House votes to revoke IRS funding for 87,000 new agents.

The reason for what the democrats pulled with this super
funding for IRS agents { $ 87 Billion } was to generate fear
among the populace.That not only does Biden & Obama's
Big Brother have an active and unamerican Deep State but is also
watching you.What better way than have an armed IRS agent or
agents pay visits to check up on certain citizens.Maybe someone
with multiple Gun permits.Or someone who used Twitter or Facebook
to complain about Democrats.
Think in terms of - Fahrenheit 451 - { Ray Bradbury classic }.
The king of all tax evaders says (through those horse nostrils): Thanks mother fuckers!

It's very clear that the Hypocrisy of the right-wing GOP is easily observed. The claim that the Democratic Party is seeking to weaponize government is another BIG LIE.

The Platform of the 21st Century Republican Party began with Gingrich in the late 20th Century, seeking to establish control of the Judiciary and succeeded when the Citizen's United*** passed 5-4. Using what was once illegal, aka dark money, was used to propagandize every election from School Boards to state legislatures and the Federal Courts including the Supreme Court.
The problem with the IRS is once they say you are guilty you have to prove you are not.
That’s a major problem with the IRS. But not the only problem.

And worse yet, it woukdn’t take any additional hiring of agents or officers to remedy that major mistake. Instead, what we need is for Congress — by legislation — to eliminate the presumption of IRS accuracy.

As for your personal IRS woes, I can only offer condolences. But our entire government “revenue” collection system is unimaginably fucked up. It needs to be absolutely gutted and replaced.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t pay taxes. I’m ok with the notion that the people are logically required to fund their own government (particularly where we have chosen the form of government and our own leaders). The big question is “how?”
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It's very clear that the Hypocrisy of the right-wing GOP is easily observed.

So, something that is “very clear” is “easily observed,” but you have managed to misled over it anyway.
The claim that the Democratic Party is seeking to weaponize government is another BIG LIE.
No. Your denial is a big lie.
The Platform of the 21st Century Republican Party began with Gingrich in the late 20th Century, seeking to establish control of the Judiciary and succeeded when the Citizen's United*** passed 5-4.
“Control of the Judiciary” ? How offensive. You’re probably one of those guys who loathes “checks and balances.”

Properly understood, the Citizen’s United decision was spot on, by the way.
Using what was once illegal, aka dark money, was used to propagandize every election from School Boards to state legislatures and the Federal Courts including the Supreme Court.
“Using” what “was used.” 🙄

You libs hate any spreading information other than your own (which is the true propaganda).
You're not qualified to make that call, unless you can demonstrate that you cast less than one vote for Grifty..

Can you?
I am more than qualified to assess you as the utter imbecile hack bitch troll you are.

Which candidates I supported is irrelevant. And I would never vote for Dementia-ridden Grifty Brandon.

Now, again, the actual TOPIC remains (despite your persistent efforts to derail it): the newly GOP-controlled House of Representin’ passes a bill to revoke what was previously authorized (spending tons of our money to hire 87k more IRS agents).

The GOP had some internal struggles to even get the House started this term. But it seems clear that the conservative effort is already bearing some fruit. A bunch of GOP congressmen and congresswomen finally showing some fortitude.
The House with its GOP majority is at work already.

This may not alone end the prior authorization for such spending. But it’s a great start.
First of all, there's no way this gets through the Senate and even less of a way it clears President Biden's desk.

Second, it is misguided. The IRS needs more agents to clear a massive backlog and collect taxes owed, mostly by big corporations and the super-wealthy. The CBO says this will *add* 114 BILLION dollars to the deficit over the next ten years.

This is not only performative baloney, but it is also a big wet kiss to the super-wealthy tax dodgers.

And worse yet, it woukdn’t take any additional hiring of agents or officers to remedy that major mistake. Instead, what we need is for Congress — by legislation — to eliminate the presumption of IRS accuracy.

What are the chances of either of the two parties doing that?

But our entire government “revenue” collection system is unimaginably fucked up. It needs to be absolutely gutted and replaced.

you are correct. But again, as long as we keep voting the same people/parties back into office that will never happen
First of all, there's no way this gets through the Senate and even less of a way it clears President Biden's desk.

Second, it is misguided. The IRS needs more agents to clear a massive backlog and collect taxes owed, mostly by big corporations and the super-wealthy. The CBO says this will *add* 114 BILLION dollars to the deficit over the next ten years.

This is not only performative baloney, but it is also a big wet kiss to the super-wealthy tax dodgers.

It is still of no significance that this is unlikely to get through the Senate.

Again, as I recall telling you the last time you said this, assuming the Dim controlled Senate declines to support a senate version of the bill now passed by the House, then the GOP House can reply in like kind as to legislation sought by the Dim Senate. “You Dim Senators think you can say ‘no’ to our bills and still get what you want out of the GOP-controlled House? Lol. Good luck!”

The legislation — by the way — is spectacular and spot on.

We don’t “need” more IRS agents. We need fewer. What we should be demanding is the elimination entirely of the current IRS. There are more fair and perfectly reasonable alternative to the ponderous IRS and its codes, rules and regulations.

And there is zero support for your claim that anything in the bill is akin to a wet kiss to tax dodgers.
The GOP had some internal struggles to even get the House started this term. But it seems clear that the conservative effort is already bearing some fruit. A bunch of GOP congressmen and congresswomen finally showing some fortitude.

It is easy to show fortitude when you know that your bill has zero percent chance of becoming law.
I have been told that many a time. I take it as a compliment.

So, are you going to comment on the topic or just about me?
The bill is mostly symbolic because dems hold the senate and WH

But the idea of leaving 87,000 Deep State thugs in the unemployment line appeals to me

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