Houston Weighs Reimposing Lockdown, Sees ‘Precipice of Disaster’

The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.

Hopefully they can get a handle on it so their health care system won't totally collapse.

It is Texas so there are a lot of people without insurance which will make this worse.

I just hope we can find a vaccine for this stupid virus soon.
My understanding was that for Covid-19 the insurance did not matter as the Feds had you covered. Of course I have been wrong before, besides I heard it from the trump administration so it may not be true. You just never know, but have no plans to visit Houston to find out.

I heard that the testing would be paid if you don't have insurance.

So many different things going around. It's impossible to know what is true or not.

I agree with you, I wouldn't go to Houston to find out either.
From the OP's link.


Harris County, which encompasses Houston and adjacent suburbs, has recorded 15,552 cases, almost one-fifth of the 81,583 statewide total, according to state health department data released Thursday.

Fatalities, however, remain minuscule compared to so-called hot spots in other parts of the U.S. Harris County’s cumulative death toll of 267 is only about a third of what New York state was amassing during the darkest days of the outbreak.​
From the OP's link.

Harris County, which encompasses Houston and adjacent suburbs, has recorded 15,552 cases, almost one-fifth of the 81,583 statewide total, according to state health department data released Thursday.​
Fatalities, however, remain minuscule compared to so-called hot spots in other parts of the U.S. Harris County’s cumulative death toll of 267 is only about a third of what New York state was amassing during the darkest days of the outbreak.​

Yes my words were that the good news is the deaths aren't super high.

That is the only good news in this. However if it's someone you love, the number isn't low to them.

I know, my aunt died of the virus in April.
From the OP's link.

Harris County, which encompasses Houston and adjacent suburbs, has recorded 15,552 cases, almost one-fifth of the 81,583 statewide total, according to state health department data released Thursday.​
Fatalities, however, remain minuscule compared to so-called hot spots in other parts of the U.S. Harris County’s cumulative death toll of 267 is only about a third of what New York state was amassing during the darkest days of the outbreak.​
Here is what I came across.
The number of Houston-area coronavirus cases is at 24,526 with 488 deaths and 9,664 recoveries
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.

Hopefully they can get a handle on it so their health care system won't totally collapse.

It is Texas so there are a lot of people without insurance which will make this worse.

I just hope we can find a vaccine for this stupid virus soon.

All major cities are prime for a huge increase in numbers. The protests are going to have a real effect on the virus spreading. I have been waiting for the numbers to jump.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.




A stain in the carpet, a load that should've been swallowed...

I am fucking vexed by the neanderthal intellect inhabiting this country

Make no mistake about it...the God and Father of Christ is not a fairy tale
He has allowed those who profess to be wise, to become fools
leaving the rest of us to be in a constant state of derision

Unless stupidity is a super duper contagious virus
There is ABSOLUTELY no other explanation for the stupidity pandemic
that has infected the vast majority of this country

I can see that you are well triggered, but about the wrong things.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.

Hopefully they can get a handle on it so their health care system won't totally collapse.

It is Texas so there are a lot of people without insurance which will make this worse.

I just hope we can find a vaccine for this stupid virus soon.

All major cities are prime for a huge increase in numbers. The protests are going to have a real effect on the virus spreading. I have been waiting for the numbers to jump.

Yes the protests were nothing but super spreaders.

Which is why I didn't go to them. If the virus was not around I would have been at all the protests in my area.

In about a week or so we will probably be seeing another spike in cases. I hope the death rate is low.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

The more people that get it the better, we need to get to herd immunity as fast as possible. As long as the death rate is low, and hospitalizations don’t overwhelm hospitals, it’s all good.
Yeah, nobody is going to shut down their business again, I don't care what some little pissant city employee wants.
If the last few months have shown anything, it's that the people who seem to think they are the experts, or that they are somehow "in charge", are in reality a bunch of ignorant and incompetent fools....... at best. At worst, they are corrupt wannabe dictators....... fuck those guys.

We're all going about our lives and our business and the mayor, the judge, the governor, and everybody else can just kiss my ass.
The protesters are showing us every day that the left was never really serious when they kept warning us that we shouldn't remove the state by state lockdowns.
Thanks to the protesters, we're likely now going to see a new wave of cases.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.

Hopefully they can get a handle on it so their health care system won't totally collapse.

It is Texas so there are a lot of people without insurance which will make this worse.

I just hope we can find a vaccine for this stupid virus soon.

All major cities are prime for a huge increase in numbers. The protests are going to have a real effect on the virus spreading. I have been waiting for the numbers to jump.

Yes the protests were nothing but super spreaders.

Which is why I didn't go to them. If the virus was not around I would have been at all the protests in my area.

In about a week or so we will probably be seeing another spike in cases. I hope the death rate is low.

And yet, none of your threads warning us about removing the lockdowns, included anything about the massive crowds protesting.
You'll start a thread about a nail salon opening, but not a peep about the tens of thousands coast to coast FOR DAYS rubbing shoulders !

The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
They have only told you it's the disease, and you swallow it whole.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

Wow. 477 dead in that one city and 35 more there today. That is a lot of dead people in one city. That is more dead people from the disease than my whole state. Our worst county, Davidson County (Metro Nashville) only has 81 dead and they are talking about slowing phase III of the reopening. We only had 5 more die today in the whole state. Whatever they think they need to do, I say more power to them and I wish them the best.
They have only told you it's the disease, and you swallow it whole.
You are saying the Texas number are wrong and it is not getting worse? Pretty sure you are not talking about my state. I guess you can be glad that me giving support to whatever the local community government thinks best doesn't effect that town many hundreds of miles away. You should go down and start a protest, but don't instigate violence to accomplish your goals like the Right-Wing group in Arizona, captured and indited by the Federal government this week on terrorism charges.
The virus isn't gone. Texas opened up too early.

Both Houston and Dallas are in trouble with the virus. The article says Dallas is actually worse.

It's out of hand in Houston.

They are about to reopen a Clovis 19 hospital established in a football stadium that they haven't used yet.

The good news, the death rate isn't super high. Hopefully the football stadium won't be necessary and those who are fighting for their lives win that fight. It wasn't covid 19 but I have been in a coma in an ICU fighting for my life. I know what it's like.

My heart and prayers go out to all. I wish we could find a way to stop this stupid virus.

You cant support protesters, while criticizing Texas for "opening up too early". That would make you a hypocrite.
You are saying the Texas number are wrong and it is not getting worse? Pretty sure you are not talking about my state. I guess you can be glad that me giving support to whatever the local community government thinks best doesn't effect that town many hundreds of miles away. You should go down and start a protest, but don't instigate violence to accomplish your goals like the Right-Wing group in Arizona, captured and indited by the Federal government this week on terrorism charges.
what numbers?
Hopefully they can get a handle on it so their health care system won't totally collapse.

It is Texas so there are a lot of people without insurance which will make this worse.

I just hope we can find a vaccine for this stupid virus soon.
how many have symptoms?

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