House Votes To Delay Individual Mandate Implementation...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Possibly only a temporary victory, but i try to stay positive. I do a lot of complaining about the phony Conservative Republicans, so it's only fair i give them credit when due. And that includes the Democrats who joined the effort as well. Hopefully they'll continuing working to ditch the Mandate. Kudos to them all.

The House voted Wednesday to delay implementation of the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act until 2015.

Twenty-two Democrats joined almost all Republicans in approving the bill 251-174. Virginia Rep. Morgan Griffith was the sole Republican to oppose the bill.

The vote follows an announcement from the White House two weeks ago that it would delay implementation of the employer mandate, which would penalize businesses that did not provide health insurance for their employees until 2015.

The announcement sparked renewed vocal fervor among Republicans for doing away with the law entirely.

“I think what the president did is outrageous,” Speaker of the House John Boehner said last week, saying President Barack Obama was favoring big business over individuals and families by delaying only the employer mandate and not the individual mandate.

The House also voted in favor of delaying the employer mandate.

No further movement on the issue is expected, as the Democrat-controlled Senate is unlikely to take up the bill...

Read more: House votes to delay Obamacare individual mandate implementation | The Daily Caller

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