How are the Trumpbots coping with Trump's apparent flip flop on illegals?

I don't believe Trump even knows what his own plan is yet...

It's more like he is 'testing the water' to see what he can get away with, in order to capture more middle of the road Republicans and still keep his base content.

Every time he spoke the past few days, and depending on who he was speaking to, I got a different impression on what he stood for on much Double Speak, all over the place....?????

I just don't see what difference it makes on whether you allow certain 'good ones' to have a legal pathway, if they go back to Mexico and get a legal passage back in, without any specifics like..."This process will take one week" or "This process will take 2 years".

will these undocumented immigrants truly leave their existing jobs and rental homes or homes they own here to go back and wait a year or two or three or four to come back in here legally, and in some cases leaving the wife behind to fend for their U.S. citizen kids?

And all that I read on this board from loyal Trump supporters a year ago was that the illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans. If this is what these Trump supporters truly believed then WHY are you guys changing your tune now and saying it's all OK to bring back in these illegals once they go home and come back??? Aren't they still taking the same jobs that they were taking when they were illegal?

And why waste all that time and effort to do such a thing as make them go home if you are going to allow them to come back....why not just give them a path to legalization based on whether they are 'good people' now and be done with it? It would Save a heck of a lot of money doing it that way?

And what the heck is this thing of allowing them back in legally, but never give them a pathway to citizenship? Has this ever been done in the History of the USA? where we never ever give the immigrant who has lived and worked here their entire lives, a pathway to becoming a citizen if they want to become one? Seriously? This just seems so UNAMERICAN and wrong to me...I don't think these workers should be forced to become citizens, but if they want to become citizens, because they have cut their ties back in Mexico, or last relative there died, or because they want to get married and have children to an American, or simply loves the US, or whatever the reason, if they dotted the eyes and crossed their tees to get back to the US legally, they should have a pathway to citizenship 5 or ten years down the road, IF they WANT IT, imo.
I for one could care less if he flip flops as long as he does what he says he will do if he's elected.
Are you really this dumb?

Nope but unlike you I'm a realist. Everyone flip flops to get elected.

As long as he boots illegals out and builds the wall he can flip flop all he wants.

Are you really that dumb to believe differently??

That would be a big fat yes.
Him not building a wall is the flip flop you stupid dope! OMG
I don't believe Trump even knows what his own plan is yet...

It's more like he is 'testing the water' to see what he can get away with, in order to capture more middle of the road Republicans and still keep his base content.

Every time he spoke the past few days, and depending on who he was speaking to, I got a different impression on what he stood for on much Double Speak, all over the place....?????

I just don't see what difference it makes on whether you allow certain 'good ones' to have a legal pathway, if they go back to Mexico and get a legal passage back in, without any specifics like..."This process will take one week" or "This process will take 2 years".

will these undocumented immigrants truly leave their existing jobs and rental homes or homes they own here to go back and wait a year or two or three or four to come back in here legally, and in some cases leaving the wife behind to fend for their U.S. citizen kids?

And all that I read on this board from loyal Trump supporters a year ago was that the illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans. If this is what these Trump supporters truly believed then WHY are you guys changing your tune now and saying it's all OK to bring back in these illegals once they go home and come back??? Aren't they still taking the same jobs that they were taking when they were illegal?

And why waste all that time and effort to do such a thing as make them go home if you are going to allow them to come back....why not just give them a path to legalization based on whether they are 'good people' now and be done with it? It would Save a heck of a lot of money doing it that way?

And what the heck is this thing of allowing them back in legally, but never give them a pathway to citizenship? Has this ever been done in the History of the USA? where we never ever give the immigrant who has lived and worked here their entire lives, a pathway to becoming a citizen if they want to become one? Seriously? This just seems so UNAMERICAN and wrong to me...I don't think these workers should be forced to become citizens, but if they want to become citizens, because they have cut their ties back in Mexico, or last relative there died, or because they want to get married and have children to an American, or simply loves the US, or whatever the reason, if they dotted the eyes and crossed their tees to get back to the US legally, they should have a pathway to citizenship 5 or ten years down the road, IF they WANT IT, imo.
They're not "workers"


I for one could care less if he flip flops as long as he does what he says he will do if he's elected.
Are you really this dumb?

Nope but unlike you I'm a realist. Everyone flip flops to get elected.

As long as he boots illegals out and builds the wall he can flip flop all he wants.

Are you really that dumb to believe differently??

That would be a big fat yes.
Him not building a wall is the flip flop you stupid dope! OMG

Oh and who says he's not going to build that wall?? You? I'll give your opinion all the consideration that its due which is None.
I for one could care less if he flip flops as long as he does what he says he will do if he's elected.
Are you really this dumb?

Nope but unlike you I'm a realist. Everyone flip flops to get elected.

As long as he boots illegals out and builds the wall he can flip flop all he wants.

Are you really that dumb to believe differently??

That would be a big fat yes.
Him not building a wall is the flip flop you stupid dope! OMG

Oh and who says he's not going to build that wall?? You? I'll give your opinion all the consideration that its due which is None.
Will you please kill yourself when he doesn't build a wall? A wall is the dumbest thing we ever heard. We knew he was never going to build a wall. Boy are you right wingers going to be pissed!
There are some populated areas that possibly still need a wall that wasn't built yet, but much of the southern border in dessert or mountainous areas that have no population does not need a wall and would be a waste of money to build

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