How About a Family Pride Day?

The nuclear family with a responsible mother and father in the home is the very best situation that a child can have. That will be a fact no matter how much 'woke' folk try to downplay it, pooh pooh it, divert from it, change the subject, etc.

The nuclear family is better than something even smaller and worse, but humans evolved to live in extended families or tribes, much larger than nuclear families.
Nuclear families not only restrict social growth, but also cost far more to house and feed than larger extended families.
Smaller family units cause people to be more material, greedy, anti-social, hostile, etc.
I can read.


Kill the buffalo kill the Indian.
The only good Indian is a dead Indian.
“Merciless Indian Savages”
All statements from the government.
The last one is from the Declaration of Independence.
My question was (paraphrased)......

Has any politician in the past 150 years disparaged your culture?

Me? I am a Jew. Germans disparaged my religion, killed my people.

But that was decades ago. I dont hold people from Germany responsible for the actions of their ancestors.

I can also have hatred towards Egyptians. But I dont. They did not enslave my ancestors. Their ancestors did.

Seems to me you just want to hold a grudge.

Good for you.
In Rome Italy this week there was a huge massively attended "Family Pride Day" to celebrate traditional moms, dads and kids.

I'll admit this warmed by heart. We need this here.

I just wonder what the reaction would be from the left here in the USA if Americans staged such an event? Would the talking heads on television even mention it? Or would they condemn it? Would the Squad protest such an event as anti-LGBTX? Or pretend it didn't happen? Would the media even cover it? (Pro choice/women's rights/women's march demonstrations get much news coverage for example, but a huge pro life demonstration got almost none. See Here's why the media ignore the March for Life but fawn over the Women's March )

Would DC even issue a permit to have it?

I see nothing wrong with Family Pride Day. I am a Democrat and big on family! I think I would love such an event being how big I am on family.

My wife has a huge family. Her daughter has a boyfriend that has had 4 kids by her, 2 by another man, another one by another man. My wife has 10 siblings. We are both half American Cherokee Indian. My wife had her first kid when she was 14 years old, she was raised in the south. She has been married 3 times, I have been married twice. She has had 5 kids from 3 different guys. Both her and her daughters raised their kids mainly on government assistance living out of trailers or on section 8 housing. We also have family members who are lesbian but they still come to family gatherings and are accepted with open arms. We have family members who have had abortions, but later had kids of their own. We have family gatherings with 150+ people sometimes. My wife and I probably will either have kids of our own or adopt.

What is this myth you have that Democrats aren't big on family? We come from American Cherokee Indian background and we are huge on family !

A Family Pride day would be awesome.
My question was (paraphrased)......

Has any politician in the past 150 years disparaged your culture?

Me? I am a Jew. Germans disparaged my religion, killed my people.

But that was decades ago. I dont hold people from Germany responsible for the actions of their ancestors.

I can also have hatred towards Egyptians. But I dont. They did not enslave my ancestors. Their ancestors did.

Seems to me you just want to hold a grudge.

Good for you.
Google Supreme Court ICWA. The genocide is still happening.
Christmas, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day are all national holidays for EVERYBODY, not just families. How about you being honest about what you're arguing about? Several here ignore the topic or try to change the subject. But some have been far more dishonest about it than others. Take the hint.

There is no recognition of ANY kind for the nuclear family consisting of mom, dad and the kids and its value to both children and the country.
Mothers Day
Fathers Day
Grandparents Day

You were saying?
you need to get a grip on reality.
You are regurgitating Maddow hyperbole.

But go for it. It seems to make you happy....and dangerously angry.

But go for it.
Actual factual reality IS MY THING
Fantasies about Gay guys slipping into your stinky pinkies is yours.
I thought you did a FUIQ ? :badgrin:

Google Supreme Court ICWA. The genocide is still happening.
OK. So now I will call you out.
You are not a Native American. Having toured base to base in this country, I have met many Native Americans. None will use the word "Indian". They despise it because.....well....they are not from India.
They are indigenous to North America. They are not Indians. They are native Americans, Period,
You used the word "Indian".....that proves you are some guy in his underwear playing on a computer in Mommy's basement and making believe he is special.
You are not. You are a fraud.
OK. So now I will call you out.
You are not a Native American. Having toured base to base in this country, I have met many Native Americans. None will use the word "Indian". They despise it because.....well....they are not from India.
They are indigenous to North America. They are not Indians. They are native Americans, Period,
You used the word "Indian".....that proves you are some guy in his underwear playing on a computer in Mommy's basement and making believe he is special.
You are not. You are a fraud.
Thanks for proving my point.
Goodbye asshole.

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