House Republicans Pass $868 Mil in Cuts to WIC (women, infants, children)

Go read the texts of the "personhood" amendments being proposed by Republicans all across the country. They define an embryo as a person from the time sperm hits the egg. That would ban many common forms of birth control, as estrogen-based birth control works by preventing implantation of the fertilized egg.
Why? This is not law nor will it ever become law because the majority of Americans are to an extent, pro choice

Point? Your claim wasn't that it would not become law. It was that conservatives were not pushing for it.
I'll state this one more time...Mainstream conservatives for the most part are pro choice.
Figure it out.
If you wish to discuss, we'll do so. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing, go bash your head against a wall.
What retarded stereotypes some conservatives have about who is on welfare and who is the cause of the decline of our country. This amorphous lazy, poor, child factory mother (in their minds probably always a minority race) just makes too easy a scapegoat. THEY are hard-working. WELFARE recipients are not.

So fucking childish.

Childish my ass.

If you and all likeminded folks have no problem with it then whip out your wallets and pay their way.

Of course you better have loads of cash because they will take every dime they can get and won't give a sht if you land in the poorhouse.

Have fun.
What retarded stereotypes some conservatives have about who is on welfare and who is the cause of the decline of our country. This amorphous lazy, poor, child factory mother (in their minds probably always a minority race) just makes too easy a scapegoat. THEY are hard-working. WELFARE recipients are not.

So fucking childish.
Do some research. Take a trip over to your local Social Services office and see what kind of vehicles are in the parking lot. Then tell us how hard working these people are.
There are tons of people on public assistance that own better cars than people that work.
The problems with public assistance programs are one, most people on the receiving end are gaming the system. Two, there is over employment in the system. In other words, there are far too many public employees in Social Services offices who's job it is to make sure they can justify their job.
When 40 cents of every dollar collected goes to administering the program, that's a huge problem.
But they leave farm subsidies unchanged.

I gotta say that while cuts need to be made to the budget, when Republicans cut food assistance to women, infants, and children while insisting on maintaining the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, it only serves to reinforce the image of Republicans' as being cold and heartless.

Seems pretty foolish to me. It makes what they tried to do to Medicare look positively altruistic in comparison.

A spending bill to fund the nation's food and farm programs would cut the Women, Infants and Children program, which offers food aid and educational support for low-income mothers and their children, by $868 million, or 13 percent. An international food assistance program that provides emergency aid and agricultural development would drop by more than $450 million, one-third of the program's budget. The legislation passed 217-203.

As they cut other programs, lawmakers rejected two proposals that would have saved money by lowering the maximum amount of money a farmer can receive in subsidies from the government. While fiscal conservatives and other critics of subsidies argued that they need to be cut as lawmakers look for ways to save, farm-state members said those cuts should be pushed back until Congress considers a new five-year farm bill next year.

Food Aid Cuts For Women, Children Passed By House Republicans

Glad to hear it.

Now mayby all these welfare babes will go after their "babys Daddy" to support their little darlings instead of we the taxpayer.

If the "baby's daddy" don't step up to the plate then (gasp) the little dear may have to get a damned job and support herself and her little darling.

Cut away baby.

Interesting. Infants, nursing mothers, and pregnant women who can't find work and need assistance are leeching off productive citizens. While white tea party types who can't find work and are relying on unemployment or some other kind of assistance are victims of Obama's policies.

Is that the argument?
Key word search on Google maybe?
Here is a snipit of what I easily found...

Funds WIC at $6.048 billion. This figure includes $147 million provided by Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s (D-CT) amendment at full Committee consideration. This additional funding was stripped out on the House floor, and then reinserted by an offset that reduced all accounts in the Ag Approps bill by a 0.78 percent across-the-board cut. Even with the additional $147 million, the program is not expected to serve all those who are eligible. WIC was funded at $6.7 billion in FY2011.

I found that in 2 minutes. If you lefties used your brain you wouldn't have to rely on us so much. Ha ha

Actually, the figure I find (at a WIC site, no less) was funding at $6.748 billion as part of the CR, and NOT a legislative cut to the program by Democrats last year (as YOU claimed) because this CR for year 2011 was passed by the Republican controlled Congress. The date listed is April 12, 2011.

House Appropriators Announce Full Year CR WIC Funding for FY 2011 | NWICA

I'm the moron yet you can't tell the difference between when spending approval passes and when the republicans took over? So by your assessment when fiscal year 2011 began, august 2010, there was no money spent on wic? Your not too bright.
Secondly if your saviors had actually done their jobs and passed a budget instead of stop gap measures we might not have as many problems as we do. But your party was too busy having a party (with our money) to do their constitutional jobs. Idiots, the lot of ya.

Face it. You got caught making a false assertion. Deal with it!
What retarded stereotypes some conservatives have about who is on welfare and who is the cause of the decline of our country. This amorphous lazy, poor, child factory mother (in their minds probably always a minority race) just makes too easy a scapegoat. THEY are hard-working. WELFARE recipients are not.

So fucking childish.

No, being "fucking childish" is popping out kids you can't pay and expecting responsible people(married and non-married alike) to pick up your tab. These programs are based on theft from the responsible and encourage irresponsible breeding habits. It's like some of these people have no thought for the long term consequences of their actions, like they have the thought process of some wild animal.
Why? This is not law nor will it ever become law because the majority of Americans are to an extent, pro choice

Point? Your claim wasn't that it would not become law. It was that conservatives were not pushing for it.
I'll state this one more time...Mainstream conservatives for the most part are pro choice.
Figure it out.
If you wish to discuss, we'll do so. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing, go bash your head against a wall.

How are you defining "mainstream conservative"? Between 45 and 50 percent of Americans identify as pro-life. About 40% of Americans identify as conservatives. The only way your claim could be true is half of moderate and Democrats were pro-life.
Point? Your claim wasn't that it would not become law. It was that conservatives were not pushing for it.
I'll state this one more time...Mainstream conservatives for the most part are pro choice.
Figure it out.
If you wish to discuss, we'll do so. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing, go bash your head against a wall.

How are you defining "mainstream conservative"? Between 45 and 50 percent of Americans identify as pro-life. About 40% of Americans identify as conservatives. The only way your claim could be true is half of moderate and Democrats were pro-life.
Arguing just to argue....We're done.
There is soo much fraud in the WIC and Food Stamp program that perhaps this will make each state TRULY investigate anyone applying for or continuing assistance being they're about to have a much smaller pot to draw from. On the other hand for the poor who truly need it, it's a Godsend. I was there myself once. It's not meant as a way of life and that's where we run in to problems. It's meant as a bridge.
To those who claim that America is a Christian country, write your Congressperson to pass a budget Christ would vote for. My Bible talks about compassion for the poor, rich people giving away their possesions, and blessed are the peacemakers.
To those who claim that America is a Christian country, write your Congressperson to pass a budget Christ would vote for. My Bible talks about compassion for the poor, rich people giving away their possesions, and blessed are the peacemakers.

Stop using God to further a leftist agenda that has MASSIVE fraud all over it.. and do me a favor, don't even try to pretend you give a good damn about babies, ie children when you and your cohorts support and demand the right to slaughter them.
There is soo much fraud in the WIC and Food Stamp program that perhaps this will make each state TRULY investigate anyone applying for or continuing assistance being they're about to have a much smaller pot to draw from. On the other hand for the poor who truly need it, it's a Godsend. I was there myself once. It's not meant as a way of life and that's where we run in to problems. It's meant as a bridge.
Unfortunately there are so many people gaming the system, so few to enforce the rules and so many government jobs on the line there's no incentive to rework the system to make it work efficiently.
For many people it IS a way of life AND it's expected.
Getting the fraud out is a good thing; you always need police in any society to enforce the laws. Like most Americans, I think abortion is a bad thing, but I am conservative enough to let the woman make her own choice and not a governement. Perhaps a much fasted, simpler adoption system could cut down the number of abortions, or maybe more sex ed.
There is soo much fraud in the WIC and Food Stamp program that perhaps this will make each state TRULY investigate anyone applying for or continuing assistance being they're about to have a much smaller pot to draw from. On the other hand for the poor who truly need it, it's a Godsend. I was there myself once. It's not meant as a way of life and that's where we run in to problems. It's meant as a bridge.
Unfortunately there are so many people gaming the system, so few to enforce the rules and so many government jobs on the line there's no incentive to rework the system to make it work efficiently.
For many people it IS a way of life AND it's expected.

That's what needs to change. It should be a bridge to a better job, education.. not lying around and waiting for your food stamps each month. We've all seen and know the amount of fraud involved here so don't throw us the sob stories. I know they're out there but everyone one of us is capable of bettering ourselves with hard work and dedication. Get two jobs. I'm 25.. I'm physically able to work two jobs if necessary and I have already. I also go to college full - time and work full - time. If I can do it, so can anyone else. To say , "It's a way of life and expected," shows the entitled mentality." No one owes you or anyone else anything, certainly not our own tax dollars. That's my money, that I work hard for.. I shouldn't have to support A LOT of women who sleep around popping out babies left and right, refusing to get a job.. nor should I support drug addicts or alcoholics who use and abuse the system. The waste and fraud in the welfare programs is RAMPANT and needs cleaning out. I say cut and make HUGE changes to the programs. Make these women WORK for their "entitlement." They can pick up trash on the roads, clean government buildings, paint, etc etc.
There are many women on WIC who breastfeed and sell or give away their formula. That is illegal and should be stopped.

Mrs. Obama is on a crusade to encourage breastfeeding. That should cover the difference (insert snark mark here)
But they leave farm subsidies unchanged.

I gotta say that while cuts need to be made to the budget, when Republicans cut food assistance to women, infants, and children while insisting on maintaining the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, it only serves to reinforce the image of Republicans' as being cold and heartless.

Seems pretty foolish to me. It makes what they tried to do to Medicare look positively altruistic in comparison.

Glad to hear it.

Now mayby all these welfare babes will go after their "babys Daddy" to support their little darlings instead of we the taxpayer.

If the "baby's daddy" don't step up to the plate then (gasp) the little dear may have to get a damned job and support herself and her little darling.

Cut away baby.

Interesting. Infants, nursing mothers, and pregnant women who can't find work and need assistance are leeching off productive citizens. While white tea party types who can't find work and are relying on unemployment or some other kind of assistance are victims of Obama's policies.

Is that the argument?

These "poor" women could have walked into Family Planning and gotten birth control for free in some cases.

The taxpayers of America aren't reponsible for their stupidity. They are. Yet we are forced to finacially support that stupidity. Let these "poor" women go after their baby's daddy to support them and their kids. However if you and all likeminded wanna pool your money to support the irresponsible asses by all means feel free.

As for unemployment that was extended by Congress. Both the House and Senate. They control the pursestrings. Not the Prez. Don't know if the Tea Party had anything to do with it unless swapping tax cuts for the extention counts.

There are plenty of lazy assed people out there who will ride that gravy train till it crashs. I know a few right now who are riding it for all its worth. One woman in paticular just lost her job two weeks ago. She's in the medical field and there are jobs in the paper right now that she could do. She prefers to sit on her ass and collect unemployment and food stamps. As long as its out there, folks will take advantage of it and not be concerned with who's providing the money. Don't think any more of them then the other freeloaders out there.
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There is soo much fraud in the WIC and Food Stamp program that perhaps this will make each state TRULY investigate anyone applying for or continuing assistance being they're about to have a much smaller pot to draw from. On the other hand for the poor who truly need it, it's a Godsend. I was there myself once. It's not meant as a way of life and that's where we run in to problems. It's meant as a bridge.
Unfortunately there are so many people gaming the system, so few to enforce the rules and so many government jobs on the line there's no incentive to rework the system to make it work efficiently.
For many people it IS a way of life AND it's expected.

That's what needs to change. It should be a bridge to a better job, education.. not lying around and waiting for your food stamps each month. We've all seen and know the amount of fraud involved here so don't throw us the sob stories. I know they're out there but everyone one of us is capable of bettering ourselves with hard work and dedication. Get two jobs. I'm 25.. I'm physically able to work two jobs if necessary and I have already. I also go to college full - time and work full - time. If I can do it, so can anyone else. To say , "It's a way of life and expected," shows the entitled mentality." No one owes you or anyone else anything, certainly not our own tax dollars. That's my money, that I work hard for.. I shouldn't have to support A LOT of women who sleep around popping out babies left and right, refusing to get a job.. nor should I support drug addicts or alcoholics who use and abuse the system. The waste and fraud in the welfare programs is RAMPANT and needs cleaning out. I say cut and make HUGE changes to the programs. Make these women WORK for their "entitlement." They can pick up trash on the roads, clean government buildings, paint, etc etc.
I concur.
To those who claim that America is a Christian country, write your Congressperson to pass a budget Christ would vote for. My Bible talks about compassion for the poor, rich people giving away their possesions, and blessed are the peacemakers.

I think that Jesus would have a hard time reconciling His words with the teachings of modern day "conservative Christians."
To those who claim that America is a Christian country, write your Congressperson to pass a budget Christ would vote for. My Bible talks about compassion for the poor, rich people giving away their possesions, and blessed are the peacemakers.

I think that Jesus would have a hard time reconciling His words with the teachings of modern day "conservative Christians."
The extreme right Evangelicals and Pentecostals....Yes, I agree.
Those people are fire and brimstone wing nuts.
How people who claim to abide by the word of God and believers in the teachings of Christ can be so far off the radar is a mystery.
To those who claim that America is a Christian country, write your Congressperson to pass a budget Christ would vote for. My Bible talks about compassion for the poor, rich people giving away their possesions, and blessed are the peacemakers.

I think that Jesus would have a hard time reconciling His words with the teachings of modern day "conservative Christians."
The extreme right Evangelicals and Pentecostals....Yes, I agree.
Those people are fire and brimstone wing nuts.
How people who claim to abide by the word of God and believers in the teachings of Christ can be so far off the radar is a mystery.

Please list and detail what precisely "is so far off the radar" concerning the word of God and evangelicals? You made the charge now back it up. This should be good..

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