How are democrats feeling after the "stimulus" spending recently passed?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Are you feeling better? Was the hit enough or did you need more?

And how long will it last till you need another?

At least it should keep away the shakes for a few days.

And how about those drug pushing Republicans that voted for it?

See, this is why the GOP is so successful against the DNC.
They probably feel like they just saved the country and made it "normal" again. Or some such bullshit.

Except the idiot Democrats are never ever going to be "normal" again. Most of them will wear masks the rest of their lives, even if it's only a political statement.
the gub'mit should regulate, not create an economy....jmho....~S~

Actually, governments create vibrant economies by keeping their noses out of them. Government regulation doesn't facilitate a strong economy, only a free private sector can do that.

No matter how much of other people's money the government spends, it can't create wealth. That's a Marxist fallacy that's failed so many times, you wonder why they keep trying.
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Are you feeling better? Was the hit enough or did you need more?

And how long will it last till you need another?

At least it should keep away the shakes for a few days.

And how about those drug pushing Republicans that voted for it?

See, this is why the GOP is so successful against the DNC.
The press claimed that Biden's presiduncy has been saved because they were able to bribe enough Republicans to vote for their POS bill.
Sorry, Biden is toast no matter how much they fluff his farting ass.
The press claimed that Biden's presiduncy has been saved because they were able to bribe enough Republicans to vote for their POS bill.
Sorry, Biden is toast no matter how much they fluff his farting ass.

Just wait until the bill comes due, and people look around and see how they were scammed. Tar and feathers will be too good for those assholes who were involved in passing that bill.

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Just wait until the bill comes due, and people look around and see how they were scammed. Tar and feathers will be too good for those assholes who were involved in passing that bill. then there will be another scam they've hatched on us to talk about.
The best way to stop people talking about something fucked up you do something else that's fucked up. then there will be another scam they've hatched on us to talk about.
The best way to stop people talking about something fucked up you do something else that's fucked up.

You mean like doubling down on their stupidity? Democrats are always eager to say "Hold my beer and watch this."

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Are you feeling better? Was the hit enough or did you need more?

And how long will it last till you need another?

At least it should keep away the shakes for a few days.

And how about those drug pushing Republicans that voted for it?

See, this is why the GOP is so successful against the DNC.
Personally, I'm feeling relieved that finally something has been passed. You can call it 'stimulus' but I would call it an investment in the country that will pay dividends. It is the opposite of a tax cut that does little to improve the economy.
You mean like doubling down on their stupidity? Democrats are always eager to say "Hold my beer and watch this."

Democrats are constantly doing things that are either unethical, stupid, or illegal.
They do it so often that all that happens is the media mentions it for a short while then they move on to the next screwup.
It's a constant thing. They're never held accountable for anything. Two-tiered justice.
This is why I won't get that vaccine and why it's a given that Jan 6th was instigated by Pelosi and our corrupt FBI.

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Personally, I'm feeling relieved that finally something has been passed. You can call it 'stimulus' but I would call it an investment in the country that will pay dividends. It is the opposite of a tax cut that does little to improve the economy.
Things like this is what a Fiat Currency can do and do well if needed if the Fiat Currency is not abused by constantly running deficits. The return becomes weaker and weaker but keeps the economy treading water for a period of time. Progs can constantly poo poo tax cuts with the rich getting them along with the peasants. But never give the peasants a tax cut in a general way. The current tax cuts for the peasant are supposed to run out in a few years and we will be told that they will be permanent like we are are supposed to be genuflecting when the powers that be makes it so.
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Are you feeling better? Was the hit enough or did you need more?

And how long will it last till you need another?

At least it should keep away the shakes for a few days.

And how about those drug pushing Republicans that voted for it?

See, this is why the GOP is so successful against the DNC.

That is some funny ass shit. For 4 years you sheep talked about the most wonderful infrastructure bill Trump was going to pass, and since he was not capable of doing so all of a sudden fixing our infrastructure is a bad thing.

What a shitty way to live
Just wait until the bill comes due, and people look around and see how they were scammed. Tar and feathers will be too good for those assholes who were involved in passing that bill.

Nobody gives a fuck if this bill adds more to the deficit. It is not like you all can claim to care about the debt or spending since you did not give a flying fuck for 4 years.

In the USA Today poll being posted all over this forum by you all, debt/spending was the 2nd lowest concern among the voters, that included both parties.
View attachment 562409

Are you feeling better? Was the hit enough or did you need more?

And how long will it last till you need another?

At least it should keep away the shakes for a few days.

And how about those drug pushing Republicans that voted for it?

See, this is why the GOP is so successful against the DNC.
Democrats are hopeful that the much-needed infrastructure plan will be successful, and they are realistic in recognizing that this is only the first step. The bi-partisan Republicans recognize the need for this fix and put country before politics. Too bad you are unwilling to do the same.

How are democrats feeling after the "stimulus" spending recently passed?​


but I would call it an investment in the country that will pay dividends. It is the opposite of a tax cut that does little to improve the economy.

Not all debt is the same

Borrowing $25,000 to replace your roof is not the same as borrowing $25,000 to go to Vegas
The economy was finally getting back to "normal" under Trump, from Obozo Biden Ladens 8 years of Communist economy terrorism, high taxes, and selling out this country to the Chinese hand over fist. But now the Circus of Crime family is back in the White House through their treachery and treasonous actions.........we are back to being subjugated to living under The Obozo Agenda once again.

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