How bad does the gop need Chris Cristie

Libs, especially the "men" are all nipply about the prospect of a woman president so why not Palin

Hey... If the ass clown who is currently president and his ass clown sidekick VP haven't been the "end of the world as we know it" then Palin certainly wouldn't be.
If we want to win national elections again, we need a CC type of candidate to run against HRC.

If not, the GOP will get clobbered again.

If the divisive factions in the GOP don't find a way to come together, our next president will be a Democrat....:eusa_hand:

A lot can happen between now and November 2016.

In January 2006, even Hillary thought Barak Obama drove a Yellow Cab.
If we want to win national elections again, we need a CC type of candidate to run against HRC.

If not, the GOP will get clobbered again.

If the divisive factions in the GOP don't find a way to come together, our next president will be a Democrat....:eusa_hand:

A lot can happen between now and November 2016.

In January 2006, even Hillary thought Barak Obama drove a Yellow Cab.

I'm looking at 2014, first. 2016 is too far away to give energy to anything but the midterms, for me.
Obie is slightly left of Eugene Debs.

McCain and Romney lost because they were too timid and gutless to do what it took to win.

Not so, and America knows you are wrong on both points.

We can't win the presidency without the moderates, and they won't tolerate the far right candidates. Cruz, after the fiasco last fall, could not get 40% of the vote, much less get the nomination.
You don't speak for America.

You don't win presidential elections without your base. Both McCain and Romney, and to a lesser degree Bush 43, alienated the republican base. The former two lost, while the latter barely eked by twice.

Overlooking that he failed to deliver on his rhetoric about shrinking the federal ogre, Reagan won to landslides by running as a strong conservative.

I speak sanely based on the polls and the evidence.

You don't. Reagan never would have won without the moderates. Nor would George H W Bush or his son. Or Nixon. Or Eisenhower.

The far right cannot elected candidates but they can defeat their own, as witness Romney and McCain.

You far right folks were told last Oct and Nov in Congress your time was over.

Helena, its not coming back, ever.
Not so, and America knows you are wrong on both points.

We can't win the presidency without the moderates, and they won't tolerate the far right candidates. Cruz, after the fiasco last fall, could not get 40% of the vote, much less get the nomination.
You don't speak for America.

You don't win presidential elections without your base. Both McCain and Romney, and to a lesser degree Bush 43, alienated the republican base. The former two lost, while the latter barely eked by twice.

Overlooking that he failed to deliver on his rhetoric about shrinking the federal ogre, Reagan won to landslides by running as a strong conservative.

I speak sanely based on the polls and the evidence.

You don't. Reagan never would have won without the moderates. Nor would George H W Bush or his son. Or Nixon. Or Eisenhower.

The far right cannot elected candidates but they can defeat their own, as witness Romney and McCain.

You far right folks were told last Oct and Nov in Congress your time was over.

Helena, its not coming back, ever.

Reagan would never have won had he run as a Moderate and tried to appeal to Starkey Dems
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Not so, and America knows you are wrong on both points.

We can't win the presidency without the moderates, and they won't tolerate the far right candidates. Cruz, after the fiasco last fall, could not get 40% of the vote, much less get the nomination.
You don't speak for America.

You don't win presidential elections without your base. Both McCain and Romney, and to a lesser degree Bush 43, alienated the republican base. The former two lost, while the latter barely eked by twice.

Overlooking that he failed to deliver on his rhetoric about shrinking the federal ogre, Reagan won to landslides by running as a strong conservative.

I speak sanely based on the polls and the evidence.

You don't. Reagan never would have won without the moderates. Nor would George H W Bush or his son. Or Nixon. Or Eisenhower.

The far right cannot elected candidates but they can defeat their own, as witness Romney and McCain.

You far right folks were told last Oct and Nov in Congress your time was over.

Helena, its not coming back, ever.

So you're saying the Republican Right, rather than Obama's Experience in Office, and long list of accomplishments allowed Dem's to capture the White House.

So what happened with her last foray into the nation's conscientiousness? Most found her woefully inadequate, so inadequate the thought of her actually having to take over for McCain probably cost him the election.
This is why I thought the gleefulness of those like Ayn Paul so idiotically depressing. I doubt the gop can get enough gop support for a NE moderate, but the polls aren't wrong that the RW radicalsim of the gop is just not playing well to get to 270 EV.

It's 2014

That's right. But the Dems are taking notes and keeping all the video for 2016 so that you don't have to.
"You far right folks were told last Oct and Nov in Congress your time was over."

"Most found her woefully inadequate, so inadequate the thought of her actually having to take over for McCain probably cost him the election."

Man, some revisionist history going on up in here.

Due to the Tea Party, Republicans took the House in 2010 and could have taken the Senate if establishment GOPers hadn't sabotaged Tea Party campaigns of primaried and unseated incumbents. Nationwide, since 2010, the Tea Party is responsible for over 600 statehouse wins, changing some state governments to Republican for the first time since Reconstruction. In 2012, the Tea Party candidates who were defeated were either redistricted and gerrymandered out or massive amounts of PAC money was spent against them. You've gotten your money's worth out of that, claiming it spelled the demise of the Tea Party. We'll see.

McCain picked Palin because he knew how much trouble his campaign was in. As the results of the Romney campaign proved, Palin added about 4 million votes McCain wouldn't have had without her. What cost McCain the election was him not being a conservative, same with Romney. Moderates don't win, moderates can't win. Moderates aren't going to win in the future because idiots revise history.
This is why I thought the gleefulness of those like Ayn Paul so idiotically depressing. I doubt the gop can get enough gop support for a NE moderate, but the polls aren't wrong that the RW radicalsim of the gop is just not playing well to get to 270 EV.

How Bad Does the GOP Need Chris Christie? Really Bad. - The Daily Beast

You had better hope to hope that Elizabeth Warren upsets Hillary in the Democratic Primaries. You need her to run faster than you can say "what difference at this point does it make."
Christie, like Romney, is one of the few Republicans who cannot win the general but could win the primary. Reason being, the coporatist money behind the establishment GOP.
You overlooked the corporatist money behind the Democrats.
Look it up if you don't believe corporations funnel huge sums into the campaigns on both sides. Obama didn't get his money from piggybanks.
Conservatives need to do two things: Develop a thick skin, stop listening to the spurious attacks and rhetoric and focus on the core conservative principles. And they need to coalesce behind one main candidate for the duration. Now maybe Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, etc. need to all get together in private and draw straws or something, to decide who is running? I don't know how to go about this, but it seems to me that is what needs to happen here. One candidate, a unified voice. If not, the establishment GOP plans to saddle us with Christie, or his backup, Jeb Bush.
That's what the primaries are for. Democrats go through the same thing. Conservatives have much thicker skins than liberals since they are constantly demonized and lampooned in the populat media outlets and the so called news shows.

I don't know what further evidence one needs to realize that liberal Republicans can't win the big one. Liberals do it better. I do agree that conservatives need to defend and attack conservativism better. The problem is that liberalism doesn't need much more than to convey an emotion, making fairness, equality, hope, etc. the issue. Conservativism, especially fiscal conservativism, is a more complicated message requires a big picture view. That's not easy to convey to a public that wants simple quick answers.
Christie, like Romney, is one of the few Republicans who cannot win the general but could win the primary. Reason being, the coporatist money behind the establishment GOP.
You overlooked the corporatist money behind the Democrats.
Look it up if you don't believe corporations funnel huge sums into the campaigns on both sides. Obama didn't get his money from piggybanks.
Conservatives need to do two things: Develop a thick skin, stop listening to the spurious attacks and rhetoric and focus on the core conservative principles. And they need to coalesce behind one main candidate for the duration. Now maybe Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, etc. need to all get together in private and draw straws or something, to decide who is running? I don't know how to go about this, but it seems to me that is what needs to happen here. One candidate, a unified voice. If not, the establishment GOP plans to saddle us with Christie, or his backup, Jeb Bush.
That's what the primaries are for. Democrats go through the same thing. Conservatives have much thicker skins than liberals since they are constantly demonized and lampooned in the populat media outlets and the so called news shows.

I don't know what further evidence one needs to realize that liberal Republicans can't win the big one. Liberals do it better. I do agree that conservatives need to defend and attack conservativism better. The problem is that liberalism doesn't need much more than to convey an emotion, making fairness, equality, hope, etc. the issue. Conservativism, especially fiscal conservativism, is a more complicated message requires a big picture view. That's not easy to convey to a public that wants simple quick answers.

No, it's quite easy to convey fiscal conservatism (which actually isn't all that bad, some point of fiscal conservatives I actually agree with, when they aren't nutty)

The problem is the far right of the country has become so demanding that any straying away from a hard conservative image is frowned upon and shunned. So to keep them happy and the independents you need to get elected happy at the same time...the candidate has to perform an awful dance of "I'm super conservative and on your side" and then "I'm moderate and on your side" and it's been shown over and over that just doesn't work.
No, it's quite easy to convey fiscal conservatism (which actually isn't all that bad, some point of fiscal conservatives I actually agree with, when they aren't nutty)
You just contradicted yourself.
The problem is the far right of the country has become so demanding that any straying away from a hard conservative image is frowned upon and shunned. So to keep them happy and the independents you need to get elected happy at the same time...the candidate has to perform an awful dance of "I'm super conservative and on your side" and then "I'm moderate and on your side" and it's been shown over and over that just doesn't work.
LOL. Look up "Ronald Reagan" sometime.

"Liberals know so much that isn't so".
The problem is the far right of the country has become so demanding that any straying away from a hard conservative image is frowned upon and shunned. So to keep them happy and the independents you need to get elected happy at the same time...the candidate has to perform an awful dance of "I'm super conservative and on your side" and then "I'm moderate and on your side" and it's been shown over and over that just doesn't work.

The reason it doesn't work is because dancing around between conservative and moderate demonstrates a complete lack of understanding regarding conservative principles. True conservatives know this, so as soon as this "dance" begins, they tune out and turn off. Mitt Romney's biggest problem was, he didn't believe he could win. He lacked the conviction of a true conservative who believed in a conservative message. Contrast this with Ronald Reagan, a man who knew what Conservatism was all about and was comfortable taking the time to explain it, argue for it, stand up for it. We need someone with that kind of confidence again, who isn't afraid to be a conservative.

I will add this as well, social values play a vital role in Conservatism. It's part of the package. To try and weasel around this and pretend to be a "fiscal conservative" while embracing "social liberalism" is anathema to conservative principle. It demonstrates that you don't really understand Conservatism. Does that mean you have to go out there and sound like an evangelist? No, Reagan certainly didn't, but he maintained a strong belief in social conservative philosophy and defended it to the hilt. He didn't back away or shy away from social conservative values, he embraced them and explained why they were important.
The problem is the far right of the country has become so demanding that any straying away from a hard conservative image is frowned upon and shunned. So to keep them happy and the independents you need to get elected happy at the same time...the candidate has to perform an awful dance of "I'm super conservative and on your side" and then "I'm moderate and on your side" and it's been shown over and over that just doesn't work.
The reason it doesn't work is because dancing around between conservative and moderate demonstrates a complete lack of understanding regarding conservative principles. True conservatives know this, so as soon as this "dance" begins, they tune out and turn off. Mitt Romney's biggest problem was, he didn't believe he could win. He lacked the conviction of a true conservative who believed in a conservative message. Contrast this with Ronald Reagan, a man who knew what Conservatism was all about and was comfortable taking the time to explain it, argue for it, stand up for it. We need someone with that kind of confidence again, who isn't afraid to be a conservative.

I will add this as well, social values play a vital role in Conservatism. It's part of the package. To try and weasel around this and pretend to be a "fiscal conservative" while embracing "social liberalism" is anathema to conservative principle. It demonstrates that you don't really understand Conservatism. Does that mean you have to go out there and sound like an evangelist? No, Reagan certainly didn't, but he maintained a strong belief in social conservative philosophy and defended it to the hilt. He didn't back away or shy away from social conservative values, he embraced them and explained why they were important.
Precisely. The Republican Elites have abandoned the Reagan Doctrine for milquetoast old-school Democrat ideals of yesteryear as the Democrats have shifted farther left toward totalitarianism/big government state control. Nature abhors a vacuum. Repubicans are filling the void. They have forgotten how to fight, or are afraid to for lack of spine...and thus why the big turn off coming from Conservatives. Repubicans are too afraid of image rather than doing the correct thing. It's sickening.
Precisely. The Republican Elites have abandoned the Reagan Doctrine for milquetoast old-school Democrat ideals of yesteryear as the Democrats have shifted farther left toward totalitarianism/big government state control. Nature abhors a vacuum. Repubicans are filling the void. They have forgotten how to fight, or are afraid to for lack of spine...and thus why the big turn off coming from Conservatives. Repubicans are too afraid of image rather than doing the correct thing. It's sickening.
Or maybe they really do like big government, despite all their protestations to the contrary, and merely seek to get their mitts on the steering wheel.
Precisely. The Republican Elites have abandoned the Reagan Doctrine for milquetoast old-school Democrat ideals of yesteryear as the Democrats have shifted farther left toward totalitarianism/big government state control. Nature abhors a vacuum. Repubicans are filling the void. They have forgotten how to fight, or are afraid to for lack of spine...and thus why the big turn off coming from Conservatives. Repubicans are too afraid of image rather than doing the correct thing. It's sickening.
Or maybe they really do like big government, despite all their protestations to the contrary, and merely seek to get their mitts on the steering wheel.

This is likely as well. And I will tell you I am an Independent. I abandoned the Repubicans long ago. I took heed to Washington's words in his farewell address regarding parties...and I rather support the Constitution, and the ideals conceived by the founders while swatting at the parties themselves.

WE were conceived on the rights of the individual...not whatever the parties THINK is good for the rest of us. After all? Look where the partisan crap has led us?

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