House Speaker Says Screw Helene Victims

Its not a different fund jackass... get that through you tiny brain... FEMA food and shelter may be in a different bank account but its all FEMA money and FEMA can spend it where they see fit... stop with the separate fund BS you sound like an idiot...
Nope. FEMA spends money in accordance with the rules that Congress sets up.

They can’t spend it on whatever they want.
Nope. FEMA spends money in accordance with the rules that Congress sets up.

They can’t spend it on whatever they want.
This bunch today does not care about appropriations they spend money on what they want... but that being said... I have two bank accounts one for daily cash withdrawals and the other for bills... its still all my money... you guys don't know what you are talking about you are just parroting the lib media....
FEMA is broke not just with disaster money they are broke across the board.... and it went to illegal aliens PERIOD.... they used the food and shelter money to give to illegals and they used the disaster money to give to cities where they dumped the illegal aliens... now stop the nitpicking....
LOL The angst this is clearly causing you gives us great joy. Harris set up this FEMA program to pay for the shelter, food ... for illegals. 100% true. Now she's sending $160M to Lebanon to pay for the shelter, food ... while we are still looking for survivors and bodies in North Carolina.

She did no such thing, world's shittiest lawyer. She's a VP with no such authority. And the SSP replaced the Emergency Food and Shelter Program-Humanitarian (ESFP-H) program, which was formed in 1987 under Reagan.
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She did no such thing, world's shittiest lawyer. She's a VP with no such authority. And the SSP replaced the Emergency Food and Shelter Program-Humanitarian (ESFP-H) program, which was formed in 1983 under Reagan.
FEMA is broke not just with disaster money they are broke across the board.... and it went to illegal aliens PERIOD.... they used the food and shelter money to give to illegals and they used the disaster money to give to cities where they dumped the illegal aliens...
This bunch today does not care about appropriations they spend money on what they want... but that being said... I have two bank accounts one for daily cash withdrawals and the other for bills... its still all my money... you guys don't know what you are talking about you are just parroting the lib media....
FEMA is broke not just with disaster money they are broke across the board.... and it went to illegal aliens PERIOD.... they used the food and shelter money to give to illegals and they used the disaster money to give to cities where they dumped the illegal aliens... now stop the nitpicking....
This isn’t nitpicking. It’s the law and how government works.

Your bank accounts have nothing to do with government.

FEMA can’t move money between programs on their own. It’s against the law.
This bunch today does not care about appropriations they spend money on what they want... but that being said... I have two bank accounts one for daily cash withdrawals and the other for bills... its still all my money... you guys don't know what you are talking about you are just parroting the lib media....
FEMA is broke not just with disaster money they are broke across the board.... and it went to illegal aliens PERIOD.... they used the food and shelter money to give to illegals and they used the disaster money to give to cities where they dumped the illegal aliens... now stop the nitpicking....

Rambtard, there's Congressional oversight on how they spend their funds. You saying they were spending money on things Congress did NOT authorize and no one, neither Democrat or Republican, made a stink about it??

You're posting crazier than usual. :cuckoo:
FEMA is broke not just with disaster money they are broke across the board.... and it went to illegal aliens PERIOD.... they used the food and shelter money to give to illegals and they used the disaster money to give to cities where they dumped the illegal aliens...

Poor rambtard, you're gonna pop an aneurysm.

Still, DRF funds went to disasters and SSP funds went to non-disaster emergencies.
She says FEMA is meeting with city leaders to coordinate relief efforts and funding is also available through FEMA's food and shelter programs... sounds like FEMA has been spending on migrants to me.... This was in 2022 but now she claims FEMA is not helping migrants... please....
Through a specific fund, Congress appropriate money for
But Harris couldn't answer where this money came from... we are at 175 billion dollars in foreign aide this year alone... and now you can add in another 175 million to Lebanon and Lebanon hasn't even asked for it....
In 1995 we were at less than 30 billion per year... and that was too much...

Foreign aid comes from a different department. And Harris need not determine where FEMA money goes. That's a function of a congressional committee, not the VP.

You really have no idea what the fuck you're spewing.
This bunch today does not care about appropriations they spend money on what they want... but that being said... I have two bank accounts one for daily cash withdrawals and the other for bills... its still all my money... you guys don't know what you are talking about you are just parroting the lib media....
FEMA is broke not just with disaster money they are broke across the board.... and it went to illegal aliens PERIOD.... they used the food and shelter money to give to illegals and they used the disaster money to give to cities where they dumped the illegal aliens... now stop the nitpicking....

A pity you can't prove the nonsense you make up. :itsok:
FEMA can’t move money between programs on their own
They requested it from congress... but that's beside the point...
They used the food and shelter dollars to give to migrants and the disaster money to fly them around and to give to cities where they dumped them... you want to say its two different funds... well both funds are broke....
They requested it from congress... but that's beside the point...
They used the food and shelter dollars to give to migrants and the disaster money to fly them around and to give to cities where they dumped them... you want to say its two different funds... well both funds are broke....
We don’t use the emergency food and shelter program to recover from disasters. Not that it would matter much since that program is funded for a few hundred million and natural disasters cost 100x that much.
A pity you can't prove the nonsense you make up. :itsok:
I'm just repeating what Mayorkas said... they don't have enough money for the rest of the season... he isn't talking about one fund... they are broke because they used food and shelter money to feed and house illegals and they used disaster money to fly them around and to give to the cities where they dumped them... in any disaster both funds are used not just one.... in a natural disaster you need food and shelter and disaster relief and reconstruction... stop with the word games faun....
We don’t use the emergency food and shelter program to recover from disasters. Not that it would matter much since that program is funded for a few hundred million and natural disasters cost 100x that much.
Bullshit... where do you think the FEMA water and food comes from... and hotel stays... come on man you dopes lost this one...
Thanks for admitting you were full of shit when you said FEMA could just transfer funds.

Next question... how much money is in the non-disaster emergency fund?
LoL...... like how you try and twist it. Like I already said, FEMA can transfer funding.
They requested it from congress... but that's beside the point...
They used the food and shelter dollars to give to migrants and the disaster money to fly them around and to give to cities where they dumped them... you want to say its two different funds... well both funds are broke....

Where's your proof they did that, rambtard? You don't really think anyone else here is just gonna take your word for it?
I'm just repeating what Mayorkas said... they don't have enough money for the rest of the season... he isn't talking about one fund... they are broke because they used food and shelter money to feed and house illegals and they used disaster money to fly them around and to give to the cities where they dumped them... in any disaster both funds are used not just one.... in a natural disaster you need food and shelter and disaster relief and reconstruction... stop with the word games faun....

Poor, illiterate rambtard. Of course he's talking about one fund. Only one fund is used for disasters.
Bullshit... where do you think the FEMA water and food comes from... and hotel stays... come on man you dopes lost this one...
The emergency food and shelter program was made to address homelessness and has nothing to do with disasters.

You don’t even know what you don’t know and you’re too lazy or incurious to look for more information.

Typical low information voter bullshit.

Where's your proof they did that, rambtard? You don't really think anyone else here is just gonna take your word for it?
They must use food and shelter fund dollars for food and shelter... water food medicine and hotel stays for victims and FEMA staff... the disaster money goes for immediate needs like finding the dead repairing roads and bridges victim transport to hospitals etc etc etc.....
None of which is happening fast enough....
The emergency food and shelter program was made to address homelessness and has nothing to do with disasters
:auiqs.jpg: the food and shelter fund was created in the 80's.... but yet we have homeless camps all over the nation... you are wrong... its for or was suppose to be for housing victims of disasters... but this administration came up with the idea to reclassify things as a disaster so they can rob FEMA of cash....
General Homelessness is a state issue....


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