How and why Joe Biden was "selected" as your president.

Hell, Biden even plagarized his slogan 'Build Back Better' from the 2009 U.N..
Joe is about as original as the missionary position.
"Return to normalcy" clearly had its appeal for Americans, especially the better-educated.

But, what "normal" do you wish to return to?
GDP at less than 1%?
Businesses shuttered?
Downtown's looking more like Ghost town's?
Blaming poor economic numbers on the weather?

Nah, we can do better.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
What a load of BDS horse shit!
Ray is always good for horse shit threads.

However he’s very much like you, but on the other side. You believe Russiagate right? I rest my case.
Please document your paranoid delusion with evidence.

ALREADY DONE. If you didn't catch any of it the first 11,271 times over the past 7 weeks, why should I bother another time?

Just like a bald faced lying leftist: prove something 100 times and on the 101st time, they ask you Where's The Proof?
ALREADY DONE. If you didn't catch any of it the first 11,271 times over the past 7 weeks, why should I bother another time?

Just like a bald faced lying leftist: prove something 100 times and on the 101st time, they ask you Where's The Proof?
Why have fanatical Trumpers concealed every gossamer thread of their fancied credible evidence from the dozens of judges, Republicans conspicuously among them, Trump appointees included, all the way up to the Supreme Court.

If 'Squid Head' Giuliani is still hiding it all in his pants, it's past time to whip it out.

Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 8.46.54 AM.png
What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people.

And the DC swamp got right back to business as usual passing a $900 billion 'Covid relief' bill which is 90% PORK.
And the DC swamp got right back to business as usual passing a $900 billion 'Covid relief' bill which is 90% PORK.
Do you have empirical data that shows the relief bill to be "90% Pork"?

I have seen no such analysis and am wary of ideologues making their fake claims with nothing of substance to back it up, but would be happy to peruse a legitimate breakdown of the legislation from a reputable source.
And the DC swamp got right back to business as usual passing a $900 billion 'Covid relief' bill which is 90% PORK.
Do you have empirical data that shows the relief bill to be "90% Pork"?

I have seen no such analysis and am wary of ideologues making their fake claims with nothing of substance to back it up, but would be happy to peruse a legitimate breakdown of the legislation from a reputable source.

$900 billion would give everyone who qualifies $6,600 yet they only got $600.
Why have fanatical Trumpers concealed every gossamer thread of their fancied credible evidence

It's only "concealed" from brainless fwacks like you. To everyone else, it has FILLED this forum for 7 weeks! :21:

What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.

How the hell did a bumbling idiot buffoon like Biden get enough votes to be the next President of the USA when the guy hid in his basement most of the time and when he did come out from his basement he hardly had any people out to meet and greet him. Trump's rallies had tens of thousands of people attending. Biden maybe had 25 to 50 people at any one time. And yet Biden got all those millions of votes?

This has been one big fraud and an attempted coup to get rid of Trump from becoming the President for another four more years. This election was stolen from Trump. Thamk gawd that Trump is not going down easy. Trump has plenty of things going for him in the background that should get him to help keep his presidency job. Jan.6th will a big day to watch out for. Biden may just find himself sitting on his ass outside the White House fence. LOL.
My question is how did a racist, mysogynist, anti education , anti science jacass who lied to you about putting America first- when all that he has done is to put Trump first get elected? Your stonen election ranting is just pathetic.

Okay "jacass". You are going to regret that Trump is not the President anymore. Smart ass anti-Trump jacasses like youself will soon be reaping what you have sown. You have put a bumbling pro globalist idiot in the White House and you will pay a hefty price for your stupidity. Already bumbling Biden has plans for making your life miserable as hell. Something tells me that you are not going to like what he has in store for you. But then again Biden could probably tell you that the sky is falling down and you will believe him. All dumb ass liberal/democrats having got enough brains to fit on the head of a pin. I think that the communist prime mistake of Canada and your dear comrade leader are going to get along really well. After all, they both believe in more government and less freedom. Those buffoons are called communists. Enjoy your new normal life. In about a year you are going to wish that you could go back to your old normal life, jacass. Sorry jackass, you can't go back. It's too late now. LOL.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
What a load of BDS horse shit!
Everything he posted is 100% accurate........

You should know all about bull shit. LOL.
How the hell did a bumbling idiot buffoon like Biden get enough votes to be the next President of the USA
No matter how much pifflewits try to denigrate him, the reality that he won by 7 million votes casts the Cry Baby Loser as being that much worse.

More Americans voted against him in 2016, registered their disapproval in survey after survey for four years, clearly indicated their sentiment in the midterms, and got rid of him at their earliest opportunity, leaving his bum kissers to snivel ineffectually.

Those dumb ass democrats will soon be reaping big time with what they have sown for themselves unless what is ahead is what you really want to see happen. The end of America as we all once knew it a year ago. This had nothing to do with any China virus in the first place but more to do with the deep state communist globalists wanting to bring down Trump's economy and Trump's pro America. Trump was eating into their communist globalist profits and Trump had to go. It was sad to see Trump board Air Force One for the last time today. And I do hope that those that voted for bumbling Biden will be the first to pay for their stupidity. It could not happen to a better bunch of buffoons. LOL.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
What a load of BDS horse shit!
Success! I must have hit a nerve!
Wackos hate the truth
Okay "jacass". You are going to regret that Trump is not the President anymore. Smart ass anti-Trump jacasses like youself will soon be reaping what you have sown. You have put a bumbling pro globalist idiot in the White House and you will pay a hefty price for your stupidity. Already bumbling Biden has plans for making your life miserable as hell. Something tells me that you are not going to like what he has in store for you. But then again Biden could probably tell you that the sky is falling down and you will believe him. All dumb ass liberal/democrats having got enough brains to fit on the head of a pin. I think that the communist prime mistake of Canada and your dear comrade leader are going to get along really well. After all, they both believe in more government and less freedom. Those buffoons are called communists. Enjoy your new normal life. In about a year you are going to wish that you could go back to your old normal life, jacass. Sorry jackass, you can't go back. It's too late now. LOL.
Diehard Trumpers can persist in pleasuring themselves at their super-spreader jamborees.

No doubt they'll persist in whining continually as well.

As long as they aren't incited by their deposed object of mindless veneration to more deadly insurrections against the United States, our nation of, by, and for the People will recover and progress.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.

How the hell did a bumbling idiot buffoon like Biden get enough votes to be the next President of the USA when the guy hid in his basement most of the time and when he did come out from his basement he hardly had any people out to meet and greet him. Trump's rallies had tens of thousands of people attending. Biden maybe had 25 to 50 people at any one time. And yet Biden got all those millions of votes?

This has been one big fraud and an attempted coup to get rid of Trump from becoming the President for another four more years. This election was stolen from Trump. Thamk gawd that Trump is not going down easy. Trump has plenty of things going for him in the background that should get him to help keep his presidency job. Jan.6th will a big day to watch out for. Biden may just find himself sitting on his ass outside the White House fence. LOL.
My question is how did a racist, mysogynist, anti education , anti science jacass who lied to you about putting America first- when all that he has done is to put Trump first get elected? Your stonen election ranting is just pathetic.

Okay "jacass". You are going to regret that Trump is not the President anymore. Smart ass anti-Trump jacasses like youself will soon be reaping what you have sown. You have put a bumbling pro globalist idiot in the White House and you will pay a hefty price for your stupidity. Already bumbling Biden has plans for making your life miserable as hell. Something tells me that you are not going to like what he has in store for you. But then again Biden could probably tell you that the sky is falling down and you will believe him. All dumb ass liberal/democrats having got enough brains to fit on the head of a pin. I think that the communist prime mistake of Canada and your dear comrade leader are going to get along really well. After all, they both believe in more government and less freedom. Those buffoons are called communists. Enjoy your new normal life. In about a year you are going to wish that you could go back to your old normal life, jacass. Sorry jackass, you can't go back. It's too late now. LOL.
I will not be regreting anything. Have any more dung that you can throw at the wall kine the hope that something will stick?

It is going to be a long, hot summer if you know what I mean.
I will not be regretting anything...

Nor will most Americans. (White supremacists, neo-nazis, proud boys, boogaloo, oath keepers, three percenters, and other insurrectionists against the United States excepted.)

For patriots, democracy not being thwarted is an extremely positive development.

Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 6.33.01 PM.png

Of course, all who thrilled at Trump's groveling to appease Putin are very pissy. That's about to change.
I will not be regretting anything...

Nor will most Americans. (White supremacists, neo-nazis, proud boys, boogaloo, oath keepers, three percenters, and other insurrectionists against the United States excepted.)

For patriots, democracy not being thwarted is an extremely positive development.

Of course, all who thrilled at Trump's groveling to appease Putin are very pissy. That's about to change.

Only over alot of dead bodies, Sludgelips.
How the hell did a bumbling idiot buffoon like Biden get enough votes to be the next President of the USA
No matter how much pifflewits try to denigrate him, the reality that he won by 7 million votes casts the Cry Baby Loser as being that much worse.

More Americans voted against him in 2016, registered their disapproval in survey after survey for four years, clearly indicated their sentiment in the midterms, and got rid of him at their earliest opportunity, leaving his bum kissers to snivel ineffectually.

Those dumb ass democrats will soon be reaping big time with what they have sown for themselves unless what is ahead is what you really want to see happen. The end of America as we all once knew it a year ago. This had nothing to do with any China virus in the first place but more to do with the deep state communist globalists wanting to bring down Trump's economy and Trump's pro America. Trump was eating into their communist globalist profits and Trump had to go. It was sad to see Trump board Air Force One for the last time today. And I do hope that those that voted for bumbling Biden will be the first to pay for their stupidity. It could not happen to a better bunch of buffoons. LOL.
It was Trump who tried to bring about an end to America by subverting our Constitutional Republic with an insurection. Deep state Communists. Give me a fucking break. You need to be deprogramed from that QAnon insanity.
You need to be deprogramed from that QAnon insanity.
Fake Don absconding seems to have broken the spell on some Q-balls. That's encouraging for reality-oriented Americans who are not beguiled by lurid tales of satanic pedophile pizzas with baby topping.

QAnon conspiracy theorists grappled with anger, confusion and disappointment Wednesday as President Biden was sworn into ...​
Among the most notable defectors appeared to be Ron Watkins, a prominent promoter of election fraud conspiracy theories who helps run an online messaging board where QAnon conspiracy theories run wild.​
“We gave it our all,” Watkins wrote in a Telegram post, minutes after Biden was sworn into office. “Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able.”​
The Kochs and the Chamber of Commerce had already been repulsed by Trumpery, Sheldon Adelson had clearly had enough, and businesses and private donors are conspicuously cutting the allowances of GOP bad boys. Bam Bam Bannon's scam to fleece hardcore Trumpers by pretending to be Mexico and paying for a wall further diverted contributions to the Party. Squinty 'Fancy Pants' LaP having ripped off the gun goons to the point that the NRA is being consigned to the Trump casino toxic waste dump of bankruptcy means that hopes of fiscal competitiveness rest with a pillow guy.

In their dreams!

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