House votes to block Syrian refugees

It never ceases to amaze me how many really dumb members habit this forum. 100% LIBs run to Obama's side no matter what his latest fuck-up is.
THINK!!!!!! for Christ's Sake!
Read this very slowly: Every member of congress is given national security briefings. Not in the depth which the NSC gets of course.
When Dianne Feinstein goes in front of the cameras and tells the American people she is very concerned about national security regarding the Syrian refugees you all better take note.
When dozens of DEMs vote to defund Syrian refugee programs until much stricter vetting happens you all better take note.These DEMs know a LOT more about the threat level radical Islamofascists bring to the US.
Anyone who claims that "only a small percent could be terrorists" is a fool.
How many radical Islamofascists does it take to blow up Times Square.
Remember. These are literally insane people for whom their own death means nothing to them.
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Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
See that is the problem. You define what is the 'right thing' via your ideological premise then justify everything else as good for us because it corresponds to your ideology.

But your ideology is bullshit if it requires us to have open borders while we are fight an asymetrical war with several global terrorist organizations, dude.

Who said anything about open borders?
Plenty of people and you would know that if you would sober up and pay attention, dude.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.
I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with tens of thousands of specifically ISLAMIC refugees that are not properly screened, just as I have a big problem with the fact that our traitorous prez refuses to catch, screen, deport or prosecute any of the tens of thousands of illegals coming across our southern border. The only people he is interested in "catching" appear to be the CHRISTIANS from the middle east, who do not pose any sort of threat to anybody, and who are actually being slaughtered as we speak by the very people we're waving across the borders.
In an exercise based purely on semantics, let me rephrase what you just said, to show the degree to which I agree.

I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with 20,000 Islamic refugees from an ISIS hot bed that are not properly screened.

See...if you take out all the hysteria, the refugees will be screened, and that will minimize the risk.

But if you want to hate Muslims, Obama, Mexican illegals, and wallow in terrorized fear and hatred....go right ahead, I won't be joining you
IT is impossible to properly and responsibly screen people from a war torn nation that has no direct relations with the US. They will not do the back ground checks that are required nor let us go there to do them.

You are talking a fantasy like flying unicorns shitting Skittles across the world to feed the poor; it has nothing to do with reality.
It never ceases to amaze me how many really dumb members habit this forum. 100% LIBs run to Obama's side no matter what his latest fuck-up is.
THINK!!!!!! for Christ's Sake!
Read this very slowly: Every member of congress is given national security briefings. Not in the depth which the NSC gets of course.
When Dianne Feinstein goes in front of the cameras and tells the American people she is very concerned about national security regarding the Syrian refugees you all better take note.
When dozens of DEMs vote to defund Syrian refugee programs until much stricter vetting happens you all better take note.These DEMs know a LOT more about the threat level radical Islamofascists bring to the US.
Anyone who claims that "only a small percent could be terrorists" is a fool.
How many radical Islamofascists does it take to blow up Times Square.
Remember. These are literally insane people for whom their own death means nothing to them.
Oh, no, that is a hallmark of fascism, total loyalty to the LEADER! (in German the Fuher)
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

Yeah funny how crime is illegal on illegal stuff. :/

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.

Yeah, dont enforce the laws and protect the public as is their duty, no, instead just manage the carnage that results from letting criminals run around our country creating mayhem and harm to our citizens.

You are a fool.

Vote for Tonald Drump ...get to the choppers...

Vote for Tonald Drump ...get to the choppers...
Great pic, I love it!

Thank you, you stupid cock sucker, for the best poster I have ever seen!

Here is one I am sure you will appreciate!


Dont negotiate with ISIS, just kill every god damned one of them and let God sort them out.
It never ceases to amaze me how many really dumb members habit this forum. 100% LIBs run to Obama's side no matter what his latest fuck-up is.
THINK!!!!!! for Christ's Sake!
Read this very slowly: Every member of congress is given national security briefings. Not in the depth which the NSC gets of course.
When Dianne Feinstein goes in front of the cameras and tells the American people she is very concerned about national security regarding the Syrian refugees you all better take note.
When dozens of DEMs vote to defund Syrian refugee programs until much stricter vetting happens you all better take note.These DEMs know a LOT more about the threat level radical Islamofascists bring to the US.
Anyone who claims that "only a small percent could be terrorists" is a fool.
How many radical Islamofascists does it take to blow up Times Square.
Remember. These are literally insane people for whom their own death means nothing to them.
Oh, no, that is a hallmark of fascism, total loyalty to the LEADER! (in German the Fuher)
Our leader, and yours, is off to play golf and give speeches for a living, in roughly 13 months. Nothing like Fascism, that's Putin, who you admire...
Obama is trying everything in his power to ensure there is a national tragedy involving terrorists. He will then invoke Martial Law. He'll cancel the election and declare himself interim President (in perpetuity). The American people will rebel and there will be a second Civil War. Which is precisely what Obama wants.
Take a peak at the composition of the refugees moving into Europe in this pic. Mostly young men, not 3 year old orphans.

She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.
I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with tens of thousands of specifically ISLAMIC refugees that are not properly screened, just as I have a big problem with the fact that our traitorous prez refuses to catch, screen, deport or prosecute any of the tens of thousands of illegals coming across our southern border. The only people he is interested in "catching" appear to be the CHRISTIANS from the middle east, who do not pose any sort of threat to anybody, and who are actually being slaughtered as we speak by the very people we're waving across the borders.
In an exercise based purely on semantics, let me rephrase what you just said, to show the degree to which I agree.

I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with 20,000 Islamic refugees from an ISIS hot bed that are not properly screened.

See...if you take out all the hysteria, the refugees will be screened, and that will minimize the risk.

But if you want to hate Muslims, Obama, Mexican illegals, and wallow in terrorized fear and hatred....go right ahead, I won't be joining you
IT is impossible to properly and responsibly screen people from a war torn nation that has no direct relations with the US. They will not do the back ground checks that are required nor let us go there to do them.

You are talking a fantasy like flying unicorns shitting Skittles across the world to feed the poor; it has nothing to do with reality.

You're an asshole. People like you wanna destroy whole countries for no good reason, and then throw a hissy fit when their refugees show up on our borders.
1 .The “Refugees” Are Not Fleeing Persecution, They’re Welfare Migrants
Syria is in the middle of a religious war between Sunni and Shiite Muslims.

But Sunni Muslims fleeing religious persecution can choose one of the many Sunni states in the region. Most Syrians have ended up in Jordan and Turkey, which are both Sunni countries. The Sunni Muslim countries are certainly not persecuting their fellow Sunnis. And neither country is run by ISIS.

Likewise Shiite Muslims can find sanctuary in Shiite Iran or parts of Lebanon.

The only authentic refugees are Christians and Yazidis who do not have a country to call their own in the region. Only these non-Muslim peoples can be considered refugees fleeing religious persecution.

Sunni Muslims stopped being persecuted refugees the moment they set foot in Jordan or Turkey. Talk of resettling them in the United States or Europe has nothing to do with “persecution.” It’s economic migration. And economic migration in this case is a euphemism for welfare migration.

Muslims are not fleeing to Europe because of religious persecution, but for economic reasons. They specifically seek out countries such as Germany and Sweden with generous welfare states.

The media loves offering false analogies to Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. But the Jews were a stateless people then. They had no country of their own go to. Muslims have more countries than nearly every other religion on the planet. They choose to go to the wealthiest Western countries, rejecting Slovenia and Bulgaria for Germany and Sweden, because they want money and they want easy money.

Syrian Muslims are not refugees. They’re migrants. Only Christians and other non-Muslims are refugees.

While Muslims have easy access to UN refugee camps in Muslim countries, Christians have trouble surviving there. But by outsourcing our immigration to the UN’s refugee infrastructure, we abandon Christian refugees and instead take in Muslim welfare migrants. And that is truly shameful.

There is no reason for us to provide special privileges for Muslim economic migrants. A Gallup poll showed that 138 million people would like to move to America. We can’t even begin to accommodate a fraction of that number. We already take in far more immigrants every year than we can afford.

Three Media Lies About Syrian Refugees

Still wondering how you decided that I was a Jew hater. I guess I will never know, since I am crashing the border today and spending a week in Cancun. Does that make me a Mexican hater, too?

PS. My attorney, Bernie Goldman, and my gardner, Jose Gonzalez, wanted me to tell you, "Shalome", and "Buenos dias".
Take a peak at the composition of the refugees moving into Europe in this pic. Mostly young men, not 3 year old orphans.

What happened to all the young men's female family members and the children?
Muslim men treat females like animals and couldn't give a shit what happens to them. That's the real truth.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
See that is the problem. You define what is the 'right thing' via your ideological premise then justify everything else as good for us because it corresponds to your ideology.

But your ideology is bullshit if it requires us to have open borders while we are fight an asymetrical war with several global terrorist organizations, dude.

Who said anything about open borders?
Plenty of people and you would know that if you would sober up and pay attention, dude.

I've seen very few people calling for "open borders" - varying levels of immigration, overhauling immigration, offering amnesty - but open borders? Feel free to show me examples of anyone other than a fringe few calling for open borders. The only place I've seen that is rightwing talking points.
What is the point of your question asking for personal information?
Not personal just wanted to understand the level of your commitment to your talking point. I know what I have done to help maintain the safety and way of life in the US. If you wish to know I have no problem sharing that without any personal information as it is unnecessary.

My state has no refugees as of yet, is not slated for any - yet. The place where I work is involved in several activities to help refugees (collecting donations etc). We also have an organization that is working to put pressure on our representatives to take refugees. I'm involved with supporting them. I am not interested in what you've done.
So on a personal level you have not done much. Thanks. Just wanted to know who I am dealing with. I would like to see how your views may change after experiencing the refugees and the constant possibility of a terroristic act. All I want are better measures, that is more than reasonable.

On a personal level, I've done as much as I am able. There is no "constant possibility of a terrorist act" with Syrian refugees. Look at the history of them in our country - there's years worth of data showing that the vetting and monitoring process has been largely successful. I know exactly what I am dealing with in you.
This my friend is where you have completely lost the argument.
"Years worth a data........" does not include ANY data after ISIS took effective control of large parts of the ME.

No, it doesn't but it does include refugees during times of Al Quada infiltration and Al Quada, thus far, has done the most damage on US soil of any of those groups. The immigration process alone was significantly overhauled as a result.

The Syrians who were allowed to immigrate "for years" to the US were 100% highly educated professionals like doctors and engineers.
Today's Syrian refugees are pretty much illiterates with no marketable skill sets AKA there are no jobs for them. YES YES they MAY be the odd 'professional' among them but then the exception proves the rule.
In fact 99.99% of the highly educated Syrians have taken their gold and their family out of Syria a couple of years ago.

Actually, that is not true either, just like the claims that they are 80% fighting age males. Europe Refugee Crisis Facts: Wealthy, Educated Syrians Risking Lives To Leave War

I believe this cartoon exposes the idiocy of the lefts wanting to bring these people to the US. There is no reason to bring them here.

There is plenty of reason to bring them here. We are a better people than those Gulf States.

I believe this cartoon exposes the idiocy of the lefts wanting to bring these people to the US. There is no reason to bring them here.

There is plenty of reason to bring them here. We are a better people than those Gulf States.

Bringing people who want to kill the US Constitution and put in place their Sharia law (which is a command and control government with forced Islam as a religion) is stupid to the max IMHO.

But if your OK with beheadings of non Muslims, women as slaves or property, and killing of those who are not Muslim by any means........ Feel free to place them in YOUR HOME!
yep a mission approved by congress. The American congress fighting for the safety of Americans. There is no reason to roll the dice and have the conflict here. your point?

For the safety of Americans from what a new Camel Hump Rocket LOl.
you wing nuts are ninnies do not believe the Government on Global warming but you believe any God Damn thing From the Government that leads to killing folks....
no speaking facts, is what I'm about, not your revisionist history. I see you continue with being a dumb fk

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