House Republicans Impeach Mayorkas And They Won't Like The Payback!

It would be nice if Mayorkas would be convicted and removed by the Senate. It would be better if we had leaders who understood our Founding Fathers created America as a white Christian country. At least we can dream.
Ok, one hypocrite down.

Any of you other morons have anything to show you aren't raving hypocrites like ol' Dadoexlax here?
I'm loving this.

The trial will be televised and the
stupidity of the use of the impeachment process for political retribution
the waste of time and money
the ongoing failure of to even attempt to govern

Will make for wonderful commercials in every senate and house race in the country.

The GOP...unable to govern since 2010
I'm loving this.

The trial will be televised and the
stupidity of the use of the impeachment process for political retribution
the waste of time and money
the ongoing failure of to even attempt to govern

Will make for wonderful commercials in every senate and house race in the country.

The GOP...unable to govern since 2010
I'm loving this.

The trial will be televised and the
stupidity of the use of the impeachment process for political retribution
the waste of time and money
the ongoing failure of to even attempt to govern

Will make for wonderful commercials in every senate and house race in the country.

The GOP...unable to govern since 2010

“….stupidity of the use of the impeachment process for political retribution”

You’re referencing the Dem / Marxist Jihad failed impeachments aimed at Trump, right?
Wasting Time
Wasting Money
Accomplishing Nothing

Republicans Since 2010

Yet another post that's nothing more than closed ended hate mongering. You can't even add to the discussion or even mention the topic at hand. That's all you do is try to poison threads with generic knee jerk one sided comments. It's like you can't even think, just regurgitate.

You're like a dog that just wanders into someones yard, takes a shit and then walks off.

Time to add you to the ignore list.
Hey. Great use of government time, money, and resources
How much do you estimate the cost will be?

Cuz, No Border Joe is costing taxpayers $150 BILLION PER YEAR, every year for his illegal invasion, Dumbass.

You should be embarrassed. The incompetent, lawless Biden regime has allowed criminals and terrorists to flood into this country while enabling an international human trafficking network.

They haven't enabled human trafficking networks, the facilitated them, acting as the traffickers partner for their last mile delivery.

Special Counsel Robert Hur said in a report that he opted against bringing criminal charges following a 15-month investigation because Biden cooperated and would be difficult to convict, describing him as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
And you believe that fairytale? There is nobody out there who puts a year plus into an investigation, gathers the evidence to support a charge and then changes his mind.
It doesn't have to be a conviction. The impeachment is highly symbolic. It represents one more failure in a long string of the Biden administrations fiascos and miscalculations,

And the best part is, we still have almost a year to watch his list of historic failures grow by the day. :popcorn:

Like Barack Obama said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

I'd bet money schumer won't hold a trial. And the commie media will downplay it all.

It doesn't have to be a conviction. The impeachment is highly symbolic. It represents one more failure in a long string of the Biden administrations fiascos and miscalculations,

And the best part is, we still have almost a year to watch his list of historic failures grow by the day. :popcorn:

Like Barack Obama said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
Highly symbolic is about right 😂
Squeezed in by ONE vote.
And you believe that fairytale? There is nobody out there who puts a year plus into an investigation, gathers the evidence to support a charge and then changes his mind.
So you think CNN lies to make Biden look like the moron he is!?

In addition to this shortage of evidence, there are other innocent explanations for the documents that we cannot refute.


We conclude the evidence is not sufficient to convict, and we decline to recommend prosecution of Mr. Biden for his retention of the classified Afghanistan documents.


It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Mr. Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear. Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts.

Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it. In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview. and in other ways cooperated with the investigation.

So a topic about Brandon turns into a TDS post!
I don’t recall you posting this during the two Trump Shampeachments, Simp.
This could get interesting as any Dem up for re-election in the Senate will have to be on record with their decision. Knowing how much the country is against Joe on the border issue, Mayorkas might get sacrificed in hopes of pinning it all on him and trying to get the stink off of Biden.

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