House vote on Sandy relief bill tomorrow the 15th


VIP Member
Jul 17, 2012
At least that was the promise. I haven't seen one word about it since the beginning of the month.

Second test of the 113th House. They passed the $9.7B the 4th. Let's see if they can get 2 for 2.
Currently the schedule for tomorrow reads as follows:

· of Representatives Schedule
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hearing: Organizational Meeting for the 113th Congress

11:30 AM | 2118 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on Armed Services | Full Committee
Hearing: Full Committee Organizational Meeting

3:00 PM | 2172 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on Foreign Affairs | Full Committee
The relief bills are FULL of pork.

Why can't congress pass a fucking bill on its own merits instead of bribing each other with OUR tax dollars...
The relief bills are FULL of pork.

Why can't congress pass a fucking bill on its own merits instead of bribing each other with OUR tax dollars...

Less than 1/2 of 1% is "loaded with pork"? It has no more "pork" than the Katrina bill that was passed in 2005.
The relief bills are FULL of pork.

Why can't congress pass a fucking bill on its own merits instead of bribing each other with OUR tax dollars...

Less than 1/2 of 1% is "loaded with pork"? It has no more "pork" than the Katrina bill that was passed in 2005.

Any amount is too much. And it doesn't matter what party does it or for how long they've been doing it. It's part of the reason were in such debt.
How much pork is there? I've seen several threads on the issue, but I haven't seen any real figures.
The truth about the Sandy relief bill. :eek: Hey, if you can't believe Hannity who can you believe? Apparently just about anybody else.

REP. RANDY FORBES, R-VA: Thank you, Sean, it's great to be with you.

HANNITY: Congressman Gowdy how much actual pork within the Senate bill, how much in terms of total dollars?

REP. TREY GOWDY, R-S.C.: You mean the bill that we're going to vote on January 15th?

HANNITY: Well --

GOWDY: At least half of it. Not what we did today, but what's coming up is the pork-laden bill, and about half of it is what you described. It's fisheries in Mississippi. I know Sandy was big, but I don't think it hit Alaska and I'm positive it didn't hit Mississippi. Cars for the Department of Justice, roof tops in the District of Columbia, about half of what Harry Reid calls an emergency is pork.

HANNITY: Now, this is obviously an abuse of power by the Democrats. Why do you think, Congressman, that they did this?

GOWDY: Because they can. Because nobody calls them on it. Because those of us who voted no today, for instance, because we had the unmitigated temerity to ask for an offset -- because frankly, Governor Christie wants to bully and berate and badger people into passing a bill no matter how pork- laden it is. We're $16 trillion in debt and I don't think it's asking too much that we found an offset, that we found waste, fraud abuse, duplicative programming, something to pay for this $9 billion that we spent today instead of mortgaging the future of our kids. I don't think that's too much to ask.

HANNITY: I don't think it's too much -- I don't -- first of all, they should have moved quicker than this as the president promised he would do, and secondly, I don't think that the people of the Rockaways, and Long Beach and New Jersey and the Jersey Shore and Staten Island, I don't think they deserve to be put in the middle of a political football here, Congressman Forbes.

In other words, they're being held up, they're being used and abused in this process because Congress, they're looking to get any spare change that they can get out of the taxpayers and it's non-Sandy related. That's not fair to the people that are victims here.

Read more: Who's to blame for playing politics with Sandy victims? | Interviews | Hannity
"The pork-barrel feast includes more than $8 million to buy cars and equipment for the Homeland Security and Justice departments. It also includes a whopping $150 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to dole out to fisheries in Alaska and $2 million for the Smithsonian Institution to repair museum roofs in DC.
An eye-popping $13 billion would go to “mitigation” projects to prepare for future storms.
Other big-ticket items in the bill include $207 million for the VA Manhattan Medical Center; $41 million to fix up eight military bases along the storm’s path, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; $4 million for repairs at Kennedy Space Center in Florida; $3.3 million for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center and $1.1 million to repair national cemeteries."

Obama Sandy aid bill filled with holiday goodies unrelated to storm damage -

I'd say some of these are over the top, and some justified.

Author of that article: "Twitchy Staff". At least have the fucking nerve to take credit for your work.

I don't know nor care who runs that site or any other site. The content is all that matters.

Did you read the list of pork? And while Amy thinks some may be worthy causes they have NOTHING to do with relief for the people. If they are worthy causes then they should be presented on their own not burried in a nonrelated bill.
Shit like this is why its so hard to be mad a someone for voting against good bills.

Legislation should be clean and voted on based on its own merits
So, from what I posted, 200 million in pork?

If you leave out the 13 billion for "mitigation" maybe lol

Mitigation......seriously? We're just gonna throw 13 billion out there for "future undisclosed" projects?

Could that be anymore flamboyant?
I left out the parts that have to do with Sandy. I don't know what the mitigation consists of, could be something we need to save money and lives in the future, could be pork. However it should be in the bill.
The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $3 million for oil spill research.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $10 million for FBI salaries and expenses.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $40 million for military bases including for Guantanamo Bay.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $86 million for AMTRAK on non-Sandy capital improvements.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $100 million for the failed Head Start daycare program.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $561 million for the Corps of Engineers to spend outside of areas affected by Sandy.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $2.02 billion for the Federal Highway Administration to spend on non-Sandy-related roads.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy "emergency" bill includes $16 billion for HUD to spend on any disaster declared in 2011, 2012, 2013.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The House Sandy bill includes off-budget "emergency" spending for AMTRAK capital improvements and NOAA weather forecasting.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The FHA road spending in the House bill is $1.7 billion more than the President asked for.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The FHA road spending in the House bill is $1.1 billion more than the Senate passed.14 Jan 13

Gabriel Malor@gabrielmalorVOTE NO: The total Corps of Engineers spending in the House Sandy bill is $166 million more than the President asked for
The truth about the Sandy relief bill. :eek: Hey, if you can't believe Hannity who can you believe? Apparently just about anybody else.

REP. RANDY FORBES, R-VA: Thank you, Sean, it's great to be with you.

HANNITY: Congressman Gowdy how much actual pork within the Senate bill, how much in terms of total dollars?

REP. TREY GOWDY, R-S.C.: You mean the bill that we're going to vote on January 15th?

HANNITY: Well --

GOWDY: At least half of it. Not what we did today, but what's coming up is the pork-laden bill, and about half of it is what you described. It's fisheries in Mississippi. I know Sandy was big, but I don't think it hit Alaska and I'm positive it didn't hit Mississippi. Cars for the Department of Justice, roof tops in the District of Columbia, about half of what Harry Reid calls an emergency is pork.

HANNITY: Now, this is obviously an abuse of power by the Democrats. Why do you think, Congressman, that they did this?

GOWDY: Because they can. Because nobody calls them on it. Because those of us who voted no today, for instance, because we had the unmitigated temerity to ask for an offset -- because frankly, Governor Christie wants to bully and berate and badger people into passing a bill no matter how pork- laden it is. We're $16 trillion in debt and I don't think it's asking too much that we found an offset, that we found waste, fraud abuse, duplicative programming, something to pay for this $9 billion that we spent today instead of mortgaging the future of our kids. I don't think that's too much to ask.

HANNITY: I don't think it's too much -- I don't -- first of all, they should have moved quicker than this as the president promised he would do, and secondly, I don't think that the people of the Rockaways, and Long Beach and New Jersey and the Jersey Shore and Staten Island, I don't think they deserve to be put in the middle of a political football here, Congressman Forbes.

In other words, they're being held up, they're being used and abused in this process because Congress, they're looking to get any spare change that they can get out of the taxpayers and it's non-Sandy related. That's not fair to the people that are victims here.

Read more: Who's to blame for playing politics with Sandy victims? | Interviews | Hannity

The inherent illogic of your argument is actually quite amusing. Aside from the $9 billion in current fiscal year relief that has already been approved, you are quite sure that an additional $51 billion needs to be approved immediately without having any idea how it would be spent. You then attack anyone who questions this amount and challenge them to specify in detail the expenditures that should not be made. Shouldn't the burden of establishing the legitimacy of these expenditures be placed on the proponents?
"The pork-barrel feast includes more than $8 million to buy cars and equipment for the Homeland Security and Justice departments. It also includes a whopping $150 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to dole out to fisheries in Alaska and $2 million for the Smithsonian Institution to repair museum roofs in DC.
An eye-popping $13 billion would go to “mitigation” projects to prepare for future storms.
Other big-ticket items in the bill include $207 million for the VA Manhattan Medical Center; $41 million to fix up eight military bases along the storm’s path, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; $4 million for repairs at Kennedy Space Center in Florida; $3.3 million for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center and $1.1 million to repair national cemeteries."

Obama Sandy aid bill filled with holiday goodies unrelated to storm damage -

I'd say some of these are over the top, and some justified.

I don't know how you found this. The New York Post while supposedly established 1801 practically does not exist as a company. It is owned by Murdoch however. I tried to look up the authors, S.A. MILLER and GERRY SHIELDS. Besides having a twitter account and a facebook page they don't seem to exist.

NYP Holdings, Inc.: CEO and Executives - Businessweek
Key Executives for NYP Holdings, Inc.
Name Board Relationships Title Age
Jesse Angelo No Relationships Managing Editor --
Michael Gray No Relationships Sunday Business Editor --
David Rentas No Relationships Director of Photography --
NYP Holdings, Inc. Board Members*
Name Board Relationships Primary Company Age
There is no Board Members data available.
NYP Holdings, Inc. Executive Committees*
Committee Name Chairperson Board Relationships Members
There is no committee data available.

If it is a Inc. then it has to have a board.

If you have to cherry pick your information this hard maybe you should rethink your assumptions.

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