How about some examples of this “socialism” stuff y’all are afraid of?

Norway has socialized medicine, and I don't see this there:

Or this:

Or this:

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Example, our roads and schools are an example of socialism.

Our infrastructure was originally built entirely by private industry, with the exception of some post roads. But our steamship lines and canals and railroads were all built by private industry with ZERO government funding.

Does our government own the production of roads, schools etc..?

A system cannot be called socialism without the government collectively owning the means of production.
Yep. Our government most certainly does own the production of roads and schools. Thoroughly.

So are government-funded schools an example of socialism, dipshit?

No they don't own the means of production of roads. They pay private contractors to build the roads, and schools then the state government maintains them.

I don't expect you to be honest but please don't stop making yourself look even more stupid.
I had a feeling you were retarded enough to think the government doesn't own the roads or public schools and control their means of production.

I suspected it, and now you just confirmed it.


Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.

All capitalist countries. What's your point?

Oh by the way, nothing is free. You idiots really need to stop saying shit is free when the citizens are footing the bill.

I was speaking in relation to the UAE, where indeed it is "free shit" paid for by oil and gas exports, which are government owned and managed resources. Yes, there are private businesses and private ownership of property in the UAE, but the financial underpinnings of the "free shit" is the socialist ownership of the oil and gas.

As for the rest of the world, YOU'RE the ones who call it "free shit". We call it government funded programs, and in Canada, the people genuinely are the government. Our government is not run by corporate interests in favour of the corporations, our government is elected by the people to OUR benefit. The taxes we pay are returned to us, to our children, and to our communities giving us the highest standard of living in the world, a long life expectancy, clean air and water, well-maintained infrastructure, and one of the highest levels of personal freedom in the world.

We are all democratic socialist countries. It's not everyone for themselves. We REQUIRE corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, and contribute to their communities. Our tax dollars are not going to a bloated military starting wars around the world. Our Constitution says that Canadians are required to help others. That's right, it is our Constitutional DUTY, to be good neighbours. Even when you folks are being assholes to everyone, including Canada.
We call it government funded programs,

When the government does something to help the is PATRIOTISM

When they do something to help the people....It is SOCIALISM
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Example, our roads and schools are an example of socialism.

Our infrastructure was originally built entirely by private industry, with the exception of some post roads. But our steamship lines and canals and railroads were all built by private industry with ZERO government funding.

Does our government own the production of roads, schools etc..?

A system cannot be called socialism without the government collectively owning the means of production.
Yep. Our government most certainly does own the production of roads and schools. Thoroughly.

So are government-funded schools an example of socialism, dipshit?

No they don't own the means of production of roads. They pay private contractors to build the roads, and schools then the state government maintains them.

I don't expect you to be honest but please don't stop making yourself look even more stupid.
I had a feeling you were retarded enough to think the government doesn't own the roads or public schools and control their means of production.

I suspected it, and now you just confirmed it.


Socialism is the EXCLUSIVE ownership and control of the means of production.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Example, our roads and schools are an example of socialism.

Our infrastructure was originally built entirely by private industry, with the exception of some post roads. But our steamship lines and canals and railroads were all built by private industry with ZERO government funding.

Does our government own the production of roads, schools etc..?

A system cannot be called socialism without the government collectively owning the means of production.
Yep. Our government most certainly does own the production of roads and schools. Thoroughly.

So are government-funded schools an example of socialism, dipshit?

No they don't own the means of production of roads. They pay private contractors to build the roads, and schools then the state government maintains them.

I don't expect you to be honest but please don't stop making yourself look even more stupid.
I had a feeling you were retarded enough to think the government doesn't own the roads or public schools and control their means of production.

I suspected it, and now you just confirmed it.


Socialism is the EXCLUSIVE ownership and control of the means of production.
Which is exactly why I pointed out that Venezuela has a stock market.

Just to paint you dumb fucks into a corner.
Socialism is the EXCLUSIVE ownership and control of the means of production.

Now that we have this solid rule to go by, we can safely say with 100 percent confidence that neither Medicare nor Social Security nor Obamacare are socialist.

Well done!

Venezuela has private and public health care.

Uh oh!


Most of the first world countries have a mix of private and public health care, but both the private clinics and the publically owned hospitals, bill the government for the care they provide. In Toronto, all of our doctors were in private practice, but here in the country, my doctor works for County. He was the only doctor I found taking new patients when I moved here. My daughter's pediatrician was one of the owners a children's after hours clinic a few blocks from our house, as well.

My PCP physician referred me to private labs for testing, but all of these privately owned facilities bill the province for the care they provide, and there are no copays. There are few private clinics in the rural area where I live and only one private lab that I know. Almost all testing is done at the local hospital.
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?
Just a few points;

This thread was intended to be about the USA. Bringing up Venezuela, Cuba or any other failed socialist state is just a red herring because we have little in common with them.

Secondly, no one can deny that this is a capitalist country. Corporations are making a ton of money and free enterprise is thriving and the means of production are for the most part private .

You boys get confused about this socialism thing because it is not a laissez fair system, there are regulations and controls in place in order to do things like protect consumers and workers, protect the environment and prevent reckless behavior by the banks. Don't like regulations ? Remember the crash of 2008? Remember child labor and sweat shops? Remember polluted water ways like the Hudson River?

Other things that you boys bleat about as Socialism are the social programs and anything that smacks of wealth redistribution. But social safety nets actually are essential Capitalism because, in a free market, demands for labor expand and contract so- there are times when there is excess labor- these programs keep those sidelined works alive and reasonably healthy for when they are need again .

As far as wealth redistribution goes, keep in mind that we have had a graduated income tax for a long time. It seems that you guys only started crying socialism around the time that Obama was elected. To much wealth and income inequality makes for an oligarchy and destroys democracy.

So if you want to preserve our way of life-our nation you have to rein in the greed
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We were Socialist during WWII
The New Deal was certainly socialist.
It went well beyond the New Deal

After Pearl Harbor, the Government took control of our industrial production, decided who built what, controlled all critical resources and where workers were allocated.

Socialism won WWII
Bullshit. War socialism only harmed our ability to prosecute the war. What it did do is hide the cost of the war. Otherwise the taxpayers would have revolted.

If we relied on capitalism to fight WWII, we would have lost

Companies deciding whether or not they would produce war goods, critical supplies going to the highest bidder, workers coming and going as they pleased, companies funding their own R&D
It's funny to watch conservative republicans not know how socialistic Total War was. Businesses got told by the government what they were manufacture for the war effort. No choices there.
the manufacturer was a private company paid by the government. that isn't socialist at all. My company makes product for the government and we get paid for it. hmmmm not clear your point asswipe.
We were Socialist during WWII
The New Deal was certainly socialist.
It went well beyond the New Deal

After Pearl Harbor, the Government took control of our industrial production, decided who built what, controlled all critical resources and where workers were allocated.

Socialism won WWII
Bullshit. War socialism only harmed our ability to prosecute the war. What it did do is hide the cost of the war. Otherwise the taxpayers would have revolted.

If we relied on capitalism to fight WWII, we would have lost

Companies deciding whether or not they would produce war goods, critical supplies going to the highest bidder, workers coming and going as they pleased, companies funding their own R&D
All that would have happened is that taxpayers would have known the true cost of the war. If the government wanted 60,000 Sherman tanks, it would have paid for 60,000 Sherman tanks. It would have paid the true cost, not the bogus price whipped out of thin air by some bureaucrat. Allocating scarce resources is what the free market does better than any government bureaucrat.

If supplies are critical, then they should go to the highest bidder, because that is where they are needed the most. That would also provide suppliers with the needed incentive to increase their output and the ability to pay for it.

Computer companies and cell phone companies have been funding their own R&D and producing technological miracles.
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Spain, Italy, Greece, England?

Before you point to countries like Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland, you'd better do your homework. Those nations have many economic and regulatory policies that American liberals oppose.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

It’s really social and economic Marxism.

You know, define everyone by groups. Divide them into oppressors versus the oppressed. Vilify whites and Christians. Undermine and eventually destroy capitalism. Make everyone poor and unable to escape poverty. Invoke fear and chaos, so the people will empower the government for a more desired safety net. Promote lawlessness, and use social justice terrorism to bully and persecute anyone that opposes the Agenda. Basically everything the Democrat Party stands for.

That clear it up for ya?
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

American socialist-entitlement programs are going broke.
Social Security was actually flush with cash, but that cash was stolen and spent on other government projects.

Both Social Security and Medicare could easily be made solvent again by simply raising the eligibility age to 70 and indexing the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors who established Social Security. We should be working longer. Common sense.
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?
Just a few points;

This thread was intended to be about the USA. Bringing up Venezuela, Cuba or any other failed socialist state is just a red herring because we have little in common with them.

That's right, douchebag, because we aren't socialist. If we were socialist, then we would be an economic basketcase just like them.

You leftwing morons believe that somehow what happens in other socialist Utopias wouldn't happen here. That's utter horseshit.

Secondly, no one can deny that this is a capitalist country. Corporations are making a ton of money and free enterprise is thriving and the means of production are for the most part private .

What's your point?

You boys get confused about this socialism thing because it is not a laissez fair system, there are regulations and controls in place in order to do things like protect consumers and workers, protect the environment and prevent reckless behavior by the banks. Don't like regulations ? Remember the crash of 2008? Remember child labor and sweat shops? Remember polluted water ways like the Hudson River?

It would take me pages and pages to knock down that horseshit. Needless to say, it's all bunk. We had no shortage of regulations in 2008.

Other things that you boys bleat about as Socialism are the social programs and anything that smacks of wealth redistribution. But social safety nets actually are essential Capitalism because, in a free market, demands for labor expand and contract so- there are times when there is excess labor- these programs keep those sidelined works alive and reasonably healthy for when they are need again .

That isn't capitalism, dumbass. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim that welfare and social security are forms of capitalism.

As far as wealth redistribution goes, keep in mind that we have had a graduated income tax for a long time. It seems that you guys only started crying socialism around the time that Obama was elected. To much wealth and income inequality makes for an oligarchy and destroys democracy.

So if you want to preserve our way of life-our nation you have to rein in the greed

The fact that we've had socialism for a long time doesn't mean it isn't socialism. If we had a fuhrer and put Jews in gas ovens for 50 years, would that mean it wasn't fascism?

Your arguments are dumber than dumb, and they have all been shot down thousands of times in this forum
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?
Just a few points;

This thread was intended to be about the USA. Bringing up Venezuela, Cuba or any other failed socialist state is just a red herring because we have little in common with them.

Secondly, no one can deny that this is a capitalist country. Corporations are making a ton of money and free enterprise is thriving and the means of production are for the most part private .

You boys get confused about this socialism thing because it is not a laissez fair system, there are regulations and controls in place in order to do things like protect consumers and workers, protect the environment and prevent reckless behavior by the banks. Don't like regulations ? Remember the crash of 2008? Remember child labor and sweat shops? Remember polluted water ways like the Hudson River?

Other things that you boys bleat about as Socialism are the social programs and anything that smacks of wealth redistribution. But social safety nets actually are essential Capitalism because, in a free market, demands for labor expand and contract so- there are times when there is excess labor- these programs keep those sidelined works alive and reasonably healthy for when they are need again .

As far as wealth redistribution goes, keep in mind that we have had a graduated income tax for a long time. It seems that you guys only started crying socialism around the time that Obama was elected. To much wealth and income inequality makes for an oligarchy and destroys democracy.

So if you want to preserve our way of life-our nation you have to rein in the greed

Ya, rein in government, entitlement greed.

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