How a real leader acts

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Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
Should have been discouraged, just like Trumps rally
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
Should have been discouraged, just like Trumps rally
Why are you only whining about the Trump rally? Aren't there any Dims who are "real leaders?"
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.

fortunately we have a gov'ner with a spine & it looks like he ain't gonna have us go back.

New Haven nightclub shut down for violating Gov. Lamont’s executive order after hosting crowd of 1,000 during coronavirus pandemic.
By Alex Putterman
Hartford Courant |
Jun 22, 2020 at 5:40 PM

New Haven health officials have shut down a nightclub in the Westville neighborhood due to violations of COVID-19 social distancing rules, Mayor Justin Elicker announced Monday.

The incident comes as Connecticut’s COVID-19 outbreak continues to ease and some residents push back against social distancing measures.

According to Elicker’s office, the club, 50′s Lounge, hosted an estimated 1,000 people late Saturday night when officials arrived for an inspection following “numerous complaints.” Bars are not allowed to reopen under the current phase of Connecticut’s reopening process, while outdoor gatherings are capped at 100 attendees, under executive orders issued by Lamont during the current state of emergency.

“We spoke to the owners of this establishment and made a request that they shut down immediately, with which they did not comply, and we had no choice but to shut them down as a result of these violations,” building inspector Jim Turcio said in a press release.

Gov. Ned Lamont said Monday the state had learned from Texas, where bars were recently shut down amid a coronavirus surge.

“Outside, inside, drinking, no masks, everybody letting it rip is pretty dangerous in terms of COVID infections,” Lamont said.

New Haven’s health director, Maritza Bond, has issued a cease-and-desist to the owners of 50′s Lounge, according to the release from Elicker’s office, citing failure to ensure social distancing, lack of mask-wearing, the sale of alcohol without the purchase of food, outdoor dining in excess of seating capacity and more.
New Haven nightclub shut down for violating Gov. Lamont’s executive order after hosting crowd of 1,000 during coronavirus pandemic.
always someone elses fault isnt it?...

science, my dear - - - science. we closed up shop & both the death rate & hospitalizations are down. people, for the most part are doing what science is showing to be effective & it seems to be working so far. any asshole that doesn't wear a mask when needed & thinks they are special will either learn they aren't, or risk gramma's life for their selfishness.

so glad i live in a state that doesn't think donny's way is the better way. look at all the spiking... most of it is due to poorly educated dollars over lives states.
so how come you did not mention those "hayseed deplorables" here?.....instead you said i guess in this post it could be anyone?........

holy cow - hayseed deplorables ARE assholes. so are MAGATs, knuckle draggers etc etc etc...

they are pretty interchangeable... but i see you like to argue semantics. lol...
and so are many of those dipshits you follow......go ahead prove me wrong.....

& who exactly is it that ' i follow ' ?
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

And you beleive that worthless piece of shit Biden has done that?

When he is President we will be able to determine what kind of leader he is, yes? Trump is President now and is he a leader? No. He is carrying on just as he did when in the private sector, only in a more public way.

Real leaders hide in basements.

Grifters and charlatans hide in public.

Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
That's your interpretation? Maavelous!
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.

fortunately we have a gov'ner with a spine & it looks like he ain't gonna have us go back.

New Haven nightclub shut down for violating Gov. Lamont’s executive order after hosting crowd of 1,000 during coronavirus pandemic.
By Alex Putterman
Hartford Courant |
Jun 22, 2020 at 5:40 PM

New Haven health officials have shut down a nightclub in the Westville neighborhood due to violations of COVID-19 social distancing rules, Mayor Justin Elicker announced Monday.

The incident comes as Connecticut’s COVID-19 outbreak continues to ease and some residents push back against social distancing measures.

According to Elicker’s office, the club, 50′s Lounge, hosted an estimated 1,000 people late Saturday night when officials arrived for an inspection following “numerous complaints.” Bars are not allowed to reopen under the current phase of Connecticut’s reopening process, while outdoor gatherings are capped at 100 attendees, under executive orders issued by Lamont during the current state of emergency.

“We spoke to the owners of this establishment and made a request that they shut down immediately, with which they did not comply, and we had no choice but to shut them down as a result of these violations,” building inspector Jim Turcio said in a press release.

Gov. Ned Lamont said Monday the state had learned from Texas, where bars were recently shut down amid a coronavirus surge.

“Outside, inside, drinking, no masks, everybody letting it rip is pretty dangerous in terms of COVID infections,” Lamont said.

New Haven’s health director, Maritza Bond, has issued a cease-and-desist to the owners of 50′s Lounge, according to the release from Elicker’s office, citing failure to ensure social distancing, lack of mask-wearing, the sale of alcohol without the purchase of food, outdoor dining in excess of seating capacity and more.
New Haven nightclub shut down for violating Gov. Lamont’s executive order after hosting crowd of 1,000 during coronavirus pandemic.
always someone elses fault isnt it?...

science, my dear - - - science. we closed up shop & both the death rate & hospitalizations are down. people, for the most part are doing what science is showing to be effective & it seems to be working so far. any asshole that doesn't wear a mask when needed & thinks they are special will either learn they aren't, or risk gramma's life for their selfishness.

so glad i live in a state that doesn't think donny's way is the better way. look at all the spiking... most of it is due to poorly educated dollars over lives states.
so how come you did not mention those "hayseed deplorables" here?.....instead you said i guess in this post it could be anyone?........

holy cow - hayseed deplorables ARE assholes. so are MAGATs, knuckle draggers etc etc etc...

they are pretty interchangeable... but i see you like to argue semantics. lol...
and so are many of those dipshits you follow......go ahead prove me wrong.....

& who exactly is it that ' i follow ' ?
the ones you dont seem to have any thing bad to say about the left....
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.

fortunately we have a gov'ner with a spine & it looks like he ain't gonna have us go back.

New Haven nightclub shut down for violating Gov. Lamont’s executive order after hosting crowd of 1,000 during coronavirus pandemic.
By Alex Putterman
Hartford Courant |
Jun 22, 2020 at 5:40 PM

New Haven health officials have shut down a nightclub in the Westville neighborhood due to violations of COVID-19 social distancing rules, Mayor Justin Elicker announced Monday.

The incident comes as Connecticut’s COVID-19 outbreak continues to ease and some residents push back against social distancing measures.

According to Elicker’s office, the club, 50′s Lounge, hosted an estimated 1,000 people late Saturday night when officials arrived for an inspection following “numerous complaints.” Bars are not allowed to reopen under the current phase of Connecticut’s reopening process, while outdoor gatherings are capped at 100 attendees, under executive orders issued by Lamont during the current state of emergency.

“We spoke to the owners of this establishment and made a request that they shut down immediately, with which they did not comply, and we had no choice but to shut them down as a result of these violations,” building inspector Jim Turcio said in a press release.

Gov. Ned Lamont said Monday the state had learned from Texas, where bars were recently shut down amid a coronavirus surge.

“Outside, inside, drinking, no masks, everybody letting it rip is pretty dangerous in terms of COVID infections,” Lamont said.

New Haven’s health director, Maritza Bond, has issued a cease-and-desist to the owners of 50′s Lounge, according to the release from Elicker’s office, citing failure to ensure social distancing, lack of mask-wearing, the sale of alcohol without the purchase of food, outdoor dining in excess of seating capacity and more.
New Haven nightclub shut down for violating Gov. Lamont’s executive order after hosting crowd of 1,000 during coronavirus pandemic.
always someone elses fault isnt it?...

science, my dear - - - science. we closed up shop & both the death rate & hospitalizations are down. people, for the most part are doing what science is showing to be effective & it seems to be working so far. any asshole that doesn't wear a mask when needed & thinks they are special will either learn they aren't, or risk gramma's life for their selfishness.

so glad i live in a state that doesn't think donny's way is the better way. look at all the spiking... most of it is due to poorly educated dollars over lives states.
so how come you did not mention those "hayseed deplorables" here?.....instead you said i guess in this post it could be anyone?........

holy cow - hayseed deplorables ARE assholes. so are MAGATs, knuckle draggers etc etc etc...

they are pretty interchangeable... but i see you like to argue semantics. lol...
and so are many of those dipshits you follow......go ahead prove me wrong.....

& who exactly is it that ' i follow ' ?
the ones you dont seem to have any thing bad to say about the left....

oh ok. if you say so.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
Should have been discouraged, just like Trumps rally
Why are you only whining about the Trump rally? Aren't there any Dims who are "real leaders?"
Of course there are, and we won't find out until he/she is in the Whitehouse, yes?
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.
The party of Trump is not Republican except in name only.
Democrats don't want tainted investigations to eliminate people who are loyal to American citizenry and not only loyal to Trump. Trump has always been opposed to our institutions so that he could get away with his charlatan ways.
Whatever chicanery he is employing with his "investigations" will come back to haunt him.
Yeah, we know, you want all those triators who plotted a coup against a lawfully elected president to get away with it.

I'm opposed to criminals running our institutions, and that's what went on in the FBI, the DOJ and our intelligence organizations during the Obama administration.
Your imagination is in the way of your brains. Trump is a good guy?? Goody
Yes, Trump is the good guy who is exposing the deep state criminals
You mean that the criminal is exposing the criminals?
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
That's your interpretation? Maavelous!
No. That's the logical implication of what Rightwinger posted, moron.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
I have a civil right to spread disease

How dare you try to stop me?
So are you saying all the Floyd protesters should have been arrested and locked up?
That's your interpretation? Maavelous!
No. That's the logical implication of what Rightwinger posted, moron.
No, lambchop, it is not the logical implication. The logical implication is that those of you who walk the streets with no mask and no social separation and complain that your civil rights are being violated do not have the civil right to pass the virus on to others.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
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