How are Democrats going to reconcile nominating an old, rich white man for president?

Be it Biden or Sanders? Let's be real, the women running have no chance.

After years of virtue signaling and this is the result?

And the next question is will Biden bring some common sense back to the party or will he play along with the lurch to the left?
seems you did it with that old white racist scum Trump
I wasn't virtue signaling like your ENTIRE party
Biden would’ve won the last if if he ran.
You just proved Obama won because he had African blood in him. He was a closet racist and associated with racists.

Oh yeah . Cause the history of prez races shows it’s a real advantage for the black guy!

You cons be crazy .
He got the votes didn't he. No matter how bad. We have had a succession of Presidents that should have been one term including Bush the first, Clinton, W. Bush and Obama.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.

I think alot of progressives missed the "no further indictments" headline due to where they get their news.

I switched over to MSNBC after the announcement and they were in ass clenched full spin mode. The news was speculating...let that sink in for a moment. The news was speculating that even though no more indictments that Trump did commit crimes and the report would show that Trump said he would plead the 5th. That's what passes for "news" in the liberal media. That's what a POTUS has had to deal with for the past 2 years. Presumption of innocence is out the window.

The Democrats and the Media are all about using Identity Politics to create controversy and further divide us. If we stay divided then we need government to step in, and help us, right? So these elites just want more government, more dependency and more control of our lives. Oh yeah, and give us more of your wealth and income while you are at it to pay for all these "fixes".

The Democrats and Media are fine with an old White guy as long as he promotes the above which Biden does. Do as I say, not as I do is their hypocritical mantra.

Oh brother . Cons don’t use ID politics ? Who’s a bigger divider than Trunp ? He won’t even visit districts he didn’t win .

Who called half the country DEPLORABLES? Now Biden called us the DREGS. Who cries racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia CONSTANTLY. It is not conservatives and it is not Republicans. Stop lying.
Biden would’ve won the last if if he ran.
You just proved Obama won because he had African blood in him. He was a closet racist and associated with racists.
White sheet sale at Macy's 22lcidw Just trying to help
Progressive socialists can do no wrong. Clean as the driven snow. He was not that good. Hr promoted riots with different organizations that had massive property damage, people hurt and people killed. He promoted it by not stopping it. He has/had association with known racists. Minority hate groups have their own version of white sheets. Its just has been legislated out. Oh golly!
We have terrorist organizations that were condoned by Obama, and the Democrats. Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are allowed to be violent, riot, and loot by Democrat Mayors like Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in Baltimore. They have their marching orders from the top of the DNC.
That is why Biden is choosing Stacey Abrams as his running mate. We'll see if the new leadership of the Democratic Party approves. That is of course AOC, Omar and Tlaib.

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