House Vote Down The Stimulus Bill And Save America!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The House is now debating passing the Republican Stimulus Bill. It is shocking how members aren't even describing how the major programs work; have they read and understand the bill? Time and again you hear members say I know this bill is far from perfect, the truth is this bill is far from what a person with a fully good conscience would say is a "good" bill. The truth about this bill is that it will "not" stop catastrophic loss of jobs in America and the heart breaking thing about this is that this bill could be forty percent changed and rewritten in twenty four hours and save millions of jobs. Members of the House are giving speeches that we cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good, it is fraud on the American people to call this bill good because it fails to preserve millions of jobs which could be preserved with a good bill and wastes tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars giving it to businesses and people that don't need the money. People widespread across America are saying that this corona-virus crisis is an epic test for our generation a test that history will measure our generation on, this Senate bill if made law will be dispositive on the issue saying clearly to history our generation of American's failed the country. Don't you members of Congress see that your good character is being taken away from you with this bill; there is an abundance of carrots in the bill the money for veterans, minorities etc, etc. but in moral truth they are bribes to get you to turn the other way for the corrupt designs of the major programs in the bill; the American people are better than this bill House members don't sell us out. President Trump don't sign this Republican stimulus bill if it lands on your desk because it sells out the American people and when people see the full effect of this bill they will view you as a terrible negotiator you cut this deal and history will record this deal like that of the deal President Franklin D Roosevelt cut with the head of Russia Joseph Stalin at the end of World War II where he gave away eastern Europe and subjected America to a forty year long cold war. One of the ironies about this bill is that it is called the "CARES" act and the truth of the matter is that it doesn't care about the American people it only cares about the political establishment and the wealthy in America!
Does anyone have the bill number? ... apparently not ... that means you haven't even read the bill yet ... how much of the $2.5 trillion is being given to Big Oil now that they're crashing and burning? ... Saudis and Russians are flooding the market expressly to drive North American producers out-of-business ...

I don't know ... I've not read the bill ...
The attention of the country is on this bill, which has some crucial temporary aid to unemployed workers, hospitals, and reportedly small business loans, mixed in with larger bailouts for private corporations with terribly incompetent and corrupt managements (like Boeing). But the real action (4-5 trillion dollars already pledged) in “emergency” help is at the Federal Reserve, which has unlimited ability to bail out banks and their over-leveraged Hedge Fund customers. That is the financial center from which much of the real disgrace and long-term damage will flow.

This is a systemic problem long in the making, where big sophisticated debt pyramid players on Wall Street and international private capital Hedge Funds enrich themselves over time, knowing that no matter how mush risk they take on the Fed will step in and bail them out, as was the case in 2008 also. Some may go bankrupt, but not the big players patronized as “prime dealer counterparties” by major Fed banks.

This reality is almost totally covered up by mainstream politicians in both parties, and of course also by the populist conman Trump. The Covid-19 outbreak is real and serious, but we are actually lucky — its fatality rate could have been much worse.

The pandemic is making it easier to cover up the reality that the “Everything Bubble” that we were enjoying in the markets and our economy, was based on illusions. Our slow real economic growth rate, our balance of payments deficits, our budget deficits, our corrupt “Too Big to Fail” Fed-centered debt dependent credit system, everything indicated that a crash of inflated assets was inevitable, merely waiting for a trigger. This crash will be deeper and far more destructive than the internally-produced crash in 2008.

So while Americans are locked into liberal or conservative populist TDS (Trump Deification Syndrome), ... the game goes on.
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The House is now debating passing the Republican Stimulus Bill. It is shocking how members aren't even describing how the major programs work; have they read and understand the bill? Time and again you hear members say I know this bill is far from perfect, the truth is this bill is far from what a person with a fully good conscience would say is a "good" bill. The truth about this bill is that it will "not" stop catastrophic loss of jobs in America and the heart breaking thing about this is that this bill could be forty percent changed and rewritten in twenty four hours and save millions of jobs. Members of the House are giving speeches that we cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good, it is fraud on the American people to call this bill good because it fails to preserve millions of jobs which could be preserved with a good bill and wastes tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars giving it to businesses and people that don't need the money. People widespread across America are saying that this corona-virus crisis is an epic test for our generation a test that history will measure our generation on, this Senate bill if made law will be dispositive on the issue saying clearly to history our generation of American's failed the country. Don't you members of Congress see that your good character is being taken away from you with this bill; there is an abundance of carrots in the bill the money for veterans, minorities etc, etc. but in moral truth they are bribes to get you to turn the other way for the corrupt designs of the major programs in the bill; the American people are better than this bill House members don't sell us out. President Trump don't sign this Republican stimulus bill if it lands on your desk because it sells out the American people and when people see the full effect of this bill they will view you as a terrible negotiator you cut this deal and history will record this deal like that of the deal President Franklin D Roosevelt cut with the head of Russia Joseph Stalin at the end of World War II where he gave away eastern Europe and subjected America to a forty year long cold war. One of the ironies about this bill is that it is called the "CARES" act and the truth of the matter is that it doesn't care about the American people it only cares about the political establishment and the wealthy in America!

Who the hell are you? English is definitely not your first language and it really looks like you used a translator. There's no time for dicking around right now the money needs to make it out into the economy before 50% of the small businesses in this country fail permanently. I say this as a person whose income level is far above that considered to be eligible for the check. Go away and salute whatever flag the nation you belong to.

The Bush administration started the "too big to fail" idea ... the Obama administration carried it full term ... both political parties are out to save the rich ... $20 trillion in debt is a GREAT time to cut taxes ...
Who the hell are you? English is definitely not your first language and it really looks like you used a translator. There's no time for dicking around right now the money needs to make it out into the economy before 50% of the small businesses in this country fail permanently. I say this as a person whose income level is far above that considered to be eligible for the check. Go away and salute whatever flag the nation you belong to.


The 50% of small businesses that survive will see double profits ... money doesn't disappear, it just goes from your pocket to mine ...
Who the hell are you? English is definitely not your first language and it really looks like you used a translator. There's no time for dicking around right now the money needs to make it out into the economy before 50% of the small businesses in this country fail permanently. I say this as a person whose income level is far above that considered to be eligible for the check. Go away and salute whatever flag the nation you belong to.


Conservatives loving themselves some Socialism
This virus has been a big shit sandwich for everybody.

This bill is absolutely terrible because of all the useless crap in it and because it is even more deficit spending.

We aren't moral enough to have a spending bill that simply addresses the medical issues in a fiscal responsible way like cutting other spending. We have to put in all that other shit because of the greed of the members of Congress. Terrible representatives.
The attention of the country is on this bill, which has some crucial temporary aid to unemployed workers, hospitals, and reportedly small business loans, mixed in with larger bailouts for private corporations with terribly incompetent and corrupt managements (like Boeing). But the real action (4-5 trillion dollars already pledged) in “emergency” help is at the Federal Reserve, which has unlimited ability to bail out banks and their over-leveraged Hedge Fund customers. That is the financial center from which much of the real disgrace and long-term damage will flow.

This is a systemic problem long in the making, where big sophisticated debt pyramid players on Wall Street and international private capital Hedge Funds enrich themselves over time, knowing that no matter how mush risk they take on the Fed will step in and bail them out, as was the case in 2008 also. Some may go bankrupt, but not the big players patronized as “prime dealer counterparties” by major Fed banks.

This reality is almost totally covered up by mainstream politicians in both parties, and of course also by the populist conman Trump. The Covid-19 outbreak is real and serious, but we are actually lucky — its fatality rate could have been much worse.

The pandemic is making it easier to cover up the reality that the “Everything Bubble” that we were enjoying in the markets and our economy, was based on illusions. Our slow real economic growth rate, our balance of payments deficits, our budget deficits, our corrupt “Too Big to Fail” Fed-centered debt dependent credit system, everything indicated that a crash of inflated assets was inevitable, merely waiting for a trigger. This crash will be deeper and far more destructive than the internally-produced crash in 2008.

So while Americans are locked into liberal or conservative populist TDS (Trump Deification Syndrome), ... the game goes on.

They haven't figured out what invisible 911 means and what happens " after " it's all said and done just like all those rights lost after the big boogie man ran jets into bldgs. via a gawd am cave and barely any technology.


But they will when their OWNN BS turns on to themselves now they still won't get why I say " karma is coming for you idiots too" lol..........
There are three components to this stupid bill:

Federal money to provide medical supplies. Most Americans would probably agree with spending a little money for this item providing revenue was offset elsewhere by reducing spending in other areas like food stamps for Illegals.

Borrowing money from the future to pay wages that would have been earned now had not the virus shut down the economy. It is always a false economy to borrow money in the future to pay what was not earned now. That will come back to bite us in the ass.

Worthless crap that has nothing to do with the virus, like giving money the filthy ass Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. It is absolutely the epitome of stupidity to bloat the bill with the unnecessary spending we are seeing. Shame on the Democrats for doing it and the Republicans for going along with it.
The House is now debating passing the Republican Stimulus Bill. It is shocking how members aren't even describing how the major programs work; have they read and understand the bill? Time and again you hear members say I know this bill is far from perfect, the truth is this bill is far from what a person with a fully good conscience would say is a "good" bill. The truth about this bill is that it will "not" stop catastrophic loss of jobs in America and the heart breaking thing about this is that this bill could be forty percent changed and rewritten in twenty four hours and save millions of jobs. Members of the House are giving speeches that we cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good, it is fraud on the American people to call this bill good because it fails to preserve millions of jobs which could be preserved with a good bill and wastes tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars giving it to businesses and people that don't need the money. People widespread across America are saying that this corona-virus crisis is an epic test for our generation a test that history will measure our generation on, this Senate bill if made law will be dispositive on the issue saying clearly to history our generation of American's failed the country. Don't you members of Congress see that your good character is being taken away from you with this bill; there is an abundance of carrots in the bill the money for veterans, minorities etc, etc. but in moral truth they are bribes to get you to turn the other way for the corrupt designs of the major programs in the bill; the American people are better than this bill House members don't sell us out. President Trump don't sign this Republican stimulus bill if it lands on your desk because it sells out the American people and when people see the full effect of this bill they will view you as a terrible negotiator you cut this deal and history will record this deal like that of the deal President Franklin D Roosevelt cut with the head of Russia Joseph Stalin at the end of World War II where he gave away eastern Europe and subjected America to a forty year long cold war. One of the ironies about this bill is that it is called the "CARES" act and the truth of the matter is that it doesn't care about the American people it only cares about the political establishment and the wealthy in America!
The thought crossed my head that we should have NO AID package. These states and cities are exaggerating their numbers so they can get more federal aid. I think we should just all go back to work.

There is also a bunch of really bad hidden stuff I am hearing in the bill that no one is talking about, like references to ID 2020, and tracking people etc. Digital money, and doing away with paper currency eventually.
There are three components to this stupid bill:
Federal money to provide medical supplies...
Borrowing money from the future to pay wages that would have been earned now had not the virus shut down the economy. ...
Worthless crap that has nothing to do with the virus, like giving money the filthy ass Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts...

Thank you, I wish we had the "informative" button still ... I was quite incensed to hear the airline industry is getting completely bailed out ... these are the rotten fuckers who caused this mess to begin with ... I say not one penny, shut down you worthless pigs ...

Look at your health care insurance premium ... why do health care companies need bailing out? ... we have to give them money now in the current situation, but we can also place a moritorium on dividend payments until these companies build and maintain a stockpile of these supplies ... no excuse for them to run short but profit before people ...

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