House Republicans Press Conference Objecting to Democrats Secrecy Because Schiff Lied 3 Times Before

So the little babies are sad. Nobody cares.

and the RW's are whining MORONS !

“the Constitution is very clear: The House will have the sole power of impeachment.”

read em and weep ^^^^^^^^^^

great. so when a dem is president and the Rs have the house, this is how we get rid of them and then just say "read 'em and weep"

except the democrats cry like that cow up there when you use their playbook against them.
I doubt any Dem President will attempt to brazenly flout the law and constitution the way Trump loves to do
see obama and:
1. spying
2. fast n furious
3. treatment of the press
4. ignoring russia and blaming others

man, i could make a hell of a list here but you'd just go NU UH!!!

but but but but OBAMA !


hey - he brought up corrupt presidents. talk to him.
House Republican Leaders are very upset that Schiff was not removed for corruptly lying on the Impeachment Hearing details that they are conducting a process that has always been public in past impeachment hearings.

Below is mostly my opinion. Please watch the video of the Republican leadership's objections. It's a balanced critique, and the Democrats are being called on to come clean with the information, since Schiff, the Chariperson, lied about it 3 times previously saying Trump was guilty when nothing could have been further from the truth. Thanks. This is very important to put fairness back into the House, which has fallen down on its responsibility on account of crooked dealings and lies, all lies.

Democrats blocked Republican moving to remove Schiff from his Charimanship based on lies and obfuscation.

The reason the Republicans object is because this time, the manipulation of impeachment is based on purely Democrat political animus and not on facts that indicate Trump has done any high crimes or misdemeanors when the $45 million dollar earlier inquiry discovered that Trump did not collude with Russians as falsely charged.

I have long realized that the Democrats are not interested in the truth of whether the high crimes and misdemeanors are factual, they are using this as a ploy for cheap advertising, and I think using something as critical as corruption that demands impeachment has not been met again.

Mr. Schiff, most of us Americans think three strikes and you're out. We don't understand why the Democrats are keeping you on after you lied your ass of to the entire country like it were the right thing to do.

It was not the right thing to do, and I am appealing to you to leave your chairmanship and get out of the government business. You're a fraud and have made a career of basing your judgment on errant feelings and not the facts.

So the little babies are sad. Nobody cares.

and the RW's are whining MORONS !

“the Constitution is very clear: The House will have the sole power of impeachment.”

read em and weep ^^^^^^^^^^


great. so when a dem is president and the Rs have the house, this is how we get rid of them and then just say "read 'em and weep"

except the democrats cry like that cow up there when you use their playbook against them.

I doubt any Dem President will attempt to brazenly flout the law and constitution the way Trump loves to do

see obama and:
1. spying
2. fast n furious
3. treatment of the press
4. ignoring russia and blaming others

man, i could make a hell of a list here but you'd just go NU UH!!!

Pretty hilarious you thought 3 and 4 were good ideas to bring up :lmao:

Did Trump succeed at making the spying program permanent? I know he's reauthorized it every year, but in August he asked it be made permanent without never needing to be reauthorized again. And Dubya started fast n furious. Not even Trump, who's answer to every problem is to file a lawsuit against it, has done anything about it, because it was not illegal or unconstitutional.
and the RW's are whining MORONS !

“the Constitution is very clear: The House will have the sole power of impeachment.”

read em and weep ^^^^^^^^^^

great. so when a dem is president and the Rs have the house, this is how we get rid of them and then just say "read 'em and weep"

except the democrats cry like that cow up there when you use their playbook against them.
I doubt any Dem President will attempt to brazenly flout the law and constitution the way Trump loves to do
see obama and:
1. spying
2. fast n furious
3. treatment of the press
4. ignoring russia and blaming others

man, i could make a hell of a list here but you'd just go NU UH!!!

but but but but OBAMA !


hey - he brought up corrupt presidents. talk to him.

hey, he could have brought up lemon squares and dopes like you would whine about OBAMA --
House Republican Leaders are very upset that Schiff was not removed for corruptly lying on the Impeachment Hearing details that they are conducting a process that has always been public in past impeachment hearings.

Below is mostly my opinion. Please watch the video of the Republican leadership's objections. It's a balanced critique, and the Democrats are being called on to come clean with the information, since Schiff, the Chariperson, lied about it 3 times previously saying Trump was guilty when nothing could have been further from the truth. Thanks. This is very important to put fairness back into the House, which has fallen down on its responsibility on account of crooked dealings and lies, all lies.

Democrats blocked Republican moving to remove Schiff from his Charimanship based on lies and obfuscation.

The reason the Republicans object is because this time, the manipulation of impeachment is based on purely Democrat political animus and not on facts that indicate Trump has done any high crimes or misdemeanors when the $45 million dollar earlier inquiry discovered that Trump did not collude with Russians as falsely charged.

I have long realized that the Democrats are not interested in the truth of whether the high crimes and misdemeanors are factual, they are using this as a ploy for cheap advertising, and I think using something as critical as corruption that demands impeachment has not been met again.

Mr. Schiff, most of us Americans think three strikes and you're out. We don't understand why the Democrats are keeping you on after you lied your ass of to the entire country like it were the right thing to do.

It was not the right thing to do, and I am appealing to you to leave your chairmanship and get out of the government business. You're a fraud and have made a career of basing your judgment on errant feelings and not the facts.

Hearing any Trumpette getting upset because Schiff "lied" is just rife with hypocrisy.

Trump lies all the time.
Trump lies about the Clintons
Trump lies about the Bidens
Trump lies about the DNC
Trump even lies about the impeachment process

The day that any of you Trumpettes acknowledge Trump's daily falsehoods and lying attacks, well I might take your whining about Schiff slightly seriously.
It's Déjà vu all over again, via the Trumpyberra!

Washington - Democrats on Tuesday accused a Republican lawmaker of hiding witnesses from members of a special panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks on US diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

The panel chairman, Representative Trey Gowdy, countered that Democrats were looking for excuses to leave the committee, which many Democrats say is aimed at undermining the possible presidential bid of Hillary Clinton, who was US Secretary of State at the time of the attacks.

Gowdy also announced that he would subpoena documents from the Obama administration about the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Republicans accused Clinton of failing to put in place security measures to protect US personnel in Libya.

Obama administration officials said during a hearing that they had already handed over 40 000 pages of documents to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Representative Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the panel, said he could no longer be silent about the committee's “partisan path”.

Benghazi probe: Democrats cry foul | IOL News

“We have a situation where witnesses have been hidden from us,” Cummings told reporters after a hearing Tuesday. Cummings said Democrats had learned that Gowdy and his staff interviewed five people without telling Democrats,
then “buried” extracted information that did not fit Republican allegations.
An actual investigation in to deaths of 4 Americans that President Obama and members of his staff lied about is not the same as a Secret Impeachment Inquiry which is not Authorized by a House Vote.

Please remove your off topic comments. The Benghazi Investigation was a legitimate sanctioned investigation.
House Republican Leaders are very upset that Schiff was not removed for corruptly lying on the Impeachment Hearing details that they are conducting a process that has always been public in past impeachment hearings.

Below is mostly my opinion. Please watch the video of the Republican leadership's objections. It's a balanced critique, and the Democrats are being called on to come clean with the information, since Schiff, the Chariperson, lied about it 3 times previously saying Trump was guilty when nothing could have been further from the truth. Thanks. This is very important to put fairness back into the House, which has fallen down on its responsibility on account of crooked dealings and lies, all lies.

Democrats blocked Republican moving to remove Schiff from his Charimanship based on lies and obfuscation.

The reason the Republicans object is because this time, the manipulation of impeachment is based on purely Democrat political animus and not on facts that indicate Trump has done any high crimes or misdemeanors when the $45 million dollar earlier inquiry discovered that Trump did not collude with Russians as falsely charged.

I have long realized that the Democrats are not interested in the truth of whether the high crimes and misdemeanors are factual, they are using this as a ploy for cheap advertising, and I think using something as critical as corruption that demands impeachment has not been met again.

Mr. Schiff, most of us Americans think three strikes and you're out. We don't understand why the Democrats are keeping you on after you lied your ass of to the entire country like it were the right thing to do.

It was not the right thing to do, and I am appealing to you to leave your chairmanship and get out of the government business. You're a fraud and have made a career of basing your judgment on errant feelings and not the facts.

So the little babies are sad. Nobody cares.

and the RW's are whining MORONS !

“the Constitution is very clear: The House will have the sole power of impeachment.”

read em and weep ^^^^^^^^^^


The House, as in The Entire Body. Not three people holding chairmanships in committees and conducting meetings in Secret.

The House as a Body has to Vote on Impeachment Powers they grant themselves. That Vote had been defeated 3 times despite The Dems having the Majority so what is going on now is Illegal and Unconstitutional.
someone shoot all the BENGHAZI BITCHES right between the eyes
Blind Boo, you are not on topic. please remove your post about Benghazi. This is about the Congress, not Hillary Clinton. Thank you.
What else can he do?
The "impeachment" under current rules could get most of the D leadership a permanent vacation. Just read the bill of rights and count how many violations of the BOR and the common law by the D leadership starting with no cross examination of the paid for accusers by the accused being permitted.

Please do read the Constitution. And do read the Bill of Rights. Because you both don't have a clue and are just parroting what right wing media is feeding you.
Impeachment is not a trial. The current process isn't even impeachment yet- it is an investigation- more akin to a Grand Jury investigation than anything else- except that impeachment is not a criminal proceeding- it is impeachment.

According to the Constitution the House has the sole authority to impeach the President- and that includes deciding on the process.

Trump is calling impeachment unconstitutional and is threatening to sue(when doesn't Trump threaten to sue?).

Because Trump really doesn't give a damn about the Constitution.
Schiff did not just 'Lie', he committed 'Sedition'....twice.

SEDITION: Attempting to incite insurrection, opposition, an unwarranted removal of a leader from power.

For nearly 2 years Schiff intentionally publicly declared falsely that he had evidence of criminal activity by the President, attempting to convince the country the President had broken the law and had to be removed from power. His deceitful action is the very definition of 'Sedition'. More recently he presented a fictional account he personally authored of the phone call the President had with the Ukraine PM as 'Trump's own words' in again attempting to falsely con Americans into believing the President had committed a crime and must be removed from office.

It is time to stop allowing Democrats from preventing their criminal member from being held equally accountable to the law.

the dems are shooting the Republitards the finger and there isnt a damn thing all of you WINNERS can do about it -


Tell that to Barr and Durham...and Horowitz, whose 'FISA Court Abuse Report' coming out has Obama and his conspirators hiding / wetting themselves.... :p

Lets remember this post when the FISA report does come out.

Because so far the ones I see shitting their pants are Trump and his conspirators.
and the RW's are whining MORONS !
Continuing to point out continuous Sedition and Treason is not 'whining'. Complaining about being held equally accountable under the law, as Democrats do when called out for their crimes, is through.

True- calling Trump's accusations of Sedition and Treason 'whining' is an insult to whiners.

Trump is trying to prevent the House from following the Constitution, trying to intimidate witnesses and doing everything he can to prevent the House from following its Constitutional obligations.
Schiff did not just 'Lie', he committed 'Sedition'....twice.

SEDITION: Attempting to incite insurrection, opposition, an unwarranted removal of a leader from power.

For nearly 2 years Schiff intentionally publicly declared falsely that he had evidence of criminal activity by the President, attempting to convince the country the President had broken the law and had to be removed from power. His deceitful action is the very definition of 'Sedition'. More recently he presented a fictional account he personally authored of the phone call the President had with the Ukraine PM as 'Trump's own words' in again attempting to falsely con Americans into believing the President had committed a crime and must be removed from office.

It is time to stop allowing Democrats from preventing their criminal member from being held equally accountable to the law.

Except of course......none of that is true.

Remember Mueller's report never made any decision that Trump had not broken the law- only that Mueller- under Justice Department rules- could not recommend prosecution of a sitting President. Certainly Trump did break the law by obstructing justice and if he had not been President he would have been prosecuted.

And for Schiff's parody account of the President?

How many times has Trump lied about the Clinton's? The Biden's? The DNC? John McCain? The list goes on and on.

But you are 'appalled' when Schiff parodies Trump's own words......

So the little babies are sad. Nobody cares.

and the RW's are whining MORONS !

“the Constitution is very clear: The House will have the sole power of impeachment.”

read em and weep ^^^^^^^^^^

great. so when a dem is president and the Rs have the house, this is how we get rid of them and then just say "read 'em and weep"

except the democrats cry like that cow up there when you use their playbook against them.
I doubt any Dem President will attempt to brazenly flout the law and constitution the way Trump loves to do
see obama and:
1. spying
2. fast n furious
3. treatment of the press
4. ignoring russia and blaming others

man, i could make a hell of a list here but you'd just go NU UH!!!
Pretty hilarious you thought 3 and 4 were good ideas to bring up :lmao:

Did Trump succeed at making the spying program permanent? I know he's reauthorized it every year, but in August he asked it be made permanent without never needing to be reauthorized again. And Dubya started fast n furious. Not even Trump, who's answer to every problem is to file a lawsuit against it, has done anything about it, because it was not illegal or unconstitutional.
pretty hilarious this is even a topic. when you lob turds around, you get shit back.

rule of life, not mine.

have a good life.
House Republican Leaders are very upset that Schiff was not removed for corruptly lying on the Impeachment Hearing details that they are conducting a process that has always been public in past impeachment hearings.

Below is mostly my opinion. Please watch the video of the Republican leadership's objections. It's a balanced critique, and the Democrats are being called on to come clean with the information, since Schiff, the Chariperson, lied about it 3 times previously saying Trump was guilty when nothing could have been further from the truth. Thanks. This is very important to put fairness back into the House, which has fallen down on its responsibility on account of crooked dealings and lies, all lies.

Democrats blocked Republican moving to remove Schiff from his Charimanship based on lies and obfuscation.

The reason the Republicans object is because this time, the manipulation of impeachment is based on purely Democrat political animus and not on facts that indicate Trump has done any high crimes or misdemeanors when the $45 million dollar earlier inquiry discovered that Trump did not collude with Russians as falsely charged.

I have long realized that the Democrats are not interested in the truth of whether the high crimes and misdemeanors are factual, they are using this as a ploy for cheap advertising, and I think using something as critical as corruption that demands impeachment has not been met again.

Mr. Schiff, most of us Americans think three strikes and you're out. We don't understand why the Democrats are keeping you on after you lied your ass of to the entire country like it were the right thing to do.

It was not the right thing to do, and I am appealing to you to leave your chairmanship and get out of the government business. You're a fraud and have made a career of basing your judgment on errant feelings and not the facts.

Hearing any Trumpette getting upset because Schiff "lied" is just rife with hypocrisy.

Trump lies all the time.
Trump lies about the Clintons
Trump lies about the Bidens
Trump lies about the DNC
Trump even lies about the impeachment process

The day that any of you Trumpettes acknowledge Trump's daily falsehoods and lying attacks, well I might take your whining about Schiff slightly seriously.

the day you stop whining about trumps lunch...

nah. still won't take you seriously cause you're probably still bitching at his breakfast.
1) Trump is trying to prevent the House from following the Constitution, 2) trying to intimidate witnesses and 3) doing everything he can to prevent the House from following its Constitutional obligations.

Manufacturing a 2nd evidence-LESS, non-crime 'Collusion Delusion' using a Biden-associated/bias, Brennan-trained CIA Agent specifically trained in Ukraine Geo-political CIA Ops temp-assigned to the WH to call D-Schiff and coordinate a 2nd-hand-Account Whistle Blower complaint that is expedited to the Democrats in Congress after a biased IC IG changes the complaint form and expedites the form to Congress.....

Claiming the President illegally colluded with the Ukraine PM, despite....
- The Ukraine POM declaring it never happened.....
- The Ukraine Military commander saying it never happened
- The Ukraine Ambassador saying it never happened
- Paul Volker, our Ambassador, said it never happened....
- The transcript proving it never happened...proven by D-Schiff having to author his own fictitious account of the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM and try to present it as the actual transcript using Trump's actual words...
- The existence of Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaties that establish a process where nations help each other investigate crime / corruption / terrorism, initiated by a President asking another nation's leader for that assistance - which the President did.

Calling for ANOTHER Impeachment investigation based on zero evidence of a crime

Violating the precedence set by every other modern-day Impeachment

Holding investigations behind closed doors so the American people can not see and can only hear snippets of cherry-picked sound-bytes/info the Democrats illegally leak out...

Refusing to allow the GOP or the accused's own lawyers equally participate n the 'lynching' / 'coup'/////???

Thank you for demonstrating to everyone on the board what the Democrat / snowflake definition of 'following the constitution' and following constitutional obligations' means.......

And for Schiff's parody account of the President?
How many times has Trump lied about the Clinton's? The Biden's? The DNC? John McCain?
How many times has the President authored a fraudulent account of an event and attempted to present it as evidence in a Congressional hearing in an attempt to defraud / con the country into believing the President committed a crime based off of that fraudulent account in an attempt to enrage Americans and get them to call for an unwarranted removal of the President from office - the very definition of 'Sedition'?
Blind Boo, you are not on topic. please remove your post about Benghazi. This is about the Congress, not Hillary Clinton. Thank you.

Not a chance. The post is about House Democrats objecting to the Secret depositions and interviews done by the House Republicans during the Benghazi investigations. It's Déjà vu all over again.

The House is part of Congress and the quote I provided mentioned Hillary once.
The Democrats are scorching the earth, Blind Boo, and you are helping. It's your life.

And for Schiff's parody account of the President?
How many times has Trump lied about the Clinton's? The Biden's? The DNC? John McCain?
How many times has the President authored a fraudulent account of an event and attempted to present it as evidence in a Congressional hearing in an attempt to defraud / con the country into believing the President committed a crime based off of that fraudulent account in an attempt to enrage Americans and get them to call for an unwarranted removal of the President from office - the very definition of 'Sedition'?

LOL- how many times has the President lied about others in his capacity as President- lets look at this lie the President told when he was pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rivalL

There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Flat out lie by your Messiah to the President of the Ukraine- to get Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political rival.

Not hard to find Trump's lies he has made as President.

1) Trump is trying to prevent the House from following the Constitution, 2) trying to intimidate witnesses and 3) doing everything he can to prevent the House from following its Constitutional obligations.

Manufacturing a 2nd evidence-LESS, non-crime 'Collusion Delusion' using a Biden-associated/bias, Brennan-trained CIA Agent specifically trained in Ukraine Geo-political CIA Ops temp-assigned to the WH to call D-Schiff and coordinate a 2nd-hand-Account Whistle Blower complaint that is expedited to the Democrats in Congress after a biased IC IG changes the complaint form and expedites the form to Congress.....

Claiming the President illegally colluded with the Ukraine PM, despite....

Who claimed that Trump 'illegally colluded with the Ukrainian President?
I am ignoring the rest of your conspiracy idiocy because well it is conspiracy idiocy.

President Trump called the President of the Ukraine and asked him to investigate his political rival- Joe Biden.

He also asked Ukraine to investigate the mythical DNC server in Ukraine....
We also know from the subsequent texts we have seen- that Trump has tried to prevent Americans from seeing- that there were additional conversations between Trump operatives and Ukraine- attempting to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating the DNC server and the Biden's in order to get either a White House meeting with the President or alternatively(according to Mulvaney) the funds that Congress had approved.

1) Trump is trying to prevent the House from following the Constitution, 2) trying to intimidate witnesses and 3) doing everything he can to prevent the House from following its Constitutional obligations.

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