How bad was Voter Fraud in 2012?

How bad was Voter Fraud in 2012?

It wasn't bad enough to make Obama lose. You damn Republicans aren't even good at doing that.

You tried, but you just couldn't do it. How's it feel to be born losers?

On the news today they interviewed a woman in Ohio that worked at the polls....she said she voted early for Obama, then on election day she voted again....she wanted to make sure her vote counted! So ya, blame the republicans! Lol!
Early voting, absentee voting and anything else that means that a person doesn't show up on election day should be outlawed. Except in the most extreme circumstances. If the lines are long then open more polling places. Allowing votes to sit for two weeks, to be tampered with, is too long. If these criminals who voted twice didn't have the opportunity then they could not have. What is startling is they care so little about their crime they readily admit to being criminal. That makes me think they know how rampant is the practice.

You're not getting rid of early voting. Just about 50% of the state of California votes by mail.

You still don't have the "opportunity" to VOTE twice if you are a Vote by Mail voter, as I just explained above. If you go to the polls without your ballot to surrender, you vote provisionally. If your absentee ballot has already been counted, your provisional won't be counted.

She didn't admit to being a criminal, again as I pointed out above.

No wonder California always goes democrat.

Admitting to voting twice is a criminal offense, if not then we all should vote twice
I see nothing wrong with voter id. Give people a fair amount of time to get one. When it became necessary to have a passport to go to Mexico, it was announced way in advance for people to get one. We could do this with voter id. I'd also like to go back to the old system of voting. No more hackable computers.

No one does.

The problem is when a registered voter is required to present an ID every time he votes. It’s clearly an undue burden to the excreting of a fundamental right, particularly when there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud’ and no evidence that an ID policy would indeed prevent such fraud.

When a citizen registers to vote he presents the appropriate ID to do so, once registered and on the voter rolls, his statement and signature on the roll is sufficient.

If elections officials believe a particular voter is attempting fraud, it should be dealt with by the authorities and that suspect-voter only.
How bad was Voter Fraud in 2012?

It wasn't bad enough to make Obama lose. You damn Republicans aren't even good at doing that.

You tried, but you just couldn't do it. How's it feel to be born losers?
Crime doesn't pay, and it will someday be exposed. You won't ever be able to move away from it when that comes about.
How bad was Voter Fraud in 2012?

It wasn't bad enough to make Obama lose. You damn Republicans aren't even good at doing that.

You tried, but you just couldn't do it. How's it feel to be born losers?

On the news today they interviewed a woman in Ohio that worked at the polls....she said she voted early for Obama, then on election day she voted again....she wanted to make sure her vote counted! So ya, blame the republicans! Lol!

If this was true, she would be arrested.

Fucking Liar.
In fact, it’s long been a myth, contrived by the right.

If that is true, then having stricter standards on voting procedure won't change much, will it? As I said before, I support a tougher regulation, coupled with a drive to ensure that every elligible voter can meet those regulations.

Hopefully, that will put most of the controvery to rest.

Admitting to voting twice is a criminal offense, if not then we all should vote twice

It will be awful hard to vote twice with those long lines. :p
I'm not sure what the rules elsewhere are, but when I voted by absentee ballot in CT, I had to sign a form swearing that, despite my best efforts, I was in no way able to get anywhere near my polling place on election day. If a person votes by absentee ballot, then shows up at the polling place anyway, isn't that disingenuous?

Perhaps its' just the media coverage, but lately it seems like there have been an unfortunate number of incidents recently that make voting or counting the vote difficult (I tend to blame this more on government incompetency than racism, but that's probably just me). Hopefully if we had a better method for ensuring each and every vote was properly tallied, voters wouldn't feel the need to cast both absentee and provisional ballots.
I see nothing wrong with voter id. Give people a fair amount of time to get one. When it became necessary to have a passport to go to Mexico, it was announced way in advance for people to get one. We could do this with voter id. I'd also like to go back to the old system of voting. No more hackable computers.

No one does.

The problem is when a registered voter is required to present an ID every time he votes. It’s clearly an undue burden to the excreting of a fundamental right, particularly when there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud’ and no evidence that an ID policy would indeed prevent such fraud.

When a citizen registers to vote he presents the appropriate ID to do so, once registered and on the voter rolls, his statement and signature on the roll is sufficient.

If elections officials believe a particular voter is attempting fraud, it should be dealt with by the authorities and that suspect-voter only.
The only appropriate ID will one day be an eye scan and a finger print. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
I see nothing wrong with voter id. Give people a fair amount of time to get one. When it became necessary to have a passport to go to Mexico, it was announced way in advance for people to get one. We could do this with voter id. I'd also like to go back to the old system of voting. No more hackable computers.

No one does.

The problem is when a registered voter is required to present an ID every time he votes. It’s clearly an undue burden to the excreting of a fundamental right, particularly when there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud’ and no evidence that an ID policy would indeed prevent such fraud.

When a citizen registers to vote he presents the appropriate ID to do so, once registered and on the voter rolls, his statement and signature on the roll is sufficient.

If elections officials believe a particular voter is attempting fraud, it should be dealt with by the authorities and that suspect-voter only.
The only appropriate ID will one day be an eye scan and a finger print. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

Don't have to...a simple majority every 2, 4, or 6 years is enough!
Early voting, absentee voting and anything else that means that a person doesn't show up on election day should be outlawed. Except in the most extreme circumstances. If the lines are long then open more polling places. Allowing votes to sit for two weeks, to be tampered with, is too long. If these criminals who voted twice didn't have the opportunity then they could not have. What is startling is they care so little about their crime they readily admit to being criminal. That makes me think they know how rampant is the practice.

You're not getting rid of early voting. Just about 50% of the state of California votes by mail.

You still don't have the "opportunity" to VOTE twice if you are a Vote by Mail voter, as I just explained above. If you go to the polls without your ballot to surrender, you vote provisionally. If your absentee ballot has already been counted, your provisional won't be counted.

She didn't admit to being a criminal, again as I pointed out above.

No wonder California always goes democrat.

Admitting to voting twice is a criminal offense, if not then we all should vote twice

In CA, there are statistically as many Republican Vote by Mail voters as there are Democratic. In states like Florida, there are many more Republican Vote by Mail voters than Democratic.

She didn't admit to voting twice. She admitted to doing what hundreds of Voters do on Election Day. Vote by Mail voters unsure of the system, of their timing for mailing or unaware of how to check to see if their ballot was received, go to the polls and vote on Election Day. It is indicated in the Roster of Voters whether or not the voter is an absentee voter. If they are and cannot produce the ballot mailed to them, they are asked to vote a provisional ballot that is only counted if the first ballot was challenged or was not received at the election office.

Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012? Ohio poll worker target of investigation

By Eric Shawn
Published February 19, 2013


"Once the election is over, and once the winner is declared, everybody forgets about it. I want to make sure that we don't forget about it, that we make sure we do, essentially, an audit of that process to ensure that we know what happened, and then use that evidence to guide us going forward. ... We need to learn from that last election so that we can be better before the next one gets here."


Read more: Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012? Ohio poll worker target of investigation | Fox News

Double-Voting for Obama

February 13, 2013
By Matthew Vadum

After publicly boasting that she voted twice for President Obama in November, a left-wing Ohio activist associated with a George Soros-funded group claims she did nothing wrong by double-voting.

“There’s absolutely no intent on my part to commit voter fraud,” said Melowese Richardson, a longtime Cincinnati poll worker and Democratic activist whose unlawfully cast ballot canceled out a lawful ballot and thereby deprived another citizen of his or her right to vote. I was watching some news program last week, when Newt Gingrich basically said that Obama's ground game compared to Romney's was like an NBA team playing against a high school team.


County records also accuse Richardson, who has registered thousands of people to vote, of being disruptive and hiding “things from other poll workers on Election Day after another female worker reported she was intimidated by Richardson.” An investigation revealed that the perpetrator’s granddaughter, India Richardson, also voted twice in November.

All of this is fine with the activists of the Left who only care about observing laws and technicalities when they advance their cause.

Left-wing activists and think tanks such as the Brennan Center for Justice constantly churn out studies and reports financed by George Soros, purporting to prove that voter fraud is as unreal as the Loch Ness Monster. They claim that those on the Right want to crack down on voter fraud solely as a means of preventing the poor and minorities from voting.


Voter fraud, which left-wing activist groups encourage, has long been a problem in the U.S. It was rampant in the 2012 election.

It’s not hard to see why. According to one report, about 24 million voter registrations across the nation are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate, more than 1.8 million dead people are registered as voters, and 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.

Richardson is also active in an ACORN-like Cincinnati-based activist group called Communities United for Action.

The Obama administration has funneled taxpayer money to its friends at Communities United for Action. In 2010 the Environmental Protection Agency gave the group $25,000 to indoctrinate local children about “environmental justice.”

Communities United for Action is part of a larger Saul Alinsky-inspired organizing network called National People’s Action (NPA). NPA makes no bones about its desire to overthrow what remains of America’s free enterprise system.


In the State of the Union address last night, President Obama said Americans shouldn’t have to wait for hours in line to vote. Obama announced the creation of a non-partisan commission “to improve the voting experience in America.”

Obama said the body will be led by “two longtime experts in the field” who served as top attorneys for Mitt Romney’s campaign and his own campaign. The Republican lawyer is Ben Ginsberg; the Democrat, Bob Bauer.

Bauer is the bottom-feeding barrister who asked the Department of Justice in 2008 to prosecute Obama critics and fine television stations for daring to carry an ad about Obama’s close personal friendship with Bill Ayers. Bauer, Obama’s former White House Counsel, is married to Anita Dunn, the Mao-quoting former communications director in the Obama White House. Bauer has been instrumental in whitewashing Obama’s radical roots by filing lawsuits keeping a bewildering array of the president’s personal papers hidden away.

With Bauer serving on the new commission, at least cartoon characters and the dead will be well-represented.

Double-Voting for Obama

As in all but the very few elections, voter fraud plays no significant role in determining the winner. Obama's ground game scorched Romney's; that was the story to be told.
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As in all but the very few elections, voter fraud plays no significant role in determining the winner. Obama's ground game scorched Romney's; that was the story to be told.

The ground game was important.

So was the fact that Romney self-destructed a couple of times. My own opinion was Romney's campaign was effectively over after the 47% remarks surfaced.

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