How a real leader acts

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The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
i like the way you danced around a few of them so you did not have to say anything about your fellow democrats...but then i expected that....thats funny you....

View attachment 356418
View attachment 356426 see i can play that game too....

i'm better at it than you.
most liberals think they are better than everyone else.....why would you be any different?....

cause it's a fact jack.

wayyyyyyyyy better,

bigley & tremendous like nobody has ever seen.

believe me.
dam the first time you have been honest....

i'm always honest. i never lie, have no reason to lie.... you seem to disagree & i seem to dismiss you based on how much yer personal opinion means to me.

i win.
sure you dont seem to like it if someone has something to say about what you say especially if they disagree with you....thats why your personal opinion means shit to me.....i guess i win that one.....

naw not really - but if that makes you feel better to believe, then you go again, boy.
if you say so shorty.....

you already posted that.....

i know - it was fantastical the first time - i thought i'd do a rerun.

so much winning!

if you thought that was fantastical you must be lamer than what i gave you credit for....

remember when i said yer opinion matters not to me?

^^^ THAT ^^^

back at you.....i can see by the replies to your posts that not many here think much of your bullshit either....

View attachment 357467


big deal if this was the old forum you would have a whole shitload of negative all your lefty buddies love so surprised.....

uh-huh -whatever. this new format hasn't been around for that long & a good deal of them thar reactions were brought over from the old one.

not talking about the last one...the one before that.....

The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
i like the way you danced around a few of them so you did not have to say anything about your fellow democrats...but then i expected that....thats funny you....

View attachment 356418
View attachment 356426 see i can play that game too....

i'm better at it than you.
most liberals think they are better than everyone else.....why would you be any different?....

cause it's a fact jack.

wayyyyyyyyy better,

bigley & tremendous like nobody has ever seen.

believe me.
dam the first time you have been honest....

i'm always honest. i never lie, have no reason to lie.... you seem to disagree & i seem to dismiss you based on how much yer personal opinion means to me.

i win.
sure you dont seem to like it if someone has something to say about what you say especially if they disagree with you....thats why your personal opinion means shit to me.....i guess i win that one.....

naw not really - but if that makes you feel better to believe, then you go again, boy.
if you say so shorty.....

you already posted that.....

i know - it was fantastical the first time - i thought i'd do a rerun.

so much winning!

if you thought that was fantastical you must be lamer than what i gave you credit for....

remember when i said yer opinion matters not to me?

^^^ THAT ^^^

back at you.....i can see by the replies to your posts that not many here think much of your bullshit either....

View attachment 357467


big deal if this was the old forum you would have a whole shitload of negative all your lefty buddies love so surprised.....

uh-huh -whatever. this new format hasn't been around for that long & a good deal of them thar reactions were brought over from the old one.

not talking about the last one...the one before that.....

well then i don't care.

of course you dont because you would have been one of the people with a low score......and plenty of lefties in that one had high scores because unlike you they more moderate liberals.....and many of the hard righties also had low scores.... the people who run these newer forums are afraid to hurt someones feelings so no neg reps......

i'll let you in on something - i was on an old yahoo board & found it fun as hell to pride myself on how many 'dislikes' i got.

Ya being a loser fits your style to a "T"

see what i mean?.....
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
i like the way you danced around a few of them so you did not have to say anything about your fellow democrats...but then i expected that....thats funny you....

View attachment 356418
View attachment 356426 see i can play that game too....

i'm better at it than you.
most liberals think they are better than everyone else.....why would you be any different?....

cause it's a fact jack.

wayyyyyyyyy better,

bigley & tremendous like nobody has ever seen.

believe me.
dam the first time you have been honest....

i'm always honest. i never lie, have no reason to lie.... you seem to disagree & i seem to dismiss you based on how much yer personal opinion means to me.

i win.
sure you dont seem to like it if someone has something to say about what you say especially if they disagree with you....thats why your personal opinion means shit to me.....i guess i win that one.....

naw not really - but if that makes you feel better to believe, then you go again, boy.
if you say so shorty.....

you already posted that.....

i know - it was fantastical the first time - i thought i'd do a rerun.

so much winning!

if you thought that was fantastical you must be lamer than what i gave you credit for....

remember when i said yer opinion matters not to me?

^^^ THAT ^^^

back at you.....i can see by the replies to your posts that not many here think much of your bullshit either....

View attachment 357467


big deal if this was the old forum you would have a whole shitload of negative all your lefty buddies love so surprised.....

uh-huh -whatever. this new format hasn't been around for that long & a good deal of them thar reactions were brought over from the old one.

not talking about the last one...the one before that.....

The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
i like the way you danced around a few of them so you did not have to say anything about your fellow democrats...but then i expected that....thats funny you....

View attachment 356418
View attachment 356426 see i can play that game too....

i'm better at it than you.
most liberals think they are better than everyone else.....why would you be any different?....

cause it's a fact jack.

wayyyyyyyyy better,

bigley & tremendous like nobody has ever seen.

believe me.
dam the first time you have been honest....

i'm always honest. i never lie, have no reason to lie.... you seem to disagree & i seem to dismiss you based on how much yer personal opinion means to me.

i win.
sure you dont seem to like it if someone has something to say about what you say especially if they disagree with you....thats why your personal opinion means shit to me.....i guess i win that one.....

naw not really - but if that makes you feel better to believe, then you go again, boy.
if you say so shorty.....

you already posted that.....

i know - it was fantastical the first time - i thought i'd do a rerun.

so much winning!

if you thought that was fantastical you must be lamer than what i gave you credit for....

remember when i said yer opinion matters not to me?

^^^ THAT ^^^

back at you.....i can see by the replies to your posts that not many here think much of your bullshit either....

View attachment 357467


big deal if this was the old forum you would have a whole shitload of negative all your lefty buddies love so surprised.....

uh-huh -whatever. this new format hasn't been around for that long & a good deal of them thar reactions were brought over from the old one.

not talking about the last one...the one before that.....

well then i don't care.

of course you dont because you would have been one of the people with a low score......and plenty of lefties in that one had high scores because unlike you they more moderate liberals.....and many of the hard righties also had low scores.... the people who run these newer forums are afraid to hurt someones feelings so no neg reps......

View attachment 357481


whatever that means.....
"How do you know what he's whispering?"

Fucking moron...

But Coons told The Washington Post this weekend that his daughter "did not think of it as anything."
Coons, who has previously addressed the photo, told The Washington Post on Saturday that, in that moment, Biden was praising his daughter and telling her he could connect her with his daughter Ashley so they could talk about the challenges of having a parent in politics.
The senator added that his children view Biden to be a grandfather figure.

"You were denying that Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids."

You're a fucking moron, fucking moron. That's why you can't actually quote me denying Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids. Here's what I actually said that led you to moronically think I denied that...

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.
It doesn't matter what he told her, moron. Did you imagine he was going to tell her how big his dick is?

The child obviously found Biden's attention unwelcome. Anyone watching the video can see that. Only a douchebag would make excuses for the pervert.

I already quoted you denying Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids, douchebag.
"It doesn't matter what he told her, moron."

Fucking moron... I told you what he said to her because you asked me how I know what he said.

"Did you imagine he was going to tell her how big his dick is?

Well now everyone here knows what's on your mind.

"The child obviously found Biden's attention unwelcome. Anyone watching the video can see that. Only a douchebag would make excuses for the pervert."

Fucking moron, even had she been uncomfortable, and she wasn't, Biden did nothing wrong. Again, he's like a grandfather to her. He whispered encouragement to her and he gave her a grandfatherly peck on the forehead. The only reason you could possibly think whispering to her and kissing her on the forehead is inappropriate is because you think that of yourself.

"I already quoted you denying Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids, douchebag."

You did no such thing, nor could you, since I never said any such thing. You can't even hide what a fucking moron you are.

Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Accomplish ? Obama?? Let us know when Trump has 75 straight months of SIX digit employment gains For starters
Obama had the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

obama cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 from +/-10% down to +/-5% despite having a (R) CONgress 6 of his 8 year administration. donny piggybacked on obama's shoulders & brought it down to about 3.5% WITH a (R) CONgress his first 2 years.
And now, under Impeached Trump, we have the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.
Harry,, Hillary said.......
Hillary Clinton on how she would handle pandemic: ‘I would have read my damn briefs’

New York Daily News
Jun 30th 2020 1:32PM
What would “President Hillary Clinton” do to fight the coronavirus pandemic?
The former secretary of state, answering a question by Hollywood icon Barbra Streisand, said one thing she would definitely do is... read.
“I would have read my damn briefs, Barbra, that’s for sure,” Clinton tweeted on Tuesday in a not-so-subtle jab at President Trump, who reportedly ignored early warnings about the threat of COVID-19 and doesn’t read intelligence repor
Hillary don't know shit.
Makes the AH trump look like a complete moron
What doesn't?
And now, under Impeached Trump, we have the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

I'm breaking up this mile long quote nest here.. STOP HITTING the "Reply Button" when you see these and use "selective quoting".. There's a tutorial on editing to do this in Announcements.. Let's all HELP OUT -- please...

You're welcome... :cool:
Accomplish ? Obama?? Let us know when Trump has 75 straight months of SIX digit employment gains For starters
Obama had the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

obama cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 from +/-10% down to +/-5% despite having a (R) CONgress 6 of his 8 year administration. donny piggybacked on obama's shoulders & brought it down to about 3.5% WITH a (R) CONgress his first 2 years.
And now, under Impeached Trump, we have the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

Shortened it to last 4 quotes.. You're welcome again,...
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Money tossed at great ad agencies can make pork rinds and menudo look sexy and trendy. 1 min ad, 20 seconds of random Biden audio cuts from godknows when...

When's Biden gonna put some skin in the game? Opine on ANYTHING in ANY detail???

Answer is -- never gonna happen.. You're buying the menudo....

He is a better choice than trump.

Emotionally I'm sure that's true to you....

I deal with facts.


Since when?
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
History shows that when Government does nothing......people suffer
No, history shows that governments are capable of much evil. That's why our Founders set up our adversarial system so the Government has little power other than what the Constitution affords it. Advocating for more government is unAmerican and dangerous.
No, during an economic collapse, a Government that is more concerned about easing the suffering of banks vs easing the suffering of the people is EVIL

The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
i like the way you danced around a few of them so you did not have to say anything about your fellow democrats...but then i expected that....thats funny you....

View attachment 356418
View attachment 356426 see i can play that game too....

i'm better at it than you.
most liberals think they are better than everyone else.....why would you be any different?....

cause it's a fact jack.

wayyyyyyyyy better,

bigley & tremendous like nobody has ever seen.

believe me.
dam the first time you have been honest....

i'm always honest. i never lie, have no reason to lie.... you seem to disagree & i seem to dismiss you based on how much yer personal opinion means to me.

i win.
sure you dont seem to like it if someone has something to say about what you say especially if they disagree with you....thats why your personal opinion means shit to me.....i guess i win that one.....

naw not really - but if that makes you feel better to believe, then you go again, boy.
if you say so shorty.....

you already posted that.....

i know - it was fantastical the first time - i thought i'd do a rerun.

so much winning!

if you thought that was fantastical you must be lamer than what i gave you credit for....

remember when i said yer opinion matters not to me?

^^^ THAT ^^^

back at you.....i can see by the replies to your posts that not many here think much of your bullshit either....

View attachment 357467


big deal if this was the old forum you would have a whole shitload of negative all your lefty buddies love so surprised.....

uh-huh -whatever. this new format hasn't been around for that long & a good deal of them thar reactions were brought over from the old one.

not talking about the last one...the one before that.....

The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
i like the way you danced around a few of them so you did not have to say anything about your fellow democrats...but then i expected that....thats funny you....

View attachment 356418
View attachment 356426 see i can play that game too....

i'm better at it than you.
most liberals think they are better than everyone else.....why would you be any different?....

cause it's a fact jack.

wayyyyyyyyy better,

bigley & tremendous like nobody has ever seen.

believe me.
dam the first time you have been honest....

i'm always honest. i never lie, have no reason to lie.... you seem to disagree & i seem to dismiss you based on how much yer personal opinion means to me.

i win.
sure you dont seem to like it if someone has something to say about what you say especially if they disagree with you....thats why your personal opinion means shit to me.....i guess i win that one.....

naw not really - but if that makes you feel better to believe, then you go again, boy.
if you say so shorty.....

you already posted that.....

i know - it was fantastical the first time - i thought i'd do a rerun.

so much winning!

if you thought that was fantastical you must be lamer than what i gave you credit for....

remember when i said yer opinion matters not to me?

^^^ THAT ^^^

back at you.....i can see by the replies to your posts that not many here think much of your bullshit either....

View attachment 357467


big deal if this was the old forum you would have a whole shitload of negative all your lefty buddies love so surprised.....

uh-huh -whatever. this new format hasn't been around for that long & a good deal of them thar reactions were brought over from the old one.

not talking about the last one...the one before that.....

well then i don't care.

of course you dont because you would have been one of the people with a low score......and plenty of lefties in that one had high scores because unlike you they more moderate liberals.....and many of the hard righties also had low scores.... the people who run these newer forums are afraid to hurt someones feelings so no neg reps......

i'll let you in on something - i was on an old yahoo board & found it fun as hell to pride myself on how many 'dislikes' i got.

ill let you in on dont have to are there....

love it love it looooooooove it! :hyper:
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
That economy was not recovering when Obama took office. It was headed toward depression.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
That economy was not recovering when Obama took office. It was headed toward depression.
Forgive bri He has a short memory
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
That economy was not recovering when Obama took office. It was headed toward depression.
Trump is putting us in a Depression
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
That economy was not recovering when Obama took office. It was headed toward depression.
Trump is putting us in a Depression
The POS will be out of the WH when the shit hits the fan Like always he fuks up and has others clean it up
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
That economy was not recovering when Obama took office. It was headed toward depression.
Wrong. It had already bottomed out before he was inaugurated, and long before there was any "stimulus" money being spent.
What did Trump know and when did he know it?? A betrayal of our troops
The story has already been discredited. Even Dims are admitting it. Everyone who wasn't a total fool knew it was fake news from the get-go.
"How do you know what he's whispering?"

Fucking moron...

But Coons told The Washington Post this weekend that his daughter "did not think of it as anything."
Coons, who has previously addressed the photo, told The Washington Post on Saturday that, in that moment, Biden was praising his daughter and telling her he could connect her with his daughter Ashley so they could talk about the challenges of having a parent in politics.
The senator added that his children view Biden to be a grandfather figure.

"You were denying that Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids."

You're a fucking moron, fucking moron. That's why you can't actually quote me denying Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids. Here's what I actually said that led you to moronically think I denied that...

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.
It doesn't matter what he told her, moron. Did you imagine he was going to tell her how big his dick is?

The child obviously found Biden's attention unwelcome. Anyone watching the video can see that. Only a douchebag would make excuses for the pervert.

I already quoted you denying Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids, douchebag.
"It doesn't matter what he told her, moron."

Fucking moron... I told you what he said to her because you asked me how I know what he said.

"Did you imagine he was going to tell her how big his dick is?

Well now everyone here knows what's on your mind.

"The child obviously found Biden's attention unwelcome. Anyone watching the video can see that. Only a douchebag would make excuses for the pervert."

Fucking moron, even had she been uncomfortable, and she wasn't, Biden did nothing wrong. Again, he's like a grandfather to her. He whispered encouragement to her and he gave her a grandfatherly peck on the forehead. The only reason you could possibly think whispering to her and kissing her on the forehead is inappropriate is because you think that of yourself.

"I already quoted you denying Michael Jackson sexually assaulted kids, douchebag."

You did no such thing, nor could you, since I never said any such thing. You can't even hide what a fucking moron you are.

I think this is about all I can stand of watching you humiliate yourself. I'm done with this thread.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
It was a worthless and terrible connection. A President waits for some sign of progress and then takes credit for that progress. He is behind the scenes as negotiations move along. This guy, an amateur at negotiating and foreign affairs and who has little or no knowledge of history, is the worst of all worlds as our negotiator in situations such as this. Oh, and it sure was a photo op----for Kim.
Obama would have killed for that photo OP but he was too much of a Wuss....
Don't think so. Obama understood that he should be the first person on the scene since the name of the game is to bring N Korea into the world of nations seeking peace and that takes negotiations by diplomats first. Trump made an egregious error and gave Kim exactly what he wanted. Amateur night in Dixie with Trump.
You keep saying Trump is doing it wrong, but what did Obama accomplish?

Answer: Nothing.
Obama is responsible for getting us out of the Great Recession, yes? Maybe it happened thru osmosis?
History shows that the economy recovers on its own. Government meddling only slows the process down.
That economy was not recovering when Obama took office. It was headed toward depression.
Wrong. It had already bottomed out before he was inaugurated, and long before there was any "stimulus" money being spent.
It had not already bottomed out, so stop trying to recreate history.
What ended the Great Recession?

Web results

Economic policy of the Barack Obama administration - Wikipedia › wiki › Economic_policy_of_the_Ba...

The economic policy of the Barack Obama administration was characterized by moderate tax ... President Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, in the depths of the ... By March 2010, the private sector began creating jobs consistently each ... As the economy recovered towards full employment, a reduced labor force ...

Treatment and Prevention: Ending the Great Recession and ... › speeches-testimony

Ohio alone has lost more than 400,000 jobs since the recession began, and its ... President Obama came into office during the worst recession since the Great Depression. I remember ... The entire financial system was in a state of anxiety and paralysis. ... Now, we all know that the economy still has a very long way to go.
Obama's Legacy on the Economy Is Anything But a Mess ... › reports › 2017/06/01 › o..

Jun 1, 2017 - The U.S. economy was shrinking when President Obama took office in the first quarter of 2009. ... Bank lending cratered during the financial and economic crisis and its ... Economic growth is still fairly modest, making it more difficult to pay for the ... Entire communities were decimated by a massive spike in ...

Bottomed out, aye? Give credit where credit is due. Our country was headed toward depression. You have a Trump
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