House votes to block Syrian refugees

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

You think that those crossing the Southern Borders are using false documents?


Perhaps KG doesn't answer because it is impossible to take such idiocy seriously.

Or, perhaps you need to reread the question - let me repeat it to you (and read it in the context of the discussion and kg's claims):

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
What an ignorant question.
Answer: The Mexicans and Muslims who have not been caught with false documents. You know like the tens of thousands of illegals who simply walk across the border.
You don't think ISIS is aware how easy it is to get into the US illegally?
Wise up pal.
this ^^^
Or, perhaps you need to reread the question - let me repeat it to you (and read it in the context of the discussion and kg's claims):

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

Again, you're being incredibly stupid. Mexicans and Muslims can saunter across our border any time they please. There is no need for false documents to obtain entry, thanks to Obama we have a completely open border.
That's not what said.

This is what you said: "they have repeatedly said they will not charge criminal Mexicans or Iraqis with terror tied with."
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

Hold on - let's examine this first.
1st: What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
2nd: Those Iraqi Christians had already been granted assylum in Europe (which is why they did not qualify for assylum here) - how is sending them to Sweden or Germany or other European countries "sending them to thier deaths"? This is what is typically done with cases like that regardless of religion.
Every thing you posted as a statement here is a lie. And I don't even know what that first sentence is, but it's nonsense any way you cut it.

KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.
This is what you said: "they have repeatedly said they will not charge criminal Mexicans or Iraqis with terror tied with."
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

Hold on - let's examine this first.
1st: What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
2nd: Those Iraqi Christians had already been granted assylum in Europe (which is why they did not qualify for assylum here) - how is sending them to Sweden or Germany or other European countries "sending them to thier deaths"? This is what is typically done with cases like that regardless of religion.
Every thing you posted as a statement here is a lie. And I don't even know what that first sentence is, but it's nonsense any way you cut it.

KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.
What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

You think that those crossing the Southern Borders are using false documents?


Perhaps KG doesn't answer because it is impossible to take such idiocy seriously.

Or, perhaps you need to reread the question - let me repeat it to you (and read it in the context of the discussion and kg's claims):

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
What an ignorant question.
Answer: The Mexicans and Muslims who have not been caught with false documents. You know like the tens of thousands of illegals who simply walk across the border.
You don't think ISIS is aware how easy it is to get into the US illegally?
Wise up pal.

That is not what kg claimed. She claimed that they were not charged while the Christian Iraqi's were. That implies Muslims with terrorist ties are not charged when they are caught with falsified documents while Christians are.

Kg's emphasis is on the persecution of Christians but even that is laughable because Mexican's mostly Christian but she sure doesn't want them coming in (so it's ok to persecute them I guess).

Waiting on evidence.
This is what you said: "they have repeatedly said they will not charge criminal Mexicans or Iraqis with terror tied with."
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

Hold on - let's examine this first.
1st: What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
2nd: Those Iraqi Christians had already been granted assylum in Europe (which is why they did not qualify for assylum here) - how is sending them to Sweden or Germany or other European countries "sending them to thier deaths"? This is what is typically done with cases like that regardless of religion.
Every thing you posted as a statement here is a lie. And I don't even know what that first sentence is, but it's nonsense any way you cut it.

KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

YOU made that claim, are you admitting it's fiction?
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

Hold on - let's examine this first.
1st: What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
2nd: Those Iraqi Christians had already been granted assylum in Europe (which is why they did not qualify for assylum here) - how is sending them to Sweden or Germany or other European countries "sending them to thier deaths"? This is what is typically done with cases like that regardless of religion.
Every thing you posted as a statement here is a lie. And I don't even know what that first sentence is, but it's nonsense any way you cut it.

KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.

I already POSTED all that shit. I flooded the freaking site with it, including the PDF that listed all the *exceptions* that *refugees* with terror ties were to be given.

I'm not going to post crap over, and over, and over again just because you're too stupid or disingenuous to read it.
Hold on - let's examine this first.
1st: What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?
2nd: Those Iraqi Christians had already been granted assylum in Europe (which is why they did not qualify for assylum here) - how is sending them to Sweden or Germany or other European countries "sending them to thier deaths"? This is what is typically done with cases like that regardless of religion.
Every thing you posted as a statement here is a lie. And I don't even know what that first sentence is, but it's nonsense any way you cut it.

KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.

I already POSTED all that shit. I flooded the freaking site with it, including the PDF that listed all the *exceptions* that *refugees* with terror ties were to be given.

I'm not going to post crap over, and over, and over again just because you're too stupid or disingenuous to read it.

Where did you post something on refugees with terror ties were not charged for falsifying documents?
Every thing you posted as a statement here is a lie. And I don't even know what that first sentence is, but it's nonsense any way you cut it.

KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.

I already POSTED all that shit. I flooded the freaking site with it, including the PDF that listed all the *exceptions* that *refugees* with terror ties were to be given.

I'm not going to post crap over, and over, and over again just because you're too stupid or disingenuous to read it.

Where did you post something on refugees with terror ties were not charged for falsifying documents?

Where did you come up with "not charged for falsifying documents"???

Stop making shit up.


"....the Obama Administration has eased restrictions on asylum seekers with terrorist ties."

"“The change, approved by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry, was announced Wednesday in the Federal Register. It would allow some individuals who provided ‘limited material support’ to terror groups to be considered for entry into the U.S.”

Obama’s America: Safe Haven for Terrorists
KG - the news reports on the Iraqi Christians state that they were granted asylum elsewhere first - the way asylum is supposed to work is it is granted by the first country you reach (now obviously that's gone all topsy turvy in Europe) but it doesn't change the fact that they have safe haven in other countries.

Secondly - why can't you answer the questions I asked? You made the claim - I'm asking for specific evidence supporting that claim.

What Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties have not been charged with falsifying documents to obtain entry?

"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.

I already POSTED all that shit. I flooded the freaking site with it, including the PDF that listed all the *exceptions* that *refugees* with terror ties were to be given.

I'm not going to post crap over, and over, and over again just because you're too stupid or disingenuous to read it.

Where did you post something on refugees with terror ties were not charged for falsifying documents?

Where did you come up with "not charged for falsifying documents"???

Stop making shit up.

From your statement here:
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

You made a hodgepodge of claims here including blatent lies. The Iraqi Christians are not being sent to their deaths - they have asylum in Europe already. If we let them in, then why not let in Mexican Christians?

When Muslims with "terror ties" are caught trying to enter illegally - I'm sure they are charged, not just released and I can't find any evidence to show they are released while Christians are persecuted.

No where in the article does it say they weren't charged - in fact, they've been arrested. Looks like our intelligence/security system works well.
Pipe down. People are serial-denying a variety of things.

1. Assholes like you and that retard kiwi denied that refugees had been charged with crimes. So I posted (repeatedly) the link about the refugees arrested in the US. I've been posting the same shit over and over, apparently you pigs who demand the verification never read it, which tells me you already know about it and you just lie through your teeth anyway.

2. You also have demanded verification that the current admin has relaxed the rules for criminals and terrorists, while tightening down on Christians. Then you started in with with the demented "PROVE THAT THEY WEREN'T ARRESTED!" garbage, lol...And so here's the information about THAT:

"At least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud, according to a secret 2009 internal government audit that found many of those cases had been approved anyway." Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants

Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times
"Have not been charged"?

Are you serious? How does one prove that? Don't be such a fucking retard.

You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.

I already POSTED all that shit. I flooded the freaking site with it, including the PDF that listed all the *exceptions* that *refugees* with terror ties were to be given.

I'm not going to post crap over, and over, and over again just because you're too stupid or disingenuous to read it.

Where did you post something on refugees with terror ties were not charged for falsifying documents?

Where did you come up with "not charged for falsifying documents"???

Stop making shit up.

From your statement here:
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

You made a hodgepodge of claims here including blatent lies. The Iraqi Christians are not being sent to their deaths - they have asylum in Europe already. If we let them in, then why not let in Mexican Christians?

When Muslims with "terror ties" are caught trying to enter illegally - I'm sure they are charged, not just released and I can't find any evidence to show they are released while Christians are persecuted.

Typical. Now you're just going to make up shit. Which is what you do.

Psst...we DO let in Mexicans. If we let in Mexicans, why can't we let in Iraqi Christians?

Psst...please provide verification that we're exporting them to EUROPE and not to IRAQ. Because MY information said they were being deported to IRAQ. As well as being prosecuted for LYING on their paperwork.

Which Mexicans and muslims with terror ties don't get prosecuted for.

Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times

No where in the article does it say they weren't charged - in fact, they've been arrested. Looks like our intelligence/security system works well.
Pipe down. People are serial-denying a variety of things.

1. Assholes like you and that retard kiwi denied that refugees had been charged with crimes. So I posted (repeatedly) the link about the refugees arrested in the US. I've been posting the same shit over and over, apparently you pigs who demand the verification never read it, which tells me you already know about it and you just lie through your teeth anyway.

2. You also have demanded verification that the current admin has relaxed the rules for criminals and terrorists, while tightening down on Christians. Then you started in with with the demented "PROVE THAT THEY WEREN'T ARRESTED!" garbage, lol...And so here's the information about THAT:

"At least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud, according to a secret 2009 internal government audit that found many of those cases had been approved anyway." Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants

Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times

Nowhere does this show a "tightening down" on Christians. In addition - asylum seekers are not all muslim or even mostly Muslim.

Refugees and Asylees in the United States
The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

The refugee system is one of the most tightly vetted systems, other avenues of entry like the asylum process is riskier. None show a deliberate persecution of Christians in the process.

No where in the article does it say they weren't charged - in fact, they've been arrested. Looks like our intelligence/security system works well.
Pipe down. People are serial-denying a variety of things.

1. Assholes like you and that retard kiwi denied that refugees had been charged with crimes. So I posted (repeatedly) the link about the refugees arrested in the US. I've been posting the same shit over and over, apparently you pigs who demand the verification never read it, which tells me you already know about it and you just lie through your teeth anyway.

2. You also have demanded verification that the current admin has relaxed the rules for criminals and terrorists, while tightening down on Christians. Then you started in with with the demented "PROVE THAT THEY WEREN'T ARRESTED!" garbage, lol...And so here's the information about THAT:

"At least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud, according to a secret 2009 internal government audit that found many of those cases had been approved anyway." Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants

Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times

Nowhere does this show a "tightening down" on Christians. In addition - asylum seekers are not all muslim or even mostly Muslim.

Refugees and Asylees in the United States
The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

The refugee system is one of the most tightly vetted systems, other avenues of entry like the asylum process is riskier. None show a deliberate persecution of Christians in the process.

Nobody said that they were all muslim. Irrelevant, doesn't deserve a response.
No, it doesn't show a tightening down on Christans, I never said it did. Also irrelevant.

I already showed that the admin was waving in terrorists and criminals, while rejecting Christians. By posting about this:

Raymond Ibrahim: Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions

and this:
Administration eases restrictions on asylum seekers with loose terror ties | Fox News -

and then showing you this:

"At least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud, according to a secret 2009 internal government audit that found many of those cases had been approved anyway."
Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times
Last edited:
You made a specific claim - you implied that Christian Iraqi's were singled out for special persecution when it came to falsifying documents. You then went further in an effort to support your statement by claiming the Obama administration did not charge Mexicans or Muslims with ties to terrorism who falsified asylum documents.

So this is the moment to put up the evidence or admit you're making shit up. What Muslims with ties to terrorism were given a free pass for falsifying documents when they were caught trying to get into this country? YOU MADE THE CLAIM. So support it.

I already POSTED all that shit. I flooded the freaking site with it, including the PDF that listed all the *exceptions* that *refugees* with terror ties were to be given.

I'm not going to post crap over, and over, and over again just because you're too stupid or disingenuous to read it.

Where did you post something on refugees with terror ties were not charged for falsifying documents?

Where did you come up with "not charged for falsifying documents"???

Stop making shit up.

From your statement here:
Stupid phone...they will not charge Mexicans or Muslims with terror ties with ILLEGALLY ENTERING THE COUNTRY OR LYING TO OBTAIN ENTRY. Our jihadist president will send Christians to their deaths for illegally entering the country, but refuses to detain or charge criminals who come here illegally....and RELEASES terrorists.

You made a hodgepodge of claims here including blatent lies. The Iraqi Christians are not being sent to their deaths - they have asylum in Europe already. If we let them in, then why not let in Mexican Christians?

When Muslims with "terror ties" are caught trying to enter illegally - I'm sure they are charged, not just released and I can't find any evidence to show they are released while Christians are persecuted.

Typical. Now you're just going to make up shit. Which is what you do.

Psst...we DO let in Mexicans. If we let in Mexicans, why can't we let in Iraqi Christians?

Psst...please provide verification that we're exporting them to EUROPE and not to IRAQ. Because MY information said they were being deported to IRAQ. As well as being prosecuted for LYING on their paperwork.

Which Mexicans and muslims with terror ties don't get prosecuted for.

Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times

Iraqi detainees to be deported, some charged with fraud

All those charged have similar stories of having left Iraq and receiving citizenship or temporary stay in European countries such as Germany or Sweden, where some lived for several years. They left Europe and took flights to Mexico this year, where they attempted to enter through the San Ysidro Port of Entry without documentation, often under aliases and falsified birth dates, according to court documents.

They omitted having lived in other countries in their applications for asylum. One woman falsified claims that her family was threatened by ISIS, according to a criminal complaint.

According to this article, one couple is facing criminal charges, not just for falsifying asylum information but for attempting to enter the country under a false identify. They will be deported to Holland or Germany. I suspect that will apply to all of them since they seem to have legal residency or citizenship in those countries.

Iraqi Christian refugees turned away by USA | Christian News on Christian Today
The majority, 22 of the 27, have been ordered out of the US and five have asylum applications pending. Seven of these have already been extradited and five have been charged with making false statements, according to Lauren Mack, spokesperson for US immigration and Customs Enforcement in San Diego.

Mack said that the Chaldeans have not and will not be sent back to Iraq, but repatriated to "agreed upon" nations like Germany and Sweden.

No where in the article does it say they weren't charged - in fact, they've been arrested. Looks like our intelligence/security system works well.
Pipe down. People are serial-denying a variety of things.

1. Assholes like you and that retard kiwi denied that refugees had been charged with crimes. So I posted (repeatedly) the link about the refugees arrested in the US. I've been posting the same shit over and over, apparently you pigs who demand the verification never read it, which tells me you already know about it and you just lie through your teeth anyway.

2. You also have demanded verification that the current admin has relaxed the rules for criminals and terrorists, while tightening down on Christians. Then you started in with with the demented "PROVE THAT THEY WEREN'T ARRESTED!" garbage, lol...And so here's the information about THAT:

"At least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud, according to a secret 2009 internal government audit that found many of those cases had been approved anyway." Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants

Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times

Nowhere does this show a "tightening down" on Christians. In addition - asylum seekers are not all muslim or even mostly Muslim.

Refugees and Asylees in the United States
The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

The refugee system is one of the most tightly vetted systems, other avenues of entry like the asylum process is riskier. None show a deliberate persecution of Christians in the process.

Nobody said that they were all muslim. Irrelevant, doesn't deserve a response.
No, it doesn't show a tightening down on Christans, I never said it did. Also irrelevant.

I already showed that the admin was waving in terrorists and criminals, while rejecting Christians. By posting about this:

Raymond Ibrahim: Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions

and this:
Administration eases restrictions on asylum seekers with loose terror ties | Fox News -

and then showing you this:

"At least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud, according to a secret 2009 internal government audit that found many of those cases had been approved anyway."
Audit finds asylum system rife with fraud; approval laws broken with surge of immigrants - Washington Times

Your post claimed the Obama administration was "tightening down" on Christians. I assumed your link was part of that.

So where is the evidence that they are tightening down on Christians? Your source doesn't even get it's terminology right - those Iraqi Christians are not "refugees" - they are asylum seekers that have already recieved asylum and citizenship in Europe.

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