House Sues Obama Over Unconstitutional Action

The Constitution is very clear that expenditures of public money can only be made pursuant to legislation originating in the House. Obama, the "Constitutional scholar" apparently failed to read that part before HHS started spending money on Obamacae subsidies that havent been authorizied by Congress.
So the House voted to sue Obama and his administration, charging them with violating their Constitutional roles.
Finally some action to rein in the most lawless administration in history.
There’s Yet Another Major Lawsuit That Some People Think Could Threaten Obamacare
Another forced constitutional crisis the Republicans could easily have avoided. But they prefer to gum up the works and make life difficult for ordinary people instead, just to make yet another futile attempt to take down ObamaCare.

Jesus H. Christ.

There is a very simple fix to the problem, but oh hell no! Let's not allocate the money for the program we approved.

Same old tattered pattern.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
better yet, propose an alternative of highly affordable catastrophic coverage, and if people buy that, give them a tax credit for broken arms and yearly physicals ... which is what the gop should have done 15 years ago.
Congress approved the subsidies, and then failed to allocate the money for the subsidies.

So here's a real stumper for the rubes: How should this have been fixed?

Hint: The answer is not "withhold the money and then sue Obama".

Real, actual people are on the receiving end of those subsidies. But fuck 'em, right? They're probably negroes.
It seems facts don't figure for you. It fits your persona! Ask "the donald" what persona means.

My, my, how one tries to skew the truth with nothing but numbers. Care to inform why those that voted no chose that option what was buried in those bills? How much were those bills costing us, the tax payor, and where are the results from any of them visible?

My, the republicans and tea party fools have a short memory. Don't they.
Once again, be foolish and it slaps you right in the face. Right republicans!

The Constitution is very clear that expenditures of public money can only be made pursuant to legislation originating in the House. Obama, the "Constitutional scholar" apparently failed to read that part before HHS started spending money on Obamacae subsidies that havent been authorizied by Congress.
So the House voted to sue Obama and his administration, charging them with violating their Constitutional roles.
Finally some action to rein in the most lawless administration in history.
There’s Yet Another Major Lawsuit That Some People Think Could Threaten Obamacare
"House Sues Obama Over Unconstitutional Action"

I am Conservative, but I consider myself 'independent' in that I decide on and pull for whatever / whoever is best for the country. That being said...


You (GOP) are right - Obama has violated both Constitution and Law (as proven by his having been found Guilty of several Contempt of Court charges for over-stepping his authority and refusing to comply with orders from a federal judge)...BUT 'MAN' UP'!

One of the 'checks and balances' tools you were given / that you have the authority to use in order to help you keep your oaths to uphold, defend, and protect the Constitution and Laws is the power of IMPEACHMENT! You also have the POWER OF THE PURSE. Either USE THEM or STOP THIS POLITICAL THEATER in an attempt to try to con conservatives / voters you are trying to do something yet don't want to 'offend' voters while doing so.

A laws suit will take years, and Obama will be out of office and long gone before such a suit will ever be settled!
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Instead of fighting such things as Social Security, Medicare, Obama-care, Republicans should do their usual thing and start claiming the programs were in the hopper when they ran Jefferson for president. Eventually a number of Americans will believe these are Republican programs and peace will reign, and the bottom line is that the American people will have the programs.
Instead of fighting such things as Social Security, Medicare, Obama-care, Republicans should do their usual thing and start claiming the programs were in the hopper when they ran Jefferson for president. Eventually a number of Americans will believe these are Republican programs and peace will reign, and the bottom line is that the American people will have the programs.

"...Republicans should do their usual thing"

That would be what we see now - take control of Congress after Americans take the reins back from the Socialists only to roll to act as if they are still in the minority and give the Libs everything they want while engaging in moronic political theater to try to convince constituents they are actually trying to do something / represent them.
Awesome, more hilarious attempts by the GOP nuts to take health insurance from millions of Americans.

That law has been passed more times than any other in our history and at a huge and unnecessary cost to taxpayers. And yep, the whole reason is the GOP wants to take health care away from Americans.

A real plus for them is that they'll shut down the govt again, causing even more financial hardship to Americans.
Awesome, more hilarious attempts by the GOP nuts to take health insurance from millions of Americans.

That law has been passed more times than any other in our history and at a huge and unnecessary cost to taxpayers. And yep, the whole reason is the GOP wants to take health care away from Americans.

A real plus for them is that they'll shut down the govt again, causing even more financial hardship to Americans.
Republican health plan: ITS YOUR FAULT.
Fake Rabbi, the Senate has taken a House bill, and stripped it's language and put it's own in for decades. NOW it's suddenly and issue. You're clown

uh, no, they haven't, but thanks for letting me know that you are a card-carrying Idiocrat.
The plain language of the clause would seem to contradict the House's opinion, but the House relies on historical precedent and contemporaneous writings to support its position. In Federalist 66, for example, Alexander Hamilton writes, "The exclusive privilege of originating money bills will belong to the House of Representatives." This phrase could easily be construed to include taxing and spending. The Supreme Court has ruled, however, that the Senate can initiate bills that create revenue, if the revenue is incidental and not directly a tax. Most recently, in US v Munoz-Flores (495 US 385 [1990]), the Court said, "Because the bill at issue here was not one for raising revenue, it could not have been passed in violation of the Origination Clause." The case cites Twin City v Nebeker (176 US 196 [1897]), where the court said that "revenue bills are those that levy taxes, in the strict sense of the word."

go away child.
The Administration spent money from the Treasury that was not authorized by any House vote. That is a violation of the Constitution and separation of powers, period.
The Constitution is very clear that expenditures of public money can only be made pursuant to legislation originating in the House. Obama, the "Constitutional scholar" apparently failed to read that part before HHS started spending money on Obamacae subsidies that havent been authorizied by Congress.
So the House voted to sue Obama and his administration, charging them with violating their Constitutional roles.
Finally some action to rein in the most lawless administration in history.
There’s Yet Another Major Lawsuit That Some People Think Could Threaten Obamacare
Another forced constitutional crisis the Republicans could easily have avoided. But they prefer to gum up the works and make life difficult for ordinary people instead, just to make yet another futile attempt to take down ObamaCare.

Jesus H. Christ.

There is a very simple fix to the problem, but oh hell no! Let's not allocate the money for the program we approved.

Same old tattered pattern.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
So let's just roll over and let the Administration be legislature as well. Fuck, just dissolve Congress and declare Obama President for Life and be done with it.
You are one special retard for sure.
The Constitution is very clear that expenditures of public money can only be made pursuant to legislation originating in the House. Obama, the "Constitutional scholar" apparently failed to read that part before HHS started spending money on Obamacae subsidies that havent been authorizied by Congress.
So the House voted to sue Obama and his administration, charging them with violating their Constitutional roles.
Finally some action to rein in the most lawless administration in history.
There’s Yet Another Major Lawsuit That Some People Think Could Threaten Obamacare
Another forced constitutional crisis the Republicans could easily have avoided. But they prefer to gum up the works and make life difficult for ordinary people instead, just to make yet another futile attempt to take down ObamaCare.

Jesus H. Christ.

There is a very simple fix to the problem, but oh hell no! Let's not allocate the money for the program we approved.

Same old tattered pattern.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
So let's just roll over and let the Administration be legislature as well. Fuck, just dissolve Congress and declare Obama President for Life and be done with it.
You are one special retard for sure.
I see how you were completely stumped by my question.

Congress approved the subsidies, and then failed to allocate the money for the subsidies.

So here's the question which shut down your cerebrum: How should this have been fixed?

Hint: The answer is not, "Withhold the money and then sue Obama".
It has to be on purpose.

"Hey, we approved the subsidies, but let's withhold the money so we can cause a constitutional crisis again!"
The Constitution is very clear that expenditures of public money can only be made pursuant to legislation originating in the House. Obama, the "Constitutional scholar" apparently failed to read that part before HHS started spending money on Obamacae subsidies that havent been authorizied by Congress.
So the House voted to sue Obama and his administration, charging them with violating their Constitutional roles.
Finally some action to rein in the most lawless administration in history.
There’s Yet Another Major Lawsuit That Some People Think Could Threaten Obamacare
Another forced constitutional crisis the Republicans could easily have avoided. But they prefer to gum up the works and make life difficult for ordinary people instead, just to make yet another futile attempt to take down ObamaCare.

Jesus H. Christ.

There is a very simple fix to the problem, but oh hell no! Let's not allocate the money for the program we approved.

Same old tattered pattern.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
better yet, propose an alternative of highly affordable catastrophic coverage, and if people buy that, give them a tax credit for broken arms and yearly physicals ... which is what the gop should have done 15 years ago.
Abd the Democrats? Wha t should they have done?
The Constitution is very clear that expenditures of public money can only be made pursuant to legislation originating in the House. Obama, the "Constitutional scholar" apparently failed to read that part before HHS started spending money on Obamacae subsidies that havent been authorizied by Congress.
So the House voted to sue Obama and his administration, charging them with violating their Constitutional roles.
Finally some action to rein in the most lawless administration in history.
There’s Yet Another Major Lawsuit That Some People Think Could Threaten Obamacare
Another forced constitutional crisis the Republicans could easily have avoided. But they prefer to gum up the works and make life difficult for ordinary people instead, just to make yet another futile attempt to take down ObamaCare.

Jesus H. Christ.

There is a very simple fix to the problem, but oh hell no! Let's not allocate the money for the program we approved.

Same old tattered pattern.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
So let's just roll over and let the Administration be legislature as well. Fuck, just dissolve Congress and declare Obama President for Life and be done with it.
You are one special retard for sure.
I see how you were completely stumped by my question.

Congress approved the subsidies, and then failed to allocate the money for the subsidies.

So here's the question which shut down your cerebrum: How should this have been fixed?

Hint: The answer is not, "Withhold the money and then sue Obama".
The administration should have lived within the funds budgeted. Congress passes laws all the time and fails to fund them fully. The administration does not take that as an opening to circumvent the Constitution.
It has to be on purpose.

"Hey, we approved the subsidies, but let's withhold the money so we can cause a constitutional crisis again!"
Yeah it's all a plot by those sneaky Republicans. Democrats had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Recall that this administration regularly flaunts the Constitution and is often called on it by the judiciary. Obama's "recess" appointments being only one example.
The origination clause does not require any bill that appropriates or spends money to originate in the House. Budget bills originate in the house, however.

For example, this law originated in the senate

Diesel Emissions Reduction Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How a Bill Becomes a Law - Legislation - Tom Carper, U.S. Senator for Delaware

With Obamacare, the House initially took up a bill HR 3962, and passed it. The Senate then took it up, but instead came up with language that was inserted into a previous house bill H.R. 3590 which it passed. I believe the Senate did that to inoculate itself from this very issue. IF the power exists for the congress to enact something, historically courts don't interfere with how congress acts. But, prior to the Senate passing HR 3590, Ted died. However, prior to Scott Brown's election, the 60 dem maj voted to end filibuster (cloture). So, passage was assured, but the dems couldn't expect to get it through in any other form because they could not break a veto anymore. Then, in reconciliation, the House accepted the Senate's version.

Nothing in that implicated the origination clause, because Obamacare is not a budget bill.. It's a law that overhauls healthcare, and incident to that raises revenues to do it.

The Gop had some gotcha moments. Remember when Obama said the mandate didn't involve a tax, but rather a penalty? Roberts did not want to expand any commerce power, but congress's taxing power is virtually unlimited, so it was held a tax ... and constitutional, which was no surprise to any but the partisan few, but the strikedown of tying traditional Medicaid to states accepting expansion was an October surprise the Roberts tossed in. (not perhaps without justification, but that's another story). But now the gop cried TAX, and the origination clause frenzy arose.

Reconcillation has been used for things other than just budget matters.
Reconciliation has been used at least once nominally for a non-budgetary purpose (for example, see the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, when a Republican was president and the Democrats controlled Congress). The 1986 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) contained some health care provisions.
The origination clause does not require any bill that appropriates or spends money to originate in the House. Budget bills originate in the house, however.
I am not sure how much longer I can stand your deflection and ignorance.
The Constitution is clear:
No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.]
\The administration drew money from the Treasury without it being appropriated by law. Period. That is a violation.
And once again, Republicans show America their only health care plan is "let them die".

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