Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office, study shows


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Median household incomes have fallen 8.2 percent since President Obama took office and continue to drop despite the official end of the recession, a new study shows.

Data compiled by Sentier Research found that since the economic recovery technically began in June 2009, median household income has dropped 5.7 percent. As of August, that median income was $50,678 -- also down 1.1 percent from the month prior.

And since Obama took office in January 2009, the median income has fallen 8.2 percent, from $55,198 to its present figure.

"The August decline in real median annual household income is indicative of a struggling economy," Sentier said in its report.

Read more: Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office, study shows | Fox News

His frickin slogan says forward but it looks like backward to me. How about you?
did you think an economy that's crashed heals itself while teatards keep wanting cuts?

and vote against jobs bills?
Median household incomes have fallen 8.2 percent since President Obama took office and continue to drop despite the official end of the recession, a new study shows.

Data compiled by Sentier Research found that since the economic recovery technically began in June 2009, median household income has dropped 5.7 percent. As of August, that median income was $50,678 -- also down 1.1 percent from the month prior.

And since Obama took office in January 2009, the median income has fallen 8.2 percent, from $55,198 to its present figure.

"The August decline in real median annual household income is indicative of a struggling economy," Sentier said in its report.

Read more: Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office, study shows | Fox News

His frickin slogan says forward but it looks like backward to me. How about you?

I agree, the income is a problem and cutting programs is not the answer. Also the high income people keep seeing their sal. Go up.
did you think an economy that's crashed heals itself while teatards keep wanting cuts?

and vote against jobs bills?

jobs for who? unions? he never talks about the rest of us now dew he?
We need jobs for teachers, firemen and policement. ALL unions.
did you think an economy that's crashed heals itself while teatards keep wanting cuts?

and vote against jobs bills?

And your comment pertains to the Oh I doesn't nor does it refute it. But it's a "swell" mini-rant! :D
You can place blame for that little factoid squarely on the shoulders of the private sector. THEY are the ones lowballing and driving down wages. Sometimes I wonder if the housing / banking collapse was in some way intentionally implemented to destroy labor...
You can place blame for that little factoid squarely on the shoulders of the private sector. THEY are the ones lowballing and driving down wages. Sometimes I wonder if the housing / banking collapse was in some way intentionally implemented to destroy labor...




Yes "THEY". The private sector is not paying people what they're worth at the bottom (too little) AND the top (WAY too much). Wages have been in decline for 30 years thanks to our ever corporate kiss-ass policies.
Wages have been falling for along time with the dollar devaluing as well. If you think Obama had anything to do with that then you don't know what the problem really is.

But if you think Romney is gonna fix it then you have no idea what the solution is either.


Yes "THEY". The private sector is not paying people what they're worth at the bottom (too little) AND the top (WAY too much). Wages have been in decline for 30 years thanks to our ever corporate kiss-ass policies.


We have the largest disparity between CEO and worker salary.. moreso than any other nation.. (American CEOs make 263 times the average worker as compared to a Japanese CEO only making 16 times the worker).. CEO pay continues to rise while worker wages remain stagnant. The clowns literally cite labor as an excuse to move jobs overseas as if the American worker is overpaid, failing to include the fact that their own salaries eat up the majority of revenues. Then, when cuts are made and budgets are balanced, whether through layoffs or outsourcing, they pat themselves on the back with giant bonuses. WAY TO GO PRIVATE SECTOR! And we are to entrust these big wigs in the creation of jobs?

So yes, "They". It isn't the only reason we are in the tank but it is a major one nonetheless.
So what? If a person succeeds, they take 100% credit and say the govt should stay the fuck out of the way. If they fail, they blame only the government.

If the govt cannot cause you, or assist you, in success....then you can't blame it for your failure either.


Yes "THEY". The private sector is not paying people what they're worth at the bottom (too little) AND the top (WAY too much). Wages have been in decline for 30 years thanks to our ever corporate kiss-ass policies.


We have the largest disparity between CEO and worker salary.. moreso than any other nation.. (American CEOs make 263 times the average worker as compared to a Japanese CEO only making 16 times the worker).. CEO pay continues to rise while worker wages remain stagnant. The clowns literally cite labor as an excuse to move jobs overseas as if the American worker is overpaid, failing to include the fact that their own salaries eat up the majority of revenues. Then, when cuts are made and budgets are balanced, whether through layoffs or outsourcing, they pat themselves on the back with giant bonuses. WAY TO GO PRIVATE SECTOR! And we are to entrust these big wigs in the creation of jobs?

So yes, "They". It isn't the only reason we are in the tank but it is a major one nonetheless.

And think....if the radical right wingers had their way, every government would be "Run like a business".

Private sector businessmen are often heartless, greedy pricks who literally care more about their profit margin than the workers in his own building.

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