House Republican Retards Defund Nonexistent Organization

House GOP Defunds ACORN Yet Again, Even Though ACORN Does Not Exist

WASHINGTON -- The House GOP quietly blocked funding for ACORN last week, even though the anti-poverty organization has long since been both defunded and disbanded.

The legislative assault on ACORN, which shut down in 2010, was included in a Department of Defense appropriations bill that cleared the House on Thursday. Although the bill passed by a broad, bipartisan margin of 315-97, it garnered attention for an amendment proposed by Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) that would have stopped the government from collecting masses of phone call metadata without reasonable suspicion.

Amash's amendment failed, but language to bar ACORN from receiving any money made the final cut. Section 8097 of the bill reads, "None of the funds made available under this Act may be distributed to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries."

ACORN cannot receive any funding from the U.S. government under any legislation, of course, because ACORN does not exist. Similarly, ACORN has no subsidiaries because ACORN does not exist.

You are ignoring the word AFFILIATES aka (subsidiaries).
ACORN still exists, they just renamed themselves.
ACORN affiliates rebrand after scandal - US news - Life | NBC News
There are 174 ACORN & Subsidiaries.
Four of them still call themselves ACORN
CoA Uncovers Still-Active ACORN Entities, ACORN Allies, and Rebranded ACORN Organizations | Cause of Action
Why would there still be funding for an organization that does not exist?

So, either the Republicans are doing their job and cleaning up the budget, as they should, or the OP knows the funds are going somewhere and doesn't want them removed from the budget.

Either way, it is stupid to continue to set money aside for an organization that does not exist.

Isn't it?
^^^^Didn't read the link. :lol:
If I'm not mistaken the federal funds for ACORN were cut-off a couple of years back after all the ACORN scandals ,if this is the case, it means it was just redundant legislation in the House, unless of course there was some sort of requirement to renew the discontinuation of funding? (which strikes me as inefficient).

You are indeed very kind.

This was done so that all the new faces in Congress could go back to their gerrymandered districts and throw a piece of red meat to their base.

"Blah.....blah.....blah....I voted to defund ACORN......blah.....blah.....blah"

Darkwind would like every entity or program that no longer receives funding because it no longer be explicitly mentioned in every appropriations bill. He thinks if you don't explicitly mention that they will not get funding......they will get funding. The funds go into the abyss.

And.......he made this brilliant observation with such certainty.
you want to go pay My electric bill since you seem to live in My head?

In fact, I want funding for all 'non-existant' programs and entities to be explicitly removed from the budget. It is called responsible accounting and responsible government. The fact that you and people like you want to make hay off of cleaning up the books tells Me that you would rather keep this kind of thing going because it allows the corrupted to justify taxation.

Now, about that electric bill.....

You fail to understand.

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