House Whip Sends Bible To Every Hill Office For 'Decision-Making' Guidance

personally i would not, they might need it when toilet paper is in demand. :lmao:

Why not use the Christian Bible to wipe one's ass? It contains more cruelty and violence.

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

Cruelty in the Quran

Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

did you read in your koran where your great allah raped babies and other little girls........ huhhhh ?
Liberals are already trying to normalize pedophilia, that maybe why they stick up for the Muslims. They won't stop until everything abnormal is good.

A Republican congressman recently sent a copy of the Holy Bible to every member of Congress "to help guide you in your decision-making," according to a letter obtained by TPM.

Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS) enclosed the Bible in his letter dated July 29 and sent to all House and Senate offices. The letter, written on an official letterhead in his capacity as assistant majority whip, was confirmed by Capitol Hill aides whose offices received it.

"On a daily basis, we contemplate policy decisions that impact America's future. Our staffs provide us with policy memos, statistics, and recommendations that help us make informed decisions. However, I find that the best advice comes through meditating on God's Word," Palazzo wrote.

"Please find a copy of the Holy Bible to help guide you in your decision-making," the congressman continued, saying the Bibles were donated by one of his constituents from South Mississippi named J.B. Atchison.

Barry W. Lynn, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, criticized the idea of using the Bible as a guide for legislating.

"When a politician calls for using the Bible as the basis for public policy, what he or she is really saying is, 'Let's use the Bible as I interpret it as the basis for public policy,'" Lynn said in response to Palazzo's letter. "When it comes to religion, our nation is pluralistic and diverse. Rather than look to the Bible or any other religious book to craft our nation's public policy, we would do well to examine another source instead, one that was actually created to guide governance. It's called the Constitution."

Palazzo rode into Congress on the tea party wave of 2010. He represents a deeply conservative district in southeastern Mississippi based in Biloxi. His office didn't return a message requesting to discuss the letter.

More: House Whip Sends Bible To Every Hill Office For 'Decision-Making' Guidance

We are governed by the U.S. Constitution - regardless of what this Tea Party nut may think. As an Atheist, I find this very offensive. The Bible should have no influence on how we are governed. God is not mentioned in the Constitution - hence, we have a Godless Constitution.

God is mentioned in the Constitution, so you are wrong again.

No it's not. The word "Lord" is used in reference to the date.

A Republican congressman recently sent a copy of the Holy Bible to every member of Congress "to help guide you in your decision-making," according to a letter obtained by TPM.

Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS) enclosed the Bible in his letter dated July 29 and sent to all House and Senate offices. The letter, written on an official letterhead in his capacity as assistant majority whip, was confirmed by Capitol Hill aides whose offices received it.

"On a daily basis, we contemplate policy decisions that impact America's future. Our staffs provide us with policy memos, statistics, and recommendations that help us make informed decisions. However, I find that the best advice comes through meditating on God's Word," Palazzo wrote.

"Please find a copy of the Holy Bible to help guide you in your decision-making," the congressman continued, saying the Bibles were donated by one of his constituents from South Mississippi named J.B. Atchison.

Barry W. Lynn, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, criticized the idea of using the Bible as a guide for legislating.

"When a politician calls for using the Bible as the basis for public policy, what he or she is really saying is, 'Let's use the Bible as I interpret it as the basis for public policy,'" Lynn said in response to Palazzo's letter. "When it comes to religion, our nation is pluralistic and diverse. Rather than look to the Bible or any other religious book to craft our nation's public policy, we would do well to examine another source instead, one that was actually created to guide governance. It's called the Constitution."

Palazzo rode into Congress on the tea party wave of 2010. He represents a deeply conservative district in southeastern Mississippi based in Biloxi. His office didn't return a message requesting to discuss the letter.

More: House Whip Sends Bible To Every Hill Office For 'Decision-Making' Guidance

We are governed by the U.S. Constitution - regardless of what this Tea Party nut may think. As an Atheist, I find this very offensive. The Bible should have no influence on how we are governed. God is not mentioned in the Constitution - hence, we have a Godless Constitution.

King Solomon said, Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Considering the wisest king who ever lived believed the Word of God was a lamp and a light to guide him in ruling his kingdom, I would say it is a very wise thing this Congressman has done by delivering the Word of God - the Holy Bible - to these men and women who are making decisions on behalf of the people.

Our leaders are in dire need of some wise counsel and guidance in this hour.
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personally i would not, they might need it when toilet paper is in demand. :lmao:

Why not use the Christian Bible to wipe one's ass? It contains more cruelty and violence.

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

Cruelty in the Quran

Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

did you read in your koran where your great allah raped babies and other little girls........ huhhhh ?

Well, God just killed them. Which is worse? Ain't religion great?!

Evil Bible Home Page
No Constitutional issue, those that receive the Bible are free to PUT IT ASIDE. Also, if he does his work, this is HIS free time; though I find this a PR stunt, as he does not represent my district, I accept the decision of his constituents.

PR stunt?? If anyone in this country as much as breathes the Lord Jesus Christ, they are labeled, attacked , crushed swiftly by the left in this country.. No one has forgotten the spectacle of liberals voting God out of their party platform and booing when Odumbo made you all put him back in.. which was nothing more than politics.. NOW THAT WAS a PR stunt.

The Jews ain't too crazy about yous Christians either...

Yeah but they love our weapons........
Here is yet another reason why I don't want religion in politics:

Rick Wiles: 'Ebola Could Solve America's Problems With Atheism And Homosexuality'

Right before chatting with a Republican congressman on his on “Trunews” program yesterday, End Times radio host Rick Wiles said that an outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. might actually be a good thing if it ends up giving an “attitude adjustment” to all the gays and atheists, along with people who use pornography or have had an abortion, who will die if they aren’t “protected by God.”

“Now this Ebola epidemic can become a global pandemic and that’s another name for plague. It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming,” he said. “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion.”

“If Ebola becomes a global plague, you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God. If not, you may be a candidate to meet the Grim Reaper.”

Rick Wiles: 'Ebola Could Solve America's Problems With Atheism And Homosexuality' | Right Wing Watch

That is some seriously crazy shit. That is Teabagger mentality. Charles Manson isn't that crazy.

BTW, the Republican congressman referenced above was Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA). Why do Republicans appear on this lunatic's show?
12 Rules for Mixing Religion and Politics

1. There can be no religious test for public office, nor a religious test for participation in the political process.

2. While it is appropriate to discuss the moral dimensions of public policy issues, religious doctrine alone is not an acceptable basis for government policy.

3. Public officials have every right to express their personal religious beliefs, and no right to use the power of their office to proselytize or coerce others to adopt any religious beliefs or practices.

4. Government institutions must show neither official approval nor disapproval of religion, or favor one religion over another.

5. Religious institutions may cooperate with government in programs supporting the common good, but public funds must not be used to support proselytizing, religious education, worship or discrimination.

6. Government has a right to demand that religious institutions and individuals comply with reasonable regulation and social policy.

7. Public officials cannot use their religious beliefs as a rationale for failing to uphold the duties of their office.

8. Political discourse should respect religious pluralism.

9. Political figures and the media should not treat religious constituencies as monolithic; political and religious leaders should not claim to speak for an entire religious community on public policy issues.

10. Politicians and media should not equate orthodoxy with authenticity.

11. Religious and political leaders should not “cry wolf” about religious persecution.

12. Religion should not be used as a political club.

Much More: 12 Rules for Mixing Religion and Politics | People For the American Way

Those rules sound pretty good to me - especially #3.
"When a politician calls for using the Bible as the basis for public policy, what he or she is really saying is, 'Let's use the Bible as I interpret it as the basis for public policy,'" Lynn said in response to Palazzo's letter. "When it comes to religion, our nation is pluralistic and diverse. Rather than look to the Bible or any other religious book to craft our nation's public policy, we would do well to examine another source instead, one that was actually created to guide governance. It's called the Constitution."


And however intended by Palazzo, or graciously well-received by non-Christian lawmakers, the act was nonetheless presumptuous and an example of the arrogance common to too many Christians.

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