How About Imposing Martial Law?

President acts like a king, his supporters cheer, a judge rules against him, his opponents cheer.

Six months ago, Republicans were whining and bitching about this. Now they're fine with it.

Now, Democrats are whining and bitching about this. Now they don't like it.
With Trump signing away Obama's legacy, I'm happy with. But I said in the beginning when Obama started it. I said a president shouldn't have this kind of power, but I was laughed at. Oh well now Trump can do things he shouldn't have the power he has, but liberals supported Obama when he did it. Now it will bite you in the ass. Just like the nuclear option Reid came up with.
We really need to get the Democrats and their fecal-encrusted ilk under strict control. It's becoming more ludicrous by the day. They are no better than blackshirts.

Hitler needed a big Reichstag fire to excuse removing German democracy.

Now look at you. It only took one street bonfire to have you to demanding the end to American democracy, and the implementation of a one-party fascist state. You're much more easily panicked and manipulated than those Germans were.
No, no, keep up the great work. You are doing wonders for your credibility!
We really need to get the Democrats and their fecal-encrusted ilk under strict control. It's becoming more ludicrous by the day. They are no better than blackshirts.

Hitler needed a big Reichstag fire to excuse removing German democracy.

Now look at you. It only took one street bonfire to have you to demanding the end to American democracy, and the implementation of a one-party fascist state. You're much more easily panicked and manipulated than those Germans were.

We are not a democracy. Never have been. The rule of the mob is your game.

You people are so far removed from all things American that nearly any action to remove you from power would be acceptable.

I don't want one-party rule. Another would rise in your absence.
Marshall law plays right into the anarchists hands. A strong police presence is enough.
We really need to get the Democrats and their fecal-encrusted ilk under strict control. It's becoming more ludicrous by the day. They are no better than blackshirts.
"They are no better than blackshirts"...says the poster who wants to impose martial law......

Yes. The numerous US presidents and governors who imposed it in the past were all blackshirts.

Your grasp of history is shall we say "unique".
Everyday the protests move us closer to the day when it is just no longer safe to leave your home, or even staying at a home subject to attack and "protest". Self defense is now denying the right of other's to protest. Liberals don't get it. The fastest way to martial law is claiming a right to burn buildings, smash windows, beat up people in the street.
We are not a democracy. Never have been. The rule of the mob is your game.

So, semantic games and propaganda to excuse why you want democracy ended. Just like the Nazis.

You people are so far removed from all things American that nearly any action to remove you from power would be acceptable.

Demonizing the other to justify removing democracy. Same as the Nazis.

I don't want one-party rule. Another would rise in your absence.

STFU, Nazi.

At a certain point, that's all that needs to be said, or should be said, to Nazi shitstains.
We really need to get the Democrats and their fecal-encrusted ilk under strict control. It's becoming more ludicrous by the day. They are no better than blackshirts.
Nonsense, billy! If you didn't have Democrats to feel better'd invent someone else at which to direct your nasty venom. How about red-headed orphans or...I know...southpaws! You know the root word for left is 'sinistro' which is also the base word for sinister. Those lefties are darn clever too. En garde, billy. They're coming for your guns!
The left burns buildings, destroys malls, blockades bridges, drags people from cars and beats them, when the police try to stop them, BROWNSHIRTS!
We really need to get the Democrats and their fecal-encrusted ilk under strict control. It's becoming more ludicrous by the day. They are no better than blackshirts.

They're turning Middle America completely away from their cause. When your enemy is self destructing, the best thing to do is leave him alone
We are not a democracy. Never have been. The rule of the mob is your game.

So, semantic games and propaganda to excuse why you want democracy ended. Just like the Nazis.

You people are so far removed from all things American that nearly any action to remove you from power would be acceptable.

Demonizing the other to justify removing democracy. Same as the Nazis.

I don't want one-party rule. Another would rise in your absence.

STFU, Nazi.

At a certain point, that's all that needs to be said, or should be said, to Nazi shitstains.

We drink water just like the Nazis, oh noes.

We sleep in beds like Nazis, oh the horror!

The Democrats get to be in Congress, law abiding people have nothing to fear. Those laws were written by Republicans and Democrats. Demonizing law abiding people is the work of anarchists.
The left burns buildings, destroys malls, blockades bridges, drags people from cars and beats them, when the police try to stop them, BROWNSHIRTS!

You really need to understand that the normal people in the USA aren't part of your victimhood cult, so they see you as a crazy person.

Someone IS a victim when private property and personal injury are committed by protestors. We made laws and everything a long time ago.
The left burns buildings, destroys malls, blockades bridges, drags people from cars and beats them, when the police try to stop them, BROWNSHIRTS!

You really need to understand that the normal people in the USA aren't part of your victimhood cult, so they see you as a crazy person.

Someone IS a victim when private property and personal injury are committed by protestors. We made laws and everything a long time ago.
The left is claiming a right to burn loot and beat. Objecting is being part of the victimhood cult. The "victim" is supposed to enjoy the treatment because it is someone exercising their freedom of speech.
The left is claiming a right to burn loot and beat. Objecting is being part of the victimhood cult. The "victim" is supposed to enjoy the treatment because it is someone exercising their freedom of speech.

A few do not understand Constitutional limits.
That's where it's all heading. The US Police State expands more every year. The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Its prison population makes up a shockingly high percentage of the world's prison population.

Our Government now has almost unlimited powers to spy on and imprison Citizens. This is not the former good ole USA. And much darker times are coming. Police States are all about absolute control.

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