How a real leader acts

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Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
He was only thought to be the leading voice on virus control....and he doesn't have a maid
You didn't answer the question.
I have no idea bri I just know that Trump took him aboard his ship of misery and allowed him ,for a time, to speak his piece
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
He was only thought to be the leading voice on virus control....and he doesn't have a maid
You didn't answer the question.
I have no idea bri I just know that Trump took him aboard his ship of misery and allowed him ,for a time, to speak his piece
"I have no idea bri"

You could have stopped right there.
Last edited:
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Yeah, mumbling incoherence is sooooo effective.

You must be working overtime for your boss, pootin.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Right. Joe has to be led to the bathroom.

It's funny how much the Democrats are relying on The Lincoln Project's lack of influence to further their nonsense.



It's funny that you thought that was toilet paper actually it was the last of obama's legislation the president was kicking to the curb some of the paper got stuck
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
Sure you want people who agree with you but when you make grievous errors and they advise you to change you can't be firing them all ... I mean the ah is only a reality show host WTF does he think he is disagreeing with generals, life long non partisan folks ,who know more about foreign affairs than the mental midget could ever know?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Money tossed at great ad agencies can make pork rinds and menudo look sexy and trendy. 1 min ad, 20 seconds of random Biden audio cuts from godknows when...

When's Biden gonna put some skin in the game? Opine on ANYTHING in ANY detail???

Answer is -- never gonna happen.. You're buying the menudo....

Trump had a chance to show his leadership in a crisis
Why we elected him......He was supposed to be different form of leadership.....

He has failed miserably

You're either not aware of the crisis load we're facing or have an unjustified faith in what the Fed govt is CAPABLE of doing.. But it's CLEAR -- Biden is NOT the answer... Biden is a marketing concept, not a leader...

Biden has a basic understanding that fighting the virus takes tough action (social distancing, masks, testing) not denial and happy talk.

We need a leader who will listen to experts and do what needs to be done........Trump is NOT that leader

Biden can't string two sentences together without help.

Get real.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
105525751_10224199143072241_1273921773819678449_o (1).jpg

True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Money tossed at great ad agencies can make pork rinds and menudo look sexy and trendy. 1 min ad, 20 seconds of random Biden audio cuts from godknows when...

When's Biden gonna put some skin in the game? Opine on ANYTHING in ANY detail???

Answer is -- never gonna happen.. You're buying the menudo....

Trump had a chance to show his leadership in a crisis
Why we elected him......He was supposed to be different form of leadership.....

He has failed miserably

You're either not aware of the crisis load we're facing or have an unjustified faith in what the Fed govt is CAPABLE of doing.. But it's CLEAR -- Biden is NOT the answer... Biden is a marketing concept, not a leader...

Biden has a basic understanding that fighting the virus takes tough action (social distancing, masks, testing) not denial and happy talk.

We need a leader who will listen to experts and do what needs to be done........Trump is NOT that leader

Biden can't string two sentences together without help.

Get real.

You are in denial

When it comes to trashing Trump and his inept leadership, Biden is doing just fine.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Money tossed at great ad agencies can make pork rinds and menudo look sexy and trendy. 1 min ad, 20 seconds of random Biden audio cuts from godknows when...

When's Biden gonna put some skin in the game? Opine on ANYTHING in ANY detail???

Answer is -- never gonna happen.. You're buying the menudo....

Trump had a chance to show his leadership in a crisis
Why we elected him......He was supposed to be different form of leadership.....

He has failed miserably

You're either not aware of the crisis load we're facing or have an unjustified faith in what the Fed govt is CAPABLE of doing.. But it's CLEAR -- Biden is NOT the answer... Biden is a marketing concept, not a leader...

Biden has a basic understanding that fighting the virus takes tough action (social distancing, masks, testing) not denial and happy talk.

We need a leader who will listen to experts and do what needs to be done........Trump is NOT that leader

Biden can't string two sentences together without help.

Get real.

And trump can? without repeating himself?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

AOC is not running for president

Trump is......and doing a horrible job at it
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

The only ones fanning the flames of hatred and violence are the Democrats and Biden. They are the ones that caused the rioting, killing and arson. Trump is leading the charge against that. Just how twisted does one's thinking have to be to want to vote for Biden, the figurehead of racism and a failed coup attempt to unseat a duly elected President? Not to mention his ties to crooked dealings in Ukraine. Do you Democrats know no shame at all?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

AOC is not running for president

Trump is......and doing a horrible job at it

Destruction of the economy is what she and all democrats want.
She wants the democrat governors to continue with shutting the economy of their states down
Roy cooper is a lame duck
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Money tossed at great ad agencies can make pork rinds and menudo look sexy and trendy. 1 min ad, 20 seconds of random Biden audio cuts from godknows when...

When's Biden gonna put some skin in the game? Opine on ANYTHING in ANY detail???

Answer is -- never gonna happen.. You're buying the menudo....

Trump had a chance to show his leadership in a crisis
Why we elected him......He was supposed to be different form of leadership.....

He has failed miserably

You're either not aware of the crisis load we're facing or have an unjustified faith in what the Fed govt is CAPABLE of doing.. But it's CLEAR -- Biden is NOT the answer... Biden is a marketing concept, not a leader...

Biden has a basic understanding that fighting the virus takes tough action (social distancing, masks, testing) not denial and happy talk.

We need a leader who will listen to experts and do what needs to be done........Trump is NOT that leader

Biden can't string two sentences together without help.

Get real.

You are in denial

When it comes to trashing Trump and his inept leadership, Biden is doing just fine.

Yeah Biden is good at telling lies about Trump just not so good at actually giving a vision of what his Presidency would be like. He'll leave those details to radicals like AOC and the DNC House leadership who are all radical leftist apologists. They, through Biden, want to institute a carbon tax which would add tax to almost everything you buy. 20% to 30% more. It has AOC's fingerprints all over it. Biden is nothing more than a Trojan horse the radical leftists will use to ride in and take over.
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Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.
but he says he's a stable genius, who has a natural ability with medicine & has a hunch the death rate is less than what the scientists claim & the virus is dying out.

Careful there. He's got pretty good info and intuition.. The thing that got the world in a tizzy was the 3 or 3.5 mortality rate that the WHO and CDC were quoting when Trump first said the "death rate" was probably lower.. Leftists at USMB poked fun at the Stanford researchers who did studies in March that suggested the Mortality rate was 15 to 30 times LOWER than that because BEFORE TESTING, the CDC was GUESSING that the ACTUAL #infected was only 2 times the REPORTED cases...

Turns out NOW -- with the antibody and DNA testing taking hold that the mortality rate is AT LEAST 12 times lower than what started this panic.. Actually in the range of 0.15 to 0.25 -- which is only SLIGHTLY higher than a LOT of seasonal flus WITH vaccines available...

You better pay attention to things you call "Trump lies"... He MIGHT have been guessing about the "death rate" being much lower -- like the WHO or CDC -- OR MAYBE -- he was listening to "other qualified experts" with better guesses...
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