How are cops supposed to know if their attacker is armed or not?

There was a body. The body, entrance and exit wounds would tell you which witness stories to believe and which to not.

Where's the mans side of the story? Had he submitted to a lawful order, he could tell it himself.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence showed that the two construction workers were lying? What evidence showed anyone lying? Remember, it was investigated by law enforcement, and not an independent outside source. Is it possible that law enforcement looks after their own? Has it ever happened before? Or, do you believe all law enforcement agencies are honest and above board? Do cops turn on cops as a normal occurrence? Have you ever heard of cops covering for other cops, or agencies covering for other agencies? And, who was there to deny what was accepted as evidence? The dead man couldn't dispute the events that lead up the shooting. So, naturally, the cops version was the only one carrying any weight in the matter. And, yes, witnesses were dismissed by the very law enforcement agency doing the investigating.

What the fuck are you talking about?
The fucken justice department under holder investigated it and did their own autopsy yet found nothing.
At least get your facts straight.
Good Lord

More than one autopsy was performed. What science? All in agreement and all backed up Wilsons story. None of them backing up the stories of those witnesses that you put you're faith in.

This administration put its nose somewhere that it didn't belong. It had every resource available to produce a finding that would back up their original opinion but could not.

The power and money of the United State Justice department found that the shooting was as reported by Wilson, and yet this is not good enough for the few.
What was there to examine? What did they test for? There was never a doubt as to who the victim was and who the shooter was. What to examine? All they did was take the word of a cop over a silent dead man, and through out the witnesses that differed from the cops account of what happened. Where's the dead man's side to test and examine?

There was a body. The body, entrance and exit wounds would tell you which witness stories to believe and which to not.

Where's the mans side of the story? Had he submitted to a lawful order, he could tell it himself.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.

You can tell him a million times but his hatred of the police wont let him admit the truth.
FYI - One side of the story doesn't constitute truth. And, not taking all accounts into consideration doesn't present factual findings. Dismissing witnesses with different accounts of what happen doesn't constitute truth in finding. Two construction workers that witnessed the event were never heard from. Yet, they're on video at the exact moment of the shooting saying in disbelief that he was shot while his hands were raised above his head. Other witnesses said that the cop pulled Mr. Brown's arm inside the cop car. So, where does the real truth lie? We may never know because we only have one side of the story. Dead men can't talk.
Why? Do tell your version. Could it be because he was bent over, on his way down to the pavement after receiving other gun shots? Could it be the results od extreme pain caused by previous gun shots? You tell me what you know for a fact, to be fact and not opinion.

It's because MB was falling forward as Wilson shot for center mass,indicating MB was moving towards Wilson and his momentum caused him to fall forwards rather than backwards thus exposing the top of his head to gunfire as he fell.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

Why are you defending a POS like Brown?
I an NOT defending Mr. Brown. I am speaking about what has become the norm on Main Street America. Mr. Brown just happens to be the subject of this conversation, but it could be about the many others that make daily headlines all across this nation. I could be talking about the 12 year old boy shot while playing in the park, or the homeless man surrounded by 5 or 6 cops and shot while on the ground, or the toddler accidentally shot while a cop was shooting at someone else, or the 92 year old lady in Lithia Springs Georgia, or the many others that make daily headlines. These cases are becoming the norm on Main Street America. Something needs to be done about trigger happy cops with a free pass to kill anyone they feel like killing.

And, what's even worse, is the fact that cops investigate cops. Go figure. And, all that's needed to get a free pass is the words, "I feared for my safety", or "He reach for his waist band". Right or wrong?

Do you know the one thing that 99% of these shooting have in common?
None of the dead people followed instructions.
I'm just guessing here but I've probably had interactions with the police at least a dozen times in my life and yet I've never been shot....because I followed the instructions from the police officer.
Funny how that works.
Maybe you've just been lucky and haven't met a trigger happy cop yet. Some weren't so lucky. Take the 12 year old boy playing in the park, the 92 year old lady killed when cops broke into the wrong house, the toddler killed when a cop was shooting at someone else, the homeless man killed while on the ground and surrounded by 5 or 6 cops, and others. Count your blessings. We sure don't wont you to become tomorrow's headlines. Stay safe.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence showed that the two construction workers were lying? What evidence showed anyone lying? Remember, it was investigated by law enforcement, and not an independent outside source. Is it possible that law enforcement looks after their own? Has it ever happened before? Or, do you believe all law enforcement agencies are honest and above board? Do cops turn on cops as a normal occurrence? Have you ever heard of cops covering for other cops, or agencies covering for other agencies? And, who was there to deny what was accepted as evidence? The dead man couldn't dispute the events that lead up the shooting. So, naturally, the cops version was the only one carrying any weight in the matter. And, yes, witnesses were dismissed by the very law enforcement agency doing the investigating.

What the fuck are you talking about?
The fucken justice department under holder investigated it and did their own autopsy yet found nothing.
At least get your facts straight.
WOW !! Holder investigated his own? Yes, the justice department cleared one of their own. Yes, the justice department accepted the only side of the story told. Dead men can't talk. Yes, it's common for one law enforcement agency to investigate another law enforcement agency, it happens all the time. And, usually, the results are the same as in this case. Besides, they found nothing because there was no video, no other side to hear, and plenty of witnesses to dismiss as liars. What? Dismissed as liars? Unreal. Justice? I doubt it.
"How are cops supposed to know if their attacker is armed or not?"

How are cops supposed to tell the difference between a "good guy" with a gun and "bad guy" with a gun. So far, they have shot and killed a lot of innocent people and there's no sign of that lessening.

So MB was innocent?
And the bad guy is usually pretty easy to spot,he'll be the one running away or shooting at the cops.
The cops didnt appear to have any problem whatsoever deciding who was the criminal here.
Crazy Woman Pulls Out A Gun During A Fight Inside Restaurant Threatens To Shoot New Video
He was guilty of robbery, and should have been given his day in court. He stole cigars and should've been punished for what he did. But, robbery doesn't carry an immediate death sentence carried out by a cop within minutes of the robbery. We have a court system that punishes crime, including robbery. The cop played judge, jury, and executioner within minutes of the robbery. Do we allow cops to be judge, jury, and executioner each time the law is broken?

So Wilson should have let Brown kick his ass and take his gun?
No, not at all. The cop should've backed down until help arrived, used pepper spray, used his baton, followed Mr. Brown until help arrived, or got back in his patrol car until help arrived. But, it was too easy to just shot and be done with it. After all, it was just another black man. Oh, and I'm sure the cop knew that cops always get a free pass in cases like these. All that's required to validate the license to kill is, "I feared for my safety", or, "He was reaching for his waist band".
Why? Do tell your version. Could it be because he was bent over, on his way down to the pavement after receiving other gun shots? Could it be the results od extreme pain caused by previous gun shots? You tell me what you know for a fact, to be fact and not opinion.

It's because MB was falling forward as Wilson shot for center mass,indicating MB was moving towards Wilson and his momentum caused him to fall forwards rather than backwards thus exposing the top of his head to gunfire as he fell.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

Why are you defending a POS like Brown?
I an NOT defending Mr. Brown. I am speaking about what has become the norm on Main Street America. Mr. Brown just happens to be the subject of this conversation, but it could be about the many others that make daily headlines all across this nation. I could be talking about the 12 year old boy shot while playing in the park, or the homeless man surrounded by 5 or 6 cops and shot while on the ground, or the toddler accidentally shot while a cop was shooting at someone else, or the 92 year old lady in Lithia Springs Georgia, or the many others that make daily headlines. These cases are becoming the norm on Main Street America. Something needs to be done about trigger happy cops with a free pass to kill anyone they feel like killing.

And, what's even worse, is the fact that cops investigate cops. Go figure. And, all that's needed to get a free pass is the words, "I feared for my safety", or "He reach for his waist band". Right or wrong?

Sure you are.

Is it normal to attack a police officer on Main Street America?

You should do what Quanell X did to see how it is to be in an officers shoes. Quanell was just like you, harping about how quick cops are to use their duty weapons. That is until he took this course and realized just how quick a situation can turn deadly.

Idiots like you have no clue what it's like to be a cop. Out of the thousands if not millions of arrest each day, you focus on ones that you perceive to be injustices when nine times out of ten the officer is vindicated and you morons look like even bigger fools than you already are.

A walk in their shoes Quanell X trains with local police
Your childish and silly name calling and personal attack doesn't give weight to your argument. Please try to be civil and adult in these conversations. Thanks. Attack the subject matter, and not the person that you're having a conversation with. No need to act like kids fighting on the playground.

I wouldn't be a cop, period. I have way more self-respect than to write BS quota tickets, gang up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, murder unarmed citizens, and bully my way through life.
That's all liberals talk about - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot.

If someone attacks me and i've got a gun, i'm gonna shoot him and ask questions later. Who wouldn't?

What about this case?
Atlanta-area police shoot dead unarmed and naked African American man US news The Guardian
He couldn't taser him even though he's completely naked, and therefore not brandishing or concealing a weapon? Cop had choices but took the easy way. Was the level of force warranted for the situation?
Why? Do tell your version. Could it be because he was bent over, on his way down to the pavement after receiving other gun shots? Could it be the results od extreme pain caused by previous gun shots? You tell me what you know for a fact, to be fact and not opinion.

It's because MB was falling forward as Wilson shot for center mass,indicating MB was moving towards Wilson and his momentum caused him to fall forwards rather than backwards thus exposing the top of his head to gunfire as he fell.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

The stupid MFer just committed a strong arm robbery and you want to give him the benefit of the doubt?
Jesus Christ you're thick headed.
Robbery doesn't mean immediate execution without a trial. And, no weapon was used when he took the cigars from the store. So, now we're allowing cops to be judge, jury, and executioners? Robbery suspects, especially unarmed robbery suspects, should get a trial before sentencing, and not immediately executed.

Why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over again?
MB was shot because he attacked Wilson and the evidence bears that out.
Had MB followed Wilsons instructions he might be alive today...I say might because there's a good chance one of his hommies or another cop would have shot him by now.
A lot of people are repeating themselves on this thread, not just me. And, the only evidence that the man was attacking the cop, was the word of the cop. Some witnesses said that he did not charge or attack the cop. Those witnesses were dismissed as liars. And, of course, the dead man can't dispute the cop's story.

Also, law enforcement investigated this. Not an outside independent agency.
What was there to examine? What did they test for? There was never a doubt as to who the victim was and who the shooter was. What to examine? All they did was take the word of a cop over a silent dead man, and through out the witnesses that differed from the cops account of what happened. Where's the dead man's side to test and examine?

There was a body. The body, entrance and exit wounds would tell you which witness stories to believe and which to not.

Where's the mans side of the story? Had he submitted to a lawful order, he could tell it himself.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence said that the two construction workers were lying? Who determined that the witnesses were lying? Evidence was taken that matched the cop's story, not the victim's story.
It's because MB was falling forward as Wilson shot for center mass,indicating MB was moving towards Wilson and his momentum caused him to fall forwards rather than backwards thus exposing the top of his head to gunfire as he fell.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

Why are you defending a POS like Brown?
I an NOT defending Mr. Brown. I am speaking about what has become the norm on Main Street America. Mr. Brown just happens to be the subject of this conversation, but it could be about the many others that make daily headlines all across this nation. I could be talking about the 12 year old boy shot while playing in the park, or the homeless man surrounded by 5 or 6 cops and shot while on the ground, or the toddler accidentally shot while a cop was shooting at someone else, or the 92 year old lady in Lithia Springs Georgia, or the many others that make daily headlines. These cases are becoming the norm on Main Street America. Something needs to be done about trigger happy cops with a free pass to kill anyone they feel like killing.

And, what's even worse, is the fact that cops investigate cops. Go figure. And, all that's needed to get a free pass is the words, "I feared for my safety", or "He reach for his waist band". Right or wrong?

Sure you are.

Is it normal to attack a police officer on Main Street America?

You should do what Quanell X did to see how it is to be in an officers shoes. Quanell was just like you, harping about how quick cops are to use their duty weapons. That is until he took this course and realized just how quick a situation can turn deadly.

Idiots like you have no clue what it's like to be a cop. Out of the thousands if not millions of arrest each day, you focus on ones that you perceive to be injustices when nine times out of ten the officer is vindicated and you morons look like even bigger fools than you already are.

A walk in their shoes Quanell X trains with local police
Your childish and silly name calling and personal attack doesn't give weight to your argument. Please try to be civil and adult in these conversations. Thanks. Attack the subject matter, and not the person that you're having a conversation with. No need to act like kids fighting on the playground.

I wouldn't be a cop, period. I have way more self-respect than to write BS quota tickets, gang up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, murder unarmed citizens, and bully my way through life.

Typical bleeding heart liberal. More worried about the name calling than the weight of the argument. Fact is numbnuts, you don't have the wherewithal to be a cop, your mamby pamby ass wouldn't make it through the first day of training Sonny boy.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

Why are you defending a POS like Brown?
I an NOT defending Mr. Brown. I am speaking about what has become the norm on Main Street America. Mr. Brown just happens to be the subject of this conversation, but it could be about the many others that make daily headlines all across this nation. I could be talking about the 12 year old boy shot while playing in the park, or the homeless man surrounded by 5 or 6 cops and shot while on the ground, or the toddler accidentally shot while a cop was shooting at someone else, or the 92 year old lady in Lithia Springs Georgia, or the many others that make daily headlines. These cases are becoming the norm on Main Street America. Something needs to be done about trigger happy cops with a free pass to kill anyone they feel like killing.

And, what's even worse, is the fact that cops investigate cops. Go figure. And, all that's needed to get a free pass is the words, "I feared for my safety", or "He reach for his waist band". Right or wrong?

Sure you are.

Is it normal to attack a police officer on Main Street America?

You should do what Quanell X did to see how it is to be in an officers shoes. Quanell was just like you, harping about how quick cops are to use their duty weapons. That is until he took this course and realized just how quick a situation can turn deadly.

Idiots like you have no clue what it's like to be a cop. Out of the thousands if not millions of arrest each day, you focus on ones that you perceive to be injustices when nine times out of ten the officer is vindicated and you morons look like even bigger fools than you already are.

A walk in their shoes Quanell X trains with local police
Your childish and silly name calling and personal attack doesn't give weight to your argument. Please try to be civil and adult in these conversations. Thanks. Attack the subject matter, and not the person that you're having a conversation with. No need to act like kids fighting on the playground.

I wouldn't be a cop, period. I have way more self-respect than to write BS quota tickets, gang up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, murder unarmed citizens, and bully my way through life.

Typical bleeding heart liberal. More worried about the name calling than the weight of the argument. Fact is numbnuts, you don't have the wherewithal to be a cop, your mamby pamby ass wouldn't make it through the first day of training Sonny boy.
Very silly and childish, to say the least. Your age? FYI - I'm NOT a Liberal. Your immature name calling and personal attack speaks for itself.
What was there to examine? What did they test for? There was never a doubt as to who the victim was and who the shooter was. What to examine? All they did was take the word of a cop over a silent dead man, and through out the witnesses that differed from the cops account of what happened. Where's the dead man's side to test and examine?

There was a body. The body, entrance and exit wounds would tell you which witness stories to believe and which to not.

Where's the mans side of the story? Had he submitted to a lawful order, he could tell it himself.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.

You can tell him a million times but his hatred of the police wont let him admit the truth.
FYI - One side of the story doesn't constitute truth. And, not taking all accounts into consideration doesn't present factual findings. Dismissing witnesses with different accounts of what happen doesn't constitute truth in finding. Two construction workers that witnessed the event were never heard from. Yet, they're on video at the exact moment of the shooting saying in disbelief that he was shot while his hands were raised above his head. Other witnesses said that the cop pulled Mr. Brown's arm inside the cop car. So, where does the real truth lie? We may never know because we only have one side of the story. Dead men can't talk.

You obviously have an axe to grind and no amount of forensic evidence is going to change your mind.
Hell,even Holder disagrees with you.
Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence showed that the two construction workers were lying? What evidence showed anyone lying? Remember, it was investigated by law enforcement, and not an independent outside source. Is it possible that law enforcement looks after their own? Has it ever happened before? Or, do you believe all law enforcement agencies are honest and above board? Do cops turn on cops as a normal occurrence? Have you ever heard of cops covering for other cops, or agencies covering for other agencies? And, who was there to deny what was accepted as evidence? The dead man couldn't dispute the events that lead up the shooting. So, naturally, the cops version was the only one carrying any weight in the matter. And, yes, witnesses were dismissed by the very law enforcement agency doing the investigating.

What the fuck are you talking about?
The fucken justice department under holder investigated it and did their own autopsy yet found nothing.
At least get your facts straight.
WOW !! Holder investigated his own? Yes, the justice department cleared one of their own. Yes, the justice department accepted the only side of the story told. Dead men can't talk. Yes, it's common for one law enforcement agency to investigate another law enforcement agency, it happens all the time. And, usually, the results are the same as in this case. Besides, they found nothing because there was no video, no other side to hear, and plenty of witnesses to dismiss as liars. What? Dismissed as liars? Unreal. Justice? I doubt it.

Now you're being retarded. Holder wanted to convict Wilson in a bad way,for you to deny that is ridiculous.
It's because MB was falling forward as Wilson shot for center mass,indicating MB was moving towards Wilson and his momentum caused him to fall forwards rather than backwards thus exposing the top of his head to gunfire as he fell.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

The stupid MFer just committed a strong arm robbery and you want to give him the benefit of the doubt?
Jesus Christ you're thick headed.
Robbery doesn't mean immediate execution without a trial. And, no weapon was used when he took the cigars from the store. So, now we're allowing cops to be judge, jury, and executioners? Robbery suspects, especially unarmed robbery suspects, should get a trial before sentencing, and not immediately executed.

Why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over again?
MB was shot because he attacked Wilson and the evidence bears that out.
Had MB followed Wilsons instructions he might be alive today...I say might because there's a good chance one of his hommies or another cop would have shot him by now.
A lot of people are repeating themselves on this thread, not just me. And, the only evidence that the man was attacking the cop, was the word of the cop. Some witnesses said that he did not charge or attack the cop. Those witnesses were dismissed as liars. And, of course, the dead man can't dispute the cop's story.

Also, law enforcement investigated this. Not an outside independent agency.

You keep lying. The evidence showed MB went for Wilsons firearm.
There was a body. The body, entrance and exit wounds would tell you which witness stories to believe and which to not.

Where's the mans side of the story? Had he submitted to a lawful order, he could tell it himself.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence said that the two construction workers were lying? Who determined that the witnesses were lying? Evidence was taken that matched the cop's story, not the victim's story.

The construction workers said MB had his hands in the air when he was shot yet the autopsy said different.
There was a body. The body, entrance and exit wounds would tell you which witness stories to believe and which to not.

Where's the mans side of the story? Had he submitted to a lawful order, he could tell it himself.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.

You can tell him a million times but his hatred of the police wont let him admit the truth.
FYI - One side of the story doesn't constitute truth. And, not taking all accounts into consideration doesn't present factual findings. Dismissing witnesses with different accounts of what happen doesn't constitute truth in finding. Two construction workers that witnessed the event were never heard from. Yet, they're on video at the exact moment of the shooting saying in disbelief that he was shot while his hands were raised above his head. Other witnesses said that the cop pulled Mr. Brown's arm inside the cop car. So, where does the real truth lie? We may never know because we only have one side of the story. Dead men can't talk.

You obviously have an axe to grind and no amount of forensic evidence is going to change your mind.
Hell,even Holder disagrees with you.
FYI - I have NO axe to grind, period. If there were evidence, I would believe the evidence. If there were videos. I would believe the videos. If "ALL" witnesses were weighed equally, I would believe the results of the evidence. If an independent outside agency had investigated, I would believe the results. Mr. Holder is part of law enforcement since he's the head of the justice department. And, he only had one side of the story to weigh evidence against.
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.

You can tell him a million times but his hatred of the police wont let him admit the truth.
FYI - One side of the story doesn't constitute truth. And, not taking all accounts into consideration doesn't present factual findings. Dismissing witnesses with different accounts of what happen doesn't constitute truth in finding. Two construction workers that witnessed the event were never heard from. Yet, they're on video at the exact moment of the shooting saying in disbelief that he was shot while his hands were raised above his head. Other witnesses said that the cop pulled Mr. Brown's arm inside the cop car. So, where does the real truth lie? We may never know because we only have one side of the story. Dead men can't talk.

You obviously have an axe to grind and no amount of forensic evidence is going to change your mind.
Hell,even Holder disagrees with you.
FYI - I have NO axe to grind, period. If there were evidence, I would believe the evidence. If there were videos. I would believe the videos. If "ALL" witnesses were weighed equally, I would believe the results of the evidence. If an independent outside agency had investigated, I would believe the results. Mr. Holder is part of law enforcement since he's the head of the justice department. And, he only had one side of the story to weigh evidence against.

Obama and Holder wanted a conviction in the worst way.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence showed that the two construction workers were lying? What evidence showed anyone lying? Remember, it was investigated by law enforcement, and not an independent outside source. Is it possible that law enforcement looks after their own? Has it ever happened before? Or, do you believe all law enforcement agencies are honest and above board? Do cops turn on cops as a normal occurrence? Have you ever heard of cops covering for other cops, or agencies covering for other agencies? And, who was there to deny what was accepted as evidence? The dead man couldn't dispute the events that lead up the shooting. So, naturally, the cops version was the only one carrying any weight in the matter. And, yes, witnesses were dismissed by the very law enforcement agency doing the investigating.

What the fuck are you talking about?
The fucken justice department under holder investigated it and did their own autopsy yet found nothing.
At least get your facts straight.
WOW !! Holder investigated his own? Yes, the justice department cleared one of their own. Yes, the justice department accepted the only side of the story told. Dead men can't talk. Yes, it's common for one law enforcement agency to investigate another law enforcement agency, it happens all the time. And, usually, the results are the same as in this case. Besides, they found nothing because there was no video, no other side to hear, and plenty of witnesses to dismiss as liars. What? Dismissed as liars? Unreal. Justice? I doubt it.

Now you're being retarded. Holder wanted to convict Wilson in a bad way,for you to deny that is ridiculous.
What makes you think that he wanted to prove Wilson guilty of murder? Please direct me to that wording where Holder said that he wanted to prove guilt on the part of Mr. Wilson. I'd love to read it if you can direct me to it. Thanks.
Nice guess. Could it have also been because the victim was doubling over in pain from previous gun shots? Could it have been because the victim was already on his way down when the shot was fired? Was there anyone else that watching that can verify what happened? And, of those watching, which ones were actually believed and included in the final examination and report? How many witnesses were dismissed as liars? How many witnesses that were pro-cop, were actually believed and taken as true accounts of the event? How many witnesses that were not pro-cop, were considered to be unreliable witnesses, liars, and dismissed? Do you have all of those facts handy? Can you answer all of those questions with actual knowledge and supporting data? Or, are you just another pro-cop citizen defending the murder of an unarmed citizen? Which is it?

The stupid MFer just committed a strong arm robbery and you want to give him the benefit of the doubt?
Jesus Christ you're thick headed.
Robbery doesn't mean immediate execution without a trial. And, no weapon was used when he took the cigars from the store. So, now we're allowing cops to be judge, jury, and executioners? Robbery suspects, especially unarmed robbery suspects, should get a trial before sentencing, and not immediately executed.

Why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over again?
MB was shot because he attacked Wilson and the evidence bears that out.
Had MB followed Wilsons instructions he might be alive today...I say might because there's a good chance one of his hommies or another cop would have shot him by now.
A lot of people are repeating themselves on this thread, not just me. And, the only evidence that the man was attacking the cop, was the word of the cop. Some witnesses said that he did not charge or attack the cop. Those witnesses were dismissed as liars. And, of course, the dead man can't dispute the cop's story.

Also, law enforcement investigated this. Not an outside independent agency.

You keep lying. The evidence showed MB went for Wilsons firearm.
What evidence said that? Where did you hear that? Is that what the cop said? And, how did any evidence show that he went for the cop's gun? Are you guessing, or do you have something besides Wilson's word for it?
Entry and exist wounds do NOT tell the story of what happened. They only tell what happened during the actual firing of the weapon, nothing more. Those wounds tell what happened as the cop was shooting, nothing more. It doesn't tell the circumstances, the words spoken, the attitude of either party, the situation that caused it to occur, nor the actual threat, if there was one. Or, can you provide evidence to dispute that also?

Argh, the wounds tell the position of the body when shot. Only one set of stories do the wounds back up, and that is Wilsons and the witnesses that back his side of the story.
Yep, correct. The other witness is dead and can't explain the position of the body, nor the exact circumstance surrounding the last few seconds that took place. And, the only witnesses that were considered were the ones supporting the cops. The others were considered to ne liars and dismissed.

Because the evidence showed they were lying. Derp.....
What evidence said that the two construction workers were lying? Who determined that the witnesses were lying? Evidence was taken that matched the cop's story, not the victim's story.

The construction workers said MB had his hands in the air when he was shot yet the autopsy said different.
What did the autopsy say that proved the construction workers were lying? Can you please direct me to that proof? Thanks.

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