How are cops supposed to know if their attacker is armed or not?

In America, 2015 police should assume all black people are armed and walk slowly away. True, they may be shot in the back but they could not be accused of racism - a fate far worse than death.
That's all liberals talk about - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot.

If someone attacks me and i've got a gun, i'm gonna shoot him and ask questions later. Who wouldn't?
Cops are trained to use their MagLites ( flashlights ), batons, and trained in self-defense. They're also instructed to call for back-up when needed. In addition, most of them carry some type of defensive spray ( pepper spray ). So, when an unarmed person is approached, forget everything and start shooting? Sorry, but something doesn't add up. And, take a look at the victims. Some of the victims are young kids, old women and old men, non-attack family pets, and disabled people in wheelchairs.

When separating the wheat from the chaff, there's absolutely NO excuse for what we're seeing and experiencing on the streets of America. Police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, child molestation, stealing, taking bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and spousal abuse, are all common among members of law enforcement. Oh, and I forgot to mention quota tickets to generate revenue.
Every situation is different. A cop should use a gun only as a last resort before he is overwhelmed, incapacitated or disarmed.

If a 300 pounder like michael brown is charging you, are you gonna hold fire till he's on top of you? THINK
Sonny, this is a brand new day.
This is a no respect for authority situation we are dealing with. Suicide by cop is all the rage, thinking you are somehow entitled, thinking that because you are unarmed that gives you the right to be confrontational is what this is. And the cop is suppose to be able to discern which is which in any given situation? Garbage.
Whether you are in the right or whether you are in the wrong, if you want to stay alive, when a cop tells you to do something, DO IT.

I doubt there are many police officers that get up and say, "No time for breakfast honey, today I'm gonna go find me some kid to kill!"

Hands up, don't shoot WORKS, if you actually put your hands up.
Cops have every right to defend themselves from thugs. It doesn't matter if it is black or white as the thug.
Cops are trained to use their MagLites ( flashlights ), batons, and trained in self-defense. They're also instructed to call for back-up when needed. In addition, most of them carry some type of defensive spray ( pepper spray ). So, when an unarmed person is approached, forget everything and start shooting? Sorry, but something doesn't add up. And, take a look at the victims. Some of the victims are young kids, old women and old men, non-attack family pets, and disabled people in wheelchairs.


What category does michael brown fall into.? He was a 300 pound giant in the physical prime of his life. THINK
Every situation is different. A cop should use a gun only as a last resort before he is overwhelmed, incapacitated or disarmed.

If a 300 pounder like michael brown is charging you, are you gonna hold fire till he's on top of you? THINK
I should have stressed the word, before. That should be sufficient. In your example I would hold fire until he was close enough to get powder burns.
People think cops have elite hand to hand fighting skills or something. They dont. If they're lucky they get some basic boxing and grapplint trainint in the academy. ...skills they lose within a year if they dont keep training.

The people bitching about this...are mostly people who have never been in a real violent fight. They dont understand what its like fighting a real man...who may want to kill you. Not a school yard scrap over a girl. A life or possibly death fight with a violent felon...armed or not.

On a side.note...most people who get stabbed in a fight never see the knife. They usually say they thought it was just a punch until they saw all the blood.

So...cops could wrestle and box with these thugs. But why risk it?
If he was unarmed he couldn't hold a gun...

Well, sometimes it is very hard to make a good judgement call. When someone is charging at you with their hands in their pockets or making moves like they have a gun...You don't have much time.
Every situation is different. A cop should use a gun only as a last resort before he is overwhelmed, incapacitated or disarmed.

If a 300 pounder like michael brown is charging you, are you gonna hold fire till he's on top of you? THINK
I should have stressed the word, before. That should be sufficient. In your example I would hold fire until he was close enough to get powder burns.

That would be a dumb and possibly deadly mistake. Most shots dont stop a man cold in his tracks. If you let him get that close before the first shot...theres a huge chance the first shot misses or doesnt hit a vital area to instantly stop him. So then...hes on top of you...trying to take your gun.

If they are charging you...and you decide its a lethal threat...dont ever let them get that close. Ever.
Whether you are in the right or whether you are in the wrong, if you want to stay alive, when a cop tells you to do something, DO IT.

I don't buy that. Lots of bad cops out there and sometimes doing what they say can be a bad idea. I can't fault someone for turning around and running from the cops. Not that michael brown did that but if he had, and the cop shot him, then even i would say he was murdered.
People think cops have elite hand to hand fighting skills or something. They dont. If they're lucky they get some basic boxing and grapplint trainint in the academy. ...skills they lose within a year if they dont keep training.

The people bitching about this...are mostly people who have never been in a real violent fight. They dont understand what its like fighting a real man...who may want to kill you. Not a school yard scrap over a girl. A life or possibly death fight with a violent felon...armed or not.

Plus a lot of cops are fat and forty. And then there's the lady cops. They pretty much have to shoot though the news media censors out those stories.
Whether you are in the right or whether you are in the wrong, if you want to stay alive, when a cop tells you to do something, DO IT.

I don't buy that. Lots of bad cops out there and sometimes doing what they say can be a bad idea. I can't fault someone for turning around and running from the cops. Not that michael brown did that but if he had, and the cop shot him, then even i would say he was murdered.

I agree. If a cop shoots a man in the back...when he poses no threat at all...thats murder unless the guy is Bin Laden or something.

Luckily. ..thats almost never ever happened.
That would be a dumb and possibly deadly mistake. Most shots dont stop a man cold in his tracks. If you let him get that close before the first shot...theres a huge chance the first shot misses or doesnt hit a vital area to instantly stop him. So then...hes on top of you...trying to take your gun.


Hard to believe someone could miss a charging man just a few feet away but you read about it happening a lot. You need to start firing when he's 15 feet away and fire at least 3 times.
People think cops have elite hand to hand fighting skills or something. They dont. If they're lucky they get some basic boxing and grapplint trainint in the academy. ...skills they lose within a year if they dont keep training.

The people bitching about this...are mostly people who have never been in a real violent fight. They dont understand what its like fighting a real man...who may want to kill you. Not a school yard scrap over a girl. A life or possibly death fight with a violent felon...armed or not.

Plus a lot of cops are fat and forty. And then there's the lady cops. They pretty much have to shoot though the news media censors out those stories.

You're right and thats not demeaning. Humans just get fatter as metabolism slows. Many cops are over 40 and heavy. Like most 40+ yr old Americans are. Or female. Its not like the military where most boots on the ground are 18-24 year olds. Cops work the street from 21-50s.
That would be a dumb and possibly deadly mistake. Most shots dont stop a man cold in his tracks. If you let him get that close before the first shot...theres a huge chance the first shot misses or doesnt hit a vital area to instantly stop him. So then...hes on top of you...trying to take your gun.


Hard to believe someone could miss a charging man just a few feet away but you read about it happening a lot. You need to start firing when he's 15 feet away and fire at least 3 times.

It happens because they panic. Closer the threat gets...the more the sympathetic nervous system goes haywire. Massive tunnel vision and heart rate spikes.

Plus the body instinctively draws blood away from limbs (body's defense against bleeding out since cavemen would get bitten on arms by animals). SO....the hands dont react as well or with as much precision.

Shooting gets real sloppy up close.
Democrats are at war with us private citizens, most of us are too stupid to admit and realize this.

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