How about some examples of this “socialism” stuff y’all are afraid of?

We were Socialist during WWII
The New Deal was certainly socialist.
It went well beyond the New Deal

After Pearl Harbor, the Government took control of our industrial production, decided who built what, controlled all critical resources and where workers were allocated.

Socialism won WWII
Bullshit. War socialism only harmed our ability to prosecute the war. What it did do is hide the cost of the war. Otherwise the taxpayers would have revolted.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

all you have to do is look in the mirror... you scare the hell out of us with your ignorance about socialism

How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.

All capitalist countries. What's your point?

Oh by the way, nothing is free. You idiots really need to stop saying shit is free when the citizens are footing the bill.

I was speaking in relation to the UAE, where indeed it is "free shit" paid for by oil and gas exports, which are government owned and managed resources. Yes, there are private businesses and private ownership of property in the UAE, but the financial underpinnings of the "free shit" is the socialist ownership of the oil and gas.

As for the rest of the world, YOU'RE the ones who call it "free shit". We call it government funded programs, and in Canada, the people genuinely are the government. Our government is not run by corporate interests in favour of the corporations, our government is elected by the people to OUR benefit. The taxes we pay are returned to us, to our children, and to our communities giving us the highest standard of living in the world, a long life expectancy, clean air and water, well-maintained infrastructure, and one of the highest levels of personal freedom in the world.

We are all democratic socialist countries. It's not everyone for themselves. We REQUIRE corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, and contribute to their communities. Our tax dollars are not going to a bloated military starting wars around the world. Our Constitution says that Canadians are required to help others. That's right, it is our Constitutional DUTY, to be good neighbours. Even when you folks are being assholes to everyone, including Canada.
If you were all paying attention...tiny donnie was dog whistling for the elimination of Social Security and Medicare........have fun, y'all.
I am neither a con nor a lib.

But this is what is wrong with socialism...the definition:


    • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries


'What is Socialism
Socialism is a populist economic and political system based on the public ownership (also known as collective or common ownership) of the means of production. Those means include the machinery, tools and factories used to produce goods that aim to directly satisfy human needs. Communism and socialism are umbrella terms referring to two left-wing schools of economic thought; both oppose capitalism, but socialism predates the "Communist Manifesto," an 1848 pamphlet by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, by a few decades.

In a purely socialist system, all legal production and distribution decisions are made by the government, and individuals rely on the state for everything from food to healthcare. The government determines output and pricing levels of these goods and services.

Socialists contend that shared ownership of resources and central planning provide a more equal distribution of goods and services, and a more equitable society.'


Forgetting that this is almost exactly the opposite of what America was founded is a HORRIFIC way of running an economy.

Governments have been and probably ALWAYS shall be terrible at running economies.

And forget about Ma and Pa stores. Forget about small businesses. Forget about free enterprise to lower prices through competition.

You have none of that in a purely socialist society.

And the hilarious thing is the main reason so many people seem to crave socialism these days is because of the huge increase in the wealth gap that has occurred over the last 20 years or so. Hilarious because the main cause for this is big government - the Federal Reserve has systematically carried out policies that bail out corporations, stimulate the stock market DIRECTLY (which helps the rich) and discourage free enterprise as the big guy has had a huge advantage since about 2001 and especially since about 2008.

Free enterprise has more or less gone the way of the Dodo since 2001 - replaced with massive government stimuli and Federal Reserve manipulation of the economy.

But since most of you do not understand that - you just see you are falling behind and assume it MUST be due to big, bad business and free enterprise. And you assume that the solution is for big government to move in and make everything better.

But big government is EXACTLY why you are falling behind.

Finally, if you actually think that those in power - in a socialist economy - won't corrupt the system so that the few at the top become mega wealthy? Then you are INCREDIBLY naive.
You people seem to be under the delusion that socialist politicians are somehow nicer and sweeter and kinder then non-socialist ones. I see absolutely ZERO evidence of that throughout history.
And by giving politicians even more power under socialism, it will be just that much easier for them to manipulate things for their own personal the expense of the masses.
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We were Socialist during WWII
The New Deal was certainly socialist.
It went well beyond the New Deal

After Pearl Harbor, the Government took control of our industrial production, decided who built what, controlled all critical resources and where workers were allocated.

Socialism won WWII
Bullshit. War socialism only harmed our ability to prosecute the war. What it did do is hide the cost of the war. Otherwise the taxpayers would have revolted.

If we relied on capitalism to fight WWII, we would have lost

Companies deciding whether or not they would produce war goods, critical supplies going to the highest bidder, workers coming and going as they pleased, companies funding their own R&D
We were Socialist during WWII
The New Deal was certainly socialist.
It went well beyond the New Deal

After Pearl Harbor, the Government took control of our industrial production, decided who built what, controlled all critical resources and where workers were allocated.

Socialism won WWII
Bullshit. War socialism only harmed our ability to prosecute the war. What it did do is hide the cost of the war. Otherwise the taxpayers would have revolted.

If we relied on capitalism to fight WWII, we would have lost

Companies deciding whether or not they would produce war goods, critical supplies going to the highest bidder, workers coming and going as they pleased, companies funding their own R&D
you're correct, but I still don't like Spam. (-: Actually I do, but a nice piece of ham with my Sunday eggs is better .... and not nearly as deadly. (-:
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

It seems in the world of the far right wing, a private company giving things away is now socialism.

crazy how many people do not know what the word means
How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us.

Let’s see...

$539.88 of my paychecks YTD taken for Social Security Tax.

$125.26 similarly for Medicare Tax.

That’s $665.14 as of last week that has been stolen from me already this year for programs I do not and never will benefit from, and which are wholly unconstitutional.

That’s a shame.
See? Anathema heard the dog whistle.
Admitting you lied is a good start to redemption.
Is government-funded education socialism or not, dipshit?

Your question has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Nice touch with the "dipshit" remark.
Sorry, your red herrings aren't working.

Is government-funded school socialism or not?

Obviously you don't know what a red herring is.
Obviously you are too much of a coward to answer the question.

Stay on topic. Is government-funded education an example of socialism or not, dipshit?

Chart of the day: Administrative bloat in US public schools - AEI

I think it very much is an example of socialism.... and what goes wrong with socialism. Of course, socialism works best when it is supported by a capitalist society. Socialism by itself though cant give you the options, choices and competitiveness in prices that capitalism offers. Granted, I'm not talking about capitalism without rules. Every system has to have standards and rules, though under pure socialism I think the chances of corruption and rooting out the corruption would be much greater because there is more incentive for corruption when supply is artificially diminished.
We were Socialist during WWII
The New Deal was certainly socialist.
It went well beyond the New Deal

After Pearl Harbor, the Government took control of our industrial production, decided who built what, controlled all critical resources and where workers were allocated.

Socialism won WWII
Bullshit. War socialism only harmed our ability to prosecute the war. What it did do is hide the cost of the war. Otherwise the taxpayers would have revolted.

If we relied on capitalism to fight WWII, we would have lost

Companies deciding whether or not they would produce war goods, critical supplies going to the highest bidder, workers coming and going as they pleased, companies funding their own R&D
It's funny to watch conservative republicans not know how socialistic Total War was. Businesses got told by the government what they were manufacture for the war effort. No choices there.
...Our Constitution says that Canadians are required to help others. That's right, it is our Constitutional DUTY, to be good neighbours.

Thankfully the US Constitution has no such requirement or a date. In fact, just the opposite. We have a definitive list of 17 things that Congress can legitimately legislate and spend money on. Everything else belongs to the State and local Governments. Of course we’ve ignored those prohibitions for the last 160 years, but that’s a different story.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

Can't really speak to "socialism". As you say, the word has lost all meaning (and that's as much because of liberal equivocation as it is conservative fear-mongering). I'll focus my comments instead on the merging of economic power and state power. That, to me, is the most dangerous trend currently. It's dangerous because it puts too much power in too few hands, and allows corporations to secure profits by lobbying government rather than satisfying customers.

The most recent high-profile example has been health care reform. By letting the federal government get into bed with the insurance industry, consumers have been stripped of their power. Health care is no longer be a matter of consumer choice, but instead a matter of political influence. Every election will be a referendum on health care, with each side predicting dire consequences if the other wins. It will be added to the growing list of social concerns that have been converted into political footballs.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Example, our roads and schools are an example of socialism.

Our infrastructure was originally built entirely by private industry, with the exception of some post roads. But our steamship lines and canals and railroads were all built by private industry with ZERO government funding.

Does our government own the production of roads, schools etc..?

A system cannot be called socialism without the government collectively owning the means of production.
Yep. Our government most certainly does own the production of roads and schools. Thoroughly.

So are government-funded schools an example of socialism, dipshit?
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How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.

All capitalist countries. What's your point?

Oh by the way, nothing is free. You idiots really need to stop saying shit is free when the citizens are footing the bill.

I was speaking in relation to the UAE, where indeed it is "free shit" paid for by oil and gas exports, which are government owned and managed resources. Yes, there are private businesses and private ownership of property in the UAE, but the financial underpinnings of the "free shit" is the socialist ownership of the oil and gas.

As for the rest of the world, YOU'RE the ones who call it "free shit". We call it government funded programs, and in Canada, the people genuinely are the government. Our government is not run by corporate interests in favour of the corporations, our government is elected by the people to OUR benefit. The taxes we pay are returned to us, to our children, and to our communities giving us the highest standard of living in the world, a long life expectancy, clean air and water, well-maintained infrastructure, and one of the highest levels of personal freedom in the world.

We are all democratic socialist countries. It's not everyone for themselves. We REQUIRE corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, and contribute to their communities. Our tax dollars are not going to a bloated military starting wars around the world. Our Constitution says that Canadians are required to help others. That's right, it is our Constitutional DUTY, to be good neighbours. Even when you folks are being assholes to everyone, including Canada.
We call it government funded programs,

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.

All capitalist countries. What's your point?

Oh by the way, nothing is free. You idiots really need to stop saying shit is free when the citizens are footing the bill.

I was speaking in relation to the UAE, where indeed it is "free shit" paid for by oil and gas exports, which are government owned and managed resources. Yes, there are private businesses and private ownership of property in the UAE, but the financial underpinnings of the "free shit" is the socialist ownership of the oil and gas.

As for the rest of the world, YOU'RE the ones who call it "free shit". We call it government funded programs, and in Canada, the people genuinely are the government. Our government is not run by corporate interests in favour of the corporations, our government is elected by the people to OUR benefit. The taxes we pay are returned to us, to our children, and to our communities giving us the highest standard of living in the world, a long life expectancy, clean air and water, well-maintained infrastructure, and one of the highest levels of personal freedom in the world.

We are all democratic socialist countries. It's not everyone for themselves. We REQUIRE corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, and contribute to their communities. Our tax dollars are not going to a bloated military starting wars around the world. Our Constitution says that Canadians are required to help others. That's right, it is our Constitutional DUTY, to be good neighbours. Even when you folks are being assholes to everyone, including Canada.
We call it government funded programs,

So the military is socialist, eh?
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.

All capitalist countries. What's your point?

Oh by the way, nothing is free. You idiots really need to stop saying shit is free when the citizens are footing the bill.

I was speaking in relation to the UAE, where indeed it is "free shit" paid for by oil and gas exports, which are government owned and managed resources. Yes, there are private businesses and private ownership of property in the UAE, but the financial underpinnings of the "free shit" is the socialist ownership of the oil and gas.

As for the rest of the world, YOU'RE the ones who call it "free shit". We call it government funded programs, and in Canada, the people genuinely are the government. Our government is not run by corporate interests in favour of the corporations, our government is elected by the people to OUR benefit. The taxes we pay are returned to us, to our children, and to our communities giving us the highest standard of living in the world, a long life expectancy, clean air and water, well-maintained infrastructure, and one of the highest levels of personal freedom in the world.

We are all democratic socialist countries. It's not everyone for themselves. We REQUIRE corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, and contribute to their communities. Our tax dollars are not going to a bloated military starting wars around the world. Our Constitution says that Canadians are required to help others. That's right, it is our Constitutional DUTY, to be good neighbours. Even when you folks are being assholes to everyone, including Canada.

You are wrong about healthcare being free in the UAE. The cost is shared between the employers and employees.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Example, our roads and schools are an example of socialism.

Our infrastructure was originally built entirely by private industry, with the exception of some post roads. But our steamship lines and canals and railroads were all built by private industry with ZERO government funding.

Does our government own the production of roads, schools etc..?

A system cannot be called socialism without the government collectively owning the means of production.
Yep. Our government most certainly does own the production of roads and schools. Thoroughly.

So are government-funded schools an example of socialism, dipshit?

No they don't own the means of production of roads. They pay private contractors to build the roads, and schools then the state government maintains them.

I don't expect you to be honest but please don't stop making yourself look even more stupid.

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