House votes to block Syrian refugees

I really think they are naive,'s the whole "if you're nice to people...then they'll be nice to you in return!" thing...which works great until you run into a bunch of sociopaths who view "nice" as a sign of weakness and weakness as something to be exploited! Barack Obama's problem is that he really thought he could reason with people like ISIS and that they'd be won over by his eloquence. It would be amusing to observe if it wasn't putting so many people at risk.
There is no reason to not consider people that naive to be traitors also. The motive really doesnt matter, only the behavior matters.
Ok. I found it. You gotta watch it all to get the gist. It tells a story....not a pretty one either.

Yep, I have seen that one. It is shocking, but so many people refuse to watch it or even consider the problems associated with bringing in such a large number of people with a completely different culture and faith.

The curse of hyper-secularism.
Of course there's a problem, but that's no excuse to panic.

If there is a problem...then why is asking for a little time to address that problem "panic"?

You want to see panic? Have an attack like Paris happen here in the US. You better be damned sure you're doing a good job vetting these refugees, Paint because it's quite obvious that ISIS would LOVE to do just that. You want to know why a lot of Democrats are voting for a time out until we get a handle on this? Because they grasp that there is a very real danger here and if something were to happen and they didn't vote for caution then their political careers would be OVER!
ISIS is already here. You are worried about the new blood when the old blood are the ones with the plans to blow the shit out of things. You don't need time, you need to think straight.

ISIS may very well already be here. So does allowing more of them to enter the country make things better or worse? One of the reasons that France is so Fubared at the moment is that they have allowed huge numbers of Muslims into their country including Muslim extremists.

Use your head, Paint...if the Director of the Obama appointee...comes out publicly to state that he's not confident that the FBI is going to be successful in vetting Syrian refugees...something that his boss obviously didn't want to hear...don't you think it's a serious problem? If it wasn't then he doesn't make that statement! He made it because he's covering his ass and he's covering his ass because he's worried something is going to happen!
We know something is going to happen, and ISIS is already here. You need to plan, not panic. ISIS is an idea, not a person.

ISIS is not an "idea", you naive's a GROUP of people who are dedicated to killing you! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
REMEMBER: The people who want to deport 11 million human beings and shut down houses of worship are the Starbucks Christmas cups persecuted minority.
REMEMBER: The people who want to deport 11 million human beings and shut down houses of worship are the Starbucks Christmas cups persecuted minority.

I know you stoners hate to deal with reality, Tyrone...but here's some for you to chew on! As a society you've got a can either have secure borders or you can have generous entitlements. You can't have both because you'll never be able to pay for it. you want the open borders with no entitlements...or do you want a secured border with entitlements?

Or do you want to go roll a fattie and pretend you can do both?
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.
Actually, the vote was probably a calculated affair on behalf of the dems. I think Obama also wanted to keep them out, which is why he put up a weak fight. The dems decided it would be better for some invisible middle-dems in Congress to tip the scales so the "prominent dem" didn't have to look like someone who was being "insensitive to refugees".

Good run by the new House Speaker. I already like the guy with the widow's peak.
REMEMBER: The people who want to deport 11 million human beings and shut down houses of worship are the Starbucks Christmas cups persecuted minority.

I know you stoners hate to deal with reality, Tyrone...but here's some for you to chew on! As a society you've got a can either have secure borders or you can have generous entitlements. You can't have both because you'll never be able to pay for it. you want the open borders with no entitlements...or do you want a secured border with entitlements?

Or do you want to go roll a fattie and pretend you can do both?
He will take the fattie for 20, Alex,
REMEMBER: The people who want to deport 11 million human beings and shut down houses of worship are the Starbucks Christmas cups persecuted minority.
The people who want to protect non US citizens and fuck US citizens are? Oh yeah , liberal turds.
I was reading the introduction for immigrants booklet thing and it makes a big point of saying you're eligible for welfare immediately... :/
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.

Yup. Only problem is that the Dems in the Senate are going to fight it.

Seems the Dems don't want to keep we Americans safe. Who knew??
I was reading the introduction for immigrants booklet thing and it makes a big point of saying you're eligible for welfare immediately... :/

Of course they are. We taxpayers are going to get hosed once again taking care of non citizens.

Hell. The taxpayers in Europe are already screaming about the cost of the refugees in their countries.

Barry and all those wanting these folks in the US suck big time. That includes that POS Hildebeast.
Yup. Only problem is that the Dems in the Senate are going to fight it.

Seems the Dems don't want to keep we Americans safe. Who knew??

we need effective gun control laws to be safe from our fellow Americans....

Bullshit. They have more than enough laws on the books concerning weapons.

Guess you don't have a weapon to keep yourself safe. To bad.
Something to think about.
The Paris attackers had EU passports. They could have come right in as tourists at anytime.
IMO that is a far bigger concern then refugees who will be closely scrutinized.

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