House Passes Trump Care W/ 'Bipartisan' Support

Well..............if the Senate manages to pass this bill and Trump signs it, then the Republicans will truly own health care.
No, America will own it in partnership with the 50 states, unlike the fascist, coercive Obamacare plan.

It's the Republican's plan, not the Democrats. And, if it fails, it will cost the GOP dearly.
How can it fail? With the grants to the states, it will provide everyone the opportunity to acquire health insurance without the fascist, coercive measures Obamacare applied to force everyone to sign up for it.

Well, for starters, with the last plan that they had, they ran it past the CBO to see how expensive it was, and because of the costs the CBO said it had is why the first one failed.

The second one that just got passed? Never was ran by the CBO, so nobody knows how much it's gonna really cost.

And...............the Senate has yet to see the bill, but the House representatives and Trump are all together on the lawn right now talking about it like it's a done deal.
Well..............if the Senate manages to pass this bill and Trump signs it, then the Republicans will truly own health care.
No, America will own it in partnership with the 50 states, unlike the fascist, coercive Obamacare plan.

It's the Republican's plan, not the Democrats. And, if it fails, it will cost the GOP dearly.
How can it fail? With the grants to the states, it will provide everyone the opportunity to acquire health insurance without the fascist, coercive measures Obamacare applied to force everyone to sign up for it.

Well, for starters, with the last plan that they had, they ran it past the CBO to see how expensive it was, and because of the costs the CBO said it had is why the first one failed.

The second one that just got passed? Never was ran by the CBO, so nobody knows how much it's gonna really cost.

And...............the Senate has yet to see the bill, but the House representatives and Trump are all together on the lawn right now talking about it like it's a done deal.
You guys keep saying if you don't hit a home run your first time at bat, the game is lost. The CBO said the first bill would not cover enough people, but that was not a valid analysis because the CBO did not count the effect of the grants to the states to cover those who were not directly covered by the bill. This time billions of dollars have been allocated to the states to make sure everyone would have the opportunity to acquire affordable health insurance. Remember it took the Democrats over a year to pass Obamacare, so the progress on this plan is moving ahead at lightening speed by comparison.
Well..............if the Senate manages to pass this bill and Trump signs it, then the Republicans will truly own health care.
No, America will own it in partnership with the 50 states, unlike the fascist, coercive Obamacare plan.

It's the Republican's plan, not the Democrats. And, if it fails, it will cost the GOP dearly.
How can it fail? With the grants to the states, it will provide everyone the opportunity to acquire health insurance without the fascist, coercive measures Obamacare applied to force everyone to sign up for it.

Well, for starters, with the last plan that they had, they ran it past the CBO to see how expensive it was, and because of the costs the CBO said it had is why the first one failed.

The second one that just got passed? Never was ran by the CBO, so nobody knows how much it's gonna really cost.

And...............the Senate has yet to see the bill, but the House representatives and Trump are all together on the lawn right now talking about it like it's a done deal.
You guys keep saying if you don't hit a home run your first time at bat, the game is lost. The CBO said the first bill would not cover enough people, but that was not a valid analysis because the CBO did not count the effect of the grants to the states to cover those who were not directly covered by the bill. This time billions of dollars have been allocated to the states to make sure everyone would have the opportunity to acquire affordable health insurance. Remember it took the Democrats over a year to pass Obamacare, so the progress on this plan is moving ahead at lightening speed by comparison.

Or is it? It took a year for the initial bill because people took the time to craft a workable bill and gain support for it, and educate the country on it - whether you liked it or not, that's how you do it if you don't fail, which this bill has once already. So the House BARELY passed something that they have NO idea what it will cost or how many people would be affected. How responsible is that? It's also far from likely it will pass in the other chamber in anything remotely resembling it's current form and then it has to be reconciled.

House Passes GOP Health Care Bill
The House voted on the bill without any knowledge of how many Americans will be affected, or the measure's price tag. That's because the Congressional Budget Office, the official scorekeeper, hasn't had a chance to analyze the amended bill. But the CBO estimated an earlier version of the measure would mean 24 million people could lose their insurance.

But we do know the bill would cut taxes imposed by the Affordable Care Act and slash funding for Medicaid, which was expanded under the ACA, by more than $800 billion. It would also allow states to seek waivers for many of the patient protections in Obamacare, including those provisions intended to help people with pre-existing conditions.

The measure does provide $8 billion for states to set up high-risk pools to cover those with pre-existing conditions who are unable to find affordable coverage on the open market. That last-minute addition was key to winning support from some House Republicans who were especially concerned about coverage for pre-existing conditions. But critics say it is woefully short of the amount of money actually necessary to guarantee affordable coverage.

An array of medical groups, led by the American Medical Association, had opposed the measure. In a statement Wednesday, AMA President Andrew Gurman said, "None of the legislative tweaks under consideration changes the serious harm to patients and the health care delivery system if AHCA passes. Proposed changes to the bill tinker at the edges without remedying the fundamental failing of the bill — that millions of Americans will lose their health insurance as a direct result of this proposal."

Whether the Senate will go along with the House measure is another story. Few Senate Republicans have expressed any interest in the House plan, and it's expected to be significantly altered when it reaches that chamber. And polls have shown the GOP measure to be extremely unpopular with voters, potentially placing at risk the political careers of lawmakers who back it.


Trumpcare Is Impressively Unpopular Ahead of Its Crucial Congressional Vote
A Quinnipiac University poll finds that American voters disapprove of the proposed legislation 56% to 17% (26% are undecided). Strikingly, not even a majority of the surveyed Republicans endorse the GOP health care plan, with just 41% in support and 24% in opposition.

The brutal disapproval figures stretch across multiple demographics. The antipathy clocks in at 56% among both men and women, 54% among white voters, and 58% among independent voters (it's even more unpopular when it comes to non-white voters).

Three Quarters of the Public, Including a Majority of Trump Supporters, Want President Trump to Try to Make the Affordable Care Act Work
Despite divided views about the Affordable Care Act, three-fourths of the public (75%) say President Trump and his administration should do what they can to make the law work, while one in five (19%), including 38 percent of Republicans, say the Administration should do what it can to make the law fail so they can replace it later, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds.

The voting on the House floor is still ongoing, but Trump Care has easily passed the threshold @ over 216 votes right now on the repeal!

Or is it something else?

Anyway, House GOP operatives for the RW cabal had voted to repeal the ACA at least 52 times before. They finally succeeded today, so now they own the mess they are going to be held responsible for all the future outcomes if, IF the Senate is foolish enough to follow suit!
It passed by 2 votes! 217! LMAO....what a joke. Going to steal people's health care via a TINY majority...go ahead....I will be laughing in 2018 when the house is lost. This will only make single payer inevitable! Maybe that's what Trump is banking on. GOP loses house and doesn't pick up any seats in senate next year,democrats cut deal with Trump and get Murkowski,Snowe and Porter at least to vote with them on single payer system. Trump at one time WAS in favor of it.
The voting on the House floor is still ongoing, but Trump Care has easily passed the threshold @ over 216 votes right now on the repeal!

Or is it something else?

Anyway, House GOP operatives for the RW cabal had voted to repeal the ACA at least 52 times before. They finally succeeded today, so now they own the mess they are going to be held responsible for all the future outcomes if, IF the Senate is foolish enough to follow suit!
It passed by 2 votes! 217! LMAO....what a joke. Going to steal people's health care via a TINY majority...go ahead....I will be laughing in 2018 when the house is lost. This will only make single payer inevitable! Maybe that's what Trump is banking on. GOP loses house and doesn't pick up any seats in senate next year,democrats cut deal with Trump and get Murkowski,Snowe and Porter at least to vote with them on single payer system. Trump at one time WAS in favor of it.

We won't have a single payer system - but maybe a single payer option for areas where there is no real alternatives. That's not a bad thing.

The insurance industry for one is far too powerful an economic sector to allow single payer.
This is the biggest golden goose egg giveaway to the Insurance Companies in our congress's history.

And there are absolutely NO PATIENT PROTECTIONS anymore for any of us.

Boy oh Boy, does this bill suck to high heaven.
The sycophants of the Orange One are right now on the WH lawn, high fiving each other and kissing the Idiot-in-Chief's ass as if the field has been won and they have taken game, set and match...bloody fools! The swamp is rising and the alligators are loose and ready to bite those celebrants right on their collective ass.

Just wait until the CBO scores this pile of shit! The Senate won't even come close to it! And those in the House have something like 11 days off starting this weekend! Wait till they get back home and hear from their constituents! Those dumb fucks don't know what a shit storm they've created!!!!
No Democrat voted for this, and thankfully many Republicans voted against while even if the Senate goes nuclear there are Republicans who would vote no.
I don't really know anything about this bill. Is it expected to pass in the senate?
I don't really know anything about this bill. Is it expected to pass in the senate?

Cliff's notes version for you....................

First bill for healthcare failed because when it was scored by the CBO, it kicked a whole bunch of people off of health care, as well as increased costs. Nobody would vote for it and it failed.

Then, the Republicans came up with the bright idea of crafting a new bill and ramming it through the House and Senate (hopefully) before the CBO could rate the second one. The House has passed the bill (barely), but it still has to go to the Senate to be passed, and then Trump can sign it into law.

So, today Trump and the House republicans all got together to dance in the streets and congratulate themselves on getting it done.

Only problem's not done. The Senate still has to pass it.
No, America will own it in partnership with the 50 states, unlike the fascist, coercive Obamacare plan.

It's the Republican's plan, not the Democrats. And, if it fails, it will cost the GOP dearly.
How can it fail? With the grants to the states, it will provide everyone the opportunity to acquire health insurance without the fascist, coercive measures Obamacare applied to force everyone to sign up for it.

Well, for starters, with the last plan that they had, they ran it past the CBO to see how expensive it was, and because of the costs the CBO said it had is why the first one failed.

The second one that just got passed? Never was ran by the CBO, so nobody knows how much it's gonna really cost.

And...............the Senate has yet to see the bill, but the House representatives and Trump are all together on the lawn right now talking about it like it's a done deal.
You guys keep saying if you don't hit a home run your first time at bat, the game is lost. The CBO said the first bill would not cover enough people, but that was not a valid analysis because the CBO did not count the effect of the grants to the states to cover those who were not directly covered by the bill. This time billions of dollars have been allocated to the states to make sure everyone would have the opportunity to acquire affordable health insurance. Remember it took the Democrats over a year to pass Obamacare, so the progress on this plan is moving ahead at lightening speed by comparison.

Or is it? It took a year for the initial bill because people took the time to craft a workable bill and gain support for it, and educate the country on it - whether you liked it or not, that's how you do it if you don't fail, which this bill has once already. So the House BARELY passed something that they have NO idea what it will cost or how many people would be affected. How responsible is that? It's also far from likely it will pass in the other chamber in anything remotely resembling it's current form and then it has to be reconciled.

House Passes GOP Health Care Bill
The House voted on the bill without any knowledge of how many Americans will be affected, or the measure's price tag. That's because the Congressional Budget Office, the official scorekeeper, hasn't had a chance to analyze the amended bill. But the CBO estimated an earlier version of the measure would mean 24 million people could lose their insurance.

But we do know the bill would cut taxes imposed by the Affordable Care Act and slash funding for Medicaid, which was expanded under the ACA, by more than $800 billion. It would also allow states to seek waivers for many of the patient protections in Obamacare, including those provisions intended to help people with pre-existing conditions.

The measure does provide $8 billion for states to set up high-risk pools to cover those with pre-existing conditions who are unable to find affordable coverage on the open market. That last-minute addition was key to winning support from some House Republicans who were especially concerned about coverage for pre-existing conditions. But critics say it is woefully short of the amount of money actually necessary to guarantee affordable coverage.

An array of medical groups, led by the American Medical Association, had opposed the measure. In a statement Wednesday, AMA President Andrew Gurman said, "None of the legislative tweaks under consideration changes the serious harm to patients and the health care delivery system if AHCA passes. Proposed changes to the bill tinker at the edges without remedying the fundamental failing of the bill — that millions of Americans will lose their health insurance as a direct result of this proposal."

Whether the Senate will go along with the House measure is another story. Few Senate Republicans have expressed any interest in the House plan, and it's expected to be significantly altered when it reaches that chamber. And polls have shown the GOP measure to be extremely unpopular with voters, potentially placing at risk the political careers of lawmakers who back it.


Trumpcare Is Impressively Unpopular Ahead of Its Crucial Congressional Vote
A Quinnipiac University poll finds that American voters disapprove of the proposed legislation 56% to 17% (26% are undecided). Strikingly, not even a majority of the surveyed Republicans endorse the GOP health care plan, with just 41% in support and 24% in opposition.

The brutal disapproval figures stretch across multiple demographics. The antipathy clocks in at 56% among both men and women, 54% among white voters, and 58% among independent voters (it's even more unpopular when it comes to non-white voters).

Three Quarters of the Public, Including a Majority of Trump Supporters, Want President Trump to Try to Make the Affordable Care Act Work
Despite divided views about the Affordable Care Act, three-fourths of the public (75%) say President Trump and his administration should do what they can to make the law work, while one in five (19%), including 38 percent of Republicans, say the Administration should do what it can to make the law fail so they can replace it later, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds.

The bill didn't fail. It passed on the first vote. It took over a year for Obamacare to pass because there were so many objections to the original proposals from the left who wanted a single payer system to the moderates in the Democratic Party who balked at first at coercing people to buy insurance and some important Democrats like Feinstein threatened to vote against it because it at first would have destroyed existing government healthcare programs like community health centers. This is exactly the same process the Republican bill is going through only much faster that Obamacare.

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