House Votes To Delay Obamacare By One Year; Checks To Senate Democrats - Shutdown '


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
Inevitable'? 09/29/2013 00:45

On a rare Saturday session (now Sunday); in a not-too-surprising vote down party lines, the House has voted in favor of the continued-military-funding, medical-device-tax-repealing, Obamacare-delaying continuing resolution that keeps the government paid until December 15th...


read more House Votes To Delay Obamacare By One Year; Checks To Senate Democrats - Shutdown 'Inevitable'? | Zero Hedge
The senate should just pass this as well. Delaying Obamacare is the next best thing to repealing it. It's a mess and they are not ready for people to sign up. We need military funding or bring all our troops home as those are the only two choices. I also like the medical device repealing as that would hurt so many people.

The ball is in the Dems court now and they can prevent a shutdown by making the smart choices, which are to delay Obamacare, fund the military and give the little people a break.

If the government gets shut down, it will be totally on the Dems for putting their selfish agenda above what is best for the country.
The senate should just pass this as well. Delaying Obamacare is the next best thing to repealing it. It's a mess and they are not ready for people to sign up. We need military funding or bring all our troops home as those are the only two choices. I also like the medical device repealing as that would hurt so many people.

The ball is in the Dems court now and they can prevent a shutdown by making the smart choices, which are to delay Obamacare, fund the military and give the little people a break.

If the government gets shut down, it will be totally on the Dems for putting their selfish agenda above what is best for the country.

The GOP trash needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize who runs the show, and that's the democrats.

We have a democratic senate, and a democratic presidency. The affordable care act passed, was found constitutional by the supreme court, and is the law of the land, deal with it.
So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?
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Obanacare is ready and moving forward with or without Republicans. Democrats are not going to help you all with your stupid attempts at repealing it.

Good luck with it. :cuckoo:
No need to explain. Like Black Navel said the Dems are running the show so there won't be one.
The senate should just pass this as well. Delaying Obamacare is the next best thing to repealing it. It's a mess and they are not ready for people to sign up. We need military funding or bring all our troops home as those are the only two choices. I also like the medical device repealing as that would hurt so many people.

The ball is in the Dems court now and they can prevent a shutdown by making the smart choices, which are to delay Obamacare, fund the military and give the little people a break.

If the government gets shut down, it will be totally on the Dems for putting their selfish agenda above what is best for the country.

the senate should remove the Obama care portion of the bill ... then send it back to the house ... period !!!! send a message back to the republicans that we aren't going to play their games ... the ball has been in the republicans court all along ... their the ones who are stamping their feet and crying like little babies because they aren't getting their way7... its time they learn a lesson ... if the government totally shuts down every body but you ignorant bastard republicans know ... they will learn their lesson in 2014 big time ... the smart people know this. you on the other hand don't ...
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So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

[B]honey I hate to fucking tell you its not a law until both sides and the president agrees to it .... we don't agree to what the republicans are trying to do get it you dumb fuck ... NOOOOOOO the dumb fucking idiot republicans will delay obama care for the majority of the people ...

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

[COLOR="Navy"[B]]its not fair because their are 48 million people who can't afford health care you fucking moron ... their are 48 million people who are tire of being told they can't have health care because of previous conditions... their are 48 million people who are tire of being canceled just because they became Ill

[B][COLOR="Navy"]honey, you keep saying this bill they passed is law ... you keep referring to it the constitution... its not law moron just because the house passed it... honey its not law until the senate agrees to it and the president signs it and not until then... the republicans keep playing games with your lives and your to fucking stupid to see it
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No need to explain. Like Black Navel said the Dems are running the show so there won't be one.

oh there will be one and the republicans will take the hit for it ... we all know that .. so does theses whiny ass clown republicans here know it ...they are trying their damnedest to try and save face here... losing big time
So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be subject to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.
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So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be us jet to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.

There was nothing in the law to allow a delay. Obama acted outside the law.
There was nothing in the law to allow Congress special rights. Obama acted outside the law.
Which part of that do you not get?
Looks like Harry Reid is going to shut down the government. Why does he always end up carrying Obamas water for him? He should let Obama veto it.
Why attack innovation within the medical field? This is one of the area's we're good at.
Looks like Harry Reid is going to shut down the government. Why does he always end up carrying Obamas water for him? He should let Obama veto it.

Because the democrats as a whole and many republicans don't agree with the far right's pissy fit.
So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

But I will admit I am glad to see one poster put the disaster of Obamacare where it belongs with the democrats. I had a democrat friend said she knew little about Obamacare and her, public, union liked it. She then said that the problems with Obamacare were because of the Republicans. Seems she would have us believe that Obama changed things in order for Republicans to like it. Yet none voted for it. Whow the denial was running deep that night.
So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be subject to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.

Congress, along with any other company that pays for health insurance, is exempt. Exempt in that they are getting their health care paid for by the government. So maybe they are not exempt from the law they certainly are exempt from the effect. Very unlike a whole lot of Americans. But that is just politics and democrats taking care of their own is nothing surprising.

Why Congress is (or isn't) exempt from Obamacare
So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be subject to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.

Congress, along with any other company that pays for health insurance, is exempt. Exempt in that they are getting their health care paid for by the government. So maybe they are not exempt from the law they certainly are exempt from the effect. Very unlike a whole lot of Americans. But that is just politics and democrats taking care of their own is nothing surprising.

Why Congress is (or isn't) exempt from Obamacare

No. You are wrong. There are a dozen threads on that lie. Go find one and learn.
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You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

Right...introducing Pricing Competition is going to help all the insurance companies, where currently 1 company can control 80%+ of the market in some regions. I'm sure all the big name insurance companies are LOVING obamacare.

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