House votes to revoke IRS funding for 87,000 new agents.

When are you morons going to figure out the less money politicians have to piss away the better off we all are.

Have you ever cast a vote for a POTUS who bequeathed a smaller deficit to his successor than what he inherited?

If not, go grab that stapler...
First of all…..The IRS is not hiring 87,000 new agents
That number is spread out over ten years
The scoring is there. And here is something else,

Yellen told IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig in a letter released by the Treasury Department that any new IRS personnel "shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels."

So there, cost us a hundred billion and all those IRS agents, they were under a directive not to increase audits to anyone or any business making under 400 grand a year. I mean is it not easy to see who these Republicans represent? And this was their first legislative act. You are the gullible one, you are the ignorant and stupid one, and you are a FAWKING FOOL.

When are you leftists morons going to figure out when you give a politician (the government) a dollar they spend three?
Fewer and fewer multi-gazillionaires, if you listen to them tell the fable.

Y'see....More and more wealth is being held in fewer and fewer hands.....So we need an increase to our enforcement -by the size of a large suburb- to make certain that this smaler-and-smaller group of people "pays their fare share".

How did we miss the obvious?
People don't think.

If they thought, they would ask questions like: who got shut down using covid as an excuse? Which businesses were affected more than others? Who benefitted from covid and who didn't? What is the design behind the pattern of closures?

The sheeple here do not ask questions, so merely repeat their hackneyed drivel. The "rich" to them are those owning restaurants, gyms, tattoo parlors, hairdressing salons, small brick and mortar stores and the like. Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and others make bank beyond their wildest dreams but the sheeple keep bleating away like they have been trained.

This whole thing of hiring all these agents should be placed in the same perspective. Do people REALLY think they are going to go after the technocrats when they have been the very people democrat schemes have been designed to enrich? No, of course not, but when the Dems repeat their sales pitch over and over again that they are all about the little guy, these shit for brains conformists just gobble it up and spit it out again.


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