pot to me. But don’t try passing off ridiculous lies to gain acceptance for your choices. Driving while high absolutely affects your reaction time, and is therefore driving under the influence. Simple as that. So the problem comes in determining if the driver is high at the time of the accident? Or did they smoke a joint a couple days ago? These are legitimate questions, that will need to be answered, if this goes forward.
And I’m way younger than 46 dipshit.
It doesn't affect my driving abilities and I have been doing it for 46 years.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm mid 60's of age.
2. And I am a builder, a developer of property, and I have some monumental properties.
3. Maybe not as extravagant as President Trumps, but still wonderful.
4. I own other business' not a few.
5. But I'm not to suck up on myself to visit the lowly like those here, I often share creative ideas.
6. Been smoking POT for 50 years or so.
7. I don't have much POT as a rule, cause I know the clean cut man in suits will steal all my shit, and throw me into jail, and me and my family would suffer.
8. But in the real world I'm a innovator.
9. POT does that!
11. Have fun in life.

I'll grow one for you this summer.
The liability is there because it is illegal.

Depends on the concentration in the CBD
There again is the problem with testing for intoxication. Till one of these pot head geniouses come up with an accurate, reliable field test insurance companies will still bar the use of pot. Same goes for DUI cases.
The liability is there because it is illegal.

Depends on the concentration in the CBD
No. Negligence does not depend on the legality or illegality of anything. If someone under the influence hurts someone, or damages property while on the job, the employer is responsible for negligent hiring under the theory of respondeat superior. Alcohol is legal and many employers test for alcohol.
There again is the problem with testing for intoxication. Till one of these pot head geniouses come up with an accurate, reliable field test insurance companies will still bar the use of pot. Same goes for DUI cases.
Being self-employed solved that issue.
No. Negligence does not depend on the legality or illegality of anything. If someone under the influence hurts someone, or damages property while on the job, the employer is responsible for negligent hiring under the theory of respondeat superior. Alcohol is legal and many employers test for alcohol.

A drug test does not show if one is under the influence. I could smoke a joint tonight and in two weeks pop on a test, that does not mean I was under the influence when the test was taken.

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