Houston Weighs Reimposing Lockdown, Sees ‘Precipice of Disaster’

The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Rump has decided to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Kind of like he did for 3 1/2 months starting in December. So he's recruited his red state governor pals to ignore the problem too and underreport. If someone had an ear infection 2 months ago, then THAT was the cause of death & not the COVIDS.

The REAL count is this country is at least 150,000. And it'll be at least 250,000 by election day. We won't be truly safe until anti-science Trumptard Goobers are replaced by real conservatives, mods, indies or progressives AND we have a vaccine.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
I would be looking for the deaths to go up in southern New Hampshire.
I went to Cape Cod for work today. On my way back I stopped at a service area. Cars with Trump bumper stickers and no one except me and the employees was wearing a mask. Just shook my head and walked away.
you would need to tell us the number of deaths prior to lockdown. can you do that?
You are saying the Texas number are wrong and it is not getting worse? Pretty sure you are not talking about my state. I guess you can be glad that me giving support to whatever the local community government thinks best doesn't effect that town many hundreds of miles away. You should go down and start a protest, but don't instigate violence to accomplish your goals like the Right-Wing group in Arizona, captured and indited by the Federal government this week on terrorism charges.
what numbers?
These from a local new station down there yesterday quoted way up closer to beginning of thread:
The number of Houston-area coronavirus cases is at 24,526 with 488 deaths and 9,664 recoveries
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Rump has decided to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Kind of like he did for 3 1/2 months starting in December. So he's recruited his red state governor pals to ignore the problem too and underreport. If someone had an ear infection 2 months ago, then THAT was the cause of death & not the COVIDS.

The REAL count is this country is at least 150,000. And it'll be at least 250,000 by election day. We won't be truly safe until anti-science Trumptard Goobers are replaced by real conservatives, mods, indies or progressives AND we have a vaccine.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


So Cuomo and DiBlasio in NY not responding until late March had nothing to do with all this?

Fucktards like you politicizing all of this is the real cause of not being able to handle this situation fluidly and locally.
You are saying the Texas number are wrong and it is not getting worse? Pretty sure you are not talking about my state. I guess you can be glad that me giving support to whatever the local community government thinks best doesn't effect that town many hundreds of miles away. You should go down and start a protest, but don't instigate violence to accomplish your goals like the Right-Wing group in Arizona, captured and indited by the Federal government this week on terrorism charges.
what numbers?
These from a local new station down there yesterday quoted way up closer to beginning of thread:
The number of Houston-area coronavirus cases is at 24,526 with 488 deaths and 9,664 recoveries
how many have symptoms? Why do I care about someone who isn't sick?
Yeah, nobody is going to shut down their business again, I don't care what some little pissant city employee wants.
If the last few months have shown anything, it's that the people who seem to think they are the experts, or that they are somehow "in charge", are in reality a bunch of ignorant and incompetent fools....... at best. At worst, they are corrupt wannabe dictators....... fuck those guys.

We're all going about our lives and our business and the mayor, the judge, the governor, and everybody else can just kiss my ass.

You seem to think you are in charge of whether a business will shutdown or not.

You aren't. You don't make those decisions. I don't think you work for the government at any level weather city, state or federal.

This administration is a bunch of ignorant fools. The scientists who stick to honest facts aren't.

Your attitude really sucks. You don't make any of the decisions in this so you really should rethink your attitude.
This administration is a bunch of ignorant fools. The scientists who stick to honest facts aren't.
And the science says we shouldn't have shut down. there is that. but hey, you cherry pick all you want. I'm not biting.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.

Hopefully they can get a handle on it so their health care system won't totally collapse.

It is Texas so there are a lot of people without insurance which will make this worse.

I just hope we can find a vaccine for this stupid virus soon.

All major cities are prime for a huge increase in numbers. The protests are going to have a real effect on the virus spreading. I have been waiting for the numbers to jump.

Yes the protests were nothing but super spreaders.

Which is why I didn't go to them. If the virus was not around I would have been at all the protests in my area.

In about a week or so we will probably be seeing another spike in cases. I hope the death rate is low.

The people while they have a right to protests, the current protests, those that protested the stay at home orders, those that went to church and so forth. I believe they were all not to smart and now we have the predictable outcome. Which affects all of us.

I won't go to any protests, they seem to go violent and I am against the violence. Spokane had a protest Sunday and it was peaceful and well done.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
I would be looking for the deaths to go up in southern New Hampshire.
I went to Cape Cod for work today. On my way back I stopped at a service area. Cars with Trump bumper stickers and no one except me and the employees was wearing a mask. Just shook my head and walked away.
you would need to tell us the number of deaths prior to lockdown. can you do that?
Well, I'm not busy.

Top Houston news: First coronavirus death in Houston area; Halliburton furloughs 3,500 workers

March 18, 2020
The video from local Houston station below tells the story and shows the graph of cases in Houston area.
Yeah, nobody is going to shut down their business again, I don't care what some little pissant city employee wants.
If the last few months have shown anything, it's that the people who seem to think they are the experts, or that they are somehow "in charge", are in reality a bunch of ignorant and incompetent fools....... at best. At worst, they are corrupt wannabe dictators....... fuck those guys.

We're all going about our lives and our business and the mayor, the judge, the governor, and everybody else can just kiss my ass.

You seem to think you are in charge of whether a business will shutdown or not.

You aren't. You don't make those decisions. I don't think you work for the government at any level weather city, state or federal.

This administration is a bunch of ignorant fools. The scientists who stick to honest facts aren't.

Your attitude really sucks. You don't make any of the decisions in this so you really should rethink your attitude.
The government is the one who doesn't get to say who opens and who closes; we let them try their shit and it was nothing but idiotic buffoons showing their asses. They're done. They can just sit down and STFU from here on out.
And you're foolish if you think any of these so-called health "experts" or government officials give a damn about who gets or dies from this virus...... did you know they haven't even tested the ER personnel yet? And they have no plans to that anyone has heard about?
If any of these people were serious about combating this virus rather than just using it as an excuse to impose their agendas, then why haven't they tested the ER staff at the local hospitals where all these COVID cases are coming in and out? Wouldn't that be an important data point to have?

You can take your smug, superior attitude, staple it to a 2x4, and jam it so far up your ass that you choke on it, you ignorant little lemming.

My attitude is a direct result of having to put up with wannabe tyrants, and the gullible fools like you who never even question their bullshit.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Rump has decided to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Kind of like he did for 3 1/2 months starting in December. So he's recruited his red state governor pals to ignore the problem too and underreport. If someone had an ear infection 2 months ago, then THAT was the cause of death & not the COVIDS.

The REAL count is this country is at least 150,000. And it'll be at least 250,000 by election day. We won't be truly safe until anti-science Trumptard Goobers are replaced by real conservatives, mods, indies or progressives AND we have a vaccine.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

The same anti science goobers that brought us all the technology to win wars, advance medicine and land on the moon until you azzes took over and started us on our journey through selfishness.
Yeah, nobody is going to shut down their business again, I don't care what some little pissant city employee wants.
If the last few months have shown anything, it's that the people who seem to think they are the experts, or that they are somehow "in charge", are in reality a bunch of ignorant and incompetent fools....... at best. At worst, they are corrupt wannabe dictators....... fuck those guys.

We're all going about our lives and our business and the mayor, the judge, the governor, and everybody else can just kiss my ass.

You seem to think you are in charge of whether a business will shutdown or not.

You aren't. You don't make those decisions. I don't think you work for the government at any level weather city, state or federal.

This administration is a bunch of ignorant fools. The scientists who stick to honest facts aren't.

Your attitude really sucks. You don't make any of the decisions in this so you really should rethink your attitude.

I believe it is going to be pretty tough for the government to go back and shut businesses down. We have had riots and protests and no practice of social distancing. We have several businesses not coming back from this last shut down and businesses on the ropes and hurting. For the government to encourage the protests and then tell small businesses to shut down and to hell with you and your survival, is going to send people over the edge and rightfully so.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
I would be looking for the deaths to go up in southern New Hampshire.
I went to Cape Cod for work today. On my way back I stopped at a service area. Cars with Trump bumper stickers and no one except me and the employees was wearing a mask. Just shook my head and walked away.
you would need to tell us the number of deaths prior to lockdown. can you do that?
Well, I'm not busy.

Top Houston news: First coronavirus death in Houston area; Halliburton furloughs 3,500 workers

March 18, 2020
The video from local Houston station below tells the story and shows the graph of cases in Houston area.
Yeah, you misunderstood, the number of beds filled in hospitals prior to wuhan flu. Numbers of deaths prior to wuhan flu. Got those?
Yeah, nobody is going to shut down their business again, I don't care what some little pissant city employee wants.
If the last few months have shown anything, it's that the people who seem to think they are the experts, or that they are somehow "in charge", are in reality a bunch of ignorant and incompetent fools....... at best. At worst, they are corrupt wannabe dictators....... fuck those guys.

We're all going about our lives and our business and the mayor, the judge, the governor, and everybody else can just kiss my ass.

You seem to think you are in charge of whether a business will shutdown or not.

You aren't. You don't make those decisions. I don't think you work for the government at any level weather city, state or federal.

This administration is a bunch of ignorant fools. The scientists who stick to honest facts aren't.

Your attitude really sucks. You don't make any of the decisions in this so you really should rethink your attitude.

I believe it is going to be pretty tough for the government to go back and shut businesses down. We have had riots and protests and no practice of social distancing. We have several businesses not coming back from this last shut down and businesses on the ropes and hurting. For the government to encourage the protests and then tell small businesses to shut down and to hell with you and your survival, is going to send people over the edge and rightfully so.
Plus states that didn’t shut down weren’t worse than lockdown states. Science
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
I would be looking for the deaths to go up in southern New Hampshire.
I went to Cape Cod for work today. On my way back I stopped at a service area. Cars with Trump bumper stickers and no one except me and the employees was wearing a mask. Just shook my head and walked away.
you would need to tell us the number of deaths prior to lockdown. can you do that?
Well, I'm not busy.

Top Houston news: First coronavirus death in Houston area; Halliburton furloughs 3,500 workers

March 18, 2020
The video from local Houston station below tells the story and shows the graph of cases in Houston area.
Yeah, you misunderstood, the number of beds filled in hospitals prior to wuhan flu. Numbers of deaths prior to wuhan flu. Got those?
Not sure I understand you even now. Are you asking how many beds were full of people being treated for gallstones, getting penile implants, cancer, heart attacks, tonsils taken out, etc?
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
I would be looking for the deaths to go up in southern New Hampshire.
I went to Cape Cod for work today. On my way back I stopped at a service area. Cars with Trump bumper stickers and no one except me and the employees was wearing a mask. Just shook my head and walked away.
you would need to tell us the number of deaths prior to lockdown. can you do that?
Well, I'm not busy.

Top Houston news: First coronavirus death in Houston area; Halliburton furloughs 3,500 workers

March 18, 2020
The video from local Houston station below tells the story and shows the graph of cases in Houston area.
Yeah, you misunderstood, the number of beds filled in hospitals prior to wuhan flu. Numbers of deaths prior to wuhan flu. Got those?
Not sure I understand you even now. Are you asking how many beds were full of people being treated for gallstones, getting penile implants, cancer, heart attacks, tonsils taken out, etc?
Flu, pneumonia all that yeppers. All illnesses they stopped counting
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
I would be looking for the deaths to go up in southern New Hampshire.
I went to Cape Cod for work today. On my way back I stopped at a service area. Cars with Trump bumper stickers and no one except me and the employees was wearing a mask. Just shook my head and walked away.
you would need to tell us the number of deaths prior to lockdown. can you do that?
Well, I'm not busy.

Top Houston news: First coronavirus death in Houston area; Halliburton furloughs 3,500 workers

March 18, 2020
The video from local Houston station below tells the story and shows the graph of cases in Houston area.
Yeah, you misunderstood, the number of beds filled in hospitals prior to wuhan flu. Numbers of deaths prior to wuhan flu. Got those?
Not sure I understand you even now. Are you asking how many beds were full of people being treated for gallstones, getting penile implants, cancer, heart attacks, tonsils taken out, etc?
Flu, pneumonia all that yeppers. All illnesses they stopped counting
I don't know, but you are correct in thinking all those others are having to take a back seat, to an extent as the beds are filled in that area to 98% and they are re-opening a football stadium for the Covid overflow to avoid choking the system on the covid sick as deaths have risen from zero in mid march to 488 yesterday and 35 of them within the last 2 days. I do not think it is a small town with low capacity, is it?
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Houston's a very diversified shithole, so it makes sense.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Rump has decided to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Kind of like he did for 3 1/2 months starting in December. So he's recruited his red state governor pals to ignore the problem too and underreport. If someone had an ear infection 2 months ago, then THAT was the cause of death & not the COVIDS.

The REAL count is this country is at least 150,000. And it'll be at least 250,000 by election day. We won't be truly safe until anti-science Trumptard Goobers are replaced by real conservatives, mods, indies or progressives AND we have a vaccine.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

The same anti science goobers that brought us all the technology to win wars, advance medicine and land on the moon until you azzes took over and started us on our journey through selfishness.

Sorry, most scientists are progressives, indies or entirely apolitical. You seem confused. Time for a nap? :)

A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only around 6 percent of U.S. scientists are Republicans; 55 percent are Democrats, 32 percent are independent, and the rest “don’t know” their affiliation.​


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