How bad does the gop need Chris Cristie

. . . because the far right can't field a candidate that the rest of America won't throw up when s/he speaks.

John McCain, Moderate, nice guy, loses to a radical

Mitt Romney, Moderate, nice guy, loses to a radical

Obama is slight left of center, not a radical.

McCain and Romney lost because they catered to your wing of the party, and the rest of America will not tolerate it.
Obie is slightly left of Eugene Debs.

McCain and Romney lost because they were too timid and gutless to do what it took to win.
John McCain, Moderate, nice guy, loses to a radical

Mitt Romney, Moderate, nice guy, loses to a radical

Obama is slight left of center, not a radical.

McCain and Romney lost because they catered to your wing of the party, and the rest of America will not tolerate it.
Obie is slightly left of Eugene Debs.

McCain and Romney lost because they were too timid and gutless to do what it took to win.

Not so, and America knows you are wrong on both points.

We can't win the presidency without the moderates, and they won't tolerate the far right candidates. Cruz, after the fiasco last fall, could not get 40% of the vote, much less get the nomination.
Obama is slight left of center, not a radical.

McCain and Romney lost because they catered to your wing of the party, and the rest of America will not tolerate it.
Obie is slightly left of Eugene Debs.

McCain and Romney lost because they were too timid and gutless to do what it took to win.

Not so, and America knows you are wrong on both points.

We can't win the presidency without the moderates, and they won't tolerate the far right candidates. Cruz, after the fiasco last fall, could not get 40% of the vote, much less get the nomination.
You don't speak for America.

You don't win presidential elections without your base. Both McCain and Romney, and to a lesser degree Bush 43, alienated the republican base. The former two lost, while the latter barely eked by twice.

Overlooking that he failed to deliver on his rhetoric about shrinking the federal ogre, Reagan won to landslides by running as a strong conservative.
This is why I like the idea of Sarah Palin as candidate, ideally Palin and Ben Carson, just because of the hate and spittle the Dems will pour forth 24/7/365. They're so alien to anything the Dems might like they HAVE to be good

Please, Please, Please allow Sarah Paliin to be the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. The Democratic nominee wouldn't even have to run a campaign. The self-immolation before the media would be a thing to behold, again.

Really? You can't be serious. You must be a Dem mole.
If we want to win national elections again, we need a CC type of candidate to run against HRC.

If not, the GOP will get clobbered again.

You claimed McCain was needed to win, then he lost, horribly... You claimed Mitt was needed to win, then Reps lost again horribly but this time against Obama who lost over 4 million of his supporters.

Taking advice from you on what the GOP needs to do to win would be full "lolz." Now doing the opposite could yield the GOP a winner, but that is yet to be seen.

Either way, the GOP and DNC is shrinking and my party is the fastest growing in the nation. Meaningless? Sure, but it's a fun fact.
. . . because the far right can't field a candidate that the rest of America won't throw up when s/he speaks.

John McCain, Moderate, nice guy, loses to a radical

Mitt Romney, Moderate, nice guy, loses to a radical

Obama is slight left of center, not a radical.

McCain and Romney lost because they catered to your wing of the party, and the rest of America will not tolerate it.

Jake, everyday you make it more apparent that it is more than just a little possible that you are a progressive...

Obama is far left, there are few if any Presidents that could be any more to the left than he is. McCain and Mitt didn't try and appeal to the far right, in fact they mocked the "far right." That's not even getting into the fact that the TP was created after McCain lost due to not representing a huge minority in the Republican party.

It's like you hate being right, accurate or correct about much of anything these days. Again, I think in person you would be incredibly funny to debate. You will only find yourself yelling at people who none of agree with you.

Lol, McCain and Mitt appealed to the far right, lawlz.
Christie, like Romney, is one of the few Republicans who cannot win the general but could win the primary. Reason being, the coporatist money behind the establishment GOP. They have been able to maintain a facade of leadership within the GOP by spending massive amounts of money backing one candidate while systematically picking off the various assorted challengers as they emerge. As long as the conservative base continues to divide it's vote between a half dozen or so candidates instead of picking their one guy/gal and committing to them early on, the establishment will continue to use the same strategy as they did in 2012 and 2008.

The liberals love to call the conservatives "the extreme right wing" among other assorted names, but the truth of the matter is, there is no "extreme right wing" in the Republican party. The "extremists" on the right are represented by a mere handful of nutbags up in Montana, talking about nullification and secession. What the liberals like to call "extreme right" are core constitutional conservatives who probably make up the largest single voting block in America. Their problem has been, their candidates tend to cancel each other out and don't appear to know how to handle public relations. They become victims of smear from liberals and even establishment republicans whenever they begin to gain any kind of political traction. Lacking an effective response to such attacks, they are quickly stigmatized and that's the end of their run.

Conservatives need to do two things: Develop a thick skin, stop listening to the spurious attacks and rhetoric and focus on the core conservative principles. And they need to coalesce behind one main candidate for the duration. Now maybe Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, etc. need to all get together in private and draw straws or something, to decide who is running? I don't know how to go about this, but it seems to me that is what needs to happen here. One candidate, a unified voice. If not, the establishment GOP plans to saddle us with Christie, or his backup, Jeb Bush.
This is why I like the idea of Sarah Palin as candidate, ideally Palin and Ben Carson, just because of the hate and spittle the Dems will pour forth 24/7/365. They're so alien to anything the Dems might like they HAVE to be good

Please, Please, Please allow Sarah Paliin to be the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. The Democratic nominee wouldn't even have to run a campaign. The self-immolation before the media would be a thing to behold, again.

Really? You can't be serious. You must be a Dem mole.

Palin would win 55, 56 of the 57 states the moron in the White House thinks make up the USA
Christie, like Romney, is one of the few Republicans who cannot win the general but could win the primary. Reason being, the coporatist money behind the establishment GOP. They have been able to maintain a facade of leadership within the GOP by spending massive amounts of money backing one candidate while systematically picking off the various assorted challengers as they emerge. As long as the conservative base continues to divide it's vote between a half dozen or so candidates instead of picking their one guy/gal and committing to them early on, the establishment will continue to use the same strategy as they did in 2012 and 2008.

The liberals love to call the conservatives "the extreme right wing" among other assorted names, but the truth of the matter is, there is no "extreme right wing" in the Republican party. The "extremists" on the right are represented by a mere handful of nutbags up in Montana, talking about nullification and secession. What the liberals like to call "extreme right" are core constitutional conservatives who probably make up the largest single voting block in America. Their problem has been, their candidates tend to cancel each other out and don't appear to know how to handle public relations. They become victims of smear from liberals and even establishment republicans whenever they begin to gain any kind of political traction. Lacking an effective response to such attacks, they are quickly stigmatized and that's the end of their run.

Conservatives need to do two things: Develop a thick skin, stop listening to the spurious attacks and rhetoric and focus on the core conservative principles. And they need to coalesce behind one main candidate for the duration. Now maybe Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, etc. need to all get together in private and draw straws or something, to decide who is running? I don't know how to go about this, but it seems to me that is what needs to happen here. One candidate, a unified voice. If not, the establishment GOP plans to saddle us with Christie, or his backup, Jeb Bush.

Great post!

The funny part of the issue is that it's the radical left that is outraged and suspicious and all out concerned about Christie. The GOP seems to be taking it in stride. Let it be a lesson to republican politicians, it don't matter how moderate you try to be on social issues and how hard you try to kiss the ass of the opposing party, the media will turn on you in a heartbeat if you have an R after your name.
This is why I like the idea of Sarah Palin as candidate, ideally Palin and Ben Carson, just because of the hate and spittle the Dems will pour forth 24/7/365. They're so alien to anything the Dems might like they HAVE to be good

Please, Please, Please allow Sarah Paliin to be the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. The Democratic nominee wouldn't even have to run a campaign. The self-immolation before the media would be a thing to behold, again.

Really? You can't be serious. You must be a Dem mole.

I hear this a lot from liberals. I know that it also worries some moderate republicans that she might actually run and could win the GOP nomination. I don't think she will run. But there is a part of me that would love to see her do so. I believe liberal minds would be totally blown at how much raw support the woman has across America. I think, midway through her campaign, the snarky smirking over-confident wishing she would run, would be replaced by genuine fear that she might actually win. The chuckles and laughs over superfluous comments she made over silly things that don't matter, would give way to more serious attempts to address the juggernaut. It would be fun to watch a bunch of smart ass liberals get what they begged for and see Palin clean their proverbial clocks.

Plus... A Palin/Hillary debate could be sold on pay-per-view! Nothing like a good cat fight!
This is why I thought the gleefulness of those like Ayn Paul so idiotically depressing. I doubt the gop can get enough gop support for a NE moderate, but the polls aren't wrong that the RW radicalsim of the gop is just not playing well to get to 270 EV.

It's 2014

Someone like Christie, then.

The point being if the GOP nominates a rightwing extremist such as Paul or Cruz, the democrats will retain the WH come 2017.
This is why I like the idea of Sarah Palin as candidate, ideally Palin and Ben Carson, just because of the hate and spittle the Dems will pour forth 24/7/365. They're so alien to anything the Dems might like they HAVE to be good

Please, Please, Please allow Sarah Paliin to be the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. The Democratic nominee wouldn't even have to run a campaign. The self-immolation before the media would be a thing to behold, again.

Really? You can't be serious. You must be a Dem mole.

I hear this a lot from liberals. I know that it also worries some moderate republicans that she might actually run and could win the GOP nomination. I don't think she will run. But there is a part of me that would love to see her do so. I believe liberal minds would be totally blown at how much raw support the woman has across America. I think, midway through her campaign, the snarky smirking over-confident wishing she would run, would be replaced by genuine fear that she might actually win. The chuckles and laughs over superfluous comments she made over silly things that don't matter, would give way to more serious attempts to address the juggernaut. It would be fun to watch a bunch of smart ass liberals get what they begged for and see Palin clean their proverbial clocks.

Plus... A Palin/Hillary debate could be sold on pay-per-view! Nothing like a good cat fight!

Libs, especially the "men" are all nipply about the prospect of a woman president so why not Palin
If we want to win national elections again, we need a CC type of candidate to run against HRC.

If not, the GOP will get clobbered again.

If the divisive factions in the GOP don't find a way to come together, our next president will be a Democrat....:eusa_hand:
This is why I thought the gleefulness of those like Ayn Paul so idiotically depressing. I doubt the gop can get enough gop support for a NE moderate, but the polls aren't wrong that the RW radicalsim of the gop is just not playing well to get to 270 EV.

It's 2014

Someone like Christie, then.

The point being if the GOP nominates a rightwing extremist such as Paul or Cruz, the democrats will retain the WH come 2017.

You nominated "someone like Christie" in 2008 and 2012. They both LOST. Can you name the last true MODERATE republican president? Was it Eisenhower? Do we have a very popular moderate republican war hero to run following his victory in war? If not, you need to get off this idea that moderate republicans are able to win the general election.
Please, Please, Please allow Sarah Paliin to be the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. The Democratic nominee wouldn't even have to run a campaign. The self-immolation before the media would be a thing to behold, again.

Really? You can't be serious. You must be a Dem mole.

I hear this a lot from liberals. I know that it also worries some moderate republicans that she might actually run and could win the GOP nomination. I don't think she will run. But there is a part of me that would love to see her do so. I believe liberal minds would be totally blown at how much raw support the woman has across America. I think, midway through her campaign, the snarky smirking over-confident wishing she would run, would be replaced by genuine fear that she might actually win. The chuckles and laughs over superfluous comments she made over silly things that don't matter, would give way to more serious attempts to address the juggernaut. It would be fun to watch a bunch of smart ass liberals get what they begged for and see Palin clean their proverbial clocks.

Plus... A Palin/Hillary debate could be sold on pay-per-view! Nothing like a good cat fight!

Libs, especially the "men" are all nipply about the prospect of a woman president so why not Palin

They would each look non-presidential with their lack of a professional appearance in hair, clothes and just plain general tackiness....:eusa_whistle: It would be very difficult for me to take either of them seriously, for those reasons and others. They haven't much of a record, even though I relate much more to Palin's vision, than to Clinton's.

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